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tr. & intr.v. in·ter·twined, in·ter·twin·ing, in·ter·twines
To join or become joined by twining together.

in′ter·twine′ment n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


to unite or be united by twisting or twining together. Also: intertwist
ˌinterˈtwinement n
ˌinterˈtwiningly, ˌinterˈtwistingly adv
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌɪn tərˈtwaɪn)

v.t., v.i. -twined, -twin•ing.
to twine together.
in`ter•twine′ment, n.
in`ter•twin′ing•ly, adv.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: intertwined
Gerund: intertwining

I intertwine
you intertwine
he/she/it intertwines
we intertwine
you intertwine
they intertwine
I intertwined
you intertwined
he/she/it intertwined
we intertwined
you intertwined
they intertwined
Present Continuous
I am intertwining
you are intertwining
he/she/it is intertwining
we are intertwining
you are intertwining
they are intertwining
Present Perfect
I have intertwined
you have intertwined
he/she/it has intertwined
we have intertwined
you have intertwined
they have intertwined
Past Continuous
I was intertwining
you were intertwining
he/she/it was intertwining
we were intertwining
you were intertwining
they were intertwining
Past Perfect
I had intertwined
you had intertwined
he/she/it had intertwined
we had intertwined
you had intertwined
they had intertwined
I will intertwine
you will intertwine
he/she/it will intertwine
we will intertwine
you will intertwine
they will intertwine
Future Perfect
I will have intertwined
you will have intertwined
he/she/it will have intertwined
we will have intertwined
you will have intertwined
they will have intertwined
Future Continuous
I will be intertwining
you will be intertwining
he/she/it will be intertwining
we will be intertwining
you will be intertwining
they will be intertwining
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been intertwining
you have been intertwining
he/she/it has been intertwining
we have been intertwining
you have been intertwining
they have been intertwining
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been intertwining
you will have been intertwining
he/she/it will have been intertwining
we will have been intertwining
you will have been intertwining
they will have been intertwining
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been intertwining
you had been intertwining
he/she/it had been intertwining
we had been intertwining
you had been intertwining
they had been intertwining
I would intertwine
you would intertwine
he/she/it would intertwine
we would intertwine
you would intertwine
they would intertwine
Past Conditional
I would have intertwined
you would have intertwined
he/she/it would have intertwined
we would have intertwined
you would have intertwined
they would have intertwined
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.intertwine - spin,wind, or twist togetherintertwine - spin,wind, or twist together; "intertwine the ribbons"; "Twine the threads into a rope"; "intertwined hearts"
distort, twine, twist - form into a spiral shape; "The cord is all twisted"
wreathe, wind - form into a wreath
twine - make by twisting together or intertwining; "twine a rope"
wattle - interlace to form wattle
plash, pleach - interlace the shoots of; "pleach a hedge"
ravel, tangle, knot - tangle or complicate; "a ravelled story"
splice - join by interweaving strands; "Splice the wires"
2.intertwine - make lacework by knotting or looping
handicraft - a craft that requires skillful hands
3.intertwine - make a loop in; "loop a rope"
entwine, knit - tie or link together
crochet, hook - make a piece of needlework by interlocking and looping thread with a hooked needle; "She sat there crocheting all day"
noose - make a noose in or of
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


verb interweave, entwine, interlace, cross, link, twist, braid, convolute, reticulate, interwreathe, inweave Trees and creepers intertwined, blocking our way.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


A. VI [limbs, fingers, plants] → entrelazarse; [fates, destinies] → cruzarse, entrecruzarse
B. VT [+ limbs, fingers, plants] → entrelazar; [+ fates, destinies] → cruzar, entrecruzar; [+ interests] → interrelacionar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


vt [+ narratives, strands, destinies] → entremêler
Their destinies are intertwined → Leurs destinées sont entremêlées.
intertwined with → entremêlé(e) à
to intertwine sth with sth → entremêler qch et qch
He intertwines personal reminiscences with the story of British television → Il entremêle des réminiscences personnelles et l'histoire de la télévision britannique.
[strands, creepers] → s'entremêler
Trees and creepers intertwined, blocking our way → Les arbres et les lianes s'entremêlaient, obstruant notre chemin.
[fates, narratives] → s'entremêler
Her fate intertwined with his → Sa destinée s'entremêlait à la sienne.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vtverschlingen; (fig) destinies alsoverknüpfen; storiesverweben
vi (branches, arms etc)sich ineinander verschlingen; (threads)verschlungen sein; (fig: destinies) → sich verbinden
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. vtintrecciare
2. viintrecciarsi
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
No rays from the holy heaven come down On the long night-time of that town; But light from out the lurid sea Streams up the turrets silently - Gleams up the pinnacles far and free - Up domes - up spires - up kingly halls - Up fanes - up Babylon-like walls - Up shadowy long-forgotten bowers Of scultured ivy and stone flowers - Up many and many a marvellous shrine Whose wreathed friezes intertwine The viol, the violet, and the vine.
He did not know that the power of loving was all the while gaining new force within him; that the new sensibilities bought by a deep experience were so many new fibres by which it was possible, nay, necessary to him, that his nature should intertwine with another.
However, their lives never fully intertwine because whatever it is that brings them together manages to build a wall between until their next encounter, some 25 years later in Istanbul.
For a good part of the film you don't know how - or even if - these characters' stories will intertwine, and it's a credit to the writers that the disparate plot strands intertwine so cleverly.
'Interpretation': As if your interpretation needs inspiration/Your medley intertwines with mine./As when your gifted voice blurs out a silhouette of seductive sound/Pound for pound we intertwine./We're capturing our thoughts individually,/Our pulse race so suddenly/Our hearts are the common link between you and me./It brings about joy of common medley.
Most of the 11 originals here sublimely intertwine the bitter and the sweet, and Allen delivers them in a voice that can flip mid-phrase from a twittering trill to a sharp-edged sneer.
Religious and spiritual themes intertwine with the refreshing wonder of simply being alive, and the deluxe version includes an enhanced audio/multimedia CD featuring readings of selected poems compatible with all CD players and Windows PC computers.
The bars and reeds intertwine at the abutments, making it appear that structure and nature are merging into one.
Though there are a million easy cliches "revolutionary" artists can (and continue to) trot out in the name of being cheaply resonant, Filipino MCs Kiwi and Bambu (who both completed solo projects before forming the group) seamlessly intertwine academic dissections of political issues with street language and complicated metaphors that will make you smile and wonder how they manage to cram so much meaning into a rhyme couplet.
You can read short feature stories on family farms in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States that intertwine with the 200 mostly vegan-friendly recipes in this cookbook.