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I didn't know about a certain "sports journalist" and emigre called Slava Malamud until the following amusing exchange with RT journalist Bryan MacDonald came up on my feed. Out of curiosity, I did a few searches on his feed. He is not completely inconsequential, having 35,000 followers. So far as the US goes, he repeats... Read More
There's one crucial difference, and not many people seem to recognize its importance. "ZOG" pretty much controls the US, which has recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital in defiance of the rest of the world (and 63% of US voters), curtailed its otherwise extensive freedom of speech protections by criminalizing the BDS movement, and whose Conservatism... Read More
Pretty impressed at Israel's latest efforts to alienate its allies. Polish Perspective: Now Dmitry suggests that electoral considerations may have played more of a role in the Israeli Foreign Minister claiming Poles are born anti-Semites. But personally, I don't know. Perhaps they just feel too genuinely and strongly about this to control their reactions. Anyh
In my huge post on The Jews, I invited my readers to fill out a survey to test how much of the 11 stereotypes about Jews the ADL identifies as anti-Semitic we agree with. I was hoping to use the answers do some data analysis (e.g. how philo/counter-Semitism correlates with Jewish self-identification, political self-identification, Israel... Read More
Are you an anti-Semite? Wonder no longer! Take the poll here: Am I an anti-Semite? The SPLC and RationalWiki both seem to think so. But there are also those who believe I am a hasbara shill, or even Jewish myself. Either way, I don't appear to be a particularly enthusiastic philo/anti-Semitic propagandist - of the... Read More
On the eve of the 2016 US elections, I got to talking with a Jew at one of the futurist meetups who was hyperventilating about the prospect of Trump winning. He unironically thought there was a risk of actual deportations of immigrants to concentration camps and pogroms against Jews. Typical Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer, who... Read More
Charles Bausman (Russia Insider): It's Time to Drop the Jew Taboo This is objectively true. Heck, don't ask me, someone who writes for a site famous for its "mix of far-right and far-left anti-Semitic crackpottery" (as per the Jew Cathy Young). Ask
Battle of the hacks! In response to Alexei Pankin calling him an anti-Semite in The Moscow Times, Oleg Kashin pens a tongue in cheek response telling him to imagine a kitten dying every time he abuses an overworn cliche. In which Oleg Kashin gives some advice to the politologists. The editors asked me to reply... Read More
While writing this post on Da Russophile about why Russians do not (for the most part) hate Jews - a post that will also be of interest to AKarlin readers - I came across very interesting historical data on literacy and educational accomplishment by ethnic groups in the USSR. Per 100 people of respective nationality... Read More
From what I generally knew of contemporary Eastern European attitudes towards Jews (in two words “not good”) I expected that the Russian public’s attitude towards Israel would be decidely frosty, if not outright hostile... But what seems noteworthy to me is not the downward blip in 2006 but the generally high level of Russian support... Read More
The second part of my series comparing Russia, Britain, and the US focuses on the people themselves. What are their strengths and foibles? How do they vary by class, region, race, and religion? How do they view each other and other countries and peoples? What do they eat, drink, and watch? Where do they travel... Read More
During one conversation at Sean's Russia Blog, the commentator Evgeny referred me to a work by Russian political analyst & nationalist Konstantin Krylov, Поведение ("Behavior"). In it he tries to classify the world's civilizations into four ethical systems (South - tribal, East - collectivist, West - individualist, North - kind of like communism?, and not... Read More
It is a pity that foreigners are not privy to the wild and wacky world of LiveJournal, Russia's premier blogging site - many prominent people have accounts there and traditions of opposition and kompromat makes for a lively stream of scandal. One recent case involved Tatyana Korchevnaya, who used to be a prominent member of... Read More
EDIT: Check out the updated Top 50 Russophobe Myths. According to this blog's philosophy, every thesis needs an antithesis. Hence I present the Top 10 Russophobe Myths, in opposition to La Russophobe's Top 10 Russophile Myths. (As well as to celebrate our 2000th visit). 10 MYTH: The barbarous state of Muscovy arose in the sixteenth... Read More
Anatoly Karlin
About Anatoly Karlin

I am a blogger, thinker, and businessman in the SF Bay Area. I’m originally from Russia, spent many years in Britain, and studied at U.C. Berkeley.

One of my tenets is that ideologies tend to suck. As such, I hesitate about attaching labels to myself. That said, if it’s really necessary, I suppose “liberal-conservative neoreactionary” would be close enough.

Though I consider myself part of the Orthodox Church, my philosophy and spiritual views are more influenced by digital physics, Gnosticism, and Russian cosmism than anything specifically Judeo-Christian.