Warranty Registration

    Welcome to the registration area of your Taga brand product!
    Fields marked with '(*)' are mandatory, registration won't be accepted if they are not correctly filled-out.

    Bike owner data


    Retailer Data

    General Info

    Aware of the legal implications that false declarations may have, I hereby declare that the information provided is truthful.
    I have read the privacy policy and I agree to the processing of personal data for purposes related to the extension of the warranty I agreeI deny
    Direct marketing by automatically sending promotional and sales communications by various means (e-mail, MMS or SMS, for instance).I agreeI deny
    Invitations to sporting or cultural events of relevance to Pinarello and its stakeholders

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    Join Waitlist We will inform you when the product arrives in stock. Just leave your valid email address below.
    Email Quantity We won't share your address with anybody else.