A Novel for Dating DefeatistsRejection, Tony Tulathimutte’s virtuosic new short story collection, is for incels, volcels, and anyone else seeking connection in these lonely times.
Was Casual Sex Always This Bad?We know so much about consent and women’s pleasure, you’d think straight sex would be reliably satisfying. So what’s with all the unexpected choking?
I Went Looking for a Man in FinanceAre private-equity bros really having a moment? I went bar-hopping in search of blue-eyed, six-foot-five men with trust funds to ask them.
Dating Horror Stories From Our ReadersEarlier this week, the Cut published a story about how nightmarish the dating scene has become. Our readers agreed.
How to Take a NudeWith the help of experts and amateurs alike, we walk you through how to take the best nudes of your life — and protect yourself when taking them.
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