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←, →, ↑, ↓, right-click = move
n, double-click = set cell to n
space, del = unset a number
-n = eliminate n as a candidate
+n = add n as a candidate
shift-n = highlight candidate n
F = set cell to highlight num
U = undo last move
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[x] ||
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123 456 789

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About Sudoku Slam

Site design, code, puzzles all © 2006 AJ Shankar and Bill McCloskey.

Thanks to all the Slammers who submitted feedback to suggest new features, expose and eliminate bugs, and broaden the site's useability.

Thanks especially to the Slammers who have donated money to keep the site running. We're still in the hole but your contributions have definitely helped out.

Icons from the Tango Icon Gallery. Thanks, Tango.

JSO thanks to Shane Ng's great tool.

Favicon created by Matthew Sanchez.

If you'd like to syndicate puzzles, the solver, or have any other "meta"-questions, email us at [email protected].
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Sumo is the big dude in our logo. Sudoku Slam could also be called Sodoku Slam, or Sumo Sudoku Slam, or even Su-doku Slam. It's a great free sudoku site that lets you play sudoku online. Most importantly, we have a sudoku primer: Sudoku hints.
Use Sudoku Slam Offline

You can use Sudoku Slam offline by downloading puzzles to your computer that you can continue to play once your browser loses internet access. Enter the number of puzzles of each difficulty level to download below.


Note: In offline mode, many advanced smart hints and saving/loading puzzles will not work. Also, if you close the browser window, all downloaded puzzles will be lost!
Sudoku Slam Bookmark Creator

If your browser accepts normal cookies (most people), you do not need to do this. If your browser only allows session cookies, or no cookies at all, your preferences will not normally be saved across visits. Instead, bookmark this special link. First, set the preferences (difficulty, autofill, clock visibility, etc.) as you would like them.

Then, click on the link below to load it (note that you will exit your current puzzle!), and then bookmark it (Ctrl-D). Visit that bookmark from now on!

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Sudoku Slam makes solving Sudokus on your computer more fun than solving them on a piece of paper. For once.

There are two basic solver modes. Traditional mode resembles other Sudoku websites (albeit with snazzy features lurking in the background). Sumo mode is the mode of choice: it unleashes the full power of Sudoku Slam and makes solving harder puzzles more fun. Choose your weapon.


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