ゼロから始める深層強化学習(NLP2018講演資料)/ Introduction of Deep Reinforcement LearningPreferred Networks
Introduction of Deep Reinforcement Learning, which was presented at domestic NLP conference.
言語処理学会第24回年次大会(NLP2018) での講演資料です。
1. The document discusses various statistical and neural network-based models for representing words and modeling semantics, including LSI, PLSI, LDA, word2vec, and neural network language models.
2. These models represent words based on their distributional properties and contexts using techniques like matrix factorization, probabilistic modeling, and neural networks to learn vector representations.
3. Recent models like word2vec use neural networks to learn word embeddings that capture linguistic regularities and can be used for tasks like analogy-making and machine translation.
First part shows several methods to sample points from arbitrary distributions. Second part shows application to population genetics to infer population size and divergence time using obtained sequence data.
The document discusses hyperparameter optimization in machine learning models. It introduces various hyperparameters that can affect model performance, and notes that as models become more complex, the number of hyperparameters increases, making manual tuning difficult. It formulates hyperparameter optimization as a black-box optimization problem to minimize validation loss and discusses challenges like high function evaluation costs and lack of gradient information.
このスライドではベイズ統計学によく登場する確率分布の関係について紹介している。平易なベルヌーイ分布から多少複雑なベータ分布までがどのようにつながっているかを示している。いくつかの重要な性質については実際に証明を与えた。本スライドは2016年10月1日のNagoyaStat #2で発表したものである。
Some probability distributions are used for bayes statistics. This slide shows relationships from Bernoulli distribution to Beta distribution. Some important properties are proofed in this slide.
[1]Matthew D Hoffman, David M Blei, Chong Wang, and John Paisley. Stochastic variational inference. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 1303–1347, 2013.
[2] 佐藤一誠. トピックモデルによる統計的意味解析. コロナ社, 2015.
1. The document discusses various statistical and neural network-based models for representing words and modeling semantics, including LSI, PLSI, LDA, word2vec, and neural network language models.
2. These models represent words based on their distributional properties and contexts using techniques like matrix factorization, probabilistic modeling, and neural networks to learn vector representations.
3. Recent models like word2vec use neural networks to learn word embeddings that capture linguistic regularities and can be used for tasks like analogy-making and machine translation.
First part shows several methods to sample points from arbitrary distributions. Second part shows application to population genetics to infer population size and divergence time using obtained sequence data.
The document discusses hyperparameter optimization in machine learning models. It introduces various hyperparameters that can affect model performance, and notes that as models become more complex, the number of hyperparameters increases, making manual tuning difficult. It formulates hyperparameter optimization as a black-box optimization problem to minimize validation loss and discusses challenges like high function evaluation costs and lack of gradient information.
このスライドではベイズ統計学によく登場する確率分布の関係について紹介している。平易なベルヌーイ分布から多少複雑なベータ分布までがどのようにつながっているかを示している。いくつかの重要な性質については実際に証明を与えた。本スライドは2016年10月1日のNagoyaStat #2で発表したものである。
Some probability distributions are used for bayes statistics. This slide shows relationships from Bernoulli distribution to Beta distribution. Some important properties are proofed in this slide.
[1]Matthew D Hoffman, David M Blei, Chong Wang, and John Paisley. Stochastic variational inference. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 1303–1347, 2013.
[2] 佐藤一誠. トピックモデルによる統計的意味解析. コロナ社, 2015.
The document appears to discuss Bayesian statistical modeling and inference. It includes definitions of terms like the correlation coefficient (ρ), bivariate normal distributions, and binomial distributions. It shows the setup of a Bayesian hierarchical model with multivariate normal outcomes and estimates of the model parameters, including the correlations (ρA and ρB) between two groups of bivariate data.
Optimize + Deploy Distributed Tensorflow, Spark, and Scikit-Learn Models on G...Chris Fregly
Optimize + Deploy Distributed Tensorflow, Spark, and Scikit-Learn Models on GPUs - Advanced Spark and TensorFlow Meetup May 23 2017 @ Hotels.com London
We'll discuss how to deploy TensorFlow, Spark, and Sciki-learn models on GPUs with Kubernetes across multiple cloud providers including AWS, Google, and Azure - as well as on-premise.
In addition, we'll discuss how to optimize TensorFlow models for high-performance inference using the latest TensorFlow XLA (Accelerated Linear Algebra) framework including the JIT and AOT Compilers.
Github Repo (100% Open Source!)
Statstical Genetics Summer School 2023
Aug 25-27th 2023, Osaka University, The University of Tokyo, RIKENm, Japan
Introducton to Convolutional Nerural Network with TensorFlowEtsuji Nakai
Explaining basic mechanism of the Convolutional Neural Network with sample TesnsorFlow codes.
Sample codes: https://github.com/enakai00/cnn_introduction
Machine Learning Basics for Web Application DevelopersEtsuji Nakai
This document provides an overview of machine learning basics for web application developers. It discusses linear binary classifiers and logistic regression, how to measure model fitness with loss functions, and graphical understandings of linear classifiers. It then covers linear multiclass classifiers using softmax functions, image classification with neural networks, and ways to improve accuracy using convolutional neural networks. Finally, it discusses client applications that use pre-trained machine learning models through API services and examples of smile detection and cucumber classification.
Your first TensorFlow programming with JupyterEtsuji Nakai
This document provides an introduction and overview of TensorFlow and how to use it with Jupyter notebooks on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It explains that TensorFlow is Google's open source library for machine learning and was launched in 2015. It is used for many production machine learning projects. Jupyter is introduced as an interactive web-based platform for data analysis that can also be used as a TensorFlow runtime environment. The document then provides details on the programming paradigm and model of TensorFlow, giving an example of using it for a least squares method problem to predict temperatures. It explains the key components of defining a model, loss function, and training algorithm to optimize variables in a session.
This document provides an introduction to deep Q-networks (DQN) for beginners. It explains that DQNs can be used to learn optimal actions in video games by collecting data on screen states, player actions, rewards, and next states without knowing the game's rules. The key idea is to approximate a "Q function" that represents the total expected rewards if optimal actions are taken from each state onward. A deep neural network is used as the candidate function, and its parameters are adjusted using an error function to satisfy the Q-learning equation. To collect the necessary state-action data, the game is played with a mix of random exploration and exploiting the current best actions from the Q-network.
64. 64
In [9]: result = DataFrame()
for c in range(3):
y = 0
t = []
for delta in np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=100):
y += delta
result['Trial %d' % c] = t
In [10]: result.plot(title='Random walk')
- 次のようにplot()メソッドを用いると、列ごとのデータをまとめてグラフに表示することができ
※ plot()メソッドの詳細は下記を参照
70. 70
- 次の関数では、決定された多項式 と係数 を返しています。
In[7] : def resolve(dataset, m):
t = dataset.y
phi = DataFrame()
for i in range(0,m+1):
p = dataset.x**i
p.name="x**%d" % i
phi = pd.concat([phi,p], axis=1)
tmp = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(phi.T, phi))
ws = np.dot(np.dot(tmp, phi.T), t)
def f(x):
y = 0
for i, w in enumerate(ws):
y += w * (x ** i)
return y
return (f, ws)