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A town of central Switzerland near the southeast tip of Lake Lucerne. A statue marks the spot where William Tell is said to have shot an apple off his son's head.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(German ˈaltdɔrf)
(Placename) a town in central Switzerland, capital of Uri canton: setting of the William Tell legend. Pop: 8541 (2000)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



a town in and the capital of Uri, in central Switzerland, near Lucerne: legendary home of William Tell. 8600.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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In their heat, they represented Great Britain against teams from Silly (Belgium), Altdorf (Switzerland), Lahnstein (West Germany), Fontainebleau (France), Tolfa (Italy) and Zemun (Yugoslavia).
Annotated time series of an additional case at location 2 (Altdorf) supplied to classifiers with the instruction package and other material, (top) Wind speed (magenta) and direction ([degrees] from N; in gray but boldface black when from the foehn sector) at the crest station (2287 m MSL).
But principally, was not the persecution of German Jews, say by December 1938, of the same quality whether they lived in Berlin, Trier, or the Franconian village of Altdorf? If provincial locales held particular significance for Wildt, why has he not justified this?
His professional experience includes: (2010-2012) head of the Center of Excellence Therban, (Leverkusen); (2005-2010) head of technical service and plant manager of the Dormagen pilot plant at Lanxess (Dormagen); (2004) head of the Technical Application Development Rubber Industry for Rhein Chemie (Mannheim); (1996-2003) head of Material Development Rubber + Plastics Datwyler (Altdorf); (1993-1996) material development chemist, Arntz-Optibelt, Hoxter; and (1990-1993) R&D chemist, German Institute of Rubber Technology, Hannover.
The internationally operating RUAG Technology of Altdorf, Switzerland, now Impreglon Coatings AG, wanted to increase the output of their plating line in 2010.
The Datwyler story goes all the way back to 1915 when Adolf DAaAaAeAntwyl began to produce electrical conductors in Altdorf. These strong Swiss roots are still important for Datwyler, insofar as "Swissness" yields positive results in all organizations abroad.
The five lines serve routes from Nuremberg to Erlangen and Bamberg, Ansbach, Roth, Allersberg, Neumark, Altdorf and Hartmannshof.
La justice estime que la filiale egyptienne n'a pas correctement publie la participation de sa societe mere, dont le siege est a Altdorf dans le centre de la Suisse.
RUAG Coatings, which is based in Altdorf, Switzerland, has become a fully-controlled unit of Impreglon as of 1 September 2012 and now operates under the name Impreglon Coatings, the vendor said.RUAG Holding said it offloaded the unit as it was not a core operation.
He did associate with two scholars of Jewish origin, a professorat the University of Altdorf, Julius Conradus Otto, and an adventurer of Italian origin, Jacob Barnet.
1562), a convert from Judaism and a professor of Hebrew and Semitic languages at the Altdorf Academy, with whom Casaubon corresponded about kabbalistic ideas.