SRWare Iron

Download the best browser in the world. Renowned for privacy and security. Free!
For Windows, Android, Linux and Mac.


Iron for Windows, 32 Bit

Quick Facts about Iron

Learn more about our browser


Nobody likes bloatware. We provide you a clean peace of software which only installs and does what you want.

Security and Privacy

SRWare Iron is the browser which can be totally 'quiet'! That means: Your private sphere will stay private! You only give that informations away from which you really want it.


With the Blink rendering engine and many further optimizations we can provide you one of the fastest browsing experinences in the world.

Why Iron?

Chrome thrilled with an extremely fast site rendering, a sleek design and innovative features. But it also gets critic from data protection specialists , for reasons such as creating a unique user ID or the submission of entries to Google to generate suggestions. SRWare Iron is a real alternative. The browser is based on the Chromium-source and offers the same features as Chrome - but without the critical points that the privacy concern. We could therefore create a browser with which you can now use the innovative features without worrying about your privacy.

A copy of Google Chrome includes a generated installation number which will be sent to Google after the installation and the first usage. It gets deleted when Chrome checks first time for updates.If Chrome is received as part of a promotional campaign, it may generate a unique promotion number which is sent to Google on the first run and first use of Google Chrome.
does not exist in Iron

Depending on the configuration, each time you put something in the address line,this information is sent to Google to provide suggestions.
does not exist in Iron

Alternate Error Pages
Depending on the configuration, if you have typed a false address in the adress bar, this is sent to Google and you get an error message from Google's servers.
does not exist in Iron

Error Reporting
Depending on the configuration, details about crashes or failures are sent Google's servers.
does not exist in Iron

This Chrome-function transmits information in encoded form to Google, for example, when and where Chrome has been downloaded.
does not exist in Iron

Calls depending on the configuration five seconds after launch the Google homepage opens in background
does not exist in Iron


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The Press about us

Read what others say about us


Iron: The most secure browser in the world
The Iron browser is based on the open-source project from Google Chrome. It is one of the safest browsers in the world thanks to numerous improvements. (German translated to English)


"A user-friendly Internet browser that combines the ease of use of Chrome's interface with enhanced privacy and security functions"


"SRWare Iron heavily mimics Google's Chrome browser, incorporating access to developer tools, various settings to change appearance and privacy settings, as well as the ability to add extensions. In contrast to Chrome, Iron is more privacy minded."


"Bei Iron handelt es sich um den Google-Browser ohne Google. Anwender, die Wert auf Datenschutz legen, erhalten mit Iron von Srware eine Alternative zum Original, das viele Nutzerdaten an die Firmenzentrale übermittelt."

How-To Geek

"Iron Browser is a wonderful light-weight browser that is quick and “snappy”. If you are looking for a nice browser to add to your current selection or are just wanting to find out what all the fuss is about, then Iron Browser is definitely worth giving a try."

The Windows Club

"SRWare Iron Browser is a light-weight browser and compatible all the recent Windows versions. [...] If you like what you have read so far, you can go ahead and download it. You will have a “Chrome browser” which addresses your privacy concerns!"