2. What is it?
Language + Environment
Simple Language (Smalltalk)
Object-Oriented, Dynamic, Reflective
Explore + Change running systems
The Ultimate Programming Environment!
20. • Anonymous method
• Passed as method argument or stored
• Functions
fct(x)= x*x+3, fct(2).
fct :=[:x| x * x + 3].
fct value: 2
21. Control structures
Every control structure is realized by message sends
4 timesRepeat: [Beeper beep]
max: aNumber!
! ^ self < aNumber !
! ! ifTrue: [aNumber] !
! ! ifFalse: [self]
22. <= aPoint !
! "Answer whether the receiver is neither!
! below nor to the right of aPoint."!
! ^ x <= aPoint x and: [y <= aPoint y]
A typical method in Point
Method name Argument Comment
Return Binary message
Keyword messageInstance variable
(2@3) <= (5@6) true
23. Complete Syntax on a PostCard
exampleWithNumber: x
“A method that has unary, binary, and key word messages, declares arguments and
temporaries (but not block temporaries), accesses a global variable (but not and
instance variable), uses literals (array, character, symbol, string, integer, float), uses the
pseudo variable true false, nil, self, and super, and has sequence, assignment, return
and cascade. It has both zero argument and one argument blocks.”
true & false not & (nil isNil) ifFalse: [self halt].
y := self size + super size.
#($a #a ‘a’ 1 1.0)
do: [:each | Transcript show: (each class name); show: (each printString); show:
‘ ‘].
^ x < y
38. eMCee is a montoring service for backend interfaces
- Web application to define backend interfaces
- Monitors reliability of interface periodically
- Sends warning if status of interface changes
- Provides overview graphs about reliability
- Snapshots requests for debugging purposes
[email protected]
40. • Entry Level Track & Trace Product
• Complements T3 Full Product
• One Page Javascript HTML5 / Ajax Client
• REST Back End in Pharo Smalltalk
• Gateways to multiple data providers
41. Pharo Consortium
Managed by INRIA
Who: companies, institutions, user groups
Privileged access to the core development team
Influence priorities of the next development
44. Instance Variables as Objects —> Slots
Proxy model in the base language
Structuring reflective API (—> Mirrors)
More Reflection
45. AST Everywhere
Used in Tools for Navigation
Do we need to store text?
Use for Behavioral Reflection
Beyond Text
46. Put “virtualization” in the language
We already use “Images”
Make the Image a first class concept in the language
System - as - Objects
47. Open Pharo SprintsMay 2008 Bern
July 2009 Bern
October 2009 Lille
November 2009 Buenos Ares
March 2010 Bern
May 2010 Buenos Ares
June 2010 Bern
June 2010 Bruxelles
July 2010 London
September 2010 Barcelona
September 2010 Lille
January 2011 Lille
July 2011 Lille
October 2011 Bruxelles
February 2012 Bern
April 2012 Lille
September 2012 Ghent
October 2013 Lille
November 2013 Buenos Aires