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MongoDB E-Commerce
Case Study: Totsy
Mitch Pirtle
MongoChicago - October 20, 2010
Chicago, IL
About this session
About the speaker
New Yorker
Contributor to many FOSS projects (Joomla! founder)
Budding author
  MongoDB for Web Development
  Extreme Joomla! Performance
High-traffic projects (Jetsetter, MTV, Food Networks)
Husband, dad, skate punk, metalcore bassist, coach
Mongodb and Totsy - E-commerce Case Study
About the team
What is MongoDB?
What is MongoDB?

Document database
What is MongoDB?

Document database
Wicked fast speed
What is MongoDB?

Document database
Wicked fast speed
Great for scale
What is MongoDB?

Document database
Wicked fast speed
Great for scale
Low administration requirements
What is MongoDB?

Document database
Wicked fast speed
Great for scale
Low administration requirements
Encourages simple code, fewer bugs
Private sale website catering to parents with
small kids
What is Totsy?
Launched last year
Relies heavily on
organic growth
Stampede traffic
patterns - high peaks,
deep valleys
Leading player in their
market segment
The challenge
Get out of initial outsourced platform
  Didn’t scale
  Didn’t perform
  Didn’t work
  Brittle, difficult to manage or enhance
  Essentially a case study on how not to use RoR,
  PostgreSQL and Heroku
The Original Plan™

Use Joomla! as an application container
Use MongoDB for all non-Joomla! data
Build custom Joomla! extensions, all using MongoDB
“Oh yeah, we’re probably
dead in a couple weeks
without the new
platform.” :-)
Hey, wait a minute.
How about a framework?
One layer lower, with much less overhead, and
only using what we wanted and nothing more...
The New Plan™
The New Plan™

Primary need was speed and scale, of which the
previous effort was an #epicfail
The New Plan™

Primary need was speed and scale, of which the
previous effort was an #epicfail
Tap into existing personal network of PHP talent
The New Plan™

Primary need was speed and scale, of which the
previous effort was an #epicfail
Tap into existing personal network of PHP talent
Leverage relationship with MongoDB and Lithium
The New Plan™

Primary need was speed and scale, of which the
previous effort was an #epicfail
Tap into existing personal network of PHP talent
Leverage relationship with MongoDB and Lithium
Fully showcase MongoDB, and finally have a site with
no relational engines needed
Yippy skippy.
Yes, I really said that.
Mongodb and Totsy - E-commerce Case Study
Mongodb and Totsy - E-commerce Case Study
What was expected
What was expected

Rapid development
What was expected

Rapid development
Fast execution of code
What was expected

Rapid development
Fast execution of code
Spartan hosting requirements
The Result
The Result

Extremely rapid development
The Result

Extremely rapid development
Extremely speed
The Result

Extremely rapid development
Extremely speed
Extremely minimal hosting requirements
The Result

Extremely rapid development
Extremely speed
Extremely minimal hosting requirements
K.I.S.S. and all the goodness that entails
Mongodb and Totsy - E-commerce Case Study
Development profile
Development profile

Small team: 1 designer, 1 front end developer, 2
engineers and 1 contract engineer
Development profile

Small team: 1 designer, 1 front end developer, 2
engineers and 1 contract engineer
Three months active development
Development profile

Small team: 1 designer, 1 front end developer, 2
engineers and 1 contract engineer
Three months active development
Redmine + Git for project management + version
Development profile

Small team: 1 designer, 1 front end developer, 2
engineers and 1 contract engineer
Three months active development
Redmine + Git for project management + version
Local, Development, Test, Production environments
Stack profile
Stack profile
 PHP: fast execution, quick prototyping
Stack profile
 PHP: fast execution, quick prototyping
 Lithium: PHP 5.3+ RAD framework
Stack profile
 PHP: fast execution, quick prototyping
 Lithium: PHP 5.3+ RAD framework
 MongoDB: whack-daddy database from tomorrow
Stack profile
 PHP: fast execution, quick prototyping
 Lithium: PHP 5.3+ RAD framework
 MongoDB: whack-daddy database from tomorrow
 LightTPD: fcgi lightweight webserver
Stack profile
 PHP: fast execution, quick prototyping
 Lithium: PHP 5.3+ RAD framework
 MongoDB: whack-daddy database from tomorrow
 LightTPD: fcgi lightweight webserver
 Xcache: PHP opcode cache
Stack profile
 PHP: fast execution, quick prototyping
 Lithium: PHP 5.3+ RAD framework
 MongoDB: whack-daddy database from tomorrow
 LightTPD: fcgi lightweight webserver
 Xcache: PHP opcode cache
 Linux: defacto standard operating system in
Atomic Operations with
Your relational data

 Whoah Nelly!
 Good reason for a DBA
 Many foreign keys
 Need for triggers,
 stored procedures,
With a side of MongoDB

Simple to manage
Simple to access
Little or no need for
foreign constraints
What MongoDB did for me.
What MongoDB did for me.

Encouraged extremely simple data model, producing
tighter, faster, bug-free code.
What MongoDB did for me.

Eliminated the need for cache.
Really. No kidding.
What MongoDB did for me.

Used GridFS for all file storage. Lithium happily
provided a media adapter allowing us to create a
GridFS plugin to transparently store files in the
What MongoDB did for me.

Removed worries about a complicated hosting
What MongoDB did for me.

Bought us a ton of time to carefully deliberate next
steps, and come out of permanent crisis mode
What MongoDB did for me.

Allowed us to commit every possible crime required for
survival in a frantic, frenetic startup environment
Crimes? What crimes?
My shameful story
My shameful story

code code code commit code pray commit code code
My shameful story

code code code commit code pray commit code code
Models had no schema defined
My shameful story

code code code commit code pray commit code code
Models had no schema defined
No time for optimization or performance testing
My shameful story

code code code commit code pray commit code code
Models had no schema defined
No time for optimization or performance testing
Not a single line of code was run through a harness
Mongodb and Totsy - E-commerce Case Study
So what is Lithium?
Lithium PHP framework

Projects demonstrating MongoDB support:
Why Lithium?
Why Lithium?

Leverages the latest and greatest features and
practices found in PHP 5.3+
Why Lithium?

Leverages the latest and greatest features and
practices found in PHP 5.3+
Extremely modular, everything in Lithium is a plugin
Why Lithium?

Leverages the latest and greatest features and
practices found in PHP 5.3+
Extremely modular, everything in Lithium is a plugin
Native hooks into MongoDB and other non-relational
Why Lithium?

Leverages the latest and greatest features and
practices found in PHP 5.3+
Extremely modular, everything in Lithium is a plugin
Native hooks into MongoDB and other non-relational
Simple hooks for additional customization (GridFS...)
Why Lithium?
Why Lithium?

Promiscuously opinionated framework
Why Lithium?

Promiscuously opinionated framework
Test harness provided
Why Lithium?

Promiscuously opinionated framework
Test harness provided
Simplified prototyping
Why Lithium?

Promiscuously opinionated framework
Test harness provided
Simplified prototyping
li3_docs - Dynamic code documentation
Why Lithium?

Promiscuously opinionated framework
Test harness provided
Simplified prototyping
li3_docs - Dynamic code documentation
Many other helpful plugins available and growing
What kind of speed?
What kind of speed?

One evening right when a bunch of major sales
launched, I saw 1,700+ operations per second on the
MongoDB master server.
What kind of speed?

One evening right when a bunch of major sales
launched, I saw 1,700+ operations per second on the
MongoDB master server.
This server had a load of 0.68.
What kind of speed?

One evening right when a bunch of major sales
launched, I saw 1,700+ operations per second on the
MongoDB master server.
This server had a load of 0.68.
This translates to 17% capacity on a four core
What kind of scale?
What kind of scale?

We’re using multiple servers for redundancy only.
What kind of scale?

We’re using multiple servers for redundancy only.
When we need to add servers, the effort will be greatly
simplified by having sharding already provided.
What kind of scale?

We’re using multiple servers for redundancy only.
When we need to add servers, the effort will be greatly
simplified by having sharding already provided.
Probably could have launched on this laptop with
identical performance.
A quick note on single
server durability.
Questions and Excuses
Twitter: @mitchitized

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PHP Cloud Deployment Toolkits
Mitch Pirtle
MongoDB, Node.js, and You: PART III
MongoDB, Node.js, and You: PART IIIMongoDB, Node.js, and You: PART III
MongoDB, Node.js, and You: PART III
Mitch Pirtle
MongoDB, Node.js And You: PART II
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Mitch Pirtle
Mongodb, Node.js and You: PART I
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Mongodb, Node.js and You: PART I
Mitch Pirtle
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MongoDB, Development and You
Mitch Pirtle
MongoTorino 2013 Opening Keynote
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Mitch Pirtle
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Mitch Pirtle
Cloud conference - mongodb
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Mitch Pirtle
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Mitch Pirtle
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Mitch Pirtle
Joomla and MongoDB
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Mitch Pirtle
Mongodb and Totsy: An e-commerce case study
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Mongodb and Totsy: An e-commerce case study
Mitch Pirtle
Content Management Systems and MongoDB
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Mitch Pirtle
MongoDB: Built for Speed
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MongoDB: Built for Speed
Mitch Pirtle
Content Mangement Systems and MongoDB
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Mitch Pirtle
Joomla For Entrepreneurs
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Mitch Pirtle
Thin Server Architecture
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Mitch Pirtle

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