This session, led by James Hamilton, VP and Distinguished Engineer, gives an insider view of some the innovations that help make the AWS cloud unique. He will show examples of AWS networking innovations from the interregional network backbone, through custom routers and networking protocol stack, all the way down to individual servers. He will show examples from AWS server hardware, storage, and power distribution and then, up the stack, in high scale streaming data processing. James will also dive into fundamental database work AWS is delivering to open up scaling and performance limits, reduce costs, and eliminate much of the administrative burden of managing databases. Join this session and walk away with a deeper understanding of the underlying innovations powering the cloud.
This document provides an overview of AWS CloudHSM, a managed cryptographic key management service by AWS. It discusses AWS CloudHSM and AWS KMS services for key management, compares their features, and describes how AWS CloudHSM provides FIPS 140-2 Level 3 compliant HSMs for single-tenant key storage and cryptographic operations offloading. The presentation agenda includes cryptography basics, AWS key management, AWS CloudHSM capabilities and use cases, management and operations.
The document discusses Amazon Route 53 and Route 53 Resolver for hybrid cloud DNS. It explains that Route 53 Resolver allows DNS queries to be resolved between on-premises networks and AWS resources using private and public DNS zones. It provides examples of configuring inbound and outbound endpoints to allow resolution of queries from VPCs and on-premises to internet domains and private domains. The document also mentions additional capabilities like resolving queries for internal domain names in a VPC.
This session, led by James Hamilton, VP and Distinguished Engineer, gives an insider view of some the innovations that help make the AWS cloud unique. He will show examples of AWS networking innovations from the interregional network backbone, through custom routers and networking protocol stack, all the way down to individual servers. He will show examples from AWS server hardware, storage, and power distribution and then, up the stack, in high scale streaming data processing. James will also dive into fundamental database work AWS is delivering to open up scaling and performance limits, reduce costs, and eliminate much of the administrative burden of managing databases. Join this session and walk away with a deeper understanding of the underlying innovations powering the cloud.
This document provides an overview of AWS CloudHSM, a managed cryptographic key management service by AWS. It discusses AWS CloudHSM and AWS KMS services for key management, compares their features, and describes how AWS CloudHSM provides FIPS 140-2 Level 3 compliant HSMs for single-tenant key storage and cryptographic operations offloading. The presentation agenda includes cryptography basics, AWS key management, AWS CloudHSM capabilities and use cases, management and operations.
The document discusses Amazon Route 53 and Route 53 Resolver for hybrid cloud DNS. It explains that Route 53 Resolver allows DNS queries to be resolved between on-premises networks and AWS resources using private and public DNS zones. It provides examples of configuring inbound and outbound endpoints to allow resolution of queries from VPCs and on-premises to internet domains and private domains. The document also mentions additional capabilities like resolving queries for internal domain names in a VPC.
Fluentd Hacking Guide at RubyKaigi 2014Naotoshi Seo
This document summarizes a talk on hacking the Fluentd log streaming framework. It discusses Fluentd's bootstrap sequence and how it loads plugins. It explains how input plugins pass data to output plugins and how the BufferedOutput plugin works by buffering data to avoid blocking. It cautions that output plugins can block which BufferedOutput avoids, but it can also get stuck if the buffer exceeds capacity. It recommends tuning buffer size and thread counts to improve performance.
Is ruby logger thread(process)-safe? at RubyConf 2013Naotoshi Seo
This document discusses the thread and process safety of the Ruby Logger. It was found that while Logger is thread-safe due to use of a mutex, it is not process-safe as the mutex does not work across processes. The author contributed a fix to Ruby core that uses flock to lock access to logs across processes, ensuring process-safe logging. The fix will be included in Ruby 2.1.0, making the standard Ruby Logger thread and process-safe.
This document discusses Haikanko, a management tool for Fluentd clusters. Haikanko allows for configuring Fluentd through a web UI and automatically generating Fluentd configuration files. It supports use cases like alert notification, metrics visualization, and archiving logs. Haikanko is constructed with Sinatra, ERB, and Mina. It is open source and available on GitHub.
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT
36. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
• read/write 用モデルそれぞれ作ってゴ
• が、良い仕組みを使って実装を楽にしたい
37. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
のがあってだな @sora_h
38. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
39. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
SwitchPoint.configure do |config|
config.define_switch_point :db1,
readable: :db1_readonly,
writable: :db1_writable,
config.define_switch_point :db2,
readonly: :db2_readonly
class Book1 < ActiveRecord::Base
use_switch_point :db1
class Book2 < ActiveRecord::Base
use_switch_point :db2
40. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.