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v. Archaic
A second person singular present tense of do1.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(du; unstressed dʊ, də)

v.andauxiliary v., pres. sing. 1stand2nd pers. do, v.t.
1. to perform (an act, duty, role, etc.).
2. to execute (a piece or amount of work): to do a hauling job.
3. to accomplish; finish: He has already done it.
4. to put forth; exert: Do your best.
5. to be the cause of (good, harm, credit, etc.); bring about; effect.
6. to render, give, or pay (homage, justice, etc.).
7. to deal with, fix, clean, arrange, etc., (anything) as the case may require: to do the dishes.
8. to travel; traverse: We did 30 miles today.
9. to serve; suffice for: This will do us for the present.
10. to condone or approve, as by custom or practice: That sort of thing simply isn't done.
11. to travel at the rate of (a specified speed).
12. to make or prepare: I'll do the salad.
13. to serve (a term of time) in prison, or, sometimes, in office.
14. to create or bring into being: He does wonderful portraits.
15. to translate or change the form of: They did the book into a movie.
16. to study or work at or in the field of: I have to do my math tonight.
17. to explore or travel through as a sightseer: They did Greece in 3 weeks.
18. to use (drugs), esp. habitually.
19. Slang. to rob; steal from: The law got him for doing banks.
20. to act or conduct oneself; behave.
21. to proceed: to do wisely.
22. to get along; fare; manage: to do without an automobile.
23. to be in a specified state of health: Mother and child are doing fine.
24. to serve or be satisfactory, as for the purpose; be enough; suffice: Will this do?
25. to finish or be finished.
26. to happen; take place; transpire: What's doing at the office?
27. (used as a substitute to avoid repetition of a verb or full verb expression): I think as you do.
auxiliary v.
28. (used in interrogative, negative, and inverted constructions): Do you like music? I don't care. Seldom does one see such greed.
29. (used to lend emphasis to a principal verb): Do visit us!
30. do away with,
a. to put an end to; abolish.
b. to kill.
31. do for,
a. to cause the defeat, ruin, or death of.
b. to keep house for; manage or provide for.
32. do in,
a. to kill; murder.
b. to exhaust.
33. do out of, Informal. to swindle; cheat.
34. do over, to redecorate.
35. do up,
a. to wrap and tie up.
b. to pin up or arrange (the hair).
c. to renovate or clean.
d. to fasten: Do up your coat.
e. to dress: They were all done up in costumes.
36. do with, to benefit from; use.
37. do without, to forgo; dispense with.
38. Informal. a burst of frenzied activity; commotion.
39. Informal. a hairdo.
40. Brit. Slang. a swindle; hoax.
41. a festive affair; party.
1. do or die, to make a supreme effort.
2. dos and don'ts, customs, rules, or regulations.
[before 900; Middle English, Old English dōn; c. Old Saxon dōn, Old High German tuo(a)n; akin to Latin -dere to put (see add), facere to make, do]



n., pl. dos.
the musical syllable used for the first note of an ascending diatonic scale.
[1745–55; < Italian, inverted variant of ut; see gamut]


or d.o.,

delivery order.


1. Also, d.o. direct object.
2. Doctor of Optometry.
3. Doctor of Osteopathy.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Thou doest wrong In this, and wrong in all that thou hast done.
CHORUS Thy case is perilous; though by birth and race Thou should'st be just, thou plainly doest wrong.
Wherefore look now what thou doest, and whether there be any rescue.
Mine doest I was so 'fraid I'd miss the stage I couldn't eat any breakfast."
MESSENGER My son, 'tis plain, thou know'st not what thou doest.
It was not needed: two other boys besides Arthur had already followed his example, and he went down to the great School with a glimmering of another lesson in his heart--the lesson that he who has conquered his own coward spirit has conquered the whole outward world; and that other one which the old prophet learnt in the cave in Mount Horeb, when he hid his face, and the still, small voice asked, "What doest thou here, Elijah?" that however we may fancy ourselves alone on the side of good, the King and Lord of men is nowhere without His witnesses; for in every society, however seemingly corrupt and godless, there are those who have not bowed the knee to Baal.
Therefore must I descend into the deep: as thou doest in the evening, when thou goest behind the sea, and givest light also to the nether-world, thou exuberant star!
"What doest thou here, good-for-nothing?" she said, "and why art thou not at Notre Dame?"
At last he said, "I thank thee, friend, from my heart, for what thou doest for me; yet, think not ill if I cannot take thy gift freely.
[USA], Mar 6 (ANI): It turn out, the saying 'practice makes perfect' doest always work when it comes to training.