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I wrote about Woke Capital making inroads into Russia after Netherlands HQ'ed Yandex.Taxi fired a driver who refused service to a rude Black foreign student last year. However, not all such corporate attempts to signal fealty to progressive values are paying off. Vkusvill is a nice chain of grocery stores that are somewhere in between... Read More
In this "summary" post on Corona 2020, I will cover some of the following. Recap what we know about Corona, what we have learned in the past year, and what policies should have been undertaken; The big picture of global excess mortality that is emerging for 2020; Discuss the vaccines, "vaccine geopolitics", and Corona's impact... Read More
Poll shows that Russians are basically ~50/50 on whether women changing their surname about marriage should be "mandatory" or not. This happens to be the exact same figure in the US. Half of Americans believe it should be a "government requirement." And that survey is from 2019. This suggests that Russians aren't fundamentally more "conservative"... Read More
Considering the type of people who take him seriously - hard right conservatives, Gog/Magog cultists, "Final Phase" conspiracy theorists, White Nationalists - it's pretty funny that this guy's complaints towards the USSR boiled down to them not letting him race mix with Indians.
From Steve's recent post highlighting an attempt by the Global Party Survey to map out all the parties in OECD countries on a graph where the vertical axis stands for sociopolitical liberalism (bottom) vs. conservatism (top), and the horizontal axis stands for economic leftism (left) vs. free markets (right). Notice something? About the V4 in... Read More
New Eurobarometer 493 poll (October 2019) [download data] largely confirms what I wrote about this last year. The map is from /r/europe. (1) Poles least based in EE... as usual. (2) Sociologically, Ossies are now an essentially EE people. According to Cicerone, West German average would be 8.0, while East German average would be similar... Read More
Female earnings decline after the birth of their first child. But according to a new paper released a few days ago: Kleven et al. (2018): Child Penalties Across Countries ... it happens to markedly different extents across different countries and cultural blocs. Robert Dur summarizes: The earnings hit is surprisingly well correlated to public opinion... Read More
A reader (and generous contributor) asks: Real life example of a trend I reported on a few months ago. I'll offer some of my own thoughts, but since there are plenty of East Europeans here, I am also opening it up for wider discussion. *** First, I assume this is obvious and that you have... Read More
Almost by necessity, all previous Kholmogorov translations have been those of his older texts, with a “lag” between the original and the translation varying between several days and several months. What you see now is a much rarer treat. Kholmogorov has just finished a long and engrossing article on Alexander Solzhenitsyn, clocking in at 16,000... Read More
From the most recent Eurobarometer poll [see also other countries]: Strange patterns, at first glance. Even just a few years ago, this map would have been unrecognizable, with East European countries viewing Russia with relatively greater hostility than Western Europe. So what changed? Well, what I suspect happened is a European version of the return... Read More
In my previous post, I posted this map of how comfortable Europeans are regarding love relationships of their children in regards to race, and AP provided the original stats. I am always a bit saddened that Russia doesn't participate in the Eurobarometer polls, but fortunately, I found that VCIOM asked rather similar questions in polls... Read More
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4 Sometime in the 1990s, a critical mass of the American cognitive elite - that part of it which controls the bullhorns, anyway - must have decided that gay marriage was great. Now those people are usually well-spoken and articulate, with very high verbal IQs, while their opponents... tend to leave... Read More
A Russian Conservative on James Damore
Prosvirnin is the most talented writer. Limonov has by far the most colorful personality. Dugin has been the most effective at promoting himself in the West. Prokhanov probably has the most name recognition in Russia. Galkovsky created the most powerful memes. Krylov provided the esoteric flavoring. And yet out of all of Russia's right-wing intellectuals,... Read More
A friend on Facebook said it best: I am personally entirely neutral and indifferent to her. I have British acquaintances who are her fans, as well as those who are very hostile to her. I think both sides overstate her real significance. The coal mines were dead men walking by the 1980's, and any British... Read More
Steyn, Mark – America Alone: The End of the World as we Know It (2006) Category: Islam; Eurabia; humor; Rating: 3/5 Summary: The future belongs to Islam (M. Steyn) It crept up on the West silently. Even as post-historical white Europeans were busy puffing on their weed, hugging trees and chanting Kumbaya in a happy... Read More
Anatoly Karlin
About Anatoly Karlin

I am a blogger, thinker, and businessman in the SF Bay Area. I’m originally from Russia, spent many years in Britain, and studied at U.C. Berkeley.

One of my tenets is that ideologies tend to suck. As such, I hesitate about attaching labels to myself. That said, if it’s really necessary, I suppose “liberal-conservative neoreactionary” would be close enough.

Though I consider myself part of the Orthodox Church, my philosophy and spiritual views are more influenced by digital physics, Gnosticism, and Russian cosmism than anything specifically Judeo-Christian.