Starting from standard install and various "Debian internal" for mass-installation system, the talk goes on to describe generic "instant system generation" which shortens turnaround time from 10s of minutes to seconds. All based on Debian.
Prepared for kickstart meetup of FukuokaDebian.
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Infinite Debian - Platform for mass-producing system every second
24. debconf configuration
tzdata tzdata/Zones/Etc select UTC
# Generate a new configuration file for OpenSSH?
openssh-server ssh/new_config boolean true
# New certificates to activate:
# Choices:
ca-certificates ca-certificates/new_crts multiselect
# for internal use
x11-common x11-common/xwrapper/actual_allowed_users
string console
# Do you want to risk killing active SSH sessions?
openssh-server ssh/use_old_init_script boolean true
25. using debconf, harder
debconf DB へのインポート
debconf-set-selections < config
debconf DB へのアクセス
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
db_get mypackage/param
db_set mypackage/param "value"
db_input 'foo/bar' || true
API は sh/confmodule(3) と perl/Debconf::Client::ConfModule(3)
ただし激しく undocumented なので /var/lib/dpkg/info/ 見ると
もっと参考にはよい( mysql-server のが勉強になった)。