CPA is a native macOS implementation of a network protocol analyzer and packet sniffer.
Supporting PCAP - the industry-standard packet capture format for reading, capturing and writing packet trace files.
Starting with version 2.0 the core of CPA is fully (re)written in Swift. The app is a universal binary and includes Intel and Apple Silicon binaries.

The lastest release version.
Requires Mac with Intel or Apple Silicon CPU, loads fine on macOS 10.14.6 or higher

Compatibility download
Requires Mac with Intel CPU, loads fine on macOS 10.6 or higher
Compatibility download
Requires Mac with Intel or PPC CPU, loads fine on macOS 10.4 or higher
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Privacy Policy CocoaPacketAnalyzer
This Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is handled by CocoaPacketAnalyzer for Mac which is available from the Apple Mac App Store and from this website.
No Personal Information is collected by using CocoaPacketAnalyzer
We do not collect, use, save, or have access to any of your personal data recorded in CocoaPacketAnalyzer for Mac.
Individual settings relating to the CocoaPacketAnalyzer app are not personal and are stored only on your Mac. You might also be asked to provide access to your file system, but this is only so you can open files in CocoaPacketAnalyzer. We don’t process that information at all and have no access to it.
CocoaPacketAnalyzer complies with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and doesn’t collect personal information from anyone, including children under the age of 13.
System Profiling
Only the CocoaPacketAnalyzer versions from this website are using an automatic update mechanism which supports optionally sending anonymous information about the user’s system when checking for updates. This information helps us to better decide what platforms and hardware to support.
Collected data
Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected]

Capture network traffic using Ethernet or Wi-Fi interfaces.

A variety of network protocol analyzers to display and filter your trace files are included.

Preview packet traces in Finder - a QuickLook extension is included just for it.

Creating analyzer plugins using the Cocoa bundles plugin technology should be straightforward.

Dark Mode
Supporting all appearance modes of macOS.

Bring your traces to paper.

Releases are notarized by Apple. Beta builds might not be.

English, German and basic Japanese localizations are included.

Filtering packets using the filter toolbar item is rewritten and utilizing tokens now. So it ties nicely in the os.
We added a Status Display! It will show all useful informations about the open trace documents.

Basic trace file information and network protocol statistics will be created by the new Data Sources Manager.
A list of recently used files will now appear in the sidebar of the Data Sources Manager.

This will be fixed starting with v.2.0.4. you can manually fix this by deleting the capture daemon and its configuration files by issuing the follwing command in terminal:
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.tastycocoabytes.cpasniffd.plist
sudo rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.tastycocoabytes.cpasniffd
sudo killall -9 com.tastycocoabytes.cpasniffd
Afterwards the install should work without the install-restart loop!
The ethernet and wifi interfaces that come with your Mac should just work fine!
Ethertypes: ARP, IP (v4/v6), PPP, PPPoED/S, 802.1Q VLAN, MPLS
Linktypes: Loopback, PPP, LinuxSLL, IEEE802.11-RadioTap
Analyzer plugIns for the following protocols are included:
IP-Protocols: IP (v4/v6), TCP, UDP, ICMP (v4/ v6), IGMP, MPLSinIP, L2TP, Mobility
PPP-Protocols: IP, LCP, IPCP (v4/v6), CCP, PAP, CHAP
PPPoE Discovery and Sessionstages
Port based protocol detection: DHCPv6, L2TP, RADIUS, ESP
Promiscuous mode can be enabled in the capture preferences. Most interfaces in Apple Computers should support it.
Monitor mode allows packets to be captured without having to associate with an access point or ad hoc network first. Monitor mode only applies to wireless networks. Not all wifi interfaces support it. It can be enabled in the capture preferences.
Monitor and promiscuous mode wont work if both are enabled.
Please download the "development kit", instructions on how to create an analyzer plugin are found in the HowTo-file. See the small "TestPlugIn" project which covers the basic settings. For additional infos feel free to contact me! Its updated for CPA 2 now!