So, after a lengthy hiatus, what a better way to return than a piece on Pokemon Go, Niantic's new game. After what would seem a reasonable success to some, Niantic's second game is unsurprisingly far more hyped than its little brother Ingress. After an on again, off again relationship with Google, Niantic now stands alone... Continue Reading →
Jumper Card Review
So recently, I was sent the Jumper Card to review, and was really excited to get my hands on it after reading about it on Indiegogo. This is a credit card sized device, that can be used to charge your smartphone or tablet, transfer files, or do anything your existing charging cable can do. This... Continue Reading →
Slickwraps iPhone 5 ‘The Case’ So, thanks to the guys at Slickwraps I've had the opportunity to review their new 'case' for the iPhone 5. The guys over at Slickwraps have been making wraps for a barrel load of devices for quite some time to massive success, and this is their most recent wrap that incorporates a hard case as... Continue Reading →
PS4, Sony’s way back to the top ? or is the Xbox One the way to go ?
So, the PS3 wasn't exactly a flop, but Sony certainly did not win the last generation of console wars. Previously the Playstation 2 and Playstation One had a big lead over most of their competitors with the PS2 being a stable in most households. The Playstation 4 is looking to regain the console crown, and... Continue Reading →
No more games for Wii U says EA
So, as the heat of the biggest console war of the last 10 years heats up ! The flame is slowly put out on the hopes of Nintendo. The Wii U was never really built up by many gamers, but Nintendo placed a lot of hope of it saving there position in the console world,... Continue Reading →
Wireless Touch Speaker Review
The Wireless Touch Speaker by Thumbs Up is a product sold by The Great Gift Company UK. The product retails for £30, and is pretty competitively priced in the market with a great deal of competition seen online, as well as any local music stores/HMV etc. These sort of devices have came out in barrel... Continue Reading →
TDK ST700 Over-Ear Headhones review
The ST700's by TDK come in at an RRP of £129, but can be bought for cheaper than this in most places ranging from £70-90. The headphones are extremely comfortable, they grip but not too tight and the ear cups fit well over/on the ears to give some great noise cancellation. The wire is... Continue Reading →
Ubuntu Phone , a new contender or overhyped flop ?
Ubuntu, em... what ? To most people, this means nothing. But to a small percentage of like-minded computer geeks like myself ! Ubuntu, is another Operating System. Similar to Windows or Mac. Ubuntu is a Linux based OS, some people may have heard of Linux, Ubuntu is based on the Debian Linux Distrubution and like... Continue Reading →
HTC 8X, a few weeks of use !
Well ! After doing a previous piece on the 2 new HTC phones, the 8X and the 8S, I've been lucky enough to acquire an 8X!! I received a California Blue GSM model, this is probably my favourite colour scheme and looks really impressive up close. There are a range of colour schemes as I... Continue Reading →
Windows 8, a few weeks of discussion!
So, after swaying backwards and forwards for what seemed like an age. I took the plunge and upgraded my laptop to Windows 8. I am quite enjoying the new UI, but many have a completely different opinion !! What do you think of the new interface ? Is it something you love, or are going... Continue Reading →
YouVue SmartPhone Camera Lens Review
So, I've been on the market for a camera lens for my smartphone for quite some time. The lenses can range from a few pounds to much much more. The YouVue lens comes in at approximately £20 depending on where this is purchased from, and has 2 main functionalities. The first functionality is the Close... Continue Reading →
Make Your Own Movie Kits Review !!
With thanks to Paladone, I've had the opportunity to have some fun with their Make Your Own Movie Kits. The kits come in 3 variants so far, each of these shown above, and each of which I've had the chance to try out ! The link above is my efforts so far ! Be... Continue Reading →
HTC 8X and 8S , Windows Phone Preview !
So, Nokia have advertised the life out of the new Lumia range and the Windows software it will be running, but now the guys over at HTC have released some specs and pictures of their new HTC 8 range. Im not going to spend all of this article talking about Windows Phone as I've already... Continue Reading →
Plague Inc App Review !
Plague Inc is a great app available on Android and iOS. Its 69p in ITunes and is strangely free on Android so if your on on Android, your in luck ! Says me after downloading it for my iPad then releasing it was free for my GNex later that day .. The game is based... Continue Reading →
Bad Piggies !! App Review
Rovio might not be a big name to some .. but when you say Angry Birds, everybody knows what your talking about ! Angry Birds to date, has brought in a horrendous amount of money from the games, the sequels and now the abundance of products with Rovio clearly doing a 'George Lucas' .. if... Continue Reading →
Clingo Parabolic Sound Sphere Review !
Thanks to the guys at Allsop I recently received the Clingo Parabolic Sound Sphere, a weird dock-like device for your smartphone or Mp3 player. The piece of kit looks great and is shown above, it looks modern and sleek and doesn't take up too much space at home. The Sound Sphere is made up of a large sphere... Continue Reading →
iPhone 5 , is this what you have been waiting for ? Or a massive letdown?
So as expected, Apple have unveiled the new iPhone but not the iPad Mini as was widely expected! The iPhone 5 has been hyped up to its eyeballs, mostly due to the monstrous success of all of its predecessors so has pretty big boots to fill going head to head with devices like the Samsung Galaxy... Continue Reading →
Nokia Lumia 920 , are the boots of Apple & Google shaking ?
So with the annoucement of Nokias new Lumia handset, are the bosses at Google and Apple nervous ? or simply having a fly chuckle to themselves in the corner.. Well its not as much the second as many may have first thought ! The Lumia 920 is Nokias newest phone of the Lumia range, this... Continue Reading →
Laptop , PC or Tablet ? Where will we go next ?
Personally, I have a laptop, phone and tablet and used to own a desktop PC, until it became pretty antiquated with its 40GB hard drive. Most people have made the jump from a desktop to a laptop, usually stating their main reason for this as it being easier to move around and more portable etc. This,... Continue Reading →
The Cloud, bye bye hard drive !
Ok so, for quite some time now there has been a lot of chat about "The Cloud". By "The Cloud" we mean Cloud based computing and storage, but this can take many forms, some of which shown below in the image i exquisitely stole from Wikipedia. Some people practically live on the Cloud, whilst others... Continue Reading →
Great Little War Game Review ! iOS Android
Great Little War Game is a turn-based strategy game available for £0.69 on iOS and $0.99 for Android. This game was originally higher priced, but with the release of its new sibling Great Big War Game ($2.99 on both platforms) its price has been cut and is the current bargain of the minute with a... Continue Reading →
Codeacademy Beginners Insight !
As I've stated before on this Blog, I love Tech, but I am a complete Novice when it comes to developing and coding. Today I came across this website whilst having a look at some Kickstarter pages. I am a complete coding beginner, absolutely no knowledge whatsoever so this website was the exact kind... Continue Reading →
Windows 8 Phone, Next big thing ?
Apple and Android are completely dominating the Mobile market at the minute with a pretty large proportion of phones running each of their OS. Their next challenger, with the pretty imminent downfall of Blackberry is Windows in my opinion. This is backed up by figures in most parts of the world. The Nokia Lumia range... Continue Reading →
Chirp iOS App Review
Chirp is a free app on the iOS store, specifically for iPhone but can also be downloaded for iPod Touch and iPad with no real effect on the user experience. Its classed as a 'social networking' app by iTunes, but isn't your usual Twitter or Facebook, although it does include integration with both of these... Continue Reading →
Dead Trigger Review IOS Android , Is Piracy killing the industry ?
Dead Trigger is a first-person shooter for Android and iOS and has recently became Free to download! This is a free to play app, and does not require In-App-Purchases to provide you with a high quality of gaming! The game follows a character as they try to work their way through a Zombie infested city,... Continue Reading →
Wii U Preview
Ok, with the announcement having been made over a year ago.. we are slowly creeping into the release date for the Wii U, anticipated for the 4th Quarter of 2012. The Wii U is the newer version of the Wii as you might have guessed. The console will be backwards compatible with Wii games, and... Continue Reading →
Netflix , How to get USA when not in USA !! PC XBox PS3 PS Vita IOS Android
Having been a member of LoveFilm as opposed to Netflix for a while, this hasn't been an issue I've really came across, but on checking UK Netflix compared to the US, the differences are vast ! The US has a lot more choice, as well as a lot newer programmes than most other services making... Continue Reading →
Apple iOS 6 Preview ! Nemesis of Jelly Bean A lot of tech geeks have already had a sneaky peak at iOS 6 with Beta's making the rounds already! - this video gives a good look at how to get iOS 6 Beta without an Apple Dev account. With iOS being updated to full new builds less frequently than Android, the list of... Continue Reading →
Dinosaur War IOS Android Free App Review !
Dinosaur War is free on Android and IOS This game involves building up a Village, a Dinosaur army, and using each of these for domination! I play a lot of these kind of games ! Usually I get a lot of game play out of them before getting the gaps between levels getting too lengthy,... Continue Reading →
Clockwork Mod Recovery CWM Most people know that if your into flashing your Android device a decent recovery is essential. Clockworkmod is by far one of the most widely used recoveries, and with a recent update its easy to see why. A recovery, to anybody who is non technical or familiar to flashing is the program that can... Continue Reading →
Playstation , Xbox , Nintendo .. Now Ouya !!
Ohhhhh yaaaaaaaaah! No, not a Randy Savage wannabe but a new console completely ! With the introduction of the Internet and then Social media, the preverbial rumour mill is on full speed constantly, new games, new apps, new this, new that. Ouya started out and has been making the rounds mostly thought of as a... Continue Reading →
Temple Run , Original and best ?
Temple Run is a massive game across all platforms, with good visuals, adjustable settings and hours of fun, weird considering it is effectively one endless level! Temple Run is renowned as being addictive and has a ridiculous amount of downloads so it's more than expected for app makers to make similar apps hoping to jump... Continue Reading →
Where’s My Perry? Review
I want you... to play this game ! Where's My Perry? is available for Android and Apple devices and comes in at under £1 in both Itunes and the Play Store. The game is very similar to Where's My Water? thats main difference is that it involves an Alligator as its main character, compared with... Continue Reading →
Official Apple Ipad Smart Cover Review
When a new device is released the manufacturer usually goes to town on accessories for it, in attempt to make the experience for the device even better, and to obviously maximise sales as much as possible ! When the Ipad was released so was the smart cover, this is referred to as a "smart" cover... Continue Reading →
Ipod Nano 6th Gen Review
The receipt of this Ipod was a bit of a surprise to me, I've had Ipods since the first Nano, and many Apple products since including the Iphone, Ipad and Ipod Touch. Being a hoarder I dont throw many of these older products away, so when Apple recalled the original 1st Gen Nano due... Continue Reading →