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1. Civil Air Patrol
2. combat air patrol

cap 1

1. A usually soft and close-fitting head covering, either having no brim or with a visor.
a. A special head covering worn to indicate rank, occupation, or membership in a particular group: a cardinal's cap; a sailor's cap.
b. An academic mortarboard. Used especially in the phrase cap and gown.
a. A protective cover or seal, especially one that closes off an end or a tip: a bottle cap; a 35-millimeter lens cap.
b. A crown for covering or sealing a tooth.
c. A truck cap.
d. A tread for a worn pneumatic tire.
e. A fitted covering used to seal a well or large pipe.
f. Chiefly Southern US See eye.
4. A summit or top, as of a mountain.
5. An upper limit; a ceiling: placed a cap on mortgage rates.
6. Architecture The capital of a column.
7. Botany
a. The top part, or pileus, of a mushroom.
b. A calyptra.
a. A percussion cap.
b. A small explosive charge enclosed in paper for use in a toy gun.
9. Any of several sizes of writing paper, such as foolscap.
10. Sports An appearance by a player in an international soccer game, traditionally rewarded with a hat.
tr.v. capped, cap·ping, caps
1. To cover, protect, or seal with a cap.
2. To award a special cap to as a sign of rank or achievement: capped the new women nurses at graduation.
3. To lie over or on top of; cover: hills capped with snow.
4. To apply the finishing touch to; complete: cap a meal with dessert.
5. To follow with something better; surpass or outdo: capped his last trick with a disappearing act that brought the audience to its feet.
6. To set an upper limit on: decided to cap cost-of-living increases.
cap in hand
Humbly or submissively.
set (one's) cap for
To attempt to attract and win as a mate.

[Middle English cappe, from Old English cæppe, from Late Latin cappa.]

cap 2

 (kăp) Informal
A capital letter.
tr.v. capped, cap·ping, caps
To capitalize.

[Shortened form of capital.]

cap 3

n. Informal
1. Capital: venture cap.
2. Capitalization: market cap.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Clothing & Fashion) a covering for the head, esp a small close-fitting one made of cloth or knitted
2. such a covering serving to identify the wearer's rank, occupation, etc: a nurse's cap.
3. something that protects or covers, esp a small lid or cover: lens cap.
4. an uppermost surface or part: the cap of a wave.
5. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery)
b. a small amount of explosive enclosed in paper and used in a toy gun
6. (Team Sports, other than specified) sport chiefly
a. an emblematic hat or beret given to someone chosen for a representative team: he has won three England caps.
b. a player chosen for such a team
7. (Architecture) the upper part of a pedestal in a classical order
8. the roof of a windmill, sometimes in the form of a dome
9. (Botany) botany the pileus of a mushroom or toadstool
10. (Hunting) hunting
a. money contributed to the funds of a hunt by a follower who is neither a subscriber nor a farmer, in return for a day's hunting
b. a collection taken at a meet of hounds, esp for a charity
11. (Anatomy) anatomy
a. the natural enamel covering a tooth
b. an artificial protective covering for a tooth
12. (Gynaecology & Obstetrics) See Dutch cap2
13. (Economics) an upper financial limit
14. (Clothing & Fashion) a mortarboard when worn with a gown at an academic ceremony (esp in the phrase cap and gown)
15. (Education) a mortarboard when worn with a gown at an academic ceremony (esp in the phrase cap and gown)
16. (Physical Geography) meteorol
a. the cloud covering the peak of a mountain
b. the transient top of detached clouds above an increasing cumulus
17. cap in hand humbly, as when asking a favour
18. if the cap fits Brit the allusion or criticism seems to be appropriate to a particular person
19. set one's cap for set one's cap at (of a woman) to be determined to win as a spouse or lover
vb (tr) , caps, capping or capped
20. to cover, as with a cap: snow capped the mountain tops.
21. informal to outdo; excel: your story caps them all; to cap an anecdote.
22. to cap it all to provide the finishing touch: we had sun, surf, cheap wine, and to cap it all a free car.
23. (Team Sports, other than specified) sport Brit to select (a player) for a representative team: he was capped 30 times by Scotland.
24. (Mining & Quarrying) to seal off (an oil or gas well)
25. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) to impose an upper limit on the level of increase of (a tax): rate-capping.
26. (Hunting) hunting to ask (hunt followers) for a cap
27. (Education) chiefly Scot and NZ to award a degree to
[Old English cæppe, from Late Latin cappa hood, perhaps from Latin caput head]
ˈcapper n


abbreviation for
1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Common Agricultural Policy: (in the EU) the system for supporting farm incomes by maintaining agricultural prices at agreed levels
2. (Agriculture) Common Agricultural Policy: (in the EU) the system for supporting farm incomes by maintaining agricultural prices at agreed levels
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., v. capped, cap•ping. n.
1. a close-fitting covering for the head, usu. of soft, supple material and having no brim but sometimes having a visor.
2. a headdress denoting rank, occupation, religious order, or the like: a nurse's cap.
4. anything resembling a covering for the head in shape, use, or position: a bottle cap.
5. summit; top; acme.
6. a maximum limit, as one set by law or agreement on prices, wages, spending, etc.; ceiling.
7. the pileus of a mushroom.
9. a noise-making device for toy pistols, made of a small quantity of explosive wrapped in paper.
10. to provide or cover with or as if with a cap.
11. to complete.
12. to follow with something better; outdo: to cap one joke with another.
13. to serve as a cap, covering, or top to.
14. to put a maximum limit on (wages, spending, etc.).
set one's cap for, to pursue as a lover or husband.
[before 1000; Middle English cappe, Old English cæppe < Late Latin cappa hooded cloak, cap]



n., v. capped, cap•ping. n.
1. a capital letter.
2. Usu., caps. uppercase: Set the underlined in caps.
3. to write or print with a capital letter or letters; capitalize.
[1895–1900; by shortening]



a capsule, esp. of a narcotic drug.
[by shortening]


1. Civil Air Patrol.
2. computer-aided publishing.


1. capital.
2. capitalize.
3. capitalized.
4. capital letter.
5. chapter.
[< Latin capitulum, caput]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: capped
Gerund: capping

I cap
you cap
he/she/it caps
we cap
you cap
they cap
I capped
you capped
he/she/it capped
we capped
you capped
they capped
Present Continuous
I am capping
you are capping
he/she/it is capping
we are capping
you are capping
they are capping
Present Perfect
I have capped
you have capped
he/she/it has capped
we have capped
you have capped
they have capped
Past Continuous
I was capping
you were capping
he/she/it was capping
we were capping
you were capping
they were capping
Past Perfect
I had capped
you had capped
he/she/it had capped
we had capped
you had capped
they had capped
I will cap
you will cap
he/she/it will cap
we will cap
you will cap
they will cap
Future Perfect
I will have capped
you will have capped
he/she/it will have capped
we will have capped
you will have capped
they will have capped
Future Continuous
I will be capping
you will be capping
he/she/it will be capping
we will be capping
you will be capping
they will be capping
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been capping
you have been capping
he/she/it has been capping
we have been capping
you have been capping
they have been capping
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been capping
you will have been capping
he/she/it will have been capping
we will have been capping
you will have been capping
they will have been capping
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been capping
you had been capping
he/she/it had been capping
we had been capping
you had been capping
they had been capping
I would cap
you would cap
he/she/it would cap
we would cap
you would cap
they would cap
Past Conditional
I would have capped
you would have capped
he/she/it would have capped
we would have capped
you would have capped
they would have capped
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


(Common Agricultural Policy) Subsidies from a central fund to farmers of countries belonging to the EC. Controversial, it led to so-called butter mountains and wine lakes through overproduction in these areas.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.cap - a tight-fitting headdresscap - a tight-fitting headdress    
balaclava, balaclava helmet - a cap that is close-fitting and woolen and covers all of the head but the face
Balmoral, bluebonnet - a brimless dark blue Scottish cap with a flat top and a plume on one side
baseball cap, golf cap, jockey cap - a cap with a bill
bathing cap, swimming cap - a tight-fitting cap that keeps hair dry while swimming
beret - a cap with no brim or bill; made of soft cloth
biggin - a child's tight-fitting cap; often ties under the chin
berretta, biretta, birretta - a stiff cap with ridges across the crown; worn by Roman Catholic clergy
calpac, calpack, kalpac - a high-crowned black cap (usually made of felt or sheepskin) worn by men in Turkey and Iran and the Caucasus
cloth cap, flat cap - a flat woolen cap with a stiff peak
coxcomb, cockscomb - a cap worn by court jesters; adorned with a strip of red
coonskin, coonskin cap - a raccoon cap with the tail hanging down the back
earflap, earlap - one of two flaps attached to a cap to keep the ears warm
tarboosh, fez - a felt cap (usually red) for a man; shaped like a flat-topped cone with a tassel that hangs from the crown
garrison cap, overseas cap - a wedge-shaped wool or cotton cap; worn as part of a uniform
Glengarry - a Scottish cap with straight sides and a crease along the top from front to back; worn by Highlanders as part of military dress
headdress, headgear - clothing for the head
kalansuwa - a cap that is wrapped around by a turban and worn by Muslim religious elders
kepi, peaked cap, service cap, yachting cap - a cap with a flat circular top and a visor
liberty cap - close-fitting conical cap worn as a symbol of liberty during the French Revolution and in the U.S. before 1800
mobcap - large high frilly cap with a full crown; formerly worn indoors by women
mortarboard - an academic cap with a flat square with a tassel on top
nightcap - a cloth cap worn in bed
pinner - a woman's cap with two long flaps pinned on
sailor cap - a cap worn by sailors
shower cap - a tight cap worn to keep hair dry while showering
ski cap, stocking cap, toboggan cap - a close-fitting woolen cap; often has a tapering tail with a tassel
skullcap - rounded brimless cap fitting the crown of the head
tam, tam-o'-shanter, tammy - a woolen cap of Scottish origin
watch cap - a knitted dark blue wool cap worn by seamen in cold or stormy weather
wishing cap - a magical cap that secures whatever one wishes for
2.cap - a top (as for a bottle)
bottlecap - a cap that seals a bottle
nipple - a flexible cap on a baby's feeding bottle or pacifier
radiator cap - cap on the opening in the top of a radiator through which a coolant liquid can be added
cover, top - covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container); "he removed the top of the carton"; "he couldn't get the top off of the bottle"; "put the cover back on the kettle"
3.cap - a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosivecap - a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive; can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive
blasting cap - a small tube filled with detonating substances; used to detonate high explosives
explosive device - device that bursts with sudden violence from internal energy
percussion cap - a detonator that explodes when struck
4.cap - something serving as a cover or protection
distributor cap - the cap of the distributor that holds in place the wires from the distributor to the spark plugs
collet, ferrule - a metal cap or band placed on a wooden pole to prevent splitting
hubcap - cap that fits over the hub of a wheel
lens cap, lens cover - cap used to keep lens free of dust when not in use
protective cover, protective covering, protection - a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury; "they had no protection from the fallout"; "wax provided protection for the floors"
thimble - a small metal cap to protect the finger while sewing; can be used as a small container
5.cap - a fruiting structure resembling an umbrella or a cone that forms the top of a stalked fleshy fungus such as a mushroomcap - a fruiting structure resembling an umbrella or a cone that forms the top of a stalked fleshy fungus such as a mushroom
fungus - an organism of the kingdom Fungi lacking chlorophyll and feeding on organic matter; ranging from unicellular or multicellular organisms to spore-bearing syncytia
plant part, plant structure - any part of a plant or fungus
6.cap - a protective covering that is part of a plant
plant life, flora, plant - (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion
covering, natural covering, cover - a natural object that covers or envelops; "under a covering of dust"; "the fox was flushed from its cover"
7.cap - an upper limit on what is allowed; "he put a ceiling on the number of women who worked for him"; "there was a roof on salaries"; "they established a cap for prices"
control - the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc.; "they wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls"
glass ceiling - a ceiling based on attitudinal or organizational bias in the work force that prevents minorities and women from advancing to leadership positions
8.cap - (dentistry) dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or decayed tooth; "tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown"
dental appliance - a device to repair teeth or replace missing teeth
dental medicine, dentistry, odontology - the branch of medicine dealing with the anatomy and development and diseases of the teeth
9.cap - the upper part of a column that supports the entablature
pillar, column - (architecture) a tall vertical cylindrical structure standing upright and used to support a structure
top - the upper part of anything; "the mower cuts off the tops of the grass"; "the title should be written at the top of the first page"
Verb1.cap - lie at the top of; "Snow capped the mountains"
lie - be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position
2.cap - restrict the number or amount of; "We had to cap the number of people we can accept into our club"
circumscribe, confine, limit - restrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. lid, cork, stopper, cover She unscrewed the cap of her water bottle.
1. limit, fix, restrict, curb, delimit the government's decision to cap levels of tax
2. (Informal) beat, top, better, exceed, eclipse, lick (informal), surpass, transcend, outstrip, outdo, run rings around (informal), put in the shade, overtop He always has to cap everyone else's achievements.
3. top, cover, crown home-made scones capped with cream
4. complete, finish, crown Our team's victory capped a perfect day.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


The highest point:
1. To put a topping on:
2. To extend over the surface of:
3. To reach or bring to a climax:
climax, crest, crown, culminate, peak, top (off or out).
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
سَدّادَةُ قَنّينَهقُبَّعَةقُبَّعَةٌ ذات حافَّةٍقُبَّعّةٌ ذات حافّةٍ
hettahetta, lokhúfa
mũ lưỡi trai


N ABBR (Pol) =Common Agricultural PolicyPAC f


A. N
1. (= hat) → gorra f; (soldier's) → gorra f militar; (for swimming) → gorro m de baño; (servant's etc) → cofia f (Univ) → bonete m
cap and gown (Univ) → toga f y bonete
to go cap in handir con el sombrero en la mano
if the cap fits, wear itel que se pica, ajos come
to set one's cap at sb (o.f.) → proponerse conquistar a algn
to put on one's thinking capponerse a pensar detenidamente
I must put on my thinking captengo que meditarlo
2. (Brit) (Sport) he's got his cap for England; he's an England capforma parte de la selección nacional inglesa, juega con la selección nacional inglesa
3. (= lid, cover) [of bottle] → tapón m; (made of metal) → chapa f, tapón m; [of pen] → capuchón m
4. [of gun] → cápsula f (fulminante)
5. [of mushroom] → sombrerete m, sombrerillo m
6. [of tooth] (artificial) → funda f
7. (Mech) → casquete m (Aut) (= radiator/petrol cap) → tapón m
8. (= contraceptive) → diafragma m
9. (= percussion cap) → cápsula f (fulminante)
1. [+ bottle etc] → tapar; [+ tooth] → enfundar; [+ oil-well] → encapuchar, tapar
2. (= surpass) [+ story, joke] see if you can cap that storya ver si cuentas un chiste mejor que ése
I can cap thatyo sé algo mejor sobre el mismo asunto
and to cap it all, hey para colmo, él ...
3. (= complete) → coronar, completar
4. (= limit) [+ expenditure] → restringir; [+ council etc] → imponer un límite presupuestario a
5. (Brit) (Sport) [+ player] → seleccionar (para el equipo nacional), incluir en la selección nacional
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˌsiːeɪˈpiː] n abbr (=Common Agricultural Policy) → PAC f


(= hat) (gen)casquette f; (for swimming)bonnet m de bain
to go cap in hand to sb for sth → aller quémander qch auprès de qn
(= lid) [pen] → capuchon m; [bottle] → capsule f
(British) (= contraceptive) (also Dutch cap) → diaphragme m
(SPORT) to win an England cap → être sélectionné(e) dans l'équipe d'Angleterre
[+ bottle] → capsuler
[+ budget, spending] → limiter; [+ council, organization] → limiter les dépenses de
[+ tooth] → couronner
to have one's tooth capped → se faire poser une couronne sur une dent
(= complete) [+ performance] → couronner
and to cap it all, he ... (British)pour couronner le tout, il ...
(SPORT) (= select) [+ player] → sélectionner dans l'équipe nationale
(= top) capped with sth → coiffé(e) de qch
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


abbr of Common Agricultural Policy gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der EG, → GAP f


(= hat)Mütze f; (= soldier’s cap also)Käppi nt; (= nurse’s cap)Haube f; (Jur, Univ) → Barett nt; (for swimming) → Bademütze or -kappe f; (of jester)Kappe f; (of cardinal)Hut m; (= skullcap)Käppchen nt; cap in handkleinlaut; if the cap fits(, wear it) (Brit prov) → wem die Jacke passt (, → der soll sie sich (dat) → anziehen); cap and bellsSchellenkappe f; in cap and gownmit Doktorhut und Talar
(Brit Sport) he has won 50 caps for Scotlander ist 50 Mal mit der schottischen Mannschaft angetreten; Owen is the team’s only new capOwen ist der einzige Neuzugang in der Mannschaft
(= lid, cover, of bottle) → Verschluss m, → Deckel m; (of fountain pen)(Verschluss)kappe f; (of valve)Kappe f; (Mil: of shell, fuse) → Kapsel f; (Aut: = petrol cap, radiator cap) → Verschluss m
(= contraceptive)Pessar nt
(= explosive)Platzpatrone f; (for toy gun) → Zündplättchen nt
(of mushroom)Hut m
(Pol) → Kappungsgrenze f
(= put cap on) bottle etcverschließen, zumachen; (fig: = cover top of) peaksbedecken; to have one’s teeth cappedsich (dat)die Zähne überkronen lassen
(Sport) he was capped four times for Englander wurde viermal für die englische Nationalmannschaft aufgestellt
(= do or say better)überbieten; and then to cap it all …und, um dem Ganzen die Krone aufzusetzen …
(Scot Univ) → einen akademischen Grad verleihen (+dat)
(in spending etc) they capped spending at £50,000die Ausgaben wurden bei £ 50.000 gedeckelt; the council was capped (Brit) → dem Stadtrat wurde von der Regierung ein Höchstsatz für die Kommunalsteuer etc auferlegt; capped rate mortgage (Brit) → Hypothek fmit Zinsobergrenze


n (Typ inf) → großer Buchstabe; in capsin Großbuchstaben ? also capital N b
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˌsiːeɪˈpiː] n abbr =Common Agricultural PolicyPAC f, politica agricola comunitaria


1. n
a. (hat, also) (Sport) → berretto; (for swimming) → cuffia; (riding cap) → cap m inv
cap in hand (fig) → umilmente
if the cap fits wear it → chi ha orecchie per intendere intenda
he's got his cap for England (Sport) → è stato scelto per la nazionale inglese
b. (of bottle, radiator) → tappo; (of pen) → cappuccio (Brit) (contraceptive) (also Dutch cap) → diaframma m
2. vt
a. (bottle) → tappare; (tooth) → ricoprire
b. (surpass, story, joke) → superare, essere meglio di
and to cap it all, he ... → e per completare l'opera, lui...
c. he's been capped 15 times for England (Brit) (Sport) → ha rappresentato l'Inghilterra 15 volte
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(kÓ•p) noun
1. a hat with a peak. a chauffeur's cap.
2. a covering for the head, not with a peak. a swimming cap; a nurse's cap.
3. a cover or top (of a bottle, pen etc). Replace the cap after you've finished with the pen.
capped adjective
having a cap or covering. snow-capped mountains.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


قُبَّعَة čapka kasket Mütze κασκέτο gorra lakki casquette kapa berretto 縁なし帽子 모자 hoofddeksel skyggelue czapka boné кепка keps หมวกที่มีกระบังหน้า kep mũ lưỡi trai 帽子
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n (of a bottle) tapa; (of a needle) capuchón m; (dent) corona (esp. una del color del diente); (head covering) gorro; shower — gorro de baño; cervical — capuchón m cervical; safety — tapa de seguridad; surgical o scrub — gorro quirúrgico
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Once she gave her a little cap of red velvet, which suited her so well that she would never wear anything else; so she was always called 'Little Red- Cap.'
Then he put on her clothes, dressed himself in her cap laid himself in bed and drew the curtains.
"Certainly," answered the Queen; "but it is a great way off, for you have had it at your backs all this time." Then she noticed Dorothy's Golden Cap, and said, "Why don't you use the charm of the Cap, and call the Winged Monkeys to you?
"It is written inside the Golden Cap," replied the Queen of the Mice.
It was a warm evening, and even in the delightful drawing-room, where the fine old turf sloped from the open window towards a lilied pool and well-planted mounds, the heat was enough to make Celia in her white muslin and light curls reflect with pity on what Dodo must feel in her black dress and close cap. But this was not until some episodes with baby were over, and had left her mind at leisure.
Next, two men, one apparently a farm labourer, and the other a tailor, for he had a pair of shears in his hand, presented themselves before him, and the tailor said, "Senor governor, this labourer and I come before your worship by reason of this honest man coming to my shop yesterday (for saving everybody's presence I'm a passed tailor, God be thanked), and putting a piece of cloth into my hands and asking me, 'Senor, will there be enough in this cloth to make me a cap?' Measuring the cloth I said there would.
Turning her mother's head this way and that, she fastened on the cap and, hurriedly kissing her gray hair, ran back to the maids who were turning up the hem of her skirt.
Here he stood in full relief against the sky, when the red- cap cocked his pistol and fired.
Shimerda, wearing his rabbit-skin cap and collar, and new mittens his wife had knitted.
As for that swab, he's good and dead, he is," he added, indicating the man with the red cap. "He warn't no seaman anyhow.
The fellow was brought, cap in hand, and the other fellows closed round to look and listen, in the manner of the people at the Paris fountain.
Nine-tenths of the Heidelberg students wore no badge or uniform; the other tenth wore caps of various colors, and belonged to social organizations called "corps." There were five corps, each with a color of its own; there were white caps, blue caps, and red, yellow, and green ones.