Harron Walker is an award-winning freelance journalist who has written for New York since 2016. She is the author of Aggregated Discontent, a forthcoming essay collection from Random House, and contributed to Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects, out in June from the University of Chicago Press. Recently for the Cut, she interviewed Golden Globe winner Michaela Jaé Rodriguez and trans history scholar Jules Gill-Peterson. She has also profiled authors Cecilia Gentili and Imogen Binnie for Vulture and reported on health-care access for Intelligencer.

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    Steve-O and Friends at the Brown County Music Center, Nashville, Indiana, USA - 18 Aug 2024
    Rooting for Steve-O’s Boob JobUntil I didn’t.
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    Oh, Bianca!Oh, Mary! star Bianca Leigh is living a Broadway dream four decades in the making.
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    In MaXXXine, the Muse Gets Her DueThe final installment of Ti West’s X trilogy shows Mia Goth’s fame-hungry protagonist shaking up the relationship between auteur and muse.
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    Martine’s Latest Performance? Hollywood Actor.In a meta turn, the shape-shifting artist is playing one on HBO’s Fantasmas.
  6. q&a
    Michaela Jaé Rodriguez Is a Lenny Kravitz FangirlWinning a Golden Globe hasn’t kept the Loot and AHS: Delicate actress from getting starstruck now and then.
  7. q&a
    Inventing a Trans PanicLawmakers have introduced 400 anti-trans bills already this year. Jules Gill-Peterson can tell you how we got here.
  8. las memorias de la veneno
    One Night With La VenenoA tribute show in Brooklyn retold the icon’s life story as refracted through the miniseries she inspired.
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