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Noun1.half-term - a short vacation about halfway through a school term; "he came to visit at half-term"
Britain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom
holiday, vacation - leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure; "we get two weeks of vacation every summer"; "we took a short holiday in Puerto Rico"
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(haːf) – plural halves (haːvz) – noun
1. one of two equal parts of anything. He tried to stick the two halves together again; half a kilo of sugar; a kilo and a half of sugar; one and a half kilos of sugar.
2. one of two equal parts of a game (eg in football, hockey) usually with a break between them. The Rangers scored three goals in the first half.
1. being (equal to) one of two equal parts (of something). a half bottle of wine.
2. being made up of two things in equal parts. A centaur is a mythical creature, half man and half horse.
3. not full or complete. a half smile.
1. to the extent of one half. This cup is only half full; It's half empty.
2. almost; partly. I'm half hoping he won't come; half dead from hunger.
a half-dozen; a half-kilo of tea.
halve (haːv) verb
1. to divide (something) into two equal parts. He halved the apple.
2. to make half as great as before; to reduce by half. By going away early in the year, we nearly halved the cost of our holiday.
ˌhalf-and-ˈhalf adverb, adjective
in equal parts. We can split the costs between us half-and-half.
ˈhalf-back noun
in football, hockey etc, (a player in) a position directly behind the forwards.
ˈhalf-brother, ˈhalf-sister nouns
a brother or sister by one parent only. My father has been married twice, and I have two half-brothers.
ˈhalf-caste noun
a person whose father and mother are of different races, especially white and black.
ˌhalf-ˈhearted adjective
not eager; done without enthusiasm. a half-hearted cheer/attempt.
ˌhalf-ˈheartedly adverb
ˌhalf-ˈheartedness noun
ˌhalf-ˈholiday noun
a part of a day (usually the afternoon) during which no work is done. the school-children were given a half-holiday to celebrate the football team's success.
ˌhalf-ˈhourly adjective, adverb
done etc every half-hour. at half-hourly intervals; The buses to town run half-hourly.
ˌhalf-ˈterm noun
(the period when students are given) a holiday about the middle of a term. We get a week's holiday at half-term; (also adjective) a half-term holiday.
ˌhalf-ˈtime noun
a short rest between two halves of a game (of football etc). the players ate oranges at half-time.
ˌhalf-ˈway adjective, adverb
of or at a point equally far from the beginning and the end. We have reached the half-way point; We are half-way through the work now.
ˈhalf-wit noun
a fool or idiot.
ˌhalf-ˈwitted adjective
foolish or idiotic.
ˌhalf-ˈyearly adjective, adverb
done etc every six months. a half-yearly report; We balance our accounts half-yearly.
at half mast
(of flags) flying at a position half-way up a mast etc to show that someone of importance has died. The flags are (flying) at half mast.
by half
by a long way. He's too clever by half.
do things by halves
to do things in an incomplete way. He never does things by halves.
go halves with
to share the cost with.
half past three/four/seven etc ,(American) half after three etc
at thirty minutes past the hour stated. I'm leaving at half past six.
in half
in(to) two equal parts. He cut the cake in half; The pencil broke in half.
not half
a slang expression for very much. `Are you enjoying yourself?' `Not half!'
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


عُطْلَة نِصْفُ الفَصْلِ الدَراسِيِّ pololetní prázdniny skoleferie midt i året Trimesterferien σχολικές διακοπές στη μέση της χρονιάς mitad de trimestre lukukauden puolivälissä oleva loma petites vacances polugodište metà trimestre 学期中の中間休暇 학기 중의 중간 방학 korte vakantie skoleferie midt i terminen przerwa semestralna férias escolares короткие каникулы mitterminslov ครึ่งเทอม yarıyıl tatili nghỉ giữa kỳ 期中假期
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in periodicals archive ?
Flights and accommodation during term time costs about PS2,000 less than in the summer holidays, Easter or half-term.
Police in Kericho have arrested the headteacher of a private primary school for failing to allow pupils to go home for half-term break.
If you want toentertain your childrenwithout breaking the bank this February half-term then we are here to help you.
FROM den building to archery, there are plenty of things for the kids to do in Charnwood this half-term thanks to a holiday activity programme from Charnwood Borough Council.
Half-term can be a difficult time for parents, with a house full of wild kids and nothing to do with them - especially in the colder weather.
McArthurGlen Designer OutletCheshire Oakswill host a superhero-themed half-term event that will see an onsite illustrator transform children into one of their favourite superhero characters.
Alton Towers Resort is giving away more than 400 Alton Towers Season Passes this May half-term to families who complete an on-park mini mission!
Families have three choices in the survey, to keep to the current system, have the autumn half-term break a week later, or follow neighbouring county patterns and have both autumn and spring half-terms a week later.
To book, visit https://www.airtrail.co.uk/Soccer camp Middlesbrough Sports Village is hosting a half-term soccer camp from today to Thursday.
In the Canary Islands, another popular family choice for half-term breaks, Tenerife looks a cheaper option than Lanzarote.
PARENTS could pick up a holiday bargain this half-term - thanks to term-time dates in Wales.