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Some REST Design Patterns
   (and Anti-Patterns)

              Cesare Pautasso
           Faculty of Informatics
      University of Lugano, Switzerland

            The REST architectural style is simple to define, but
             understanding how to apply it to design concrete
             REST services in support of SOA can be more
             complex. The goal of this talk is to present the main
             design elements of a RESTful architecture and
             introduce a pattern-based design methodology for
             REST services.
            A selection of REST-inspired SOA design patterns
             taken from the upcoming "SOA with REST" book will
             be explained and further discussed to share useful
             solutions to recurring design problems and to also
             the foundational building blocks that comprise the
             REST framework from a patterns perspective.
            We will conclude by introducing some common SOA
             anti-patterns particularly relevant to the design of
             REST services in order to point out that not all
             current Web services that claim to be RESTful are
             indeed truly so.
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                              2
            The following distinguished individuals have
             contributed to the the patterns and reviewed some of
             the material presented in this talk:
                  Raj Balasubramanian
                  Benjamin Carlyle
                  Thomas Erl
                  Stefan Tilkov
                  Erik Wilde
                  Herbjorn Wilhelmsen
                  Jim Webber

            And all the participants, sheperds and sheeps
             of the SOA Patterns Workshop
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                             3
About Cesare Pautasso
          Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Informatics,
           University of Lugano, Switzerland (since Sept 2007)
          Research Projects:
           SOSOA – Self Organizing Service Oriented Architectures
           CLAVOS – Continuous Lifelong Analysis and Verification of
              Open Services
           BPEL for REST
          Researcher at IBM Zurich Research Lab (2007)
          Post Doc at ETH Zürich
           Software:
              JOpera: Process Support for more than Web services
          Ph.D. at ETH Zürich, Switzerland (2004)

            Representations:
    (Twitter Feed)

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                 4
REST Patterns - Outline
   • Design Methodology
   • Simple Doodle Service Example & Demo
   • SOA Design Patterns
          •        Entity Endpoint
          •        Uniform Contract
          •        Endpoint Redirection
          •        Content Negotiation
          •        Idempotent Capability
   • AntiPatterns
          • Tunneling everything through GET
          • Tunneling everything through POST
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                         5
Design Methodology for REST
   1. Identify resources to be exposed as
      services (e.g., yearly risk report, book

      catalog, purchase order, open bugs,

      polls and votes)


   2. Model relationships (e.g., containment,
      reference, state transitions) between      /loan                      
      resources with hyperlinks that can be
      followed to get more details (or perform   /balance                   
      state transitions)                         /client                    
   3. Define “nice” URIs to address the
      resources                                  /book                      
   4. Understand what it means to do a GET,
      POST, PUT, DELETE for each resource        /order          ?           
      (and whether it is allowed or not)
   5. Design and document resource
      representations                            /soap                      
   6. Implement and deploy on Web server
   7. Test with a Web browser
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                                 6
Design Space
                                         M Representations (Variable)

                                               4 Methods (Fixed)

                          N Reso

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                 7
Simple Doodle API Example Design
   1. Resources:

      polls and votes

   2. Containment Relationship:

          poll                    /poll                                   
             {id1}                /poll/{id}                             
                     vote         /poll/{id}/vote                         
                          {id4}   /poll/{id}/vote/{id}                    ?

                          {id5}   3.   URIs embed IDs of “child”
                                       instance resources
                                  4.   POST on the container is used to
               {id2}                   create child resources
                                  5.   PUT/DELETE for updating and
                {id3}                  removing child resources

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                              8
Simple Doodle API Example
  1.        Creating a poll
            (transfer the state of a new poll on the Doodle service)

   POST /poll                                         GET /poll/090331x
                                                      200 OK
   201 Created                                        <options>A,B,C</options>
   Location: /poll/090331x                            <votes href=“/vote”/>

                                                               2. Reading a poll
                          (transfer the state of the poll from the Doodle service)
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                              9
Simple Doodle API Example
   Participating in a poll by creating a new vote sub resource

   POST /poll/090331x/vote             GET /poll/090331x
   <name>C. Pautasso</name>
   <choice>B</choice>                  200 OK
   201 Created                         <votes><vote id=“1”>
   Location:                           <name>C. Pautasso</name>
   /poll/090331x/vote/1                <choice>B</choice>

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                           10
Simple Doodle API Example
   Existing votes can be updated (access control headers not shown)

   PUT /poll/090331x/vote/1             GET /poll/090331x
   <name>C. Pautasso</name>
   <choice>C</choice>                   200 OK
   200 OK                               <votes><vote id=“/1”>
                                        <name>C. Pautasso</name>

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                11
Simple Doodle API Example
   Polls can be deleted once a decision has been made

   DELETE /poll/090331x                GET /poll/090331x

   200 OK                              404 Not Found

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                    12
Design Patterns
                                         M Representations (Variable)
                                               4 Methods (Fixed)

     Entity                                                         Uniform
    Endpoint                                                        Contract
                          N Reso

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                        13
Pattern: Uniform Contract
                          Provider US
                          Provider CH
                          Provider IT

   How can consumers take advantage of multiple evolving
    service endpoints?
   Problem: Accessing similar services requires consumers to
    access capabilities expressed in service specific contracts.
    The consumer needs to be kept up to date with respect to
    many evolving individual contracts.

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                            14
Pattern: Uniform Contract
                          Provider US
                          Provider CH
                          Provider IT

   Solution: Standardize a uniform contract across alternative
    service endpoints that is abstracted from the specific
    capabilities of individual services.
   Benefits: Service Abstraction, Loose Coupling, Reusability,
    Discoverability, Composability.

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                               15
Example Uniform Contract

             CRUD               REST
                                              Create a
           CREATE         POST              sub resource
                                       Retrieve the current
              READ        GET          state of the resource
                                       Initialize or update the
           UPDATE         PUT            state of a resource
                                           at the given URI

                                         Clear a resource,
           DELETE         DELETE         after the URI is no
                                            longer valid

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                           16
  GET is a read-only operation.
   It can be repeated without
   affecting the state of the
   resource (idempotent) and
   can be cached.
 Note: this does not mean that
   the same representation will
   be returned every time.         Web browsers warn
  POST is a read-write            you when refreshing
   operation and may change        a page generated
   the state of the resource and   with POST
   provoke side effects on the

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                  17
  What is the right way of creating resources (initialize their state)?
         PUT /resource/{id}
         201 Created
            Problem: How to ensure resource {id} is unique?
            (Resources can be created by multiple clients concurrently)
            Solution 1: let the client choose a unique id (e.g., GUID)

         POST /resource
         301 Moved Permanently
         Location: /resource/{id}
            Solution 2: let the server compute the unique id
            Problem: Duplicate instances may be created if requests are
            repeated due to unreliable communication

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                   18
Pattern: Endpoint Redirection
                                 Stale Reference

         Consumer                Service Endpoint

         Consumer                    Old Endpoint   New Endpoint

   How can consumers of a service endpoint adapt when service
    inventories are restructured?
   Problem: Service inventories may change over time for
    business or technical reasons. It may not be possible to
    replace all references to old endpoints simultaneously.
   Solution: Automatically refer service consumers that access
    the stale endpoint identifier to the current identifier.
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                            19
Endpoint Redirection with HTTP
                                  /old   /new
                                HTTP natively supports
                                 the Endpoint redirection
         GET /old                pattern using a
                                 combination of 3xx
         301 Moved Permanently
         Location: /new
                                 status codes and
                                 standard headers:
                                                 301 Moved Permanently
                                                 307 Temporary Redirect
         GET /new
                                                 Location: /newURI
         200 OK

                           Tip: Redirection responses can be chained.
                           Warning: do not create redirection loops!
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                    20
Design Patterns
                                         M Representations (Variable)
                                               4 Methods (Fixed)

     Entity                                                         Uniform
    Endpoint                                                        Contract
                          N Reso

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                        21
Pattern: Entity Endpoint
                      Consumer       Endpoint
                                                       A    B   C
                                                        X   Y   Z
                                                   Business Entities

   How can entities be positioned as reusable enterprise resources?
   Problem: A service with a single endpoint is too coarse-grained when its
    capabilities need to be invoked on its data entities. A consumer needs to
    work with two identifiers: a global one for the service and a local one for
    the entity managed by the service. Entity identifiers cannot be reused and
    shared among multiple services

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                           22
Pattern: Entity Endpoint

                      Consumer      Provider Entity Endpoints
                                    X    Y     Z    A    B      C

   Solution: expose each entitity as individual lightweight
    endpoints of the service they reside in
   Benefits: Global addressability of service entities

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                             23
URI - Uniform Resource Identifier

    Internet Standard for resource naming and identification
     (originally from 1994, revised until 2005)
    Examples:

                   URI Scheme   Authority     Path

                                                  Query      Fragment
    REST does not advocate the use of “nice” URIs
    In most HTTP stacks URIs cannot have arbitrary length (4Kb)

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                             24
What is a “nice” URI?
 A RESTful service is much more than just a set of nice URIs



©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                  25
URI Design Guidelines
   Prefer Nouns to Verbs      GET /book?isbn=24&action=delete
   Keep your URIs short       DELETE /book/24
   If possible follow a
    “positional” parameter-        Note: REST URIs are opaque
    passing scheme for              identifiers that are meant to
    algorithmic resource query      be discovered by following
    strings (instead of the         hyperlinks and not
    key=value&p=v encoding)         constructed by the client

   Some use URI postfixes to        This may break the
    specify the content type          abstraction

   Do not change URIs               Warning: URI Templates
   Use redirection if you really     introduce coupling between
    need to change them               client and server

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                             26
Pattern: Content Negotiation

                          New Consumer

   How can services support different consumers without
    changing their contract?
   Problem: Service consumers may change their requirements in
    a way that is not backwards compatible. A service may have to
    support both old and new consumers without having to
    introduce a specific capability for each kind of consumer.

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                             27
Pattern: Content Negotiation


                          New Consumer

   Solution: specific content and data representation formats to
    be accepted or returned by a service capability is negotiated at
    runtime as part of its invocation. The service contract refers to
    multiple standardized “media types”.
   Benefits: Loose Coupling, Increased Interoperability, Increased
    Organizational Agility

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                 28
Content Negotiation in HTTP
  Negotiating the message format does not require to send more
      messages (the added flexibility comes for free)
         GET /resource
         Accept: text/html, application/xml,
            1. The client lists the set of understood formats (MIME types)

         200 OK
         Content-Type: application/json
            2. The server chooses the most appropriate one for the reply
            (status 406 if none can be found)

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                      29
Advanced Content Negotiation
  Quality factors allow the client to indicate the relative
     degree of preference for each representation (or
                            Media/Type; q=X
  If a media type has a quality value q=0, then content with
       this parameter is not acceptable for the client.
             Accept: text/html, text/*; q=0.1
            The client prefers to receive HTML (but any other text format
            will do with lower priority)
    Accept: application/xhtml+xml; q=0.9,
      text/html; q=0.5, text/plain; q=0.1
            The client prefers to receive XHTML, or HTML if this is not
            available and will use Plain Text as a fall back

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                     30
Forced Content Negotiation
  The generic URI supports content negotiation
  GET /resource
  Accept: text/html, application/xml,
  The specific URI points to a specific representation format using
      the postfix (extension)
  GET /resource.html
  GET /resource.xml
  GET /resource.json
  Warning: This is a conventional practice, not a standard.
  What happens if the resource cannot be represented in the
      requested format?

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                               31
Multi-Dimensional Negotiation
  Content Negotiation is very flexible and can be
     performed based on different dimensions
     (each with a specific pair of HTTP headers).

    Request Header Example Values Response Header
    Accept:          application/xml, Content-Type:
    Accept-Language: en, fr, de, es   Content-Language:

    Accept-Charset:  iso-8859-5,      Charset parameter fo the
                     unicode-1-1      Content-Type header
    Accept-Encoding: compress,        Content-Encoding:

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                          32
Pattern: Idempotent Capability
              Client          Service            Client               Service

    Timeout                                Timeout

   How can a service consumer recover from lost messages after network
    disruption or server failure within a service cluster?
   Problem: Service oriented architectures are distributed systems. Failures
    (such as the loss of messages) may occur during service capability
    invocation. A lost request should be retried, but a lost response may cause
    unintended side-effects if retried automatically.

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                           33
Pattern: Idempotent Capability
                          Client ESB        ESB Service


   Solution: use an ESB, with support for reliable
   Problem: do we always need this? Are there
    some messages more critical than others?
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                   34
Pattern: Idempotent Capability
                          Client    Service

   Simpler Solution: if possible use idempotent
    service capabilities, whereby services provide
    a guarantee that capability invocations are
    safe to repeat in the case of failures that could
    lead to a response message being lost
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                 35
Idempotent vs. Unsafe
   Idempotent requests can be      Unsafe requests modify the state of
    processed multiple times         the server and cannot be repeated
    without side-effects             without additional (unwanted) effects:
  GET /book                        Withdraw(200$) //unsafe
  PUT /order/x                     Deposit(200$) //unsafe
  DELETE /order/y                   Unsafe requests require special
   If something goes wrong          handling in case of exceptional
    (server down, server             situations (e.g., state reconciliation)
    internal error), the request   POST /order/x/payment
    can be simply replayed until    In some cases the API can be
    the server is back up again      redesigned to use idempotent
   Safe requests are                operations:
    idempotent requests which      B = GetBalance() //safe
    do not modify the state of
                                   B = B + 200$              //local
    the server (can be cached)
                                   SetBalance(B) //idempotent
  GET /book

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                   36
Dealing with Concurrency
                                       Breaking down the API into a
                                        set of idempotent requests
               GET /balance             helps to deal with temporary
               200 OK                  But what about if another
               ETag: 26                 client concurrently modifies
                PUT /balance            the state of the resource we
                ETag: 26                are about to update?
                                       Do we need to create an
                200 OK                  explicit /balance/lock
                ETag: 27                resource? (Pessimistic
                                       Or is there an optimistic
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                37
Dealing with Concurrency

               GET /balance

               200 OK             PUT /balance
               ETag: 26           ETag: 26

                PUT /balance      200 OK
                ETag: 26          ETag: 27

                409 Conflict

         The 409 status code can be used to inform a client that his
         request would render the state of the resource inconsistent
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                38
Antipatterns - REST vs. HTTP

                          REST      HTTP

                           RESTful HTTP
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                            39
Antipatterns – HTTP as a tunnel
   Tunnel through one HTTP Method
  GET       /api?method=addCustomer&name=Pautasso
  GET       /api?method=deleteCustomer&id=42
  GET       /api?method=getCustomerName&id=42
  GET       /api?method=findCustomers&name=Pautasso*

          Everything through GET
                • Advantage: Easy to test from a Browser address bar
                  (the “action” is represented in the resource URI)
                • Problem: GET should only be used for read-only
                  (= idempotent and safe) requests.
                  What happens if you bookmark one of those links?
                • Limitation: Requests can only send up to approx. 4KB of data
                  (414 Request-URI Too Long)
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                          40
Antipatterns – HTTP as a tunnel
   Tunnel through one HTTP Method
          Everything through POST
                • Advantage: Can upload/download an arbitrary amount of data
                  (this is what SOAP or XML-RPC do)
                • Problem: POST is not idempotent and is unsafe (cannot cache
                  and should only be used for “dangerous” requests)

  POST /service/endpoint
                                          Is t h
                                                is a
  <soap:Envelope>                    reso
    <soap:Body>                          urce
        <findCustomers>                      ?
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                                         41
REST Design Patterns
   1. Uniform Contract
   2. Entity Endpoint
   3. Entity Linking*
   4. Content Negotiation
   5. Distributed Response Caching*
   6. Endpoint Redirection
   7. Idempotent Capability
   8. Message-based State Deferral*
   9. Message-based Logic Deferral*
   10.Consumer-Processed Composition*
                            *Not Included in this talk
©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                  42
     R. Fielding, Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-
      based Software Architectures, PhD Thesis,
      University of California, Irvine, 2000
     C. Pautasso, O. Zimmermann, F. Leymann, RESTful Web
      Services vs. Big Web Services: Making the Right Architectural
      Decision, Proc. of the 17th International World Wide Web
      Conference (WWW2008), Bejing, China, April 2008
     C. Pautasso, BPEL for REST, Proc. of the 7th International
      Conference on Business Process Management
      (BPM 2008), Milano, Italy, September 2008
     C. Pautasso, Composing RESTful Services with JOpera,
      In: Proc. of the International Conference on Software
      Composition (SC2009), July 2009, Zurich, Switzerland.
©                                                                     43

                                     Raj Balasubramanian,
         Applying the SOA composition principle to
                                     Benjamin Carlyle,
                                     Thomas Erl,
          REST gives interesting results Pautasso,
         Thanks to hyperlinks, REST SOA with a new
                                      brings REST,
          (more dynamic and loosely coupled)
                                     Prentice Hall,
          twist to SOA composition to appear in 2010
      Composing RESTful services helps to build
       mashups, but is different
      A RESTful API is the perfect abstraction for
       publishing the state of a workflow

©2009 - Cesare Pautasso                                     44

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Cesare Pautasso
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Cesare Pautasso
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Cesare Pautasso
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David Olson
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Cesare Pautasso
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Cesare Pautasso
SHARE Update for DLF, October 2014
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A Provenance-Aware Linked Data Application for Trip Management and Organization
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Some REST Design Patterns (and Anti-Patterns) - SOA Symposium 2009

  • 1. Some REST Design Patterns (and Anti-Patterns) Cesare Pautasso Faculty of Informatics University of Lugano, Switzerland [email protected]
  • 2. Abstract  The REST architectural style is simple to define, but understanding how to apply it to design concrete REST services in support of SOA can be more complex. The goal of this talk is to present the main design elements of a RESTful architecture and introduce a pattern-based design methodology for REST services.  A selection of REST-inspired SOA design patterns taken from the upcoming "SOA with REST" book will be explained and further discussed to share useful solutions to recurring design problems and to also the foundational building blocks that comprise the REST framework from a patterns perspective.  We will conclude by introducing some common SOA anti-patterns particularly relevant to the design of REST services in order to point out that not all current Web services that claim to be RESTful are indeed truly so. ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 2
  • 3. Acknowledgements  The following distinguished individuals have contributed to the the patterns and reviewed some of the material presented in this talk:  Raj Balasubramanian  Benjamin Carlyle  Thomas Erl  Stefan Tilkov  Erik Wilde  Herbjorn Wilhelmsen  Jim Webber  And all the participants, sheperds and sheeps of the SOA Patterns Workshop ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 3
  • 4. About Cesare Pautasso  Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Informatics, University of Lugano, Switzerland (since Sept 2007) Research Projects:  SOSOA – Self Organizing Service Oriented Architectures -  CLAVOS – Continuous Lifelong Analysis and Verification of Open Services  BPEL for REST  Researcher at IBM Zurich Research Lab (2007)  Post Doc at ETH Zürich -  Software: JOpera: Process Support for more than Web services  Ph.D. at ETH Zürich, Switzerland (2004)  Representations: (Web) (Twitter Feed) ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 4
  • 5. REST Patterns - Outline • Design Methodology • Simple Doodle Service Example & Demo • SOA Design Patterns • Entity Endpoint • Uniform Contract • Endpoint Redirection • Content Negotiation • Idempotent Capability • AntiPatterns • Tunneling everything through GET • Tunneling everything through POST ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 5
  • 6. Design Methodology for REST 1. Identify resources to be exposed as services (e.g., yearly risk report, book DELETE catalog, purchase order, open bugs, POST polls and votes) GET PUT 2. Model relationships (e.g., containment, reference, state transitions) between /loan     resources with hyperlinks that can be followed to get more details (or perform /balance     state transitions) /client     3. Define “nice” URIs to address the resources /book     4. Understand what it means to do a GET, POST, PUT, DELETE for each resource /order  ?   (and whether it is allowed or not) 5. Design and document resource representations /soap     6. Implement and deploy on Web server 7. Test with a Web browser ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 6
  • 7. Design Space M Representations (Variable) 4 Methods (Fixed) le) (Variab urces N Reso ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 7
  • 8. Simple Doodle API Example Design 1. Resources: DELETE polls and votes POST 2. Containment Relationship: GET PUT poll /poll     {id1} /poll/{id}     vote /poll/{id}/vote     {id4} /poll/{id}/vote/{id}    ? {id5} 3. URIs embed IDs of “child” instance resources 4. POST on the container is used to {id2} create child resources 5. PUT/DELETE for updating and {id3} removing child resources ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 8
  • 9. Simple Doodle API Example 1. Creating a poll (transfer the state of a new poll on the Doodle service) /poll /poll/090331x /poll/090331x/vote POST /poll GET /poll/090331x <options>A,B,C</options> 200 OK 201 Created <options>A,B,C</options> Location: /poll/090331x <votes href=“/vote”/> 2. Reading a poll (transfer the state of the poll from the Doodle service) ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 9
  • 10. Simple Doodle API Example  Participating in a poll by creating a new vote sub resource - /poll /poll/090331x /poll/090331x/vote /poll/090331x/vote/1 POST /poll/090331x/vote GET /poll/090331x <name>C. Pautasso</name> <choice>B</choice> 200 OK <options>A,B,C</options> 201 Created <votes><vote id=“1”> Location: <name>C. Pautasso</name> /poll/090331x/vote/1 <choice>B</choice> </vote></votes> ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 10
  • 11. Simple Doodle API Example  Existing votes can be updated (access control headers not shown) /poll /poll/090331x /poll/090331x/vote /poll/090331x/vote/1 PUT /poll/090331x/vote/1 GET /poll/090331x <name>C. Pautasso</name> <choice>C</choice> 200 OK <options>A,B,C</options> 200 OK <votes><vote id=“/1”> <name>C. Pautasso</name> <choice>C</choice> </vote></votes> ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 11
  • 12. Simple Doodle API Example  Polls can be deleted once a decision has been made /poll /poll/090331x /poll/090331x/vote /poll/090331x/vote/1 DELETE /poll/090331x GET /poll/090331x 200 OK 404 Not Found ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 12
  • 13. Design Patterns M Representations (Variable) Content Negotiation 4 Methods (Fixed) le) (Variab Entity Uniform Endpoint Contract urces N Reso Endpoint Idempotent Redirect Capability ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 13
  • 14. Pattern: Uniform Contract calculateRate() Provider US retrieveTaxRate() Provider CH Consumer figureOutRateForTax() Provider IT  How can consumers take advantage of multiple evolving service endpoints?  Problem: Accessing similar services requires consumers to access capabilities expressed in service specific contracts. - The consumer needs to be kept up to date with respect to many evolving individual contracts. ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 14
  • 15. Pattern: Uniform Contract GET Provider US GET Provider CH Consumer GET Provider IT  Solution: Standardize a uniform contract across alternative service endpoints that is abstracted from the specific capabilities of individual services.  Benefits: Service Abstraction, Loose Coupling, Reusability, Discoverability, Composability. ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 15
  • 16. Example Uniform Contract CRUD REST Create a CREATE POST sub resource Retrieve the current READ GET state of the resource Initialize or update the UPDATE PUT state of a resource at the given URI Clear a resource, DELETE DELETE after the URI is no longer valid ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 16
  • 17. POST vs. GET  GET is a read-only operation. It can be repeated without affecting the state of the resource (idempotent) and can be cached. Note: this does not mean that the same representation will be returned every time. Web browsers warn  POST is a read-write you when refreshing operation and may change a page generated the state of the resource and with POST provoke side effects on the server. ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 17
  • 18. POST vs. PUT What is the right way of creating resources (initialize their state)? PUT /resource/{id} 201 Created Problem: How to ensure resource {id} is unique? (Resources can be created by multiple clients concurrently) Solution 1: let the client choose a unique id (e.g., GUID) POST /resource 301 Moved Permanently Location: /resource/{id} Solution 2: let the server compute the unique id Problem: Duplicate instances may be created if requests are repeated due to unreliable communication ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 18
  • 19. Pattern: Endpoint Redirection Stale Reference Consumer Service Endpoint Redirect Consumer Old Endpoint New Endpoint  How can consumers of a service endpoint adapt when service inventories are restructured?  Problem: Service inventories may change over time for business or technical reasons. It may not be possible to replace all references to old endpoints simultaneously.  Solution: Automatically refer service consumers that access the stale endpoint identifier to the current identifier. ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 19
  • 20. Endpoint Redirection with HTTP /old /new  HTTP natively supports the Endpoint redirection GET /old pattern using a combination of 3xx 301 Moved Permanently Location: /new status codes and standard headers:  301 Moved Permanently  307 Temporary Redirect GET /new  Location: /newURI 200 OK  Tip: Redirection responses can be chained.  Warning: do not create redirection loops! ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 20
  • 21. Design Patterns M Representations (Variable) Content Negotiation 4 Methods (Fixed) le) (Variab Entity Uniform Endpoint Contract urces N Reso Endpoint Idempotent Redirect Capability ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 21
  • 22. Pattern: Entity Endpoint Provider Consumer Endpoint A B C X Y Z X Business Entities Z  How can entities be positioned as reusable enterprise resources?  Problem: A service with a single endpoint is too coarse-grained when its capabilities need to be invoked on its data entities. A consumer needs to work with two identifiers: a global one for the service and a local one for the entity managed by the service. Entity identifiers cannot be reused and shared among multiple services ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 22
  • 23. Pattern: Entity Endpoint Consumer Provider Entity Endpoints X Y Z A B C  Solution: expose each entitity as individual lightweight endpoints of the service they reside in  Benefits: Global addressability of service entities ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 23
  • 24. URI - Uniform Resource Identifier  Internet Standard for resource naming and identification (originally from 1994, revised until 2005)  Examples: URI Scheme Authority Path Query Fragment  REST does not advocate the use of “nice” URIs  In most HTTP stacks URIs cannot have arbitrary length (4Kb) ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 24
  • 25. What is a “nice” URI? A RESTful service is much more than just a set of nice URIs, +switzerland&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1&iwloc=addr ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 25
  • 26. URI Design Guidelines  Prefer Nouns to Verbs GET /book?isbn=24&action=delete  Keep your URIs short DELETE /book/24  If possible follow a “positional” parameter-  Note: REST URIs are opaque passing scheme for identifiers that are meant to algorithmic resource query be discovered by following strings (instead of the hyperlinks and not key=value&p=v encoding) constructed by the client  Some use URI postfixes to  This may break the specify the content type abstraction  Do not change URIs  Warning: URI Templates  Use redirection if you really introduce coupling between need to change them client and server ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 26
  • 27. Pattern: Content Negotiation Consumer ? Service New Consumer  How can services support different consumers without changing their contract?  Problem: Service consumers may change their requirements in a way that is not backwards compatible. A service may have to support both old and new consumers without having to introduce a specific capability for each kind of consumer. ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 27
  • 28. Pattern: Content Negotiation Consumer Service New Consumer  Solution: specific content and data representation formats to be accepted or returned by a service capability is negotiated at runtime as part of its invocation. The service contract refers to multiple standardized “media types”.  Benefits: Loose Coupling, Increased Interoperability, Increased Organizational Agility ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 28
  • 29. Content Negotiation in HTTP Negotiating the message format does not require to send more messages (the added flexibility comes for free) GET /resource Accept: text/html, application/xml, application/json 1. The client lists the set of understood formats (MIME types) 200 OK Content-Type: application/json 2. The server chooses the most appropriate one for the reply (status 406 if none can be found) ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 29
  • 30. Advanced Content Negotiation Quality factors allow the client to indicate the relative degree of preference for each representation (or media-range). Media/Type; q=X If a media type has a quality value q=0, then content with this parameter is not acceptable for the client. Accept: text/html, text/*; q=0.1 The client prefers to receive HTML (but any other text format will do with lower priority) Accept: application/xhtml+xml; q=0.9, text/html; q=0.5, text/plain; q=0.1 The client prefers to receive XHTML, or HTML if this is not available and will use Plain Text as a fall back ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 30
  • 31. Forced Content Negotiation The generic URI supports content negotiation GET /resource Accept: text/html, application/xml, application/json The specific URI points to a specific representation format using the postfix (extension) GET /resource.html GET /resource.xml GET /resource.json Warning: This is a conventional practice, not a standard. What happens if the resource cannot be represented in the requested format? ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 31
  • 32. Multi-Dimensional Negotiation Content Negotiation is very flexible and can be performed based on different dimensions (each with a specific pair of HTTP headers). Request Header Example Values Response Header Accept: application/xml, Content-Type: application/json Accept-Language: en, fr, de, es Content-Language: Accept-Charset: iso-8859-5, Charset parameter fo the unicode-1-1 Content-Type header Accept-Encoding: compress, Content-Encoding: gzip ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 32
  • 33. Pattern: Idempotent Capability Client Service Client Service Timeout Timeout !!!  How can a service consumer recover from lost messages after network disruption or server failure within a service cluster?  Problem: Service oriented architectures are distributed systems. Failures (such as the loss of messages) may occur during service capability invocation. A lost request should be retried, but a lost response may cause unintended side-effects if retried automatically. ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 33
  • 34. Pattern: Idempotent Capability Client ESB ESB Service Timeout  Solution: use an ESB, with support for reliable messaging.  Problem: do we always need this? Are there some messages more critical than others? ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 34
  • 35. Pattern: Idempotent Capability Client Service  Simpler Solution: if possible use idempotent service capabilities, whereby services provide a guarantee that capability invocations are safe to repeat in the case of failures that could lead to a response message being lost ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 35
  • 36. Idempotent vs. Unsafe  Idempotent requests can be  Unsafe requests modify the state of processed multiple times the server and cannot be repeated without side-effects without additional (unwanted) effects: GET /book Withdraw(200$) //unsafe PUT /order/x Deposit(200$) //unsafe DELETE /order/y  Unsafe requests require special  If something goes wrong handling in case of exceptional (server down, server situations (e.g., state reconciliation) internal error), the request POST /order/x/payment can be simply replayed until  In some cases the API can be the server is back up again redesigned to use idempotent  Safe requests are operations: idempotent requests which B = GetBalance() //safe do not modify the state of B = B + 200$ //local the server (can be cached) SetBalance(B) //idempotent GET /book ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 36
  • 37. Dealing with Concurrency /balance  Breaking down the API into a set of idempotent requests GET /balance helps to deal with temporary failures. 200 OK  But what about if another ETag: 26 client concurrently modifies PUT /balance the state of the resource we ETag: 26 are about to update?  Do we need to create an 200 OK explicit /balance/lock ETag: 27 resource? (Pessimistic Locking)  Or is there an optimistic solution? ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 37
  • 38. Dealing with Concurrency /balance GET /balance 200 OK PUT /balance ETag: 26 ETag: 26 PUT /balance 200 OK ETag: 26 ETag: 27 409 Conflict The 409 status code can be used to inform a client that his request would render the state of the resource inconsistent ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 38
  • 39. Antipatterns - REST vs. HTTP REST HTTP “RPC” RESTful HTTP ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 39
  • 40. Antipatterns – HTTP as a tunnel  Tunnel through one HTTP Method GET /api?method=addCustomer&name=Pautasso GET /api?method=deleteCustomer&id=42 GET /api?method=getCustomerName&id=42 GET /api?method=findCustomers&name=Pautasso*  Everything through GET • Advantage: Easy to test from a Browser address bar (the “action” is represented in the resource URI) • Problem: GET should only be used for read-only (= idempotent and safe) requests. What happens if you bookmark one of those links? • Limitation: Requests can only send up to approx. 4KB of data (414 Request-URI Too Long) ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 40
  • 41. Antipatterns – HTTP as a tunnel  Tunnel through one HTTP Method  Everything through POST • Advantage: Can upload/download an arbitrary amount of data (this is what SOAP or XML-RPC do) • Problem: POST is not idempotent and is unsafe (cannot cache and should only be used for “dangerous” requests) POST /service/endpoint Is t h is a <soap:Envelope> reso <soap:Body> urce <findCustomers> ? <name>Pautasso*</name> </findCustomers> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 41
  • 42. REST Design Patterns 1. Uniform Contract 2. Entity Endpoint 3. Entity Linking* 4. Content Negotiation 5. Distributed Response Caching* 6. Endpoint Redirection 7. Idempotent Capability 8. Message-based State Deferral* 9. Message-based Logic Deferral* 10.Consumer-Processed Composition* *Not Included in this talk ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 42
  • 43. References  R. Fielding, Architectural Styles and the Design of Network- based Software Architectures, PhD Thesis, University of California, Irvine, 2000  C. Pautasso, O. Zimmermann, F. Leymann, RESTful Web Services vs. Big Web Services: Making the Right Architectural Decision, Proc. of the 17th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2008), Bejing, China, April 2008  C. Pautasso, BPEL for REST, Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2008), Milano, Italy, September 2008  C. Pautasso, Composing RESTful Services with JOpera, In: Proc. of the International Conference on Software Composition (SC2009), July 2009, Zurich, Switzerland. © 43
  • 44. Conclusion Raj Balasubramanian,  Applying the SOA composition principle to Benjamin Carlyle, Thomas Erl, REST gives interesting results Pautasso, Cesare  Thanks to hyperlinks, REST SOA with a new brings REST, (more dynamic and loosely coupled) Prentice Hall, twist to SOA composition to appear in 2010  Composing RESTful services helps to build mashups, but is different  A RESTful API is the perfect abstraction for publishing the state of a workflow ©2009 - Cesare Pautasso 44