Introvert dreams

I would kill KILL to have a friend who happens to be gifted at haircutting and hair colouring. I could sit in her basement and have my hair done and we could just have quiet, introverted chats and tea. Sitting in a hairstylist's chair has become a nightmare for me. I don't look cool enough, I don't know what to say, it's an introvert's nightmare.


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Nov 26, 2024 at 1:07pm

Before you retreat to the basement may I suggest Zazou Salon in North Vancouver? They give you wine. There is a library next door so you can grab a book and the only conversation you'll have to make is, "Oh, what a long week! I'm so ready to just relax and read a little while you give me a great haircut!" Read and drink your wine. You'll look cool, trust me.

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Nov 28, 2024 at 5:52pm

I don't know if they do colouring but Anna-Lise with Hair for the People has an option when you book for "the silent treatment" where you can give a heads up that you're not a talker and just wanna chill.

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