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Haha, any of you still remember that meme? It was admittedly some very good hopium from Audacious Epigone at the time. (Belated RIP to his blog). But over time it became clear that the idea that zoomers were radically more "based" than previous generations was, at most, if not a complete myth - Richard Hanania... Read More
Society 282 in action! But actually, it's not just a "society" (as in "social pressure", no matter how artificial) by now. No flight lists are compiled by the federal government. All that because Fuentes turned out to a (legal) protest for Orange Man. You have Ricky Vaughn railroaded for literally posting memes on Twitter in... Read More
This is the creative group responsible for peddling RASHN DEZINFORMATSIYA like the "Draft our Daughters" and Taylor "The Ten-Ton Terror of Tel Aviv" Swift meme campaign. These people were all kicked off Twitter and Blompf did nothing about it, one of many things that contributed to him losing in 2020. Who knows, with margins being... Read More
When I was in Saint-Petersburg in 2017, I spent a couple of hours at the underground base/gym/Ukrainian war trophy room of the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) when I visited SPB in 2017 - the "white supremacist" group that has just been designated as a White Supremacist terrorist organization by the US State Department. Three individuals... Read More
The opinion polls in the US show broad based support for escalation with Iran amongst the Republicans (84%), despite their drift towards "America First". Although some marginal libertarians, paleocons, and Alt Righters (such as Richard Spencer) may have stridently opposed this, all of this is perfectly compatible with mainstream Republican voters, including the nationalist/America First... Read More
Tessa Violet is an American singer of modest popularity and talent who kick-started her career by video-blogging and lip syncing songs. Here is her most popular music video to date: This isn't exactly a pop culture blog, so why am I writing about her? Basically her imperial flag-colored hair has made her into a minor... Read More
THE JOKER (2019) Rating: 5/5 You can access all of my latest book, film, and video game reviews at this link, as well as an ordered, categorized list of all my film reviews and ratings here: The Joker seems to be all things to all people. Tyler Cowen believes it is "the most anti-Leftist movie... Read More
I knew the Alt Lite was a shit show, but this is "wow just wow" territory. Here is the expose by Milo Yiannopoulos on the Alt Lite's video editors Caolan Robertson and George Llewelyn-John: ‣ Stole Bitcoin worth $20,000 from Tommy Robinson, while the activist was in jail, to fund their jet-set lifestyle ‣ Booked... Read More
This has been another very bad month for the Alt Right (or what remains of it). First, you had Katie McHugh prominently disavowing her former work at Breitbart (though it needs to be said that they did cuck and throw her overboard in their time - another splendid demonstration of right-wing solidarity), as well as... Read More
WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD Bespoke, Reading right-wing takes on Game of Thrones Season 8 (e.g. the replies to Gregory Hood's recently article) is rather bewildering. Justified disappointment with D&D's mishandling of everything is interspersed with a certain glee that SJW-feminist white girl Daenerys got her well-deserved comeuppance for invading Westeros with hordes of raping swarthy foreigners,... Read More
From "anti-extremism" researcher Anton Shekhovtsov who has no anti-Russian obsession whatsoever: That 74 page manifesto had one mention of Russia*. There were FOUR mentions of China, three of which were positive, and which he described as "the nation with the closest political and social values to my own." Now just to be clear China is... Read More
I have always been fascinated by the blogger Audacious Epigone's theory about Generation Zyklon - the surprising and counterintuitive idea that America's youngest cohort are rejective progressive propaganda in the schools and media, and becoming as "based" as their Silent forefathers. It's an important question, after all, and one that will determine to what extent... Read More
I just had a look at the website of the Pittsburgh "Tree of Life" synagogue that Robert Bowers shot up. Here is what it has to say about Israel's borders: And about America's: In other words, the outlook of their rabbis is identical to that of Julia Ioffe, who condemns Trumpists as anti-Semitic nationalists for... Read More
I have at times idly wondered about the relationship dynamics here, considering that IQ and crime *quantitative* data is one of the central planks of the Alt Right. I am glad to see Nina has managed to finally resolve these "contradictions." Richard Spencer is pretty rich, or at least his family is, anyway. Large holdings... Read More
Transylvanian Morning. I have been unable to follow most of the last week's comments, and probably won't catch up. But FWIW, I enjoyed the gearhead debates at Thorfinnsson's Take on Tesla, the Dmitry vs. Polish Perspective debate on who was or was not in Israel, and reiner Tor's instructions on cold showers. Now that I... Read More
Commenter Betlo alerts us to an interesting development in Sweden. In a recent school election, the Sweden Democrats got 57% of the vote, in the largest secondary school of Kristianstad Municipality. The neoliberal but moderately anti-immigration Moderate Party came second, with 19%. "Peer pressure" is cited as one explanation, though according to one pupil, a... Read More
Moscow 2018. Can't believe it has been almost a month since the last Open Thread. Quick updates: Was in the UK for a couple of weeks (as you presumably gathered). Apart from the march in London, I also took the opportunity to tick off Canterbury and the Tank Museum in Bovington. Unfortunately, I was not... Read More
The blogger Audacious Epigone has done yeoman's work over the past couple of years documenting the surprising "basedness" of Generation Z(yklon). With the collapse of the Alt Right and Trump turning out to be a damp squib, it might well be that Gen Z is the last best hope for America to remain a somewhat... Read More
On May 6, there was a big free speech march through Central London jointly organized by the Democratic Football Lads Alliance and Veterans Against Terrorism. Many of the big names in the British Alt Lite were attending, so I decided to show up myself. (I appear in the sidelines a few times in this video... Read More
Certainly seems so to me. AltRight.com's Vincent Law was pretty optimistic at the start of 2017: "Overall assessment of the situation: Feels great, man." Only problem is - it appears that he either left them or was fired, which means that AltRight.com is no longer even worth following (Greg Hood is good but posts too... Read More
But just because American GIs fought Nazis didn't necessarily make them Maoist thugs, as @tcjfs pointed out. And another user, @pnin1957, brought up statistics suggesting that the American GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy would have been veritable shitlords today. These are the results of a 1942 survey of white enlisted personnel in the... Read More
Richard Spencer and some other Alt Righters wanted to hold an NPI conference in Budapest on October 3-5, 2014 in honor of BASED Hungary. It... didn't quite work out as planned. Jared Taylor: Report from Budapest (Updated) Radix: The First Identitarian Congress Richard Spencer and one other person was detained in uncomfortable conditions for a... Read More
Europe famously has hate speech laws, which run the gamut from banning Nazi propaganda to criticizing mass immigration. Russia's version of it is Article 282, which has been used on everyone from genuine Neo-Nazis and radical Islamists to the nationalist pundit Konstantin Krylov for stating that it's "time to do away with this strange economic... Read More
Time to pull this sucker down. Rich, slave-owning white men with no popular mandate who took up arms against their legitimate government deserve no sympathy, and belong to the dustbin of history. I am talking about the Founding Fathers, of course. That was sarcasm. Probably... I mean, this is Leftist/SJW hystrionics taken to their logical... Read More
Just some quick comments on the Charlottesville affair, where a clash between the Alt Right and Antifa has resulted in one death. (1) No, I don't think it's a PR disaster by any stretch of the imagination. The thing is, people who are already highly allergic to any displays of Nazi symbology aren't exactly the... Read More
The only two major world political factions that ever seem to be willing to shed their own blood for their beliefs are nationalists and Islamists. In Ukraine it was the hardened Neo-Nazi thugs of Right Sector who hammered in the last few nails in the Yanukovych regime. They were also reliably the best units of... Read More
I have been extremely busy the past month, hence not a lot of blogging. Hopefully that will be resolved soon. For now, here is a recap of some of the things I've been up to. On May 6, Richard Spencer and the Bay Area Alt Right organized a "safe space" for Europeans at Sproul Plaza,... Read More
Robert Stark is a journalist who specializes in interviewing various interesting figures from the Alt fringes. So you could I suppose view him as The Unz Review but on radio. This is my second interview with him. Here is a link to the first. Robert Stark interviews Anatoly Karlin. Topics were my standard fare: NRx... Read More
Keep those questions coming! My Ask.fm account: I don't always answer immediately, but will come around to it eventually. And repost them here. Incidentally, it's also a great way to fulfill a blogging quota. ;) *** what do you think is the single biggest difference between Russians and Anglo-Saxons? Books can be written about this,... Read More
Anatoly Karlin
About Anatoly Karlin

I am a blogger, thinker, and businessman in the SF Bay Area. I’m originally from Russia, spent many years in Britain, and studied at U.C. Berkeley.

One of my tenets is that ideologies tend to suck. As such, I hesitate about attaching labels to myself. That said, if it’s really necessary, I suppose “liberal-conservative neoreactionary” would be close enough.

Though I consider myself part of the Orthodox Church, my philosophy and spiritual views are more influenced by digital physics, Gnosticism, and Russian cosmism than anything specifically Judeo-Christian.