The document discusses aerated concrete bricks, also known as foam blocks or AAC. It describes aerated concrete as a lightweight, porous building material made through a process of mixing materials and chemicals, then applying pressure and steam. Key advantages of AAC include lighter weight, better temperature insulation, and the ability to use various waste materials in production. The document also lists some types of machinery produced by Zhengzhou Kehai Heavy Industrial Machinery Co. for making AAC bricks.
We are the first company in Asia to realize dendrimer industralization. We have offered our products to many research center, world famous company.
Follow us to more about the dendrimer. We bring you the latest news about dendrimer.
The Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE) published an Importers and Exporters Directory to promote trade and investment opportunities in Belize. BELTRAIDE aims to attract investment, facilitate business, and promote both traditional and non-traditional exports. The directory provides contact information for over 200 Belizean businesses across various sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, tourism and financial services. The Government of Belize supports trade globalization and is engaged in international trade negotiations to create a favorable environment for business.
JSX is a strictly-typed object-oriented programming language that is compiled to JavaScript. It aims to provide higher productivity than JavaScript through strong typing while generating code that runs faster than plain JavaScript. Some key points:
- JSX code is compiled to optimized JavaScript using type information for performance gains
- It has classes and functions like Java but compiles to JavaScript
- Goals are higher productivity than JavaScript and applications that run faster and are higher quality
- It avoids problems of other languages that compile to JavaScript like performance penalties
The document discusses aerated concrete bricks, also known as foam blocks or AAC. It describes aerated concrete as a lightweight, porous building material made through a process of mixing materials and chemicals, then applying pressure and steam. Key advantages of AAC include lighter weight, better temperature insulation, and the ability to use various waste materials in production. The document also lists some types of machinery produced by Zhengzhou Kehai Heavy Industrial Machinery Co. for making AAC bricks.
We are the first company in Asia to realize dendrimer industralization. We have offered our products to many research center, world famous company.
Follow us to more about the dendrimer. We bring you the latest news about dendrimer.
The Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE) published an Importers and Exporters Directory to promote trade and investment opportunities in Belize. BELTRAIDE aims to attract investment, facilitate business, and promote both traditional and non-traditional exports. The directory provides contact information for over 200 Belizean businesses across various sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, tourism and financial services. The Government of Belize supports trade globalization and is engaged in international trade negotiations to create a favorable environment for business.
JSX is a strictly-typed object-oriented programming language that is compiled to JavaScript. It aims to provide higher productivity than JavaScript through strong typing while generating code that runs faster than plain JavaScript. Some key points:
- JSX code is compiled to optimized JavaScript using type information for performance gains
- It has classes and functions like Java but compiles to JavaScript
- Goals are higher productivity than JavaScript and applications that run faster and are higher quality
- It avoids problems of other languages that compile to JavaScript like performance penalties
The document outlines the evolution of web technologies over time including HTML5 specifications, modern web APIs, and browser capabilities. It notes that an incremental approach to evolving HTML standards worked better than trying to switch everyone to XML at once. The document also references comments about using the full Safari engine to build apps for iPhone and how the term "HTML5" is commonly used as a buzzword for modern web technologies.
The document discusses the evolution of HTML5 and modern web technologies. It notes that HTML5 is often used as a buzzword to refer to these technologies. It also discusses native app development versus web technologies, noting one company's regret at betting too heavily on HTML5 over native. Finally, it provides timelines showing the development of HTML5 features and standards by organizations like WHATWG and W3C.
The document discusses the evolution of HTML5 and modern web technologies. It notes that HTML5 is an umbrella term used to refer to these technologies, and that evolving HTML incrementally through standards bodies, rather than trying to completely replace it at once, has been a more effective approach. The document outlines many current and emerging specifications and APIs that make up what is considered HTML5, including features for multimedia, forms, graphics, app caching, and more. It positions HTML5 and associated technologies as being extensible for various applications like games, virtual reality, and high performance uses.
The document discusses upcoming changes and features for Microsoft Edge, including the ability to edit URLs for favorites, drag and drop favorites, and address bars that no longer jiggle. It also promotes collaboration within the web community and mentions a beta linting tool called SonarWhal for the web.
The document discusses the evolution of HTML5 and modern web technologies. It notes that HTML5 is used as a buzzword to refer to these technologies. The development involved incremental evolution, as trying to switch to XML all at once did not work. The document outlines many technologies, such as canvas, web workers, web sockets, that have been added to HTML5 and modern web standards over time by the WHATWG and W3C groups.
The document provides an overview of the technologies that make up modern web standards, including elements, APIs, protocols, formats and more that enable rich interactive experiences and applications on the internet. It touches on areas like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, networking, multimedia, device access and more. The technologies listed support building progressive web apps, real-time communications, games, virtual reality experiences and high performance applications in an extensible manner.
The document discusses the evolution of web technologies including HTML5 specifications and elements developed by WHATWG and W3C, CSS specifications and properties developed by WHATWG and W3C, and JavaScript/ECMAScript specifications. It also discusses newer web capabilities such as WebRTC, WebAssembly, WebVR, WebGL, Service Workers and Progressive Web Apps. The document emphasizes that specifications must work together with implementations to advance web standards.
The document lists many technologies related to HTML5, CSS3, ECMAScript, and web standards. It includes elements, syntax, parsers, APIs, multimedia, forms, storage, networking, graphics, web workers, web sockets, and more. The technologies are being developed by groups like the W3C, WHATWG, IETF, and Khronos to advance the capabilities of web applications.
The document describes a PWA (Progressive Web App) for a Lesser Panda app called "Lesser Panda's Fluffy Fun App!". It includes metadata like the app name, icons, and start URL. It also describes registering a service worker to subscribe to push notifications by calling the push manager's subscribe method and saving the subscription to a server. Finally, it lists modern web technologies supported by browsers.
27. !
Web is the Platform
Web ⊃ マーケット
Web 全体がアプリ配信環境
マーケットは Web の一部に過ぎない
Web サイト = アプリ
既存の Web もそのままアプリに
Web 技術 = ネイティブ技術
Web 技術だけで何でも可能に
不足機能は API を定義・標準化
29. Firefox OS : Android
左上のアプリが Web 読み込み型、右上のアプリがダウンロード型
カーネル & HAL
Web Platform
App Framework
DeviceAPI SystemAPI
Web に最適化
SGL etc.
カーネル & HAL
47. VIA - APC Paper / Rock
Firefox OS 標準搭載 PC
CPU: Cortex-A9 900MHz
ボードは $59、箱入りで $99
HDMI 出力などあり!
Raspberry Pi クラスの Android PC が Firefox OS に正式対応したもの
48. フットプリント削減
Firefox OS 1.0 - 256MB∼
ZTE Open などは 256MB
Firefox 1.4 - 128MB∼
128MB 端末近日発売
49. CRB にて互換性の確保
Compliance Review Board
KDDI, Sony Mobile なども参加
Firefox OS ブランド要件の基盤
Web API の互換性・信頼性向上