Meanwhile, spokesperson Polyclinic Dr
Shareef Astori said that 5 dengue patients were admitted in the hospital's dengue ward.
Three residential houses were totally destroyed in the land sliding, belonged to Muhammad Maqsood s/o Muhammad
Shareef, Raj Muhammad s/o Muhammad
Shareef and Kabeer Maqsood s/o Muhammad
According to Razak's brother-in-law
Shareef, a team from Mohanlal's charity - Viswasanthi - visited their house and handed over a cheque for Rs100,000 to clear the family's immediate debts.
Razak's brother-in-law
Shareef, who works as a driver with School Transport Services for the same school, told Gulf News over phone that the team handed over a cheque of Rs100,000 to Razak's children, with an offer from Mohanlal to sponsor his two sons' education.
Shareef, a craftsman in Kenchi Amarsadhu on Ferozpur Road, has been making the knives, butcher blocks and other tools from iron for the past many years.
Local police said that one
Shareef Ullah, resident of Bateera shot dead his wife and a man named Abdur Rasheed as the assassin doubted her wife for relation with him.
Shareef Zada highlighted his thoughts and views about Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Kashmir.
Male' City's deputy mayor Shamaau
Shareef said that they are discussing to impose this ban once a month.
by Times News Service Yousuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah, Minister Responsible for Foreign Affairs (left) and the Qatari Minister of Finance H E Ali
Shareef (right)
KARACHI -- A 5 member delegation led by Minister of Gender, Family, and Social Services, Republic of Maldives Shidhatha
Shareef, visited Karachi Vocational Training Centre.
Shareef Chaudhary had established Coronary Care Unit at Civil Hospital from which several patients gets treated.
But one of the drivers of the two buses -- 32-year-old Naveed
Shareef - is himself badly injured and was still lying unconscious in the hospital's ICU.