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Related to Achaemenid: Akkad, Persepolis, Persian Empire


 (ə-kē′mə-nĭd, -kĕm′ə-) also A·chae·me·ni·an (ăk′ə-mē′nē-ən)
Of or relating to the dynasty that ruled the Persian Empire.
A member or subject of this dynasty.

[After Achaemenes, legendary ancestor of Cyrus II, founder of the dynasty.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(əˈkiːmənɪd; əˈkɛm-)
n, pl Achaemenids, Achaemenidae (ˌækɪˈmɛnɪˌdiː) or Achaemenides (ˌækɪˈmɛnɪˌdiːz)
(Historical Terms) any member of a Persian dynasty of kings, including Cyrus the Great, that ruled from about 550 to 331 bc, when Darius III was overthrown by Alexander the Great
[from Greek, after Akhaimenēs, name of the founder]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The Social History of Achaemenid Phoenicia: Being Phoenician, Negotiating Empires.
Persia had a rich history dating back to 550 BC, when the Achaemenid Empire was founded by Cyrus the Great.
Xerxes, who ruled the Achaemenid Persian Empire from 486-465 BCE, is perhaps one of the most famous kings of antiquity.
The Jewish population predominantly moved to Persia during the Achaemenid Empire, when Cyrus the Great invaded Babylon.
The NOLA claims the "racist nature" of the Tehran regime is "basically Achaemenid", referring to the ancient Persian empire.
Ancient architectural styles include Persian and Parthian architectural style that Persian style has been established during Achaemenid government and Parthian style has been established during the Parthian government.
Dhi Qar province includes over / 1200 / archaeological site mostly to the dawn of the era of Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Achaemenid, Sassanid and the Islamic civilizations.
very important question: after the collapse of Urartu, life continued in this fortress until the epoch of the Achaemenid dynasty".
The unearthing in today's Iraq (in 1879) of a clay cylinder-shaped decree from Cyrus the Great, founder of the Achaemenid dynasty of Persia, stands in the same tradition of game-changing discoveries from antiquity as Hammurabi's famous law code or the intact tomb of the boy-king Tutankhamun.
Greek novelists and historians of the Roman Imperial period, working with source materials derived in large from, most probably, the fourth-century BCE Persica of Ctesias, Dinon, and Heraclides of Cumae recognized that bona fide royal Achaemenid women had been part of a tightly regulated court society in which their high rank was emphasized by, partly, the women's avoidance of the public gaze.
Among the topics are defining the divine in Achaemenid Persian kingship, divinity and the rule of law in Alexander the Great, royal images in medieval English law books, royalty reflected in the Chronicles of Froissart, the dynamics of Visigoth monarchy, and architecture and representations of kingship during the reign of Safavid Shah 'Abbas I (1587-1629).