I like hairy chicks
posted November 28th, 2024 at 5:14 AM
Can I write that? Everything on here feels so censored. It wasn't like that in the beginning of this confessional. I was there so many years ago...
posted November 28th, 2024 at 5:14 AM
Dan offers some advice on where she might find it.
You were taking photos by the Jericho pond on Sunday at 4pm and greeted me as our paths crossed....
Post a CommentI second that one
Nov 28, 2024 at 11:55am
Hair are where it's at for me, so I agree with you. They make way better lovers than most girls I've slept with who had to be shaved. The ones that shave look like a bunch of 12 year olds.
There used to be...
Nov 28, 2024 at 12:21pm
quite a few genuinely interesting, quirky, or outright fascinating posts (and replies) here, some years ago. Not meant as a judgment, but almost everything here for the past long while has been really hypernormative.
A strange thing I noticed is that these ebbs and flows between longer periods of "almost everything is mundane" to "wow, there's a lot of intriguing stuff happening" seem to radically shift from one to the other in my life in ways that are correlated to my overall state of consciousness. If I'm in a prolonged period of a relatively mundane, dull and contracted state of consciousness, the sheer amount of interesting things physically or digitally going on seems so much smaller than when in prolonged (non-hallucinatory) natural altered states. (Even in cases where the majority of my behavior stays relatively the same between the two states - and probably in ways that are at least somewhat physically measurable).
There's probably some confirmation bias and the fact that being in altered states can cause one to pay attention to and interpret things differently, but at least some of the inner state correlated changes seem to actually be overt differences in the way this tiny, localized experiential slice of the universe actually behaves. I don't know why that is, though; it'd be fascinating to test in a more rigorous way.
Nov 28, 2024 at 1:31pm
Bland, boring, complacent people can't handle things too interesting.
They flag, downvote, and write letters complaining how offensive things are. They're no fun Vancouverites.
Nov 29, 2024 at 11:30am
I'm so happy to hear that there are men out there that like natural, hairy women. This trend to be totally shaved is a product of porn and there's actually a reason we have hair, especially in the pubic region. I had sex once with a guy who shaved his pubic area and it was a huge turn off; felt like I was with an alien.
Hair today and gone tomorrow
Nov 29, 2024 at 12:18pm
but I feel to respond to OP saying: @"Everything on here feels so censored. It wasn't like that in the beginning of this confessional." I too am an old time Straight reader. Actually from the late 1960s and I am now wondering about the current censoring policy? And I confess I'm also wondering about much of this 'Confessions Forum' negative vibes down-posting. The way this Wurly World is heading into perilous times, we all need to contribute positive up-posting to increase the 'Butterfly Effect' (the Butterfly Effect philosophy, not the sci-fi movie with the title 'butterfly effect . Much luv y'all.
I find that surprising
Nov 30, 2024 at 12:15am
I am a woman and so many men demand for me to be bare down there. One dude once texted me: "Is your p$%&^@ going to be bare?" I was absolutely disgusted. At the end of the day, it's my body, you nimrod. It was almost like he was saying that if there is any other "situation" , then he will not be interested anymore. EWWW. Fastest way to discover who are the boys and who are the men in this city...
Dec 2, 2024 at 7:37am
It was better when the original people were running this and not so obsessed with ott political correctness.
Before anyone assumes I’m right-wing, nope I vote left. Leftwing people get sick of wokeness too. Like No I’m not going to tell you my gender identity as it should be fucking obvious. If other people feel the need to specify their gender identity, that’s totally fine. I’ve had trans & non-binary friends and lovers, But I didn’t spend hours on my appearance for it not to be obvious what my gender is.
This ain't a hairy scary topic
Dec 2, 2024 at 10:33am
Its one of the best recent posts on our Straight Forum. And yes! it is advisable for all to research 'the Butterfly Effect.' The philosophy by that name, not the sci-fi movie with the same name.
Dec 4, 2024 at 10:08pm
Some men shave their nether regions because they are cyclists and do not want their pubic hair pulled in their cycling shorts while on long rides.
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