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(Wrestling) a wrestling hold in which a wrestler grasps his opponent round the waist from behind and carries him backwards
[C20: of uncertain origin]
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During the match, Ali was on the apron battling with Luke Harper who then got Ali in a suplex position shortly before Braun Strowman kicked Harper sending both men crashing to the floor.
A contest that is surely one not to miss for the technical wrestling purists sees Chris Ridgeway take on the 'Supreme Suplex Machine' Scotty Davis.
Kelly was awarded a victory after Lee was disqualified due to an illegal suplex in the opening round of their first fight.
In that match, Lee got disqualified after using an illegal suplex right in the very first round.
Lesnar was dominant for much of the match with suplex after suplex, though Bryan had his chance when he delivered a low blow.
Promotions manager Nadia, whose main wrestling moves include her German suplex pin and a northern lights suplex, said she wanted to encourage people to love their own bodies and not to conform to how society thinks they should look.
Last week, Brock Lesnar laid waste to anything that moved (including Paul Heyman) with two notable exceptions: Roman Reigns, because he had been kicked out of the building, and Constable Baron Corbin, who hit the bricks before he could be relocated to Suplex City.
The cast prepared for season one with four weeks of training, building up from basic somersaults to headlocks and suplexes. "Suplex is when you put a person basically in a headlock, but then their body is facing you, and then you lift their whole body over your body and you go slam onto the mat on your backs," Brie said brightly.
After a decade The Former United States Champion Bobby Lashley returned to WWE with a huge ovation and crushed Elias who was insulting the crowed in a quick match with a powerful suplex and the match was over within a minute.
RVD came close with a northern lights suplex, then a somersault dive after a series of monkey flips, which had parkour expert Morrison twisting through the air.
GaCuCon is the brainchild of South Florida gaming industry leaders, Andru Fratarcangeli and Frank Velazquez, after wanting to attend a gaming centric event that is unique from all others but does not suplex your wallet into count 3.