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Blast from the Past

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Am I a so-called "COVID merchant" peddling fear and BS, as several conspiracy-minded people from both the Left and the Right have alleged? Or have most of my predictions, such as they were, actually (and unfortunately) panned out? As such, I think it would be useful to have a "tallying up" reference sheet that I... Read More
@Enopoletus has found some rather interesting anecdotes from an old book, Thirty Years in Moukden, 1883-1913 by Dugald Christie. There is nothing magical about East Asians and containing epidemics. It's just a story of their rise, coupled with Greater European decline. As he sardonically notes, the same country that taught China how to prevent epidemics... Read More
Newspaper "Signal", Nov 13, 1917: Russia is ruled by a lunatic! We demand an investigation into the mental state of the "autocrat" Lenin! Reps of Army Committee of South-West Front said he's a madman after a conversation with him. … Save Russia from him … Or he will doom us! �
Anatoly Karlin
About Anatoly Karlin

I am a blogger, thinker, and businessman in the SF Bay Area. I’m originally from Russia, spent many years in Britain, and studied at U.C. Berkeley.

One of my tenets is that ideologies tend to suck. As such, I hesitate about attaching labels to myself. That said, if it’s really necessary, I suppose “liberal-conservative neoreactionary” would be close enough.

Though I consider myself part of the Orthodox Church, my philosophy and spiritual views are more influenced by digital physics, Gnosticism, and Russian cosmism than anything specifically Judeo-Christian.