Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems |
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Nov 17, 2005 Conventional geological explanations for erosion are stumped by the massive erosion in Arabia Terra. But one process that has been overlooked has all the necessary characteristics. Arabia Terra on Mars is a heavily cratered area that also has been heavily eroded. It stretches over some 4500 kilometers (around 3000 miles) and is 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) higher in the east and south than in the west and north. This image from the Mars Orbiter Camera shows a small mesa and parts of two larger mesas that the erosional forces carved out. The caption states �the causes of the erosion�and where all the material went when it was removed�are not known.� The Electric Universe concludes that �where all the material went��at least much of it�was �into space.� This conclusion follows from the evidence that the cause of the erosion was electrical discharge machining (EDM) from space. The eroded landscape between the mesas is covered with shallow vestiges of the parallel-sided circular-ended channels carved by EDM. A web of �cracks� marks the tops of the mesas into roughly rectangular blocks. These �cracks� were likely carved by secondary �coronal� discharges, which electromagnetic forces would tend to confine to channels running at right-angles to each other. In several places, the channels run over the edge of the mesa and down the sides. Because we�re familiar with talus slopes, where rubble builds up at the foot of a cliff, the slopes at the sides of the mesas may be disregarded simply as talus slopes. But another possibility arises in view of the EDM hypothesis: The slopes may be fused, melted by the electrical discharges that eroded Arabia Terra. Might this also explain the regularly spaced razorback �dikes� along some of the bottom edges of the mesas? Material pinched up between parallel and equally spaced discharge channels could be fused in place. (A similar explanation accounts for the �ripples� often seen in valley floors everywhere on Mars.) In this regard, an interesting characteristic seen at the edges of the lower mesa is that the south (downward) ends of many of the razorbacks are bifurcated. On the south side of the mesa, the lower ends of the razorbacks are split; on the north side of the mesa, the higher ends are split. This makes no sense in a gravitational field, but it could be explained by the direction of a regional electric field. |
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