me·di·a·tize  (mē′dē-ə-tīz′) tr.v. me·di·a·tized ,
me·di·a·tiz·ing ,
me·di·a·tiz·es To annex (a lesser state) to a greater state as a means of permitting the ruler of the lesser state to retain title and partial authority.
[Probably French médiatiser , from médiat , dependent , from Old French, back-formation from immediat , independent , from Late Latin immediātus ; see immediate .]
me′di·a·ti·za′tion (-tĭ-zā′shən) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
mediatize (ËmiËdɪÉËtaɪz ) or mediatise vb (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (tr ) to annex (a state) to another state, allowing the former ruler to retain his title and some authority
[C19: from French médiatiser; see mediate, -ize]
ËmediatiËzation , ËmediatiËsation n
Collins English Dictionary â Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
mediatize Past participle: mediatizedGerund: mediatizingImperative Present Preterite Present Continuous Present Perfect Past Continuous Past Perfect Future Future Perfect Future Continuous Present Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Conditional Past Conditional Imperative mediatize mediatize
Present I mediatize you mediatize he/she/it mediatizes we mediatize you mediatize they mediatize
Preterite I mediatized you mediatized he/she/it mediatized we mediatized you mediatized they mediatized
Present Continuous I am mediatizing you are mediatizing he/she/it is mediatizing we are mediatizing you are mediatizing they are mediatizing
Present Perfect I have mediatized you have mediatized he/she/it has mediatized we have mediatized you have mediatized they have mediatized
Past Continuous I was mediatizing you were mediatizing he/she/it was mediatizing we were mediatizing you were mediatizing they were mediatizing
Past Perfect I had mediatized you had mediatized he/she/it had mediatized we had mediatized you had mediatized they had mediatized
Future I will mediatize you will mediatize he/she/it will mediatize we will mediatize you will mediatize they will mediatize
Future Perfect I will have mediatized you will have mediatized he/she/it will have mediatized we will have mediatized you will have mediatized they will have mediatized
Future Continuous I will be mediatizing you will be mediatizing he/she/it will be mediatizing we will be mediatizing you will be mediatizing they will be mediatizing
Present Perfect Continuous I have been mediatizing you have been mediatizing he/she/it has been mediatizing we have been mediatizing you have been mediatizing they have been mediatizing
Future Perfect Continuous I will have been mediatizing you will have been mediatizing he/she/it will have been mediatizing we will have been mediatizing you will have been mediatizing they will have been mediatizing
Past Perfect Continuous I had been mediatizing you had been mediatizing he/she/it had been mediatizing we had been mediatizing you had been mediatizing they had been mediatizing
Conditional I would mediatize you would mediatize he/she/it would mediatize we would mediatize you would mediatize they would mediatize
Past Conditional I would have mediatized you would have mediatized he/she/it would have mediatized we would have mediatized you would have mediatized they would have mediatized
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011