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This translates to a homicide rate of 7.4/100,000 homicide rate using the US population of 332M as the denominator. I wrote about the history of the Russian homicide rates here. This is how the centennial comparison now looks like between Russia and the US after the latter's embrace of #BLM and community policing. US at... Read More
I know this is kind of Paul Kersey's beat, but as he doesn't seem to write much about things outside the US... Ireland was 1.3% Black as of the last Census. Yet this demographic is already agitating for special political privileges with #BlackLivesMatter while knifing the pale, racist locals. Not an isolated incident, either. The... Read More
This is according to the latest data by criminologist Matt Ashby. This is a stunning reversal from a century ago, where contemporary "Core Europe" (Britain, France, Germany, the Low Countries, and Scandinavia) had homicide rates of 1-2/100,000 vs. around 5/100,000 in places like Italy, Finland, Japan, and Russia. The one good thing about this is... Read More
The data is based on Goertzel, Ted & al. (2012), Homicide Booms and Busts A Small-N Comparative Historical Study. The lead author kindly emailed me the data used to build their graphs (their version is on the right), which I used to construct the above graph of Russian historical homicide rates from 1875 to 2018.... Read More
In murder rates. Although gun laws in NY are tough, it's still incomparably easier to get firepower in there than in London. UK laws are so hardcore that their Olympics shooting team has to practice in France. There are also almost twice as many Negroes as a share of the population in NYC (25%) versus... Read More
Steven Pinker - Enlightenment Now [buy; don't]. Rating: 1/10. My impression on getting through a third of Enlightenment Now is that it was essentially a summary of Better Angels, followed by running commentary on the graphs from Our World in Data and Gapminder. But I don't begrudge him for that, since I agree with him... Read More
Statistics: Soviet population by ethnicity in 1989 (Kurds/Yezidis) PrimeCrime.ru database of vors ("thieves in law", or the lords of the underworld) Ethnic Group Vors Pop (1989) Vors/100,000 Yezidis 26 152,717 17.02 Abkhazians 9 105,308 8.55 Georgians 242 3,981,045 6.08 Talish 1 21,602 4.63 Greeks 5 358,068 1.40 Ingush 3 237,438 1.26 Balkarians 1 85,126 1.17... Read More
The recently departed Vitaly Churkin was /ourguy/ in every sense of the word. Not only did he fight the good fight in the UN, it has recently emerged he also blogged the good blog (and commented the good comments) online as imperia-mir. We can't be 100% certain that it is him. We have only the... Read More
Scene from Alien Girl (2010). "Mafia is not a Russian word," retorted Putin, in a brusque exchange with Italian journalists questioning him on the rule of law in Russia in 2000. View it as a forceful reframe or a case of aggrieved butthurt as you wish, but he has a point. Despite the comparisons made... Read More
One of the problems critics of mass immigration face is that there aren't that many concrete statistics on their crime rates (substantially thanks to European institutions being in the habit of forbidding the gathering of said race/ethnicity data). But things do leak through every now and then and more often than not they tend to... Read More
Scott Alexander has a long article with a lot of graphs about to what extent the high US homicide rate relative to other First World countries could be explained by its liberal gun laws. I have a much shorter article with what are perhaps two of the most relevant graphs. Guns vs. Gun Murder Rates... Read More
The commentator T. Greer, who incidentally has a wonderful blog of his own, writes in response to my Charlie Hebdo post: They sure are. There are some caveats here. For instance, international rape statistics are all but useless. If you took them at face value, as a woman you would be terrified at stepping outside... Read More
I have no idea what possessed Putin. Did he think that it would spare him Western criticism in the run-up to Sochi? Of course not. Khodorkovsky was on the back-burner. LGBT rights are West's stick du jour to beat up on Russia. Did he think it would improve the legal and investment climate? I sure... Read More
Though I know I missed the train on this news, one point in particular is worth drawing attention to as regard the stabbing of (the half-Tatar) paratrooper Ruslan Morzhanov by a 16-year-old ethnic Chechen, which incited the small town of Pugachev to stage a peaceful mini-revolt against the feds. So. Two murders, committed within the... Read More
As Russia develops a Migration Code to deal with recent influxes, one police official testifies that 47% of crimes in Moscow are committed by foreigners. 47% of crimes in Moscow are carried out by foreigners, according to the latest statistics. This was announced by at a meeting of a Duma working group by the deputy... Read More
Hard as it is to believe, but in the wake of the Boston Bombings, many Western commentators actively trying to find the roots of the Tsarnaev brothers' rage in Russia's "aggression" or even "genocide" of Chechnya. This is not to deny that Chechens did not have an exceptionally hard time of it in the 1990s.... Read More
Is discussed at the other blog. To add a couple of things that are Russia specific: (1) We now learn that the FBI had interviewed the older brother at the bequest of an unspecific foreign government – almost certainly Russia. Tamerlan had visited it for 6 months in 2011. I wonder if he established links... Read More
The anti-corruption crusader and best hope of the Russian race Navalny will be on trial for embezzlement on April 17th. And it has to be admitted that even many of us who tend to look at the liberal opposition's claims of repression with a healthy degree of skepticism are now "plagued by vague suspicions." It's... Read More
In my previous post about the real incidence of rape (it is in massive decline! contrary to the claims of the campus rape industry), I said there was a discrepancy in the National Crime Victimization Survey statistics about its prevalence in the past several years. Steven Pinker writes that it was at 50/100,000 in 2008,... Read More
The past two days I had the pleasure of observing the blowout over a post by blogger Matt Forney about rape - or more precisely, about "how to rape women and get away with it." It's completely satirical, quite funny, and one can't help but by impressed by the size of the balls (no homo)... Read More
It's not just the gopniks who are withering away; so are racist skinheads. According to the SOVA Center - an NGO which is about as anti-Kremlin as it gets, so no point in speculating that it cooks the figures for PR purposes - racist attacks in Russia have plummeted from their peak levels in 2007-2008,... Read More
In an interview with Dmitry Nadezhdin, Russia's chief police officer says that he, as a citizen - if not as a government Minister - supports the return of the death penalty for the worst crimes. Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov says that it ain't happening. The Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev gave an interview to NTV, in... Read More
1. For Russian orphans life is much more dangerous in Russia than in America. Let's agree to disregard the hidden subtext which implies that any country ought to give over its orphans to foreign nationals should it be ranked safer for children. Let's first examine if the claim that Russia is 39 times more dangerous... Read More
At least according to ultra-leftist Stieg Larsson (of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo fame). But thing is, if you actually ask women if they've been experienced violence sexual or physical violence from a partner, one will find that it is actually East Asian and White countries that have the lowest rates. Via The Inductivist: Japan... Read More
Taisiya Osipova was sentenced to 8 eight years in jail for selling and possessing heroin. This was twice more even than what the prosecution requested. Even if the case was rock solid it would still be wildly disproportionate as she suffers from diabetes. But it's not; to the contrary, there are reasonable suspicions that the... Read More
Is 21 years in prison, with the rarely mentioned (but real) addendum that it may be indefinitely extended if he is assessed as a risk to society. Which he no doubt will be. If I were the judge I'd put him up against the wall and be done with it. On this I actually agree... Read More
A PR disaster: Five views on Pussy Riot's war. Go, read. Comment there if possible. Just a couple more notes: Since I submitted the article, commentator peter made one of the most convincing arguments against the validity of the sentence against Pussy Riot. I suppose this will be raised in PR's appeal. Just to clarify,... Read More
User Jennifer Hor writes: My highlights. The death penalty is expensive in America only because it chooses to make it so. I'm not much against that because the US is also clearly rich enough to afford the process. The only problem of course is that it in effect nullifies the deterrent value of the DP.... Read More
That is, when it happens to show that someone is a mental retard and as such shouldn't be executed for murder. Just the old liberal hamster wheel logic in action. I'm actually quite indifferent to the DP. But I'm not indifferent to using mental retardation as a defense. If anything it is more of a... Read More
(1) Mass shootings of this type account for far less than 1% of US homicides. As such it is pointless and bizarre to try to make some kind of anti-guns point with them. (2) They are a relatively new phenomenon; even the term "postal killings", describing mass shootings at postal offices, was first coined in... Read More
For all the hype the "March of Millions" was missing a couple of zeros. [youtube= (In the video above, the left pane shows the march along the Yakimanka on February 4th, where there were about 56,000-80,000 protesters; the right pane shows the "march of millions", in reality about 20,000-30,000, along the same street on May... Read More
It's one thing if Western journalists and Yukos PR henchmen - if there is indeed any difference - shill for all they're worth about the travails of Khodorkovsky, the former oligarch doing time for fleecing the Russian Treasury to the tune of billions of dollars, charges he sooner boasts about than denies when given the... Read More
Sergey Zhuravlev is a Russian economist who runs a wonky but eminently readable and very useful, interesting blog and writes for Expert (author profile), which I may add is an excellent publication. You have met him previously on my blog as the inventor of a clever - if, in my opinion, flawed - argument that... Read More
The Press Freedom Index issues by Reporters Without Borders is a good starting point for assessing journalistic freedoms in global comparative perspective. However, much like all attempts to measure democracy or Transparency International's assessment of corruption perception, their methodology relies on tallying a number of intangibles that cannot be objectively estimated: Censorship, self-censorship, legal framework,... Read More
Imagine the following scenario. In the US, a black homeless man "robs" a bank. He only takes a single $100 bill out of the wad of cash offered, because he was hungry and had to pay to stay at a detox center. Regardless, he had the good graces to return the money the day after.... Read More
Letters, we get letters, we get lots of cards and letters every day. Even fan mail from La Russophobe! Letter to the Editor: Reply to "Given Free Publicity On NTV, Khodorkovsky Only Incriminates Himself Further" (06/11/2011). In a recent blog post, you touted a report about Mikhail Khodorkovsky on state-owned Russian TV channel NTV. Your... Read More
Following the failure of Khodorkovsky's appeal against his prison sentence for theft and money laundering, state-owned NTV aired a positive segment on his case on national prime time. Most sides of the story were mentioned: Amnesty International's designation of him as a "prisoner of conscience", the Kremlin's view that it was only the criminal justice... Read More
A thundering takedown of the Financial Times transparently one-sided coverage of the Khodorkovsky affair -and Khodorkovsky says Putin is ‘pitiable’ can also serve as a palimpsest for Western media coverage of this topic in general - from Eric Kraus at Truth and Beauty. BTW, do feel free to add his blog Truth and Beauty to... Read More
My views on Khodorkovsky - and by extension his being found guilty of $25bn embezzlement - aren't exactly a secret (1, 2, 3) so I'll keep this brief. 1. As usual, the only people who care about this are Western politicians eager to score cheap shots against Russia's "assault" on transparency and rule of law... Read More
Depressingly fatalist, morbidly truthful, irresistibly Nietzschean. That's Howard Bloom's "The Lucifer Principle" in a nutshell: a meandering trawl through disciplines such as genetics, psychology and culture that culminates in a theory of evil, purporting to explain its historical necessity, its creative potential and the possibility of it ever being vanquished. The odds do not appear... Read More
During the past two years, Russian "dissident" liberals Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Milov have produced a frankly maniacal quantity of so-called "Independent Expert Reports" (there are now seven of them) that purport to debunk the "persistent myths imposed by official [Kremlin] propaganda". The authors say that their latest exegesis, melodramatically entitled "Putin. The Results. 10... Read More
Realism has been falling out of favor since the end of the Cold War, condemned by the Kumbaya crowd, avoided by the liberal, PC-gone-wild intelligentsia, and denigrated by "end of history" ideologues (many of whom all too cynically remain realists while cloaking it under the mantle of "liberal interventionism"). What they all have in common... Read More
The Western media has begun to whine about the Russian presidential elections five weeks in advance. Their beef is that Kasyanov was barred from running, ostensibly because above 5% of his required signatures were rigged, but actually to undercut the last independent candidate - Russia's last and only hope of salvation from the 'slippery slope... Read More
Anatoly Karlin
About Anatoly Karlin

I am a blogger, thinker, and businessman in the SF Bay Area. I’m originally from Russia, spent many years in Britain, and studied at U.C. Berkeley.

One of my tenets is that ideologies tend to suck. As such, I hesitate about attaching labels to myself. That said, if it’s really necessary, I suppose “liberal-conservative neoreactionary” would be close enough.

Though I consider myself part of the Orthodox Church, my philosophy and spiritual views are more influenced by digital physics, Gnosticism, and Russian cosmism than anything specifically Judeo-Christian.