

(Forestry) relating to sylviculture
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In this regard, it is important to know the ectomycorrhizal diversity, which can guide more intelligent sylvicultural practices such the selection of robust mycorrhizal fungi for inoculating tree seedlings in the nursery.
Attempts to fine-tune sylvicultural treatments dominated many international interventions in recent decades and these are reviewed.
Only a few of the audited projects, notes the report, improved significantly the economic value of the forests by enhancing the value of the land (building of forest tracks and roads) or the value of the stands (sylvicultural operations like pruning or thinning).
The Verdiana River valley is characterised by vegetation which is scarcely influenced by human activity, having been preserved from excessive sylvicultural exploitation due to the steepness of the terrain and the consequent difficulty of access.
Effects of two sylvicultural practices on soil fauna abundance in a northern hardwood forest, Quebec, Canada.
"Modern harvesting operations, based on scientifically sound sylvicultural prescriptions, use material more efficiently and follow up rapidly with burning or mechanical reduction of residues, and the risk of fire is minimal.
However, the two sylvicultural systems we compared provided a replication of our measurements.
NLC was principally involved in development of the stormwater provisions of the new bill--provisions which would repeal the current stormwater management program for all cities and substitute a state-by-state process similar to one now used for controlling pollutants from non-point sources such as run-off from agricultural, sylvicultural and ranching activities.
Tree seedling shade responses have long been the subject of intensive research, the goal being to predict the light responses of plants under natural regeneration or in sylvicultural treatments.