Microsoft has started allowing developers to experience its HoloLens headset at the company's flagship store in New York City recently. While app makers can experiment with various tools, Microsoft has been hesitant in providing details like retail availability, pricing, and battery life. Bruce Harris, a Microsoft Technical Evangelist, has shared some new details about the HoloLens headset, addressing some field of view concerns and battery life estimates.
In a video from an event in Tel Aviv, Harris claims the HoloLens will run for around 2.5 hours when pushed to its limits, and around 5.5 hours during average use. As the HoloLens is a wireless device, this battery life will support Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections to power the Windows 10 universal apps that run on the device.
HoloLens' field of view may improve in the future
Addressing some field of view concerns, Harris explains that using the HoloLens will be similar to looking at a 15-inch monitor that's around two feet from your view. As Microsoft improves its manufacturing of the HoloLens then cost and battery life will improve, potentially resulting in an expanded field of view in future versions. Microsoft previously revealed that the HoloLens field of view isn't going to get "hugely noticeably different" between the current developer kits and the final retail units. Field of view concerns have been widespread amongst those who used the headset both at Build and E3 last year.
Harris also reveals that you'll be able to link several HoloLens devices together. Two or more HoloLens users will be able to examine the same object in real-time, thanks to the headset's internet connectivity. Microsoft is planning to make its HoloLens development kits available for $3,000 in the coming months.