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   software with

              Jonas Bonér
                CTO Typesafe
               Twitter: @jboner

Akka: ソフトウェアをスケールさせる
 software with
software with
Copyright Ingeborg van Leeuwen

          software with
         software with
Selection of Akka Production Users
Scaling software with akka
Scaling software with akka
Manage System Overload

Automatic Replication & Distribution

   for Fault-tolerance & Scalability

Program at a Higher Level

Program at a Higher Level

Program at a Higher Level
   • Never think in terms of shared state, state
      visibility, threads, locks, concurrent collections,
      thread notifications etc.

Program at a Higher Level
   • Never think in terms of shared state, state
      visibility, threads, locks, concurrent collections,
      thread notifications etc.
   • Low level concurrency plumbing BECOMES
      SIMPLE WORKFLOW - you only think about how
      messages flow in the system

Program at a Higher Level
   • Never think in terms of shared state, state
      visibility, threads, locks, concurrent collections,
      thread notifications etc.
   • Low level concurrency plumbing BECOMES
      SIMPLE WORKFLOW - you only think about how
      messages flow in the system
   • You get high CPU utilization, low latency, high
      throughput and scalability - FOR FREE as part of
      the model

Program at a Higher Level
   • Never think in terms of shared state, state
      visibility, threads, locks, concurrent collections,
      thread notifications etc.
   • Low level concurrency plumbing BECOMES
      SIMPLE WORKFLOW - you only think about how
      messages flow in the system
   • You get high CPU utilization, low latency, high
      throughput and scalability - FOR FREE as part of
      the model
   • Proven and superior model for detecting and
      recovering from errors

Distributable by Design

Distributable by Design

Distributable by Design
• Actors are location transparent & distributable by design

Distributable by Design
• Actors are location transparent & distributable by design
• Scale UP and OUT for free as part of the model

Distributable by Design
• Actors are location transparent & distributable by design
• Scale UP and OUT for free as part of the model
• You get the PERFECT FABRIC for the CLOUD

Distributable by Design
• Actors are location transparent & distributable by design
• Scale UP and OUT for free as part of the model
• You get the PERFECT FABRIC for the CLOUD
 -   elastic & dynamic

Distributable by Design
• Actors are location transparent & distributable by design
• Scale UP and OUT for free as part of the model
• You get the PERFECT FABRIC for the CLOUD
 -   elastic & dynamic

 -   fault-tolerant & self-healing

Distributable by Design
• Actors are location transparent & distributable by design
• Scale UP and OUT for free as part of the model
• You get the PERFECT FABRIC for the CLOUD
 -   elastic & dynamic

 -   fault-tolerant & self-healing

 -   adaptive load-balancing, cluster rebalancing & actor migration

Distributable by Design
• Actors are location transparent & distributable by design
• Scale UP and OUT for free as part of the model
• You get the PERFECT FABRIC for the CLOUD
 -   elastic & dynamic

 -   fault-tolerant & self-healing

 -   adaptive load-balancing, cluster rebalancing & actor migration

 -   build extremely loosely coupled and dynamic systems that can
     change and adapt at runtime

         can we achieve this?

           can we achieve this?

Let’s use Actors

           can we achieve this?

What is an Actor?

What is an Actor?
   • Akka's unit of code organization is called an Actor

What is an Actor?
   • Akka's unit of code organization is called an Actor
   • Actors helps you create concurrent, scalable and
      fault-tolerant applications

What is an Actor?
   • Akka's unit of code organization is called an Actor
   • Actors helps you create concurrent, scalable and
      fault-tolerant applications

   • Like Java EE servlets and session beans, Actors is a
      model for organizing your code that keeps many
      “policy decisions” separate from the business logic

What is an Actor?
   • Akka's unit of code organization is called an Actor
   • Actors helps you create concurrent, scalable and
      fault-tolerant applications

   • Like Java EE servlets and session beans, Actors is a
      model for organizing your code that keeps many
      “policy decisions” separate from the business logic

   • Actors may be new to many in the Java community,
      but they are a tried-and-true concept (Hewitt 1973)
      used for many years in telecom systems with 9 nines

What can I use Actors for?

What can I use Actors for?
    In different scenarios, an Actor may be an
    alternative to:

What can I use Actors for?
    In different scenarios, an Actor may be an
    alternative to:
     -   a thread

What can I use Actors for?
    In different scenarios, an Actor may be an
    alternative to:
     -   a thread

     -   an object instance or component

What can I use Actors for?
    In different scenarios, an Actor may be an
    alternative to:
     -   a thread

     -   an object instance or component

     -   a callback or listener

What can I use Actors for?
    In different scenarios, an Actor may be an
    alternative to:
     -   a thread

     -   an object instance or component

     -   a callback or listener

     -   a singleton or service

What can I use Actors for?
    In different scenarios, an Actor may be an
    alternative to:
     -   a thread

     -   an object instance or component

     -   a callback or listener

     -   a singleton or service

     -   a router, load-balancer or pool

What can I use Actors for?
    In different scenarios, an Actor may be an
    alternative to:
     -   a thread

     -   an object instance or component

     -   a callback or listener

     -   a singleton or service

     -   a router, load-balancer or pool

     -   a Java EE Session Bean or Message-Driven Bean

What can I use Actors for?
    In different scenarios, an Actor may be an
    alternative to:
     -   a thread

     -   an object instance or component

     -   a callback or listener

     -   a singleton or service

     -   a router, load-balancer or pool

     -   a Java EE Session Bean or Message-Driven Bean

     -   an out-of-process service

What can I use Actors for?
    In different scenarios, an Actor may be an
    alternative to:
     -   a thread

     -   an object instance or component

     -   a callback or listener

     -   a singleton or service

     -   a router, load-balancer or pool

     -   a Java EE Session Bean or Message-Driven Bean

     -   an out-of-process service

     -   a Finite State Machine (FSM)

So, what is the
      Actor Model?

Carl Hewitt’s definition

処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理:
Carl Hewitt’s definition
  -   The fundamental unit of computation that embodies:


処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理:
Carl Hewitt’s definition
  -   The fundamental unit of computation that embodies:
      -   Processing


処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理:
Carl Hewitt’s definition
  -   The fundamental unit of computation that embodies:
      -   Processing

      -   Storage


処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理:
Carl Hewitt’s definition
  -   The fundamental unit of computation that embodies:
      -   Processing

      -   Storage

      -   Communication


処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理:
Carl Hewitt’s definition
  -   The fundamental unit of computation that embodies:
      -   Processing

      -   Storage

      -   Communication

  -   3 axioms - When an Actor receives a message it can:


処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理:
Carl Hewitt’s definition
  -   The fundamental unit of computation that embodies:
      -   Processing

      -   Storage

      -   Communication

  -   3 axioms - When an Actor receives a message it can:
      -   Create new Actors


処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理:
Carl Hewitt’s definition
  -   The fundamental unit of computation that embodies:
      -   Processing

      -   Storage

      -   Communication

  -   3 axioms - When an Actor receives a message it can:
      -   Create new Actors

      -   Send messages to Actors it knows


処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理:
Carl Hewitt’s definition
  -   The fundamental unit of computation that embodies:
      -   Processing

      -   Storage

      -   Communication

  -   3 axioms - When an Actor receives a message it can:
      -   Create new Actors

      -   Send messages to Actors it knows

      -   Designate how it should handle the next message it receives


処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理:
4 core Actor operations
           0. DEFINE
           1. CREATE
           2. SEND
           3. BECOME
           4. SUPERVISE


     case class Greeting(who: String)

     class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
       def receive = {
         case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who)

                     Define the message(s) the Actor
                      should be able to respond to

     case class Greeting(who: String)

     class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
       def receive = {
         case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who)

                     Define the message(s) the Actor
                      should be able to respond to

                           Define the Actor class
     case class Greeting(who: String)

     class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
       def receive = {
         case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who)

                     Define the message(s) the Actor
                      should be able to respond to

                            Define the Actor class
     case class Greeting(who: String)

     class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
       def receive = {
         case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who)

                     Define the Actor’s behavior

  • CREATE - creates a new instance of an Actor
  • Extremely lightweight (2.7 Million per Gb RAM)
  • Very strong encapsulation - encapsulates:
    -    state

    -    behavior

    -    message queue

  • State & behavior is indistinguishable from each other
  • Only way to observe state is by sending an actor a
     message and see how it reacts
   case class Greeting(who: String)

   class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
     def receive = {
       case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who)

   val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")
   val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter")

ActorRef が返ってくる
   case class Greeting(who: String)

   class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
     def receive = {
       case Greeting(who) Create an Actor system " + who)

   val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")
   val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter")

ActorRef が返ってくる
   case class Greeting(who: String)

   class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
     def receive = {
       case Greeting(who) Create an Actor system " + who)
                                                 Actor configuration

   val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")
   val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter")

ActorRef が返ってくる
   case class Greeting(who: String)

   class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
     def receive = {
       case Greeting(who) Create an Actor system " + who)
                                                 Actor configuration

   val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")
   val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter")

                                                       Give it a name

ActorRef が返ってくる
   case class Greeting(who: String)

   class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
     def receive = {
       case Greeting(who) Create an Actor system " + who)
                                                 Actor configuration

   val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")
   val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter")

                                   Create the Actor    Give it a name

ActorRef が返ってくる
   case class Greeting(who: String)

   class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
     def receive = {
       case Greeting(who) Create an Actor system " + who)
                                                 Actor configuration

   val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")
   val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter")

                                    Create the Actor
              You get an ActorRef back                 Give it a name

ActorRef が返ってくる
Actors can form hierarchies
             Guardian System Actor

Actors can form hierarchies
             Guardian System Actor

             system.actorOf(Props[Foo], “Foo”)

Actors can form hierarchies
                Guardian System Actor

          Foo   system.actorOf(Props[Foo], “Foo”)

Actors can form hierarchies
                  Guardian System Actor


                context.actorOf(Props[A], “A”)

Actors can form hierarchies
                  Guardian System Actor


         A      context.actorOf(Props[A], “A”)

Actors can form hierarchies
                  Guardian System Actor

            Foo                           Bar

            A         C

                  E                                 C

Name resolution - like a file-system
                   Guardian System Actor

             Foo                           Bar

             A         C

                   E                                 C

Name resolution - like a file-system
                     Guardian System Actor


               Foo                           Bar

               A         C

                     E                                 C

Name resolution - like a file-system
                           Guardian System Actor


                     Foo                           Bar

                     A         C

                           E                                 C

Name resolution - like a file-system
                               Guardian System Actor


                         Foo                           Bar

                         A         C


                               E                                 C

Name resolution - like a file-system
                                   Guardian System Actor


                         Foo                               Bar

                         A              C


                                   E                                 C


   • SEND - sends a message to an Actor

   • SEND - sends a message to an Actor
   • Asynchronous and Non-blocking - Fire-forget

   • SEND - sends a message to an Actor
   • Asynchronous and Non-blocking - Fire-forget
   • EVERYTHING is asynchronous and lockless

   • SEND - sends a message to an Actor
   • Asynchronous and Non-blocking - Fire-forget
   • EVERYTHING is asynchronous and lockless
   • Everything happens Reactively

   • SEND - sends a message to an Actor
   • Asynchronous and Non-blocking - Fire-forget
   • EVERYTHING is asynchronous and lockless
   • Everything happens Reactively
     -   An Actor is passive until a message is sent to it, which
         triggers something within the Actor

   • SEND - sends a message to an Actor
   • Asynchronous and Non-blocking - Fire-forget
   • EVERYTHING is asynchronous and lockless
   • Everything happens Reactively
     -   An Actor is passive until a message is sent to it, which
         triggers something within the Actor

     -   Messages is the Kinetic Energy in an Actor system

   • SEND - sends a message to an Actor
   • Asynchronous and Non-blocking - Fire-forget
   • EVERYTHING is asynchronous and lockless
   • Everything happens Reactively
     -   An Actor is passive until a message is sent to it, which
         triggers something within the Actor

     -   Messages is the Kinetic Energy in an Actor system

     -   Actors can have lots of buffered Potential Energy but can't
         do anything with it until it is triggered by a message

SEND message
case class Greeting(who: String)

class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  def receive = {
    case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who)

val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")
val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter")
greeter ! Greeting("Charlie Parker")
SEND message
case class Greeting(who: String)

class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  def receive = {
    case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who)

val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")
val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter")
greeter ! Greeting("Charlie Parker")

              Send the message
Full example
case class Greeting(who: String)

class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  def receive = {
    case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who)

val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")
val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter")
greeter ! Greeting("Charlie Parker")
Load Balancing
     val router =
         RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 5)))

Router + Resizer
    val resizer =
      DefaultResizer(lowerBound = 2, upperBound = 15)

    val router =
          RoundRobinRouter(resizer = Some(resizer))))

…or from config {
          /path/to/actor {
            router = round-robin
            nr-of-instances = 5

config ファイルからも設定できる
…or from config {
         /path/to/actor {
           router = round-robin
           resizer {
             lower-bound = 12
             upper-bound = 15


振る舞いはスタックして push/pop することができる
 • BECOME - dynamically redefines Actor’s behavior

振る舞いはスタックして push/pop することができる
 • BECOME - dynamically redefines Actor’s behavior
 • Triggered reactively by receive of message

振る舞いはスタックして push/pop することができる
 • BECOME - dynamically redefines Actor’s behavior
 • Triggered reactively by receive of message
 • In a type system analogy it is as if the object changed
   type - changed interface, protocol & implementation

振る舞いはスタックして push/pop することができる
 • BECOME - dynamically redefines Actor’s behavior
 • Triggered reactively by receive of message
 • In a type system analogy it is as if the object changed
   type - changed interface, protocol & implementation
 • Will now react differently to the messages it receives

振る舞いはスタックして push/pop することができる
 • BECOME - dynamically redefines Actor’s behavior
 • Triggered reactively by receive of message
 • In a type system analogy it is as if the object changed
   type - changed interface, protocol & implementation
 • Will now react differently to the messages it receives
 • Behaviors are stacked & can be pushed and popped
振る舞いはスタックして push/pop することができる
Why would I want to do that?

例) 輻輳時にアクターをルータへ変身、FSM の実装など
Why would I want to do that?
  • Let a highly contended Actor adaptively transform itself into
     an Actor Pool or a Router

例) 輻輳時にアクターをルータへ変身、FSM の実装など
Why would I want to do that?
  • Let a highly contended Actor adaptively transform itself into
     an Actor Pool or a Router

  • Implement an FSM (Finite State Machine)

例) 輻輳時にアクターをルータへ変身、FSM の実装など
Why would I want to do that?
  • Let a highly contended Actor adaptively transform itself into
     an Actor Pool or a Router

  • Implement an FSM (Finite State Machine)
  • Implement graceful degradation

例) 輻輳時にアクターをルータへ変身、FSM の実装など
Why would I want to do that?
  • Let a highly contended Actor adaptively transform itself into
     an Actor Pool or a Router

  • Implement an FSM (Finite State Machine)
  • Implement graceful degradation
  • Spawn up (empty) generic Worker processes that can
     become whatever the Master currently needs

例) 輻輳時にアクターをルータへ変身、FSM の実装など
Why would I want to do that?
  • Let a highly contended Actor adaptively transform itself into
     an Actor Pool or a Router

  • Implement an FSM (Finite State Machine)
  • Implement graceful degradation
  • Spawn up (empty) generic Worker processes that can
     become whatever the Master currently needs

  • Other: Use your imagination!

例) 輻輳時にアクターをルータへ変身、FSM の実装など
Why would I want to do that?
  • Let a highly contended Actor adaptively transform itself into
     an Actor Pool or a Router

  • Implement an FSM (Finite State Machine)
  • Implement graceful degradation
  • Spawn up (empty) generic Worker processes that can
     become whatever the Master currently needs

  • Other: Use your imagination!
  • Very useful once you get the used to it
例) 輻輳時にアクターをルータへ変身、FSM の実装など

context become {
  // new body
  case NewMessage =>
Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc.

Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc.
    •   You are given a SINGLE thread of control

Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc.
    •   You are given a SINGLE thread of control
    •   If this thread blows up you are screwed

Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc.
    •   You are given a SINGLE thread of control
    •   If this thread blows up you are screwed
    •   So you need to do all explicit error handling WITHIN this
        single thread

Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc.
    •   You are given a SINGLE thread of control
    •   If this thread blows up you are screwed
    •   So you need to do all explicit error handling WITHIN this
        single thread
    •   To make things worse - errors do not propagate between
        threads so there is NO WAY OF EVEN FINDING OUT that
        something have failed

Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc.
    •   You are given a SINGLE thread of control
    •   If this thread blows up you are screwed
    •   So you need to do all explicit error handling WITHIN this
        single thread
    •   To make things worse - errors do not propagate between
        threads so there is NO WAY OF EVEN FINDING OUT that
        something have failed
    •   This leads to DEFENSIVE programming with:

Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc.
    •   You are given a SINGLE thread of control
    •   If this thread blows up you are screwed
    •   So you need to do all explicit error handling WITHIN this
        single thread
    •   To make things worse - errors do not propagate between
        threads so there is NO WAY OF EVEN FINDING OUT that
        something have failed
    •   This leads to DEFENSIVE programming with:
        •   Error handling TANGLED with business logic

Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc.
    •   You are given a SINGLE thread of control
    •   If this thread blows up you are screwed
    •   So you need to do all explicit error handling WITHIN this
        single thread
    •   To make things worse - errors do not propagate between
        threads so there is NO WAY OF EVEN FINDING OUT that
        something have failed
    •   This leads to DEFENSIVE programming with:
        •   Error handling TANGLED with business logic
        •   SCATTERED all over the code base

Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc.
    •   You are given a SINGLE thread of control
    •   If this thread blows up you are screwed
    •   So you need to do all explicit error handling WITHIN this
        single thread
    •   To make things worse - errors do not propagate between
        threads so there is NO WAY OF EVEN FINDING OUT that
        something have failed
    •   This leads to DEFENSIVE programming with:
        •   Error handling TANGLED with business logic
        •   SCATTERED all over the code base

        We can do better than this!!!




アクターの故障時は上司の Supervisor が通知され、
    • SUPERVISE - manage another Actor’s failures

アクターの故障時は上司の Supervisor が通知され、
    • SUPERVISE - manage another Actor’s failures
    • Error handling in actors is handle by letting Actors
       monitor (supervise) each other for failure

アクターの故障時は上司の Supervisor が通知され、
    • SUPERVISE - manage another Actor’s failures
    • Error handling in actors is handle by letting Actors
       monitor (supervise) each other for failure
    • This means that if an Actor crashes, a notification
       will be sent to his supervisor, who can react upon
       the failure

アクターの故障時は上司の Supervisor が通知され、
    • SUPERVISE - manage another Actor’s failures
    • Error handling in actors is handle by letting Actors
       monitor (supervise) each other for failure
    • This means that if an Actor crashes, a notification
       will be sent to his supervisor, who can react upon
       the failure
    • This provides clean separation of processing and
       error handling

アクターの故障時は上司の Supervisor が通知され、
        Error Kernel

Node 1   Node 2
          Every single actor has a
        default supervisor strategy.
        Which is usually sufficient.
         But it can be overridden.

デフォルトの Supervisor 戦略をオーバーライドできる
                   Every single actor has a
                 default supervisor strategy.
                 Which is usually sufficient.
                  But it can be overridden.

 class Supervisor extends Actor {
   override val supervisorStrategy =
                      (maxNrOfRetries = 10, withinTimeRange = 1 minute) {
       case _: ArithmeticException => Resume
       case _: NullPointerException => Restart
       case _: Exception             => Escalate

デフォルトの=Supervisor 戦略をオーバーライドできる
  val worker context.actorOf(Props[Worker])
 class Supervisor extends Actor {
   override val supervisorStrategy =
                      (maxNrOfRetries = 10, withinTimeRange = 1 minute) {
       case _: ArithmeticException => Resume
       case _: NullPointerException => Restart
       case _: Exception             => Escalate

     val worker = context.actorOf(Props[Worker])

     def receive = {
       case n: Int => worker forward n

デフォルトの Supervisor 戦略をオーバーライドできる
Manage failure
    class Worker extends Actor {

        override def preRestart(
          reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) {
          ... // clean up before restart

        override def postRestart(reason: Throwable) {
          ... // init after restart

Remote deployment
   Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration

      akka {
        actor {
          provider =    akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider
          deployment    {
            /greeter    {
               remote   =

リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
Remote deployment
   Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration

                                          Configure a Remote Provider
      akka {
        actor {
          provider =    akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider
          deployment    {
            /greeter    {
               remote   =

リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
Remote deployment
      Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration

                                                   Configure a Remote Provider
            akka {
 For the Greeter actor {
                   provider =    akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider
                   deployment    {
                      /greeter   {
                        remote   =

リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
Remote deployment
      Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration

                                                   Configure a Remote Provider
            akka {
 For the Greeter actor {
                   provider =    akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider
                   deployment    {
                      /greeter   {
                        remote   =
     Define Remote Path

リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
Remote deployment
     Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration

                                              Configure a Remote Provider
            akka {
 For the Greeter actor {
                   provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider
                   deployment {
                      /greeter {
                        remote = akka://
     Define Remote Path
               }           Protocol

リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
Remote deployment
     Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration

                                              Configure a Remote Provider
            akka {
 For the Greeter actor {
                   provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider
                   deployment {
                      /greeter {
                        remote = akka://MySystem
     Define Remote Path
               }           Protocol  Actor System

リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
Remote deployment
     Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration

                                              Configure a Remote Provider
            akka {
 For the Greeter actor {
                   provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider
                   deployment {
                      /greeter {
                        remote = akka://MySystem@machine1
     Define Remote Path
               }           Protocol  Actor System Hostname

リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
Remote deployment
      Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration

                                               Configure a Remote Provider
            akka {
 For the Greeter actor {
                   provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider
                   deployment {
                      /greeter {
                        remote = akka://MySystem@machine1:2552
     Define Remote Path
               }           Protocol  Actor System Hostname   Port

リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
Remote deployment
      Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration
                       Zero code changes
                                               Configure a Remote Provider
            akka {
 For the Greeter actor {
                   provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider
                   deployment {
                      /greeter {
                        remote = akka://MySystem@machine1:2552
     Define Remote Path
               }           Protocol  Actor System Hostname   Port

リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
Remote Lookup

    val greeter = system.actorFor(

Can you see the problem?

Fixed Addresses
    akka {
      actor {
        provider =    akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider
        deployment    {
          /greeter    {
             remote   = akka://MySystem@machine1:2552

    val greeter = system.actorFor(

Akka Cluster
       • Gossip-based Cluster Membership
       • Leader determination
       • Accrual Failure Detector
       • Cluster DeathWatch
       • Cluster-Aware Routers

Gossip-based なクラスタ・メンバーシップ
Enable clustering
   akka {
      actor {
        provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"
      cluster {
        seed-nodes = [
        auto-down = on

Configure a clustered router	

  max-nr-of-instances-per-node = 3

...we have much much more
...we have much much more
              TestKit      FSM
Durable Mailboxes
                 Typed Channels
 ZeroMQ                 Dataflow         Transactors
               Agents                  Extensions
get it and learn more

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  • 9. Program at a Higher Level 高レベルプログラミング
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  • 11. Program at a Higher Level • Never think in terms of shared state, state visibility, threads, locks, concurrent collections, thread notifications etc. 高レベルプログラミング
  • 12. Program at a Higher Level • Never think in terms of shared state, state visibility, threads, locks, concurrent collections, thread notifications etc. • Low level concurrency plumbing BECOMES SIMPLE WORKFLOW - you only think about how messages flow in the system 高レベルプログラミング
  • 13. Program at a Higher Level • Never think in terms of shared state, state visibility, threads, locks, concurrent collections, thread notifications etc. • Low level concurrency plumbing BECOMES SIMPLE WORKFLOW - you only think about how messages flow in the system • You get high CPU utilization, low latency, high throughput and scalability - FOR FREE as part of the model 高レベルプログラミング
  • 14. Program at a Higher Level • Never think in terms of shared state, state visibility, threads, locks, concurrent collections, thread notifications etc. • Low level concurrency plumbing BECOMES SIMPLE WORKFLOW - you only think about how messages flow in the system • You get high CPU utilization, low latency, high throughput and scalability - FOR FREE as part of the model • Proven and superior model for detecting and recovering from errors 高レベルプログラミング
  • 17. Distributable by Design • Actors are location transparent & distributable by design 生まれながらに分散化されている
  • 18. Distributable by Design • Actors are location transparent & distributable by design • Scale UP and OUT for free as part of the model 生まれながらに分散化されている
  • 19. Distributable by Design • Actors are location transparent & distributable by design • Scale UP and OUT for free as part of the model • You get the PERFECT FABRIC for the CLOUD 生まれながらに分散化されている
  • 20. Distributable by Design • Actors are location transparent & distributable by design • Scale UP and OUT for free as part of the model • You get the PERFECT FABRIC for the CLOUD - elastic & dynamic 生まれながらに分散化されている
  • 21. Distributable by Design • Actors are location transparent & distributable by design • Scale UP and OUT for free as part of the model • You get the PERFECT FABRIC for the CLOUD - elastic & dynamic - fault-tolerant & self-healing 生まれながらに分散化されている
  • 22. Distributable by Design • Actors are location transparent & distributable by design • Scale UP and OUT for free as part of the model • You get the PERFECT FABRIC for the CLOUD - elastic & dynamic - fault-tolerant & self-healing - adaptive load-balancing, cluster rebalancing & actor migration 生まれながらに分散化されている
  • 23. Distributable by Design • Actors are location transparent & distributable by design • Scale UP and OUT for free as part of the model • You get the PERFECT FABRIC for the CLOUD - elastic & dynamic - fault-tolerant & self-healing - adaptive load-balancing, cluster rebalancing & actor migration - build extremely loosely coupled and dynamic systems that can change and adapt at runtime 生まれながらに分散化されている
  • 24. How can we achieve this? これをどうやって実現するか?
  • 25. How can we achieve this? アクターを使おう
  • 26. Let’s use Actors How can we achieve this? アクターを使おう
  • 27. What is an Actor? コードを分割して、並行性、スケーラビリティ、 耐障害性の高いアプリケーションを支援する
  • 28. What is an Actor? • Akka's unit of code organization is called an Actor コードを分割して、並行性、スケーラビリティ、 耐障害性の高いアプリケーションを支援する
  • 29. What is an Actor? • Akka's unit of code organization is called an Actor • Actors helps you create concurrent, scalable and fault-tolerant applications コードを分割して、並行性、スケーラビリティ、 耐障害性の高いアプリケーションを支援する
  • 30. What is an Actor? • Akka's unit of code organization is called an Actor • Actors helps you create concurrent, scalable and fault-tolerant applications • Like Java EE servlets and session beans, Actors is a model for organizing your code that keeps many “policy decisions” separate from the business logic コードを分割して、並行性、スケーラビリティ、 耐障害性の高いアプリケーションを支援する
  • 31. What is an Actor? • Akka's unit of code organization is called an Actor • Actors helps you create concurrent, scalable and fault-tolerant applications • Like Java EE servlets and session beans, Actors is a model for organizing your code that keeps many “policy decisions” separate from the business logic • Actors may be new to many in the Java community, but they are a tried-and-true concept (Hewitt 1973) used for many years in telecom systems with 9 nines uptime コードを分割して、並行性、スケーラビリティ、 耐障害性の高いアプリケーションを支援する
  • 32. What can I use Actors for? スレッド、コンポーネント、コールバックなどの代替
  • 33. What can I use Actors for? In different scenarios, an Actor may be an alternative to: スレッド、コンポーネント、コールバックなどの代替
  • 34. What can I use Actors for? In different scenarios, an Actor may be an alternative to: - a thread スレッド、コンポーネント、コールバックなどの代替
  • 35. What can I use Actors for? In different scenarios, an Actor may be an alternative to: - a thread - an object instance or component スレッド、コンポーネント、コールバックなどの代替
  • 36. What can I use Actors for? In different scenarios, an Actor may be an alternative to: - a thread - an object instance or component - a callback or listener スレッド、コンポーネント、コールバックなどの代替
  • 37. What can I use Actors for? In different scenarios, an Actor may be an alternative to: - a thread - an object instance or component - a callback or listener - a singleton or service スレッド、コンポーネント、コールバックなどの代替
  • 38. What can I use Actors for? In different scenarios, an Actor may be an alternative to: - a thread - an object instance or component - a callback or listener - a singleton or service - a router, load-balancer or pool スレッド、コンポーネント、コールバックなどの代替
  • 39. What can I use Actors for? In different scenarios, an Actor may be an alternative to: - a thread - an object instance or component - a callback or listener - a singleton or service - a router, load-balancer or pool - a Java EE Session Bean or Message-Driven Bean スレッド、コンポーネント、コールバックなどの代替
  • 40. What can I use Actors for? In different scenarios, an Actor may be an alternative to: - a thread - an object instance or component - a callback or listener - a singleton or service - a router, load-balancer or pool - a Java EE Session Bean or Message-Driven Bean - an out-of-process service スレッド、コンポーネント、コールバックなどの代替
  • 41. What can I use Actors for? In different scenarios, an Actor may be an alternative to: - a thread - an object instance or component - a callback or listener - a singleton or service - a router, load-balancer or pool - a Java EE Session Bean or Message-Driven Bean - an out-of-process service - a Finite State Machine (FSM) スレッド、コンポーネント、コールバックなどの代替
  • 42. So, what is the Actor Model? アクターモデルとは何か?
  • 43. Carl Hewitt’s definition 処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理: 新規作成、他のアクターとの通信、次のメッセージ処理の指定
  • 44. Carl Hewitt’s definition - The fundamental unit of computation that embodies: 処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理: 新規作成、他のアクターとの通信、次のメッセージ処理の指定
  • 45. Carl Hewitt’s definition - The fundamental unit of computation that embodies: - Processing 処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理: 新規作成、他のアクターとの通信、次のメッセージ処理の指定
  • 46. Carl Hewitt’s definition - The fundamental unit of computation that embodies: - Processing - Storage 処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理: 新規作成、他のアクターとの通信、次のメッセージ処理の指定
  • 47. Carl Hewitt’s definition - The fundamental unit of computation that embodies: - Processing - Storage - Communication 処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理: 新規作成、他のアクターとの通信、次のメッセージ処理の指定
  • 48. Carl Hewitt’s definition - The fundamental unit of computation that embodies: - Processing - Storage - Communication - 3 axioms - When an Actor receives a message it can: 処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理: 新規作成、他のアクターとの通信、次のメッセージ処理の指定
  • 49. Carl Hewitt’s definition - The fundamental unit of computation that embodies: - Processing - Storage - Communication - 3 axioms - When an Actor receives a message it can: - Create new Actors 処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理: 新規作成、他のアクターとの通信、次のメッセージ処理の指定
  • 50. Carl Hewitt’s definition - The fundamental unit of computation that embodies: - Processing - Storage - Communication - 3 axioms - When an Actor receives a message it can: - Create new Actors - Send messages to Actors it knows 処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理: 新規作成、他のアクターとの通信、次のメッセージ処理の指定
  • 51. Carl Hewitt’s definition - The fundamental unit of computation that embodies: - Processing - Storage - Communication - 3 axioms - When an Actor receives a message it can: - Create new Actors - Send messages to Actors it knows - Designate how it should handle the next message it receives 処理、記憶、通信を行う基礎単位。受信時の 3公理: 新規作成、他のアクターとの通信、次のメッセージ処理の指定
  • 52. 4 core Actor operations 0. DEFINE 1. CREATE 2. SEND 3. BECOME 4. SUPERVISE アクターの4つの主な仕事
  • 53. 0. DEFINE case class Greeting(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { def receive = { case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who) } } 処理可能なメッセージ、振る舞いの定義
  • 54. 0. DEFINE Define the message(s) the Actor should be able to respond to case class Greeting(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { def receive = { case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who) } } 処理可能なメッセージ、振る舞いの定義
  • 55. 0. DEFINE Define the message(s) the Actor should be able to respond to Define the Actor class case class Greeting(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { def receive = { case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who) } } 処理可能なメッセージ、振る舞いの定義
  • 56. 0. DEFINE Define the message(s) the Actor should be able to respond to Define the Actor class case class Greeting(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { def receive = { case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who) } } Define the Actor’s behavior 処理可能なメッセージ、振る舞いの定義
  • 57. 1. CREATE • CREATE - creates a new instance of an Actor • Extremely lightweight (2.7 Million per Gb RAM) • Very strong encapsulation - encapsulates: -  state -  behavior -  message queue • State & behavior is indistinguishable from each other • Only way to observe state is by sending an actor a message and see how it reacts 新規アクターの作成。強力なカプセル化。 メッセージを送ってその反応を見て状態を観測する。
  • 58. CREATE Actor case class Greeting(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { def receive = { case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who) } } val system = ActorSystem("MySystem") val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter") ActorRef が返ってくる
  • 59. CREATE Actor case class Greeting(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { def receive = { case Greeting(who) Create an Actor system " + who) =>"Hello } } val system = ActorSystem("MySystem") val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter") ActorRef が返ってくる
  • 60. CREATE Actor case class Greeting(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { def receive = { case Greeting(who) Create an Actor system " + who) =>"Hello } Actor configuration } val system = ActorSystem("MySystem") val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter") ActorRef が返ってくる
  • 61. CREATE Actor case class Greeting(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { def receive = { case Greeting(who) Create an Actor system " + who) =>"Hello } Actor configuration } val system = ActorSystem("MySystem") val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter") Give it a name ActorRef が返ってくる
  • 62. CREATE Actor case class Greeting(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { def receive = { case Greeting(who) Create an Actor system " + who) =>"Hello } Actor configuration } val system = ActorSystem("MySystem") val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter") Create the Actor Give it a name ActorRef が返ってくる
  • 63. CREATE Actor case class Greeting(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { def receive = { case Greeting(who) Create an Actor system " + who) =>"Hello } Actor configuration } val system = ActorSystem("MySystem") val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter") Create the Actor You get an ActorRef back Give it a name ActorRef が返ってくる
  • 64. Actors can form hierarchies Guardian System Actor 階層構造を作ることができる
  • 65. Actors can form hierarchies Guardian System Actor system.actorOf(Props[Foo], “Foo”) 階層構造を作ることができる
  • 66. Actors can form hierarchies Guardian System Actor Foo system.actorOf(Props[Foo], “Foo”) 階層構造を作ることができる
  • 67. Actors can form hierarchies Guardian System Actor Foo context.actorOf(Props[A], “A”) 階層構造を作ることができる
  • 68. Actors can form hierarchies Guardian System Actor Foo A context.actorOf(Props[A], “A”) 階層構造を作ることができる
  • 69. Actors can form hierarchies Guardian System Actor Foo Bar A A C E C B B D 階層構造を作ることができる
  • 70. Name resolution - like a file-system Guardian System Actor Foo Bar A A C E C B B D ファイルシステムのような名前解決
  • 71. Name resolution - like a file-system Guardian System Actor /Foo Foo Bar A A C E C B B D ファイルシステムのような名前解決
  • 72. Name resolution - like a file-system Guardian System Actor /Foo Foo Bar /Foo/A A A C E C B B D ファイルシステムのような名前解決
  • 73. Name resolution - like a file-system Guardian System Actor /Foo Foo Bar /Foo/A A A C /Foo/A/B E C B B D ファイルシステムのような名前解決
  • 74. Name resolution - like a file-system Guardian System Actor /Foo Foo Bar /Foo/A A A C /Foo/A/B E C B B D /Foo/A/D ファイルシステムのような名前解決
  • 76. 2. SEND • SEND - sends a message to an Actor 非同期でノンブロッキングなメッセージの送信
  • 77. 2. SEND • SEND - sends a message to an Actor • Asynchronous and Non-blocking - Fire-forget 非同期でノンブロッキングなメッセージの送信
  • 78. 2. SEND • SEND - sends a message to an Actor • Asynchronous and Non-blocking - Fire-forget • EVERYTHING is asynchronous and lockless 非同期でノンブロッキングなメッセージの送信
  • 79. 2. SEND • SEND - sends a message to an Actor • Asynchronous and Non-blocking - Fire-forget • EVERYTHING is asynchronous and lockless • Everything happens Reactively 非同期でノンブロッキングなメッセージの送信
  • 80. 2. SEND • SEND - sends a message to an Actor • Asynchronous and Non-blocking - Fire-forget • EVERYTHING is asynchronous and lockless • Everything happens Reactively - An Actor is passive until a message is sent to it, which triggers something within the Actor 非同期でノンブロッキングなメッセージの送信
  • 81. 2. SEND • SEND - sends a message to an Actor • Asynchronous and Non-blocking - Fire-forget • EVERYTHING is asynchronous and lockless • Everything happens Reactively - An Actor is passive until a message is sent to it, which triggers something within the Actor - Messages is the Kinetic Energy in an Actor system 非同期でノンブロッキングなメッセージの送信
  • 82. 2. SEND • SEND - sends a message to an Actor • Asynchronous and Non-blocking - Fire-forget • EVERYTHING is asynchronous and lockless • Everything happens Reactively - An Actor is passive until a message is sent to it, which triggers something within the Actor - Messages is the Kinetic Energy in an Actor system - Actors can have lots of buffered Potential Energy but can't do anything with it until it is triggered by a message 非同期でノンブロッキングなメッセージの送信
  • 83. SEND message case class Greeting(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { def receive = { case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who) } } val system = ActorSystem("MySystem") val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter") greeter ! Greeting("Charlie Parker")
  • 84. SEND message case class Greeting(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { def receive = { case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who) } } val system = ActorSystem("MySystem") val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter") greeter ! Greeting("Charlie Parker") Send the message
  • 85. Full example case class Greeting(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { def receive = { case Greeting(who) =>"Hello " + who) } } val system = ActorSystem("MySystem") val greeter = system.actorOf(Props[GreetingActor], name = "greeter") greeter ! Greeting("Charlie Parker")
  • 88. Routers val router = system.actorOf( Props[SomeActor].withRouter( RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 5))) ルータを使う
  • 89. Router + Resizer val resizer = DefaultResizer(lowerBound = 2, upperBound = 15) val router = system.actorOf( Props[ExampleActor1].withRouter( RoundRobinRouter(resizer = Some(resizer)))) リサイザを加える
  • 90. …or from config { /path/to/actor { router = round-robin nr-of-instances = 5 } } config ファイルからも設定できる
  • 91. …or from config { /path/to/actor { router = round-robin resizer { lower-bound = 12 upper-bound = 15 } } } もしくは設定から
  • 93. 3. BECOME • BECOME - dynamically redefines Actor’s behavior 動的にアクターの振る舞いを再定義 振る舞いはスタックして push/pop することができる
  • 94. 3. BECOME • BECOME - dynamically redefines Actor’s behavior • Triggered reactively by receive of message 動的にアクターの振る舞いを再定義 振る舞いはスタックして push/pop することができる
  • 95. 3. BECOME • BECOME - dynamically redefines Actor’s behavior • Triggered reactively by receive of message • In a type system analogy it is as if the object changed type - changed interface, protocol & implementation 動的にアクターの振る舞いを再定義 振る舞いはスタックして push/pop することができる
  • 96. 3. BECOME • BECOME - dynamically redefines Actor’s behavior • Triggered reactively by receive of message • In a type system analogy it is as if the object changed type - changed interface, protocol & implementation • Will now react differently to the messages it receives 動的にアクターの振る舞いを再定義 振る舞いはスタックして push/pop することができる
  • 97. 3. BECOME • BECOME - dynamically redefines Actor’s behavior • Triggered reactively by receive of message • In a type system analogy it is as if the object changed type - changed interface, protocol & implementation • Will now react differently to the messages it receives • Behaviors are stacked & can be pushed and popped 動的にアクターの振る舞いを再定義 振る舞いはスタックして push/pop することができる
  • 98. Why would I want to do that? 例) 輻輳時にアクターをルータへ変身、FSM の実装など
  • 99. Why would I want to do that? • Let a highly contended Actor adaptively transform itself into an Actor Pool or a Router 例) 輻輳時にアクターをルータへ変身、FSM の実装など
  • 100. Why would I want to do that? • Let a highly contended Actor adaptively transform itself into an Actor Pool or a Router • Implement an FSM (Finite State Machine) 例) 輻輳時にアクターをルータへ変身、FSM の実装など
  • 101. Why would I want to do that? • Let a highly contended Actor adaptively transform itself into an Actor Pool or a Router • Implement an FSM (Finite State Machine) • Implement graceful degradation 例) 輻輳時にアクターをルータへ変身、FSM の実装など
  • 102. Why would I want to do that? • Let a highly contended Actor adaptively transform itself into an Actor Pool or a Router • Implement an FSM (Finite State Machine) • Implement graceful degradation • Spawn up (empty) generic Worker processes that can become whatever the Master currently needs 例) 輻輳時にアクターをルータへ変身、FSM の実装など
  • 103. Why would I want to do that? • Let a highly contended Actor adaptively transform itself into an Actor Pool or a Router • Implement an FSM (Finite State Machine) • Implement graceful degradation • Spawn up (empty) generic Worker processes that can become whatever the Master currently needs • Other: Use your imagination! 例) 輻輳時にアクターをルータへ変身、FSM の実装など
  • 104. Why would I want to do that? • Let a highly contended Actor adaptively transform itself into an Actor Pool or a Router • Implement an FSM (Finite State Machine) • Implement graceful degradation • Spawn up (empty) generic Worker processes that can become whatever the Master currently needs • Other: Use your imagination! • Very useful once you get the used to it 例) 輻輳時にアクターをルータへ変身、FSM の実装など
  • 105. become context become { // new body case NewMessage => ... }
  • 106. Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc. 従来のリカバリはスレッドを用いたもの
  • 107. Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc. • You are given a SINGLE thread of control 従来のリカバリはスレッドを用いたもの
  • 108. Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc. • You are given a SINGLE thread of control • If this thread blows up you are screwed 従来のリカバリはスレッドを用いたもの
  • 109. Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc. • You are given a SINGLE thread of control • If this thread blows up you are screwed • So you need to do all explicit error handling WITHIN this single thread 従来のリカバリはスレッドを用いたもの
  • 110. Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc. • You are given a SINGLE thread of control • If this thread blows up you are screwed • So you need to do all explicit error handling WITHIN this single thread • To make things worse - errors do not propagate between threads so there is NO WAY OF EVEN FINDING OUT that something have failed 従来のリカバリはスレッドを用いたもの
  • 111. Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc. • You are given a SINGLE thread of control • If this thread blows up you are screwed • So you need to do all explicit error handling WITHIN this single thread • To make things worse - errors do not propagate between threads so there is NO WAY OF EVEN FINDING OUT that something have failed • This leads to DEFENSIVE programming with: 従来のリカバリはスレッドを用いたもの
  • 112. Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc. • You are given a SINGLE thread of control • If this thread blows up you are screwed • So you need to do all explicit error handling WITHIN this single thread • To make things worse - errors do not propagate between threads so there is NO WAY OF EVEN FINDING OUT that something have failed • This leads to DEFENSIVE programming with: • Error handling TANGLED with business logic 従来のリカバリはスレッドを用いたもの
  • 113. Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc. • You are given a SINGLE thread of control • If this thread blows up you are screwed • So you need to do all explicit error handling WITHIN this single thread • To make things worse - errors do not propagate between threads so there is NO WAY OF EVEN FINDING OUT that something have failed • This leads to DEFENSIVE programming with: • Error handling TANGLED with business logic • SCATTERED all over the code base 従来のリカバリはスレッドを用いたもの
  • 114. Failure Recovery in Java/C/C# etc. • You are given a SINGLE thread of control • If this thread blows up you are screwed • So you need to do all explicit error handling WITHIN this single thread • To make things worse - errors do not propagate between threads so there is NO WAY OF EVEN FINDING OUT that something have failed • This leads to DEFENSIVE programming with: • Error handling TANGLED with business logic • SCATTERED all over the code base We can do better than this!!! 従来のリカバリはスレッドを用いたもの
  • 115. Just LET IT CRASH クラッシュさせろ
  • 117. 4. SUPERVISE アクターの故障時は上司の Supervisor が通知され、 対応する。通常処理とエラー処理が分離できる。
  • 118. 4. SUPERVISE • SUPERVISE - manage another Actor’s failures アクターの故障時は上司の Supervisor が通知され、 対応する。通常処理とエラー処理が分離できる。
  • 119. 4. SUPERVISE • SUPERVISE - manage another Actor’s failures • Error handling in actors is handle by letting Actors monitor (supervise) each other for failure アクターの故障時は上司の Supervisor が通知され、 対応する。通常処理とエラー処理が分離できる。
  • 120. 4. SUPERVISE • SUPERVISE - manage another Actor’s failures • Error handling in actors is handle by letting Actors monitor (supervise) each other for failure • This means that if an Actor crashes, a notification will be sent to his supervisor, who can react upon the failure アクターの故障時は上司の Supervisor が通知され、 対応する。通常処理とエラー処理が分離できる。
  • 121. 4. SUPERVISE • SUPERVISE - manage another Actor’s failures • Error handling in actors is handle by letting Actors monitor (supervise) each other for failure • This means that if an Actor crashes, a notification will be sent to his supervisor, who can react upon the failure • This provides clean separation of processing and error handling アクターの故障時は上司の Supervisor が通知され、 対応する。通常処理とエラー処理が分離できる。
  • 122. Fault-tolerant onion-layered Error Kernel 玉ねぎのように階層化された耐障害性
  • 129. Node 1 Node 2 Error Kernel
  • 130. SUPERVISE Actor Every single actor has a default supervisor strategy. Which is usually sufficient. But it can be overridden. デフォルトの Supervisor 戦略をオーバーライドできる
  • 131. SUPERVISE Actor Every single actor has a default supervisor strategy. Which is usually sufficient. But it can be overridden. class Supervisor extends Actor { override val supervisorStrategy = (maxNrOfRetries = 10, withinTimeRange = 1 minute) { case _: ArithmeticException => Resume case _: NullPointerException => Restart case _: Exception => Escalate } デフォルトの=Supervisor 戦略をオーバーライドできる val worker context.actorOf(Props[Worker])
  • 132. SUPERVISE Actor class Supervisor extends Actor { override val supervisorStrategy = (maxNrOfRetries = 10, withinTimeRange = 1 minute) { case _: ArithmeticException => Resume case _: NullPointerException => Restart case _: Exception => Escalate } val worker = context.actorOf(Props[Worker]) def receive = { case n: Int => worker forward n } } デフォルトの Supervisor 戦略をオーバーライドできる
  • 133. Manage failure class Worker extends Actor { ... override def preRestart( reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) { ... // clean up before restart } override def postRestart(reason: Throwable) { ... // init after restart } } 故障の管理
  • 135. Remote deployment Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration akka { actor { provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider deployment { /greeter { remote = } } } } リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
  • 136. Remote deployment Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration Configure a Remote Provider akka { actor { provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider deployment { /greeter { remote = } } } } リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
  • 137. Remote deployment Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration Configure a Remote Provider akka { For the Greeter actor { actor provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider deployment { /greeter { remote = } } } } リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
  • 138. Remote deployment Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration Configure a Remote Provider akka { For the Greeter actor { actor provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider deployment { /greeter { remote = } } Define Remote Path } } リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
  • 139. Remote deployment Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration Configure a Remote Provider akka { For the Greeter actor { actor provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider deployment { /greeter { remote = akka:// } } Define Remote Path } Protocol } リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
  • 140. Remote deployment Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration Configure a Remote Provider akka { For the Greeter actor { actor provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider deployment { /greeter { remote = akka://MySystem } } Define Remote Path } Protocol Actor System } リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
  • 141. Remote deployment Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration Configure a Remote Provider akka { For the Greeter actor { actor provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider deployment { /greeter { remote = akka://MySystem@machine1 } } Define Remote Path } Protocol Actor System Hostname } リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
  • 142. Remote deployment Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration Configure a Remote Provider akka { For the Greeter actor { actor provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider deployment { /greeter { remote = akka://MySystem@machine1:2552 } } Define Remote Path } Protocol Actor System Hostname Port } リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
  • 143. Remote deployment Just feed the ActorSystem with this configuration Zero code changes Configure a Remote Provider akka { For the Greeter actor { actor provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider deployment { /greeter { remote = akka://MySystem@machine1:2552 } } Define Remote Path } Protocol Actor System Hostname Port } リモート配備: ActorSystem にこの設定を渡すだけ
  • 144. Remote Lookup val greeter = system.actorFor( "akka://MySystem@machine1:2552/user/greeter") リモートアクターを探す
  • 145. Can you see the problem? 問題に気付いたかな?
  • 146. Fixed Addresses akka { actor { provider = akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider deployment { /greeter { remote = akka://MySystem@machine1:2552 } } } } val greeter = system.actorFor( "akka://MySystem@machine1:2552/user/greeter") アドレスが決め打ちされている
  • 148. Features • Gossip-based Cluster Membership • Leader determination • Accrual Failure Detector • Cluster DeathWatch • Cluster-Aware Routers Gossip-based なクラスタ・メンバーシップ
  • 149. Enable clustering akka { actor { provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider" ... }    cluster { seed-nodes = [ "akka://[email protected]:2551", "akka://[email protected]:2552" ]   auto-down = on } } クラスタを使う
  • 150. Configure a clustered router  {    /statsService/workerRouter  {        router  =  consistent-­‐hashing        nr-­‐of-­‐instances  =  100        cluster  {            enabled  =  on            max-nr-of-instances-per-node = 3            allow-­‐local-­‐routees  =  on        }    } } クラスタ化されたルータの設定
  • 151. ...we have much much more
  • 152. ...we have much much more TestKit FSM Pub/Sub Durable Mailboxes IO Camel EventBus Pooling Typed Channels Microkernel SLF4J TypedActor ZeroMQ Dataflow Transactors Agents Extensions
  • 153. get it and learn more
  • 154. E0F