SPECweb2009 Release 1.20 User's Guide
Version 1.20, Last modified 2010-02-05
1.1������ Software Requirements
1.1.1����������� The SPECweb2009 kit
1.1.2����������� Additional Software Requirements:
1.2������ Hardware Requirements
2��������� Setting Up The Test Environment
2.1������ Running the SPECweb2009 installer
2.6������ Measurement Device (Power and Temperature) Setup
2.8������ Power Analyzer Setup
2.9������ Temperature Sensor Setup
3��������� Running SPECweb2009
3.1������ Test.config Parameters
3.2������ Workload Specific Config Parameters
3.3������ Starting the benchmark
3.4������ Trouble Shooting your first run
3.4.1����������� Web Server Checks
3.4.3����������� Prime Client Checks
3.5������ Collecting Statistics (optional)
3.6������ Optimizing Performance
4.1������ Appendix A - README file from SPECweb2009 client kit
4.2������ Appendix B - Wafgen README file
4.2.1����������� Invoking Wafgen:
4.2.2����������� Wafgen Overview
4.2.3����������� Storage Requirements:
4.2.4����������� Tips for Building Large Filesets:
4.3������ Appendix C - BeSim Make_Readme file
4.4������ Appendix D - Common Errors and Debugging Tips
4.5������ Appendix E - Support FAQ
4.6������ Appendix F - Installing BeSim as a FastCGI for the Apache HTTP Server
4.6.1����������� FastCGI source compilation
4.6.2����������� Apache FastCGI Web server module: mod_fastcgi
4.6.3����������� Testing the BeSim FastCGI
Test Harness consists of:
Place a copy of the provided setup.jar or setup.exe on all systems that are part of your test setup. You will need to have a JVM installed; a JDK or JRE version 1.6 or later is recommended.
To Run the Linux installer, invoke the Java installer as follows:
To run the Windows installer:
If the installation of the SPECweb2009 components fails with the following message:
Errors occurred during the installation.
-������� JVM not found
Please set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the root path of your JVM engine.
Linux: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/path_to_java
Windows: set JAVA_HOME=c:\path_to_java
General Directions:
Depending on the type
scripts you want to use choose one of the following
(included in the "besim" subdirectory of
the installation) to test
whether you're getting valid BeSim
responses.� Both Perl scripts and Linux bash scripts are
provided.� The Perl scripts require a Perl interpreter as well
as the following Perl modules: URI, HTML-Tagset,
HTML-Parser, and
libwww-perl.� The bash scripts require cURL to be
in the path.perl
# cp SPECweb_Ecommerce.Unix-PHP.config
# cp SPECweb_Support.Unix-PHP.config
# cp SPECweb_Power.Unix-PHP.config
# cp Test.Unix-PHP.config
For JSP, follow the same steps but use *Unix- JSP.config files instead . Similarly, for ASP.NET, follow the same steps using * ASPX.config files instead .
Some tips:
Configure all the test bed systems so that they can communicate with one another; make sure to update your /etc/hosts file (or equivalent). The Prime Client must be able to communicate with each Client, Besim and each Controller in the test environment. The Web server and the BeSim system must be able to communicate with each other.
Set up the analyzer/analyzers according to the instructions in the Power and Temperature�Hardware Setup Guide. Note that these measurement devices need to be set up for both the SUT System as well as the Storage as per the requirements outlined in the SPECweb2009 Run and Reporting Rules.
<PTD_home>/ptd �p 1920 -l mylogfile 8 /dev/term/a
In the example above, the power daemon is communicating with the Yokogawa WT210, a type 8 analyzer, via /dev/term/a interface and communicates with the primary client via port 1920. All messages of the power analyzer are logged in mylogfile (logging power analyzer messages is not a requirement, so the �l option may be omitted).
For further details on hardware installation, please see the Power and Temperature Hardware Setup Guide.
Please refer to�Section 2 of the SPECweb2009 Run and Reporting Rules for the requirement of power measurement and consult the manufacturer's documentation for instructions that are specific to the exact analyzer used.�� Once you have correctly associated the device number with the corresponding integer values that apply to those devices,�follow�the steps listed below:
Please refer to�Section 2 of the SPECweb2009 Run and Reporting Rules for the requirement of temperature measurement and consult the manufacturer's documentation for instructions that are specific to the exact sensor used.�� Then follow�the steps listed below:
Once the Web server, clients, controllers, and BeSim system have been configured and networked, the next step is to try running a test strobe for one of the workloads.�
To start with a short test, edit the Test.config and the workload specific config files.
In the Test.config, verify that the
following parameters are appropriately defined:
are another three parameters that must be
set. Please refer to SPECweb2009 run rule document for detailed
description. The following table summarizes the minimum values
required for a valid run.
Name |
Value (regular) |
Value (power) |
Comment |
300 |
300 |
minimum value |
180 |
180 |
minimum value |
180 |
180 |
minimum value |
Verify the workload specific config file (SPECweb_Banking.config or SPECweb_Ecommerce.config or SPECweb_Support.config or SPECweb_Power.config) to make sure that the following parameters are defined appropriately.� The list below shows the required values for a conforming run of the benchmark. In order to get a conforming run, parameters that are in the "Do not modify" section of the config file should not be modified. However, the user may want to use shorter intervals in order to test the working of the harness and get some initial test runs done before embarking on a mission to get a conforming run.
For each power analyzer device i, the �parameter PTD_AMP_RANGE[i] specifies the ampere range. Appropriate ranges ensure that SPECweb2009 requirements concerning power measurement uncertainty are met. Ranges can be specified with numerical ampere values as in the following examples. These values represent upper bounds of the ranges. Alternatively, the string auto can be specified, which sets the device to automatic range detection mode. This mode is discouraged, however, as the automatic adjustments may occur unsynchronized with the measurement intervals. As shown in the following examples, workloads Banking, Ecommerce and Support require a single range value, while Power requires a concatenation of six values. If the parameter is not specified, the benchmark will run without changing the range status of the device.
PTD_AMP_RANGE[i]=2 - Amp range
setting of power
(where each number separated by a "^"
represents the range to use for the load level. Since the Power
workload uses 6 different levels, a compliant run will use six
different values separated by "^".� For all the other
workloads PTD_AMP_RANGE only requires a single number as
A few
additional parameters have to be set as
well. The following table summarizes how to set their values for a
valid run. Changing the values of parameters with fixed values will
not only invalidate your run, but may
also cause errors during the run.
Name |
Value (regular) |
Value (power) |
Comment |
3 |
1 |
fixed value |
NA |
6 |
fixed value (not defined for reg. runs.) |
300 |
- |
fixed value (not used for power) |
300 |
- |
fixed value (not used for power) |
1800 |
600 |
fixed value |
- |
120 |
min. value (not used for regular runs) |
NA |
60 |
fixed value (not defined for reg. runs.) |
Next, test the setup using the commands below.�
You may want to use 2 windows or redirect the output of the two Java commands to files or create a script to run the harness and to save the output:
test has completed check the redirected output and the contents of
the results. Please check whether there are power measurements in
the output of the primary client as well.
Note: you may wish to set other Java parameters besides the heap
parameters to optimize the
specwebclient processes as you increase the test load.�
Check the documentation for your JVM.
Did that test work?
Yes? Great, so did these instructions "work" or were there missing details or do you have additional questions that you are now writing up to send to mailto:[email protected]?
No? Well, there should be enough information in the debug output to start debugging. Please send any corrections or requests for clarification to these instructions to the email address above.� Continue reading and reviewing the Web server,�BeSim, and Client Checks below, along with the related README files for the various components in the attached appendixes, particularly Appendix D for common errors and Appendix E for the Support FAQ.
Now, that the basic settings are functional, you can try tests that use more Sessions and adding more clients.
The prime client has the ability to poll clients for data at specified intervals during a run and display it as CSV or in a GUI.� Data is collected and displayed only during the warm-up and benchmark run phases.� The following configuration parameters in Test.config control the collection and display of this information:
Once the SPECweb2009 benchmark is running the workload(s) without errors, you will want to optimize your testbed for optimal performance.� Here are some tips:
Here are the basics for setting up SPECweb2009 Clients:
� First, you should at minimum have version 1.6.0 of the java jdk and/or jre installed on the client machines running this code to take
advantage of garbage collection optimizations in the more recent jvms.
� Next, there are six different .config files used for SPECweb2009. There is a SPECweb_<workload>.config for each of the four
workloads (Banking, Ecommerce, Power and Support) that contain both configurable and fixed parameters specific to the workload.
Additionally, Test.config contains parameters that are common to all workloads and includes configurable and fixed parameters.
� Lastly, Testbed.config contains the testbed hardware/software configuration properties.
Note that Test.config and the workload-specific configuration files mentioned above do not exist in a new installation. Instead,
example workload and Test configuration files are provided, and you will need to copy the sample file most suited to your environment.
� cp Test.Unix-PHP.config Test.config
� cp SPECweb_Banking.Unix-PHP.config SPECweb_Banking.config
� cp SPECweb_Ecommerce.Unix-PHP.config SPECweb_Ecommerce.config
� cp SPECweb_Support.Unix-PHP.config SPECweb_Support.config
� cp SPECweb_Power.Unix-PHP.config SPECweb_Power.config
"specwebclient" is the SPECweb2009 client load generator. On each client machine, after editing the .config files
to match your test environment, you need to start this process on all client machines. From the directory where
specwebclient.jar is installed, and at a command prompt type:
� java -jar specwebclient.jar
Starting "specwebclient" with tuned heap sizes and garbage collection parameters is also recommended. Specifically, for v1.6
of the jdk on a multi-processor client, using parallel and CMS garbage collection is strongly recommended. The flag for
ForceTimeHighResolution is highly recommended, particularly while running the client on multi-core platforms.
java -cp c:/program files/specweb2009 -Xms500m -Xmx500m -XX:+ForceTimeHighResolution -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC �jar c:/program files/specweb2009/specwebclient.jar
The usage for specwebclient is:
java -jar specwebclient.jar -h
Usage: java -jar specwebclient.jar [-v] [-p port] [-n hostname] [-s servername] [-le errorlogfilename] [-lo stdoutlogfilename]
Command line flags::
-v Print version string and exit
-p <port> Override default port number
(allows multiple instances on same machine)
-n <hostname> Override hostname (use Alias)
-s <servername> Overrides WEB_SERVER
-le <errorlogfilename> redirects error messages
-lo <stdoutlogfilename> redirects other logging messages
"specweb" is the SPECweb2009 test manager and is run on the Prime Client. It is started after all the "specwebclient" processes have been started.
Starting specweb should begin the test. The "specweb" process exits at the end of the test, and the "specwebclient" process can be configured to
terminate as well (see Test.config). To start the "specweb" process, from the directory where specweb.jar is installed, at a command prompt type:
java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -cp .;lib\jcommon-1.0.15.jar;lib\jfreechart-1.0.12.jar;bin\specweb.jar specweb
java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -cp .:lib/jcommon-1.0.15.jar:lib/jfreechart-1.0.12.jar:bin/specweb.jar specweb
The usage for specweb is:
java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -cp .;lib\jcommon-1.0.15.jar;lib\jfreechart-1.0.12.jar;bin\specweb.jar specweb -h
java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -cp .:lib/jcommon-1.0.15.jar:lib/jfreechart-1.0.12.jar:bin/specweb.jar specweb �h
java -jar specweb.jar [-C] [-v] [-w workloadname] [-le errorlogfilename][-lo stdoutlogfilename]
Command line flags:
-h Print this message and exit
-v Print version string and exit
-C Overrides any non-compliant settings in the .config files with the default compliant values
-w Overides the TEST_TYPE in the config file (SPECweb_Banking, SPECweb_Ecommerce, SPECweb_Support, SPECweb_Power)
-le <errorlogfilename> redirects error messages
-lo <stdoutlogfilename> redirects other logging messages
"reporter" is the SPECweb2009 report generator and is invoked by "specweb" at the end of a test to produce .TXT and .HTML reports. It can also be invoked
to create a merged .raw file from results from running the 4 workloads on a given testbed for a submission to SPEC; as well as generating combined .TXT and .HTML
report files.
Here is the usage for the reporter:
java -jar bin/reporter.jar -h
SPECweb2009 Reporter 1.20
Copyright (c) 2009 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Command line flags:
-h Print this message and exit
-v Print version string and exit
-c Combine 4 separate workload files into one submittable .raw file
-R Regenerate HTML and ASCII reports from combined rawfile
Example Reporter Usage:
Regenerate reports from a single raw file:
java -jar reporter.jar results\SPECweb_Support.20090323-102204.raw
Combine four compliant workload raw files into one submittable raw file:
java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -cp .;lib/jcommon-1.0.15.jar;lib/jfreechart-1.0.12.jar;bin/reporter.jar reporter -c bank.raw ecom.raw support.raw power.raw submit.raw
Note that raw file of SPECweb_Power run (like the power.raw of the example) must be the last raw input file when combining the 4 workload raw files.
Regenerate reports from a previously combined raw file:
java -jar bin/reporter.jar -R submit.raw
� Wafgen.sh <workload_specific>.rc
� Wafgen.bat <workload_specific>.rc
or alternately:
� java -Xms384m -Xmx384m -jar Wafgen.jar <workload>.rc
� java -Xms384m -Xmx384m -classpath Wafgen.jar org.spec.wafgen.Wafgen <workload>.rc
Wafgen is used to create the file sets used by SPECweb2009. Each workload has a "fixed" and a "scaling" file set.
The fixed file set includes a set of static elements that are commonly referenced by the pages that make up a given workload.
The scaling file set includes a set of directories each containing additional static elements for the workload.
The number of directories created(or referenced by a test) is calculated by:
The total amount of storage required for a benchmark is also be dependent on the total number of directories in the scaling file set and the size of the
contents of each directory (see Storage Requirement below). Since the total
number of directories needed could exceed system limits for the number of files per directory (usually ~32,000),
an additional level of subdirectories can be added using the SUBDIR* parameters.
By default, banking and ecommerce use SUBDIR's. The scaling directories are round-robined across the specified number of subdirectories.
This kit contains the resource files (.rc) for each workload that are used as input to Wafgen.
There is a set tailored for both Windows and Unix/Linux in the windows and unix subdirectories.
To use these files copy the appropriate set into the upper directory and edit them as needed to match your test environment.
For conforming results - ONLY parameters listed under Section A of the .rc file may be modified.
Double check all section A parameters, especially:
� DOCROOT (if not set will default to current directory)
� BASEDIRNAME (see examples in <workload_specific>.rc files)
� BASESUBDIRNAME (if applicable)
� SIMULTANEOUS_SESSIONS (may be larger than the corresponding value in
� value in SPECweb_<workload>.config)
Also verify that the SPECweb_<workload>.config file parameters in the test harness on the Prime Client are in agreement.
The .rc files for fixed file sets include:
� bank_image_props.rc
� ecommerce_image_props.rc
� support_image_props.rc
The .rc files for scaling file sets include:
� bank_usercheck_props.rc
� ecommerce_productline_props.rc
� support_downloads_props.rc
The .rc files are annotated to provide additional guidance.
Reminder: Altering .rc file parameters listed in section B will result
in non-conforming tests, so only modify parameters in section A.
Since the benchmark requires that the System Under Test (SUT) has the same set of hardware components
that could contain the max file set among all four workloads, it is important to understand the storage requirement
for each workload. Below are the data and formulas to help estimate storage requirements for SPECweb2009.
The fixed file set created by bank_image_props.rc includes:
� bank/images - 44 files; Average size: 3570 bytes; Total size: 157096 bytes
� bank/dynamic_padding - 15 files; Average size: 21800 bytes; Total size: 327000 bytes
The scaling file set created by bank_usercheck_props.rc creates a number of user0000nnnnnn directories based on the SIMULTANEOUS_SESSIONS value.
Each bank/images/{subdir00mm}/user0000nnnnnn contains - 20 files; Average size: 10431 bytes; Total size: 208625 bytes
To estimate the storage requirement for the user check directories use
the following formula:
For Conforming results, CLIENT_SESSION_USER_IDS (alias for DIRSCALING) must be 50.
((1000 SIMULTANEOUS_SESSIONS * 50 CLIENT_SESSION_USER_IDS) * 208625) = 10,431,250,000 bytes
The fixed file set created by ecommerce_image_props.rc includes:
� ecommerce/images - 172 files; Average size: 2032 bytes; Total size: 349557 bytes
� ecommerce/dynamic_padding - 11 files; Average size: 73000 bytes; Total size: 803000 bytes
The scaling file set created by ecommerce_productline_props.rc creates a number of productline0000nnnnnn directories based on the SIMULTANEOUS_SESSIONS value.
Each ecommerce/images/{subdir00mm}/productline0000nnnnnn contains - 30 files; Average size: 18816 bytes; Total size: 564495 bytes
To estimate the storage requirement for the product line directories use the following formula:
For Conforming results, DIRSCALING must be 5.
((1000 SIMULTANEOUS_SESSIONS * 5 DIRSCALING) * 564495) = 2,822,475,000 bytes
The fixed file set created by support_image_props.rc includes:
� support/images - 31 files; Average size: 728 bytes; Total size: 22580 bytes
o Warning: this file set contains several very small files (30 bytes) so the
path name must not be longer than 14 characters.
So, "support/images" is OK but "supporting/image" is NOT.
� support/dynamic_padding - 6 files; Average size: 59616 bytes; Total size: 357700 bytes
The scaling file set created by support_downloads_props.rc creates a number of user0000nnnnnn directories based on the SIMULTANEOUS_SESSIONS value.
Each support/downloads/{subdir00mm}/dir0000nnnnnn contains - 16 files; Average size: 4279501 bytes; Total size: 68472021 bytes
To estimate the storage requirement for the download directories use the following formula:
For Conforming results, DIRSCALING must be 0.25.
((1000 SIMULTANEOUS_SESSIONS * .25 DIRSCALING) * 68472021) = 17,118,005,250 bytes
Note: The heap parameters used for Wafgen are required to support the large files in the scaling file set for Support workload.
To increase the size of an existing file set to support a larger number of Simultaneous Sessions than used initially, the steps are:
� Edit the <workload>.rc file for the scaling fileset create previously
and change these parameters:
o SIMULTANEOUS_SESSIONS=<new higher value>
o FIRSTDIRECTORY=<1+highest directory number previously create>
Originally a support_downloads_props.rc file used:
When a file set to support 2000 Simultaneous Sessions is needed, change:
Then run:
� Wafgen <updated_workload>.rc
To run several Wafgen's in parallel to create a large file_set, copies of I the <workload>.rc file can be for each parallel
wafgen to be run and make the changes to the SIMULTANEOUS_SESSIONS and FIRSTDIRECTORY directories.
To calculate the correct values for FIRSTDIRECTORY in each copy use the formula:
(or for banking the DIRSCALING alias CLIENT_SESSION_USER_IDS is used).
Use the directory scaling formula for the workload (shown above) to calculate the correct values for FIRSTDIRECTORY in each copy.
� For example, to create a support downloads file set for a total of
4000 Simultaneous Sessions:
Then run 4 parallel wafgens:
Wafgen support_downloads_props.rc_1 &
Wafgen support_downloads_props.rc_2 &
Wafgen support_downloads_props.rc_3 &
Wafgen support_downloads_props.rc_4 &
(Note: depending on the number of CPUs and the I/O subsystem being used
this sequence may not take significantly less time than just running a
single Wafgen for the whole file set.)
To convert from a file set that was recreated without using *SUBDIR* parameters or to add additional subdirectories, the original
file set will need to be re-created from scratch. The <workload>.rc file will need to be edited to configure these parameters.
The parameters are preceded by the comment string "#subdirs#" if use of SUBDIRS is not the default (i.e Support).
Multiple disks or mount points may be used to hold subsets of a workload's file sets, for example: /<docroot>/bank may
have the images directory as as separate mount point or /<docroot>/bank/images may have separate mount points for
each of 10 subdirectories (subdir0001 thru subdir0010).
The path names have been standardized in the wafgen <workload>.rc files and the SPECweb_<workload>.config
files in the harness, so that in the DOCROOT there would be these directories:
� bank/images
� bank/dynamic_padding
� ecommerce/images
� ecommerce/dynamic_padding
� support/images
� support/dynamic_padding
� support/downloads
While it is possible to change these names in the .rc and .config files with due care (and making sure not to exceed
path length limits for some very small files); it is recommended that users retain this naming to avoid errors due to
typos and to simplify debugging.
Note: Using parallel wafgens to create the datasets may impact the performance. �
How to Build BESIM:
o Type: uname -s to get name of the operating system (i.e. HP-UX)
o In the Makefiles directory use one of the MakeIncl.<type>.<OS> files as
a template for your MakeIncl.<type>.<your_OS> and update to match you environment.
o To Build Fast-cgi version of BESIM: make fcgi
o To Build NSAPI version of BESIM: make nsapi
o To Build Zeus ISAPI version of BESIM: make zisapi
o To Build ISAPI version of BESIM: make isapi
Optionally you can specify other make targets by adding TARGET='list of targets'
For example:
� make zisapi TARGET='clean'
� make nsapi TARGET='clean all install'
The install target will use the path specified by DEST to install the besim executable or library, so it should be set to the appropriate place on your
Besim webserver directory tree (i.e. /www/fast-cgi). If you plan to use Fast-cgi you must build and install the Fast-CGI development kit
which provides the fast-cgi library and include files before build BESIM.
If using Apache for the BESIM webserver, that will need to include mod_fastcgi.
See: http://www.fastcgi.com/
Note: Please send any new or updated MakeIncl.* files you want included in a
future release to web2009support(at)spec.org.
Project files are included as an example: BeSim.def, BeSim.dsp, BeSim.dsw
������� By default the DEBUG parameter is set
to 1 in Test.config, if�a
validation error occurs this value is sufficient to print out the
ERROR message related to the invalid response.� The invalid
response is also printed out and that is followed by a printout
the Request that produced the invalid response.� Reading the
returned HTML response and the associated HTTP Request
is key to debugging problems.
������� Status 404 (file not found) errors
usually mean that there is a path problem either in the .config files on
on the associated
Web server.� In some cases it may
indicate that not a large enough file set was created by Wafgen.
� ������� Errors Returned by BeSim are found in the body of the returned HTML
NOTE: For the latest version of this document, please visit http://www.spec.org/web2009/docs/supportfaq.html.
There are two pieces necessary to get BeSim for FastCGI working properly under Apache:
1. �������������� Compiling the FastCGI source code and BeSim
2. �������������� Compiling/configuring mod_fastcgi, an Apache module to invoke FastCGI for specific directories
1. ���� Compile the FastCGI source code.� The source tree is uded on a BeSim (or full) installation of SPECweb2009. Here are steps to compile it:
cd <path_to_SPECweb2009>/besim/fcgi-2.4.0/
./configure --libdir=/lib
make install
NOTE: --libdir=/libwas added above due to the default FastCGI Makefile installing libraries to /usr/local/lib, which is not a default library path on Linux and could cause this error upon execution of the FastCGI:
besim_fcgi.fcgi: error while loading shared libraries: libfcgi.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
NOTE #2: For x86_64 versions of Fedora Core 3 and 4, it was observed that --libdir=/lib64 should be specified instead of /lib.
2. ��� Create a directory for the BeSim FastCGI within your web server directory hierarchy (but preferably outside the document root).� Here are some recommended locations for different setups:
SuSE: /srv/www/fcgi-bin
Hat: /var/www/fcgi-bin
Apache 2.x
from source:
3. ��� Compile BeSim as a FastCGI (replace /var/www/fcgi-bin/ with the directory created in the previous step):
make fcgi TARGET='clean all install' DEST=/var/www/fcgi-bin/
4. �� This should create besim_fcgi.fcgi and install it into DEST.� If not, check the make output for errors.
These instructions show how to compile the FastCGI web server module for Apache (mod_fastcgi). For other web servers, please refer to their documentation to see whether FastCGI support is available.
NOTE for SuSE: SUSE Linux (8.1 and above) ships with a precompiled mod_fastcgi for Apache 2.x.� To check if it is installed, do a`rpm -q apache2-mod_fastcgi`.If it's not, install this package from the CDs (see your OS documentation for more instructions).� If this package is installed, you can skip the rest of this section.
NOTE for Red Hat: If using the httpd package that ships with the distribution, the httpd-devel RPM must also be installed, as it contains the necessary utilities and headers to compile Apache modules.� To check, do a rpm -q httpd-devel.
Download the latest mod_fastcgi tarball from http://www.fastcgi.com/dist/
follow the directions in the INSTALL document (INSTALL.AP2 for
Apache 2.x).
INSTALL.AP2 states, unless you are compiling from source,�you
will need to modify top_dir in your
make command.� For example, Red Hat users should use the
following 'make install' command:
������ make top_dir=/usr/lib/httpd install
You should now have a mod_fastcgi.so in your Apache modules directory:
Red Hat:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 161408 Sep 16 13:47 /usr/lib/httpd/modules/mod_fastcgi.so
Compiled from source:
# ls -l /usr/local/apache2/modules/mod_fastcgi.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 156434 Sep 21 10:03 /usr/local/apache2/modules/mod_fastcgi.so
Create a directory for FastCGI to store Unix socket files, and change the permissions so the Web server can have full access to it:
������ Red Hat:
# mkdir -p
# chmod 777 /etc/httpd/fastcgi
������ Apache 2.x from source:
# mkdir -p
# chmod 777
Add support for handling FastCGIs by making the following changes to httpd.conf (for Red Hat, this is in /etc/httpd/conf/):
1. ���� Add this line in the "Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support" section:
� ������� LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/mod_fastcgi.so
2. ���� Add the following lines just after theScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ line:
/fcgi-bin/ "/var/www/fcgi-bin/"
#<fcgi-bin directory from Section 1,
Step 2>
FastCgiIpcDir /etc/httpd/fastcgi # <FastCGI
directory from previous
NOTE: Replace /var/www and /etc/httpd with /usr/local/apache2 if compiling from source.
3. ���� Add the following section, preferably after the<Directory "<CGIDIR>/cgi-bin"> section:
<Directory "<CGIDIR>/fcgi-bin">
# <fcgi-bin directory from Section
1, Step
��� AllowOverride
��� Options +ExecCGI
��� SetHandler fastcgi-script
��� Order allow,deny
��� Allow from all
fastcgi-script fcgi
1. ����� Start (or restart) your web server.
2.����At the console, monitor your Apache error log to view any errors or warnings during FCGI execution, i.e.
# tail -f <APACHE_ROOT>/logs/error_log
3. ����� You should initially see some FastCGI initialization messages such as:
[Wed Sep 21 10:36:39 2009] [notice] FastCGI: process manager initialized (pid 25700)
����� Test
the BeSim
FastCGI, using the scripts in the subdirectory of the
SPECweb2009 installation.� See BeSim Setup for examples.
See BeSimsections above for additional information.
The SPECweb2009 benchmark utilizes the JFreeChart library, which is licensed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Source code and a copy of the license are included with the benchmark kit.
Copyright � 2010 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation.� All rights reserved.
Java� is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems.