
Also found in: Acronyms.
Related to acpt: APCT, ACPC


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ACPT is a multi-award winning Premium Grade office development recognized both locally and internationally.
In a statement to the media, ArthaLand noted that even at its construction phase, ACPT has already been a recipient of the "Best Green Development" and had also been conveyed the Best Office Architectural Design in the Philippine Property Awards.
ACPT Management currently manages the six location Advanced Care Physical Therapy practice of owner and founder Craig Reinstein.
Furthermore, ArthaLand President Jaime Gonzalez said ArthaLand Century Pacific (ACPT) is on track to achieving a Gold Standard certification from Berde.
Individual S23 showed evidence of deletion of all of KLK3, along with a long region upstream of KLK3 that included KLK15, KLK1, ACPT (acid phosphatase, testicular), and GPR32 (G protein-coupled receptor 32).
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust bosses have written to staff notifying them that Improving Access to Psychological Therapies(ACPT), a programme of community anxiety and depression services, will be decommissioned.
A group of local investors, under the name of Partners Business Group (PBG), completed the acquisition of Interstate General Properties LP, SE (IGP) for US$14.3 million, previously wholly owned by American Communities Properties Trust (ACPT), reports Caribbean Business (Dec.
It has a modulus of 92 million psi, whereas 50-55 million psi was the previous limit for commercially available carbon fibers, according to roll maker ACPT Advanced Composite Products & Technology Inc., Huntington Beach, Calif.
Molecular cloning of a novel human acid phosphatase gene (acpt) that is highly expressed in the testis.