Organize, clean and transform your SVGs


v1.0.1 Mac OS X

We've built an online screen recording that lets you share the recording instantly –

Great when designing

With Svgsus you find the icons you're looking for. Search and drag or paste the icons to whatever software you prefer.

Use the bundled (material design) icons, or your own libraries – just add a new set.

Designer features

1min 12secs

Powerful when developing

Svgsus cleans the svg and writes the code for you. Drag, paste or import an entire set for a rapid workflow.

You get CAShapeLayers, one merged UI/NSBezierPath, Vector Drawable, Pug (Jade) or just a clean svg (😉 Sketch).

Developer features

1min 12secs

<3 feedback

We would love to hear your feedback and thoughts.


Tips & Tricks

Learn more about the neat features of svgsus in this article.


Made with Love

And passion, by friends at Department.