Feb 15, 2008
A String Theory for the Sun
Filamentary Birkeland currents transport electrical
energy from the Sun to Earth and the rest of the Solar
System. Could ancient human beings have seen this phenomenon
visible in their skies?
The auroras are
caused by an intermittent bombardment of charged particles,
which travel from the sun to the earth�s ionosphere in a
stream called the solar wind. This was first proposed in the
early 20th century by the Norwegian plasma physicist,
Kristian Birkeland, and is now universally accepted. In
honour of this pioneer, the exact conduits through which
ions reach the earth are called Birkeland currents.
The existence of these twisted filamentary bundles of
magnetic fields that transport ions through space along
their length was only empirically confirmed in
2007, when NASA�s fleet of
THEMIS spacecraft announced to
have detected �giant magnetic ropes that connect Earth�s
upper atmosphere to the Sun� in the earth�s magnetopause.
Solar wind particles are believed to flow in along these
ropes, �providing energy for geomagnetic storms and
To put it bluntly, modern scientists have found that the sun
has an electrical plasma connection that tapers towards the earth's
magnetic poles and causes
electromagnetic storms.
Curiously, ancient mythical and cosmological traditions have
long anticipated the discovery of the solar wind and its
Birkeland currents when they spoke about �ropes� and
�strings� tying the earth to the sun. In the mystical
tradition of India, the three worlds � earth, air, and sky �
are attached to the sun by means of a string �by which the
Devas first strode up and down these worlds, using the
�Universal Lights� as their stepping stones�.
In a remarkable analogy to the modern comparison of this
stream to a �wind�, Hindū sages affirmed: �By the Gale,
indeed, O Gautama, as by a thread, are this and yonder world
and all beings strung together. Even as the thread of a gem
might be threaded through a gem, even so is all this strung
thereupon� to wit, Gandharvas, Apsarases, beasts, and men�,
causing Deity itself to declare: �All this is strung on Me,
like rows of gems upon a thread�.
The sun does �string these worlds to Himself by the thread
of the Gale of the Spirit�. The identification of this �sun
pillar� running through the three worlds with the polar axis
of the universe makes good sense considering that the sun�s
charged particles stream into the earth�s ionosphere at the
auroral ovals around the poles.
If it may be granted that the Indian concept of this sun
rope rooted in knowledge of the solar wind, the latter must
at some point have revealed itself in an unmistakable,
visible form. Is it conceivable that � at some time during
the early Holocene � extreme solar weather produced such
excitation that the plasma in the solar wind entered a
visible glow mode, if not arc mode? If so, a substantial
segment of ancient sky lore that was hitherto obscure
receives some much-needed illumination.
Many corners of the world bear witness to the theme of a
hero�s �noosing� of the sun. �When the sun had formed in the
sky�, say the Bella Coola people of British Columbia,
Canada, the creator �connected it with the earth by means of
a long rope, which kept the two at a measured distance from
each other and prevented that the earth would sink into the
While an early commentator, Richard Andr�e, deemed this
notion "Bemerkenswert" ["remarkable"], he would never have
imagined that such age-old folklore motifs could conceal
some ephemeral observations of space that scientists are
only now beginning to rediscover.
Contributed by Rens Van der Sluijs
Further reading:
The Mythology of the World Axis; Exploring the Role of
Plasma in World Mythology
The World
Axis as an Atmospheric Phenomenon
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