30. G I F (tm) Graphics Interchange Format (tm) A standard defining a mechanism for the storage and transmission of raster-based graphics information June 15, 1987 (c) CompuServe Incorporated, 1987 All rights reserved http://members.aol.com/royalef/gif87a.txt
31. GIF87a 仕様書 bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Byte # +---------------+ | | 1 +-Screen Width -+ Raster width in pixels (LSB first) | | 2 +---------------+ | | 3 +-Screen Height-+ Raster height in pixels (LSB first) | | 4 +-+-----+-+-----+ M = 1, Global color map follows Descriptor |M| cr |0|pixel| 5 cr+1 = # bits of color resolution +-+-----+-+-----+ pixel+1 = # bits/pixel in image | background | 6 background=Color index of screen background +---------------+ (color is defined from the Global color |0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0| 7 map or default map if none specified) +---------------+