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The Wheel Turns, Ages Come and Go, And Thus Dies the Russian Reaction
It was never my mission to pursue "activist" goals so much as to try to accurately understand and explain how the world works, and at best, play some modest role in informing the debate in those areas that I hoped could make use of some of my insights. From that perspective, my record of my... Read More
How Putin Created the Russian National State
For the first time in more than a century, the Russians have a state that they can call their own, a state run by and for the Russian people - the hallowed "Russian National State" (RNS) that has been the holy grail of Russian nationalism in the post-Soviet era. At first glance, this seems like... Read More
For the past two days I have been awoken by loudspeakers in my neighborhood playing Soviet-themed music telling me to go vote in the elections in a radio announcer type voice. Here are the wealth of choices I have on offer in my district: Elena Gulnicheva, commie QT endorsed by Navalny's "Smart Vote". Incidentally, it... Read More
Since the start of this year, the Ukraine has mounted an accelerating campaign to shut down all "pro-Russia" (apostrophes because more often than not they're not so much explicitly pro-Russian, as merely less anti-Russian and more oppositionist than the mainstream) media. Examples include: This February saw the shutdown of three TV channels (112 Ukraine, NewsOne... Read More
Politics is tribal. "Conservatism" is situational. And so you can get some "unlikely comic book crossovers" if looking at the world through country-specific ideological prisms. According to one recent poll, the most pro-vax Russians are United Russia (i.e. the most pro-Putin) voters, presumably reflecting the official state position which is and has always been pro-vaxx.... Read More
These are the results of a recent poll from Rating Group. 41% agree with Putin's position, 55% disagree. Not bad, considering there's now been a generation's worth of state svidomy narratives. But possibly the most startling result (and certainly one that I didn't expect is there there's essentially zero difference across age groups. 44% of... Read More
That's what I counselled people hoping for (or fearing) that a color revolution was imminent a few months ago: Look at the numbers. Well, since then, they have if anything plummeted further. 14% approval vs. 62% disapproval. Down from half a year ago. Furthermore, while young people are relatively more pro-Navalny (this is not surprising:... Read More
I wrote about Woke Capital making inroads into Russia after Netherlands HQ'ed Yandex.Taxi fired a driver who refused service to a rude Black foreign student last year. However, not all such corporate attempts to signal fealty to progressive values are paying off. Vkusvill is a nice chain of grocery stores that are somewhere in between... Read More
Haha, any of you still remember that meme? It was admittedly some very good hopium from Audacious Epigone at the time. (Belated RIP to his blog). But over time it became clear that the idea that zoomers were radically more "based" than previous generations was, at most, if not a complete myth - Richard Hanania... Read More
The US has seized the domain names of Iranian state news agency Press TV. It also seized Al-Masirah, a website owned by the Houthis in Yemen (the people fighting Saudi Arabia), as well as dozens of other websites from countries as disperse as Iraq, Azerbaijan, and Nigeria whose common denominator was that they were owned... Read More
Signaling Against White Supremacy *IS* Literally White Supremacy
A week ago so a minor kerfuffle within the ranks of the "IDW", with Quillette editor Claire Lehmann attaqing James Lindsay for promoting "White Genocide Theory". Is White Genocide happening? Is it likely to happen in a country like the US? Well, as wits such as Roko pointed out, it is surely more likely than... Read More
I didn't know about a certain "sports journalist" and emigre called Slava Malamud until the following amusing exchange with RT journalist Bryan MacDonald came up on my feed. Out of curiosity, I did a few searches on his feed. He is not completely inconsequential, having 35,000 followers. So far as the US goes, he repeats... Read More
Transhumanism, at its most basic level, is about extending human capabilities through technology. In a sense, it has always been with us since at least the invention of fire. As David Landes notes, the invention of eyepieces in Renaissance Italy de facto doubled the productive life expectancy of artisans that relied upon fine motor skills... Read More
There's a good chance aliens exist, perhaps including in our galaxy. However, there are reasons - the Dark Forest theory, the Katechon Hypothesis - for why we should expect them to be paranoid about being detected. In contrast, MIC shilling can be rather open. It is curious that there's no media denunciation of this, as... Read More
Within countries, anti-vaxxer sentiment tends to fall with rising IQ (e.g. white males with no degree see no difference in risk between contracting COVID-19 and getting vaxxed, barely higher than the numbers for Blacks and Hispanics, while Whites with a degree give the factually correct answer). However, between countries, there seems to be no such... Read More
I visited the Central Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces, just slightly less than a year after its consecration. It is quite rare that reality exceeds visual media. But the Fortress-Monastery does so, in spades, and that despite its already superlative neo-Byzantine steampunk aesthetics on screen, which are like something out of a Maxim Bedulenko... Read More
Society 282 in action! But actually, it's not just a "society" (as in "social pressure", no matter how artificial) by now. No flight lists are compiled by the federal government. All that because Fuentes turned out to a (legal) protest for Orange Man. You have Ricky Vaughn railroaded for literally posting memes on Twitter in... Read More
Though I realize that Putin's call for a debate with Biden in response to Biden's claim that Putin is a "killer" is a troll job on all sides, it strikes me that debates between heads of states are an interesting idea that need to be actualized. If you think there is "ideological polarization" between Democrats... Read More
New Levada poll shows Russians decreasingly willing to identify Russia as a European country: From 52% in 2008 (vs. 36%) to 29% in 2021 (vs. 64%). However, perhaps even more tellingly, this percentage goes DOWN with age. Just 23% of 18-24 y/o's identify Russia as Europe, vs. 33% of 55%+ y/o's. Could it be that... Read More
Leaked documents have unequivocally proven that the United Kingdom has been running a large-scale and well-funded program to plaster the Western media with anti-Russian propaganda and Twitter wants you to know that these materials were obtained through hacking. Meanwhile, just a few weeks ago, the connections between American Big Tech and these sundry programs were... Read More
Armenian General Staff is demanding a Pashinyan resignation. Summary from /r/armenia: In a statement issued on the afternoon of February 25, the General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces demanded the resignation of Nikol Pashinyan and his Cabinet., expressing strong disapproval of Pashinyan's sacking of Tigran Khachatryan, the First Deputy Chief of the General Staff.... Read More
There has been a large leak of documents from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) showing that the UK is sponsoring and providing editorial guidance to anti-Kremlin journalists, media organizations, and YouTubers as part of a £100 million plan to "tackle Kremlin disinformation" during 2018-22. Their aim, forthrightly stated, is to "[weaken] the Russian... Read More
Western media: Angry Russians fed up with Putler's corruption pour into the streets. But now the first post-"palace" video opinion polls are coming in on Putin's approval rating and related questions: Levada: 65%→64% VCIOM: 60%→61% FOM: 61%→60% Levada is a private, opposition-leaning pollster. VCIOM and FOM are state-owned pollsters. Other polls: FOM: Did the actions... Read More
Just one and a half years ago, I was heralding the end of the blogosphere and its replacement by the vlogosphere. But last year, along came Substack - a modest newsletter service that doubles as a blogging platform with inbuilt RSS, analytics, and monetization infrastructure. Seemingly exploding out of the blue, before long a rafter... Read More
This episode reaches its unsurprising denouement: Small first protest Even smaller second protest Navalny gets jailed So, exactly as I predicted it would go. It didn't require much in the way of unique insight, but Western hacks in Russia have an obligation to spin up fantasies demanded by their editors. This creates a lot of... Read More
Second Free Navalny! protest will take place in 10 hours. The location, Lubyanka Square, is an escalation, being adjacent to both the Lubyanka Building that hosts the FSB HQ: ... and the even more critical "regime object" that is the Presidential Administration. As of the present time, a total of 1,800 people say they are... Read More
This is the creative group responsible for peddling RASHN DEZINFORMATSIYA like the "Draft our Daughters" and Taylor "The Ten-Ton Terror of Tel Aviv" Swift meme campaign. These people were all kicked off Twitter and Blompf did nothing about it, one of many things that contributed to him losing in 2020. Who knows, with margins being... Read More
� That columnist is sure covering all his bases: "Kharkiv Tractor Plant in Russia", something sure to trigger both Russian nationalists and Ukrainian svidomy and I am sure without even being aware of it. Based. Anyhow, these are pretty large-scale - one Twitter accounts talks of 250,000 participating in Delhi. I am hardly an expert... Read More
RT journalist Bryan MacDonald collating protest turnout data - mostly from Kommersant, a paper that is marginally opposition-leaning, but by not means pro-regime. Data from Far East and now from the Volga suggests 0.2% of population is protesting in the more "agitated" cities, this tallies with my prediction this will be bigger than ~7,500 at... Read More
Plus ça change... Just like three years ago on March 26, 2017, the protest "Freedom to Navalny!" tomorrow is to start on Pushkin Square (see above) and march down the central Tverskaya Boulevard down to Manezh Square, which is right next to the Kremlin. I attended that prior protest (as an informal observer, not a... Read More
Pretty cool that the US has constructed a Blue Zone in its own capital. Although the 25,000 National Guardsmen are apparently unarmed, which suggests that the Dems don't actually take MAGA terrorists seriously. But it's good theater. Or, I suppose it could be that THE PLAN is coming to fruition. Any hour now.
Natasha Bertrand, writing for Politico, says that conspiracy theories promoted by a "former economic policy adviser" to Putin "raise the specter of Russian attempts to sow chaos and doubt in the legitimacy of US elections." Said conspiracy theories refer to a Jan 8, 2021 blog post entitled "Burning of the Reichstag 2021" on his Russian... Read More
Credit where credit is due - Navalny has come out against Trump's deplatforming. (He posted the same thing in Russian). The brighter Blue Checks RT'ed this, saying, OK, good points, though I respectfully disagree. Some of the duller Blue Checks and Russiagaters in the replies attacked Navalny, calling him a Russian nationalist, expressing "disappointment" in... Read More
He monitored the situation. Pretty successful poasting career though.
There are MAGA people claiming this is a deep fake in the replies, LOL. As concerns the ability to generate an undying cult of personality, even past the point of becoming a (political) corpse, I suppose Donald Trump truly is the "God-Emperor of Mankind." Having a non-suspended Twitter account is helpful with that, I imagine.
If you gaze long upon the Ukraine... The Ukraine gazes back into you.
I haven't been following them closely (or at all, really). But my throwaway guess is that Republicans lose both. Why would lower income Trump supporters vote for the party that failed to find Trump 11,780 votes and denied them their well-deserved $2,000 worth of gibs? I certainly wouldn't in their place. Polling average ends in... Read More
Credibly deniable assassinations are a complex O-ring task (everything in a long chain of procedures has to go right). So is covering up failed ones. FSB graduation parade.
Do you run the bioethicists over and call it a day, or do you use the trolley to send them to Gulag camps where they will have a unique and exciting opportunity to acquire practical experience in their area of expertise?
I wasn't able to watch it yesterday, but I was amused to see its main highlight: BBC hack Steve Rosenberg getting owned with facts and logic by PUTLER! There wasn't much new or interesting: Navalny is a tool of American intelligence services, his investigations are a way of laundering their findings... "Our security services keep... Read More
Prior to the 2020 US elections, I ran a predictions tournament. Given that the Electoral College has now formally voted, putting the matter to rest - at least so far as non-ideologues are concerned - it is now time to run the results. *** Best performance in terms of deviation of EC votes from Biden's... Read More
Navalny has released a video in which he has the gall to complain some more about the "Novichok" accelerated weight loss program and multiple rounds of beauty treatments that PUTLER! provided him with for absolutely free. But I just realized something rather more interesting and politically relevant. He has 4.3M subscribers on his YouTube. Dmitry... Read More
The EC vote threw up no surprises, without even a single faithless elector. I did tell you all not to expect miracles or get too invested in this idiotic drama, not least for the sake of your own mental health (or your financial health - if you took the 10% post-elections odds seriously). The screeching... Read More
Russian Duma to consider law on blocking foreign social media that censor the free speech of Russian citizens: Blogging about this a bit late - it was introduced three weeks ago - but this is partially Even though I have long conclusively confirmed that PUTLER reads my blog, he is still a boomer at heart,... Read More
How much bigger will the Chinese economy be relative to the US in the year of 2050? We'll both presumably be near retirement, but OK, it's on. What are we betting on? Bottle of Laphroaig 30-year-old? The amount of ethereum needed to buy the computing costs of simulating a single human em? Suggestions welcome. If... Read More
Many people have remarked that Trump has been an incredibly polarizing President. What's less remarked upon is that the effect doesn't isn't just work across the population, but across time within the hearts of his supporters. Come to think of it, wouldn't Qanon be the very immanentization of a zrada-peremoga cycle, where each "victory" (peremoga)... Read More
Check out my latest podcast with Robert Stark here. No, really. While I'm not always very happy with all the podcasts I'm on, I think this one turned out very nicely. Here are the topics we discussed: Anatoly’s initial Election Predictions which were fairly accurate MAGA Cope, and In Defense of It Biden Recognitions from... Read More
Well we might already have an answer to that (h/t A New Radical Centrism): In fairness, this isn't a 100% done deal, as he continues: Even so, prospects aren't looking good. Large numbers of the "intellectual" Dissident Right (with the notable exception of James Lindsay) ended up backing either Biden or at least neutrality, in... Read More
This post probably isn't going to make me many friends. Then again, if catering to various echo chambers was my main concern in life, I wouldn't be running this blog. So, did Biden win thanks to electoral fraud? My general impression is that many, if not all, electoral fraud arguments have been rather simplistic and... Read More
� I discussed the elections, the political impact of coronavirus, and the likely course of US-Russian relations under a Biden vs. Trump Presidency with Vile Varangian. Twitter users Gaslight, Constantine, fashy zizek, Zero Schizo, and Calm European also took parts at various points in this 5 hour livestream.
Anatoly Karlin
About Anatoly Karlin

I am a blogger, thinker, and businessman in the SF Bay Area. I’m originally from Russia, spent many years in Britain, and studied at U.C. Berkeley.

One of my tenets is that ideologies tend to suck. As such, I hesitate about attaching labels to myself. That said, if it’s really necessary, I suppose “liberal-conservative neoreactionary” would be close enough.

Though I consider myself part of the Orthodox Church, my philosophy and spiritual views are more influenced by digital physics, Gnosticism, and Russian cosmism than anything specifically Judeo-Christian.