SMACNA is renowned for its leadership in developing technical standards that set the benchmark for the HVAC and sheet metal industry. Our comprehensive standards are designed to assist contractors, designers and code officials in cost effective options, anticipate technical requirements, and enhance productivity and efficiency across all aspects of their projects.
The technical standards and manuals developed by SMACNA contractors are globally recognized and accepted within the construction community. Accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), SMACNA is a trusted authority in establishing and setting the industry standards.
Our standards and manuals cover every facet of the sheet metal industry, from duct construction and installation to specialized areas such as testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB), indoor air quality (IAQ), air pollution control, energy recovery, and roofing. These resources empower contractors with the knowledge and tools needed to meet the evolving demands of the industry while ensuring safety, quality, and performance.
Contains guidelines for inspection of commercial HVAC duct systems for compliance with SMACNA/ANSI HVAC Duct Construction Standards, Metal and Flexible, (3rd edition) and Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standard (7th edition).
The TAB Procedural Guide is intended for trained TAB technicians to assure that the appropriate procedures are employed in an effective manner.
This new version has been extensively updated from the 1993 version and includes all of the many changes that have taken place in the HVAC industry.
The Bubble Video—so called because it uses helium-filled bubbles to visually illustrate airflow through a duct system that is fitted with a clear plastic side—has been revised in modern digital video format.