The document discusses various methods for cracking passwords, including tools for cracking Windows and Linux passwords like John the Ripper. It also covers passive techniques for obtaining passwords like keyloggers, bugs in applications, and sniffing plaintext protocols. The document recommends ways to improve password security such as using strong passphrases, encryption, firewalls, and keeping systems updated.
1) The document discusses how Rails realizes RESTful resource modeling patterns through the use of "resources" in config/routes.rb.
2) It argues that focusing on RESTful patterns, including resources, encourages good resource design. RubyGems can also help with resource modeling by implementing specific patterns.
3) If creating a Rails gem, the author recommends designing around resources when possible. Sticking to fundamental patterns allows gems to realize RESTful modeling patterns.
Brand Worship is an action plan for turning your customers into a cult following. Derived from Douglas Atkin's The Culting of Brands it shows the keys to gain extreme customer loyalty.
The document appears to be a weekly newsletter covering various topics related to education technology and trends from 2009. Some of the topics covered include collaboration, curriculum integration, studio learning, new tools, creative commons, crowdsourcing, social bookmarking, podcasting, blogging, wikis, networking, professional development on Twitter, using social media platforms, and embracing open source attitudes and sharing. The newsletter concludes by discussing how classrooms may change in the future and includes credits for the creator and images used under a Creative Commons license.
Ravensbourne College is a small higher education institution specializing in design and communication. The document discusses trends in technology in education, including increased use of social software, cloud applications, mobile devices, and struggles with virtual learning environments. It also covers skills needed by IT professionals like network design, procurement, and digital literacy support. Challenges include managing applications as services, empowering innovation, and adapting Web 2.0 tools for education.
This document lists various media tools and software that Kyle Krstolic has learned including blogging, YouTube, Scratch, Stickam, Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and Flash. It encourages showing what has been learned with these different media creation tools.
The document discusses the concept of emergence through examples like flocking behavior in birds, protein folding, and multi-agent systems like the Color Economy. Emergence is described as occurring in complex systems with many mobile parts that interact in a changing environment, often at the edge of order and chaos. Creativity and collaboration are also discussed as emergent phenomena that require many mobile and interacting ideas or people.
This document discusses OpenID and how it can help create a more open web with user-centric identity and authorization. It argues that OpenID allows people to use a single digital identity to access any website rather than having separate usernames and passwords for each one. The document also talks about Drupal's support for OpenID and calls for volunteers to help integrate OpenID and OAuth into Drupal to improve user experience and build a more connected online community.
Photographer Jean Blais, co-creator of Manoeuvres, presents his editorial work from the poster size magazine. This award winning publication provided a showcase for Montreal's best creative talents & businesses in the 80s.
The document discusses internationalization and localization in Ruby on Rails. It describes setting the default locale to Japanese, detecting the locale from the browser language, and supporting multiple locales like English and Japanese across views and translations. It also mentions iPhone development and the open source testing framework TankEngine.
The document discusses the balance of science and art in typography. It provides examples of typefaces like Georgia and Futura, discusses principles of typographic design like legibility and choosing typefaces, and shows grids for laying out content. It emphasizes applying scientific typographic principles while also creating an artistic experience through type.
The document discusses Rack middleware and how it allows for modular web application development in Ruby. Some key points:
- Rack provides a modular interface between web servers and Ruby frameworks, allowing frameworks and middleware to be composed together.
- Middleware can add functionality like caching, authentication, logging, etc. Middleware are run before the application code.
- Popular middleware include Rack::Cache for caching and Rack::Auth for authentication. CloudKit is a middleware for building web services.
- Middleware can cooperate by delegating to each other in a defined order and URI space. This allows middleware to work together to provide features to applications.
The document discusses the history and evolution of stylesheets and CSS frameworks. It begins with a brief history of radio formats like AM, FM, and XM, drawing parallels to the evolution of stylesheets from basic HTML to CSS1/2 to modern CSS frameworks. These frameworks simplify stylesheets through features like nested rules, variables, mixins, imports, and powerful functions. Examples are given of various CSS frameworks and how they can be implemented with Sass.
The document discusses the architecture and development of Termtter, a Twitter client for terminals. It describes the directory structure which includes libraries for the client, task manager, API, and plugins. It also mentions implementing commands, hooks, reading from the readline library, API limits, and data storage. The client allows interacting with the Twitter API to perform actions like listing tweets and updating status through a command line interface. Plugins can add additional filtering and functionality.
The document discusses human-centered design and qualitative research methods. It notes that Steve Dorsey received human-centered design training at IDEO in 2005 and 2008. It advocates that qualitative research, such as engaging with extreme users, can enhance quantitative research by providing unexpected insights. While messy and uncertain, qualitative research based on 10-12 subjects can solve design challenges if the right subjects are selected. The document promotes an iterative process of innovating, iterating, failing, learning, and repeating to drive change. It indicates this philosophy helped the Detroit Free Press define its mission to better serve Detroit.
Charlotte, NC web design firm creates unique, engaging websites, application development, interactive flash, strategy and internet marketing that makes a big noise.
The document appears to be notes from the development of the Fennec web browser. It discusses Fennec's goal of being fast with limited resources, and techniques used to improve performance like tile caching and prefetching to reduce load times. Various aspects of the browser's design and performance optimizations are mentioned, with the overall tone being one of an iterative development process.
URIplay for Media Futures Conference (2009)Chris Jackson
The document discusses MetaBroadcast's URIplay project, which aims to help users find moving images across different sources and formats. It aggregates metadata to enable discovery and playback of content. URIplay currently supports sources like YouTube, Hulu, BBC and formats like RSS, JSON, and RDF/XML. The document outlines plans to add more sources and data, improve caching and indexing, and enable others to build apps using URIplay's capabilities or contribute additional content sources.
This document discusses multiplayer game design and implementation for the iPhone. It defines multiplayer as involving more than one participant interacting directly or indirectly. Synchronous multiplayer involves direct interactions between players in the game at the same time, while asynchronous allows indirect interactions with time-shifted gameplay. Considerations for multiplayer iPhone game design include short play sessions due to the portable nature of the iPhone, ensuring enough opponent availability, accessibility, and handling interruptions. Implementation notes cover connectivity, data transmission methods, security, scalability, operations, and hosting options. The document promotes a multiplayer gaming platform called ByteClub that provides backend support for multiplayer games.
Identity and the Scholar, 2009 Allen Press Seminar, April 2009, Washington DCCrossref
The document appears to be a presentation by Carol Anne Meyer about CrossRef and issues relating to digital identity for scholars. The presentation covers CrossRef's mission to enable identification and use of electronic content, challenges around digital identity including authentication, name variations and disambiguation, and potential solutions involving DOIs, contributor IDs and profiles. It also references further resources on digital identity and CrossRef's role in linking content and ensuring integrity.
This document describes principles that guided the development of HTML5. It emphasizes compatibility with existing content, avoiding unnecessary complexity, solving real problems, allowing graceful degradation, and prioritizing users over other constituencies. Key principles include supporting existing content, paving the cowpaths by formalizing common patterns, and designing for a network effect where more users increase the value.
The document discusses ideas for creating a podcast that shares inspirational spoken word content, similar to another podcast that shares music. It also discusses technical details related to podcasts, including RSS feeds and audio file metadata. Finally, it briefly mentions plans to launch the podcast project on various platforms after completion.
Ravensbourne College is a small higher education institution specializing in design and communication. The document discusses trends in technology in education, including increased use of social software, cloud applications, mobile devices, and struggles with virtual learning environments. It also covers skills needed by IT professionals like network design, procurement, and digital literacy support. Challenges include managing applications as services, empowering innovation, and adapting Web 2.0 tools for education.
This document lists various media tools and software that Kyle Krstolic has learned including blogging, YouTube, Scratch, Stickam, Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and Flash. It encourages showing what has been learned with these different media creation tools.
The document discusses the concept of emergence through examples like flocking behavior in birds, protein folding, and multi-agent systems like the Color Economy. Emergence is described as occurring in complex systems with many mobile parts that interact in a changing environment, often at the edge of order and chaos. Creativity and collaboration are also discussed as emergent phenomena that require many mobile and interacting ideas or people.
This document discusses OpenID and how it can help create a more open web with user-centric identity and authorization. It argues that OpenID allows people to use a single digital identity to access any website rather than having separate usernames and passwords for each one. The document also talks about Drupal's support for OpenID and calls for volunteers to help integrate OpenID and OAuth into Drupal to improve user experience and build a more connected online community.
Photographer Jean Blais, co-creator of Manoeuvres, presents his editorial work from the poster size magazine. This award winning publication provided a showcase for Montreal's best creative talents & businesses in the 80s.
The document discusses internationalization and localization in Ruby on Rails. It describes setting the default locale to Japanese, detecting the locale from the browser language, and supporting multiple locales like English and Japanese across views and translations. It also mentions iPhone development and the open source testing framework TankEngine.
The document discusses the balance of science and art in typography. It provides examples of typefaces like Georgia and Futura, discusses principles of typographic design like legibility and choosing typefaces, and shows grids for laying out content. It emphasizes applying scientific typographic principles while also creating an artistic experience through type.
The document discusses Rack middleware and how it allows for modular web application development in Ruby. Some key points:
- Rack provides a modular interface between web servers and Ruby frameworks, allowing frameworks and middleware to be composed together.
- Middleware can add functionality like caching, authentication, logging, etc. Middleware are run before the application code.
- Popular middleware include Rack::Cache for caching and Rack::Auth for authentication. CloudKit is a middleware for building web services.
- Middleware can cooperate by delegating to each other in a defined order and URI space. This allows middleware to work together to provide features to applications.
The document discusses the history and evolution of stylesheets and CSS frameworks. It begins with a brief history of radio formats like AM, FM, and XM, drawing parallels to the evolution of stylesheets from basic HTML to CSS1/2 to modern CSS frameworks. These frameworks simplify stylesheets through features like nested rules, variables, mixins, imports, and powerful functions. Examples are given of various CSS frameworks and how they can be implemented with Sass.
The document discusses the architecture and development of Termtter, a Twitter client for terminals. It describes the directory structure which includes libraries for the client, task manager, API, and plugins. It also mentions implementing commands, hooks, reading from the readline library, API limits, and data storage. The client allows interacting with the Twitter API to perform actions like listing tweets and updating status through a command line interface. Plugins can add additional filtering and functionality.
The document discusses human-centered design and qualitative research methods. It notes that Steve Dorsey received human-centered design training at IDEO in 2005 and 2008. It advocates that qualitative research, such as engaging with extreme users, can enhance quantitative research by providing unexpected insights. While messy and uncertain, qualitative research based on 10-12 subjects can solve design challenges if the right subjects are selected. The document promotes an iterative process of innovating, iterating, failing, learning, and repeating to drive change. It indicates this philosophy helped the Detroit Free Press define its mission to better serve Detroit.
Charlotte, NC web design firm creates unique, engaging websites, application development, interactive flash, strategy and internet marketing that makes a big noise.
The document appears to be notes from the development of the Fennec web browser. It discusses Fennec's goal of being fast with limited resources, and techniques used to improve performance like tile caching and prefetching to reduce load times. Various aspects of the browser's design and performance optimizations are mentioned, with the overall tone being one of an iterative development process.
URIplay for Media Futures Conference (2009)Chris Jackson
The document discusses MetaBroadcast's URIplay project, which aims to help users find moving images across different sources and formats. It aggregates metadata to enable discovery and playback of content. URIplay currently supports sources like YouTube, Hulu, BBC and formats like RSS, JSON, and RDF/XML. The document outlines plans to add more sources and data, improve caching and indexing, and enable others to build apps using URIplay's capabilities or contribute additional content sources.
This document discusses multiplayer game design and implementation for the iPhone. It defines multiplayer as involving more than one participant interacting directly or indirectly. Synchronous multiplayer involves direct interactions between players in the game at the same time, while asynchronous allows indirect interactions with time-shifted gameplay. Considerations for multiplayer iPhone game design include short play sessions due to the portable nature of the iPhone, ensuring enough opponent availability, accessibility, and handling interruptions. Implementation notes cover connectivity, data transmission methods, security, scalability, operations, and hosting options. The document promotes a multiplayer gaming platform called ByteClub that provides backend support for multiplayer games.
Identity and the Scholar, 2009 Allen Press Seminar, April 2009, Washington DCCrossref
The document appears to be a presentation by Carol Anne Meyer about CrossRef and issues relating to digital identity for scholars. The presentation covers CrossRef's mission to enable identification and use of electronic content, challenges around digital identity including authentication, name variations and disambiguation, and potential solutions involving DOIs, contributor IDs and profiles. It also references further resources on digital identity and CrossRef's role in linking content and ensuring integrity.
This document describes principles that guided the development of HTML5. It emphasizes compatibility with existing content, avoiding unnecessary complexity, solving real problems, allowing graceful degradation, and prioritizing users over other constituencies. Key principles include supporting existing content, paving the cowpaths by formalizing common patterns, and designing for a network effect where more users increase the value.
The document discusses ideas for creating a podcast that shares inspirational spoken word content, similar to another podcast that shares music. It also discusses technical details related to podcasts, including RSS feeds and audio file metadata. Finally, it briefly mentions plans to launch the podcast project on various platforms after completion.
Isaac Asimov introduces the character Hari Seldon in his Foundation series, set 50,000 years in the future when humanity has formed a Galactic Empire similar to the Roman Empire. Seldon creates the science of Psychohistory, which uses statistics to predict the general flow of future events for large groups. Using Psychohistory, Seldon foresees the collapse of the Galactic Empire. To preserve knowledge, he establishes The Foundation, similar to monastic settlements that preserved knowledge during the Dark Ages, which will be an "ark of humanity" during the collapse.
1. The document discusses the evolution of social interaction from early bulletin boards and email to modern social networks like Flickr,, and Twitter.
2. It notes that while early online forums enabled unprecedented collaboration, they also introduced problems like trolls and flaming. As networks grew larger, Dunbar's number suggests that too many people interacting in the same space can be detrimental to polite behavior.
3. More recent social platforms focus communication around shared objects like photos, music, or events rather than open discussions. Guidelines emphasize being polite, respectful, and civil. Privacy and expectations also vary across generations and cultures.
Microformats: what are they and why do I care?adactio
Microformats are simple, open standards that use existing HTML/XHTML tags to add semantic meaning to published content. They allow both humans and machines to easily find and understand relationships, people, events and other common types of information published on the web. Examples of microformats include hCard for contact information, hCalendar for events, and XFN for social relationships. Microformats aim to make semantically tagged information available on the web in a simple way without requiring extensive technical knowledge.
This document discusses the history and development of Ajax technology. It provides an overview of some of the key concepts including asynchronous JavaScript and XML, how Ajax improved the user experience by allowing parts of pages to update without refreshing, and some of the challenges of implementing Ajax such as accessibility and usability. The document references theories like the technology adoption lifecycle and emphasizes the importance of Ajax applications being accessible to all users.
The document discusses Ajax and how it allows web pages to communicate with servers asynchronously to update parts of a page without reloading the entire page. It covers the use of the XMLHttpRequest object to make requests to the server in the background and update portions of the DOM. It also mentions some of the design challenges that can arise from using Ajax including accessibility, usability, and how applications should be designed.
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The ultimate guide to FL Studio 12.9 Crack, the revolutionary digital audio workstation that empowers musicians and producers of all levels. This software has become a cornerstone in the music industry, offering unparalleled creative capabilities, cutting-edge features, and an intuitive workflow.
With FL Studio 12.9 Crack, you gain access to a vast arsenal of instruments, effects, and plugins, seamlessly integrated into a user-friendly interface. Its signature Piano Roll Editor provides an exceptional level of musical expression, while the advanced automation features empower you to create complex and dynamic compositions.
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Brave is a free Chromium browser developed for Win Downloads, macOS and Linux systems that allows users to browse the internet in a safer, faster and more secure way than its competition. Designed with security in mind, Brave automatically blocks ads and trackers which also makes it faster,
As Brave naturally blocks unwanted content from appearing in your browser, it prevents these trackers and pop-ups from slowing Download your user experience. It's also designed in a way that strips Downloaden which data is being loaded each time you use it. Without these components
UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 1DianaGray10
Welcome to UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 1.
In this session, we will cover the following topics:
Introduction to RPA & UiPath Studio
Overview of RPA and its applications
Introduction to UiPath Studio
Variables & Data Types
Control Flows
You are requested to finish the following self-paced training for this session:
Variables, Constants and Arguments in Studio 2 modules - 1h 30m -
Control Flow in Studio 2 modules - 2h 15m - https:/
⁉️ For any questions you may have, please use the dedicated Forum thread. You can tag the hosts and mentors directly and they will reply as soon as possible.
Many MSPs overlook endpoint backup, missing out on additional profit and leaving a gap that puts client data at risk.
Join our webinar as we break down the top challenges of endpoint backup—and how to overcome them.
Inside Freshworks' Migration from Cassandra to ScyllaDB by Premkumar PatturajScyllaDB
Freshworks migrated from Cassandra to ScyllaDB to handle growing audit log data efficiently. Cassandra required frequent scaling, complex repairs, and had non-linear scaling. ScyllaDB reduced costs with fewer machines and improved operations. Using Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM), they bulk-migrated data, performed dual writes, and validated consistency.
[Webinar] Scaling Made Simple: Getting Started with No-Code Web AppsSafe Software
Ready to simplify workflow sharing across your organization without diving into complex coding? With FME Flow Apps, you can build no-code web apps that make your data work harder for you — fast.
In this webinar, we’ll show you how to:
Build and deploy Workspace Apps to create an intuitive user interface for self-serve data processing and validation.
Automate processes using Automation Apps. Learn to create a no-code web app to kick off workflows tailored to your needs, trigger multiple workspaces and external actions, and use conditional filtering within automations to control your workflows.
Create a centralized portal with Gallery Apps to share a collection of no-code web apps across your organization.
Through real-world examples and practical demos, you’ll learn how to transform your workflows into intuitive, self-serve solutions that empower your team and save you time. We can’t wait to show you what’s possible!
This is session #4 of the 5-session online study series with Google Cloud, where we take you onto the journey learning generative AI. You’ll explore the dynamic landscape of Generative AI, gaining both theoretical insights and practical know-how of Google Cloud GenAI tools such as Gemini, Vertex AI, AI agents and Imagen 3.
FinTech - US Annual Funding Report - 2024.pptxTracxn
US FinTech 2024, offering a comprehensive analysis of key trends, funding activities, and top-performing sectors that shaped the FinTech ecosystem in the US 2024. The report delivers detailed data and insights into the region's funding landscape and other developments. We believe this report will provide you with valuable insights to understand the evolving market dynamics.
Computational Photography: How Technology is Changing Way We Capture the WorldHusseinMalikMammadli
📸 Computational Photography (Computer Vision/Image): How Technology is Changing the Way We Capture the World
Heç düşünmüsünüzmü, müasir smartfonlar və kameralar necə bu qədər gözəl görüntülər yaradır? Bunun sirri Computational Fotoqrafiyasında(Computer Vision/Imaging) gizlidir—şəkilləri çəkmə və emal etmə üsulumuzu təkmilləşdirən, kompüter elmi ilə fotoqrafiyanın inqilabi birləşməsi.
Backstage Software Templates for Java DevelopersMarkus Eisele
As a Java developer you might have a hard time accepting the limitations that you feel being introduced into your development cycles. Let's look at the positives and learn everything important to know to turn Backstag's software templates into a helpful tool you can use to elevate the platform experience for all developers.
DevNexus - Building 10x Development Organizations.pdfJustin Reock
Developer Experience is Dead! Long Live Developer Experience!
In this keynote-style session, we’ll take a detailed, granular look at the barriers to productivity developers face today and modern approaches for removing them. 10x developers may be a myth, but 10x organizations are very real, as proven by the influential study performed in the 1980s, ‘The Coding War Games.’
Right now, here in early 2025, we seem to be experiencing YAPP (Yet Another Productivity Philosophy), and that philosophy is converging on developer experience. It seems that with every new method, we invent to deliver products, whether physical or virtual, we reinvent productivity philosophies to go alongside them.
But which of these approaches works? DORA? SPACE? DevEx? What should we invest in and create urgency behind today so we don’t have the same discussion again in a decade?
EaseUS Partition Master Crack 2025 + Serial Keykherorpacca127
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EASEUS Partition Master Crack is a professional hard disk partition management tool and system partition optimization software. It is an all-in-one PC and server disk management toolkit for IT professionals, system administrators, technicians, and consultants to provide technical services to customers with unlimited use.
EASEUS Partition Master 18.0 Technician Edition Crack interface is clean and tidy, so all options are at your fingertips. Whether you want to resize, move, copy, merge, browse, check, convert partitions, or change their labels, you can do everything with a few clicks. The defragmentation tool is also designed to merge fragmented files and folders and store them in contiguous locations on the hard drive.
Understanding Traditional AI with Custom Vision & MuleSoft.pptxshyamraj55
Understanding Traditional AI with Custom Vision & MuleSoft.pptx | ### Slide Deck Description:
This presentation features Atul, a Senior Solution Architect at NTT DATA, sharing his journey into traditional AI using Azure's Custom Vision tool. He discusses how AI mimics human thinking and reasoning, differentiates between predictive and generative AI, and demonstrates a real-world use case. The session covers the step-by-step process of creating and training an AI model for image classification and object detection—specifically, an ad display that adapts based on the viewer's gender. Atulavan highlights the ease of implementation without deep software or programming expertise. The presentation concludes with a Q&A session addressing technical and privacy concerns.
TrustArc Webinar - Building your DPIA/PIA Program: Best Practices & TipsTrustArc
Understanding DPIA/PIAs and how to implement them can be the key to embedding privacy in the heart of your organization as well as achieving compliance with multiple data protection / privacy laws, such as GDPR and CCPA. Indeed, the GDPR mandates Privacy by Design and requires documented Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) for high risk processing and the EU AI Act requires an assessment of fundamental rights.
How can you build this into a sustainable program across your business? What are the similarities and differences between PIAs and DPIAs? What are the best practices for integrating PIAs/DPIAs into your data privacy processes?
Whether you're refining your compliance framework or looking to enhance your PIA/DPIA execution, this session will provide actionable insights and strategies to ensure your organization meets the highest standards of data protection.
Join our panel of privacy experts as we explore:
- DPIA & PIA best practices
- Key regulatory requirements for conducting PIAs and DPIAs
- How to identify and mitigate data privacy risks through comprehensive assessments
- Strategies for ensuring documentation and compliance are robust and defensible
- Real-world case studies that highlight common pitfalls and practical solutions
The Future of Repair: Transparent and Incremental by Botond DénesScyllaDB
Regularly run repairs are essential to keep clusters healthy, yet having a good repair schedule is more challenging than it should be. Repairs often take a long time, preventing running them often. This has an impact on data consistency and also limits the usefulness of the new repair based tombstone garbage collection. We want to address these challenges by making repairs incremental and allowing for automatic repair scheduling, without relying on external tools.
This business intelligence report, "The Big Ten Biopharmaceutical MNCs: Global Capability Centers in India", provides an in-depth analysis of the operations and contributions of the Global Capability Centers (GCCs) of ten leading biopharmaceutical multinational corporations in India. The report covers AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Novartis, Sanofi, Roche, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, and Eli Lilly. In this report each company's GCC is profiled with details on location, workforce size, investment, and the strategic roles these centers play in global business operations, research and development, and information technology and digital innovation.
Replacing RocksDB with ScyllaDB in Kafka Streams by Almog GavraScyllaDB
Learn how Responsive replaced embedded RocksDB with ScyllaDB in Kafka Streams, simplifying the architecture and unlocking massive availability and scale. The talk covers unbundling stream processors, key ScyllaDB features tested, and lessons learned from the transition.
#5: Enclosures are a way of attaching multimedia files to RSS feeds (for download rather than embedding).
A form of hypertext (hypermedia, really).
#6: Jon Hicks created a podcast: an RSS file that uses enclosures to link to MP3 files on band sites.
#7: Creating an RSS feed by hand is a pain.
By creating a service to automate that process, I was scratching my own itch.
If it’s useful to me, it might be useful to others too.
#8: This is normally the point when a definition is quoted from Wikipedia.
I’m going to quote Neal Stephenson instead.
#11: Handy tip for strict separation: develop as if for a multi-lingual site; it will stop you sneaking small “views” into your models or controllers.
#13: Readable, guessable, hackable URLs are A Good Thing.
Any page that has an RSS feed also has a JSON version (just swap /rss for /json). Also: xspf.
#14: If you’re only going to get one thing right, get the typography right.
Huffduffer conciously avoids rounded colours, gradients and so-called “friendly” typefaces.
The look is sparse, slightly austere, even a little elitist. But that encourages thoughtful participation.
Designed in the browser. Photoshop was used, but not very often.
#15: Apart from the logotype, there is just one image on the site.
This manicule is from the corner of Sackville Road and New Church Road in Hove.
#16: An attempt to make the sign-up process suck less.
This garnered a lot of attention.
Dan Cederholm dubbed it the “mad libs” sign-up form. I had never heard of the game.
#17: Not much JavaScript: just a bookmarklet to pop open a huffduffing window.
#18: HTML5 just for the heck of it.
The AUDIO element was dropped because of Safari’s aggressive pre-buffering.
#19: XFN uses the rel attribute as a simple way of defining relationships e.g. friend, co-worker, sweetheart
On the surface of it, the “me” value seems pointless. Actually, it’s enormously powerful, allowing you to associate multiple URLs with a single person.
#20: Google’s Social Graph API makes the “elsewhere” list possible.
hKit is used to parse hCards on other sites to extract the value of the “photo” property.
In the case of, it’s simpler to parse the HTML of a public profile rather than making an authenticated API call.
#21: Coined by Edward Tufte: “data-intense, design-simple, word-sized graphics.”
Made possible by the Google Chart API.
Shows activity over time.
#22: Also called triple tags. As seen on Flickr.
Machine tagging *emerged* on Huffduffer.
Xavier Roy (username: Jax) just started doing it one day.
Machine tagging a file on Huffduffer is a way of initiating searches on other data providers.
#23: The web doesn’t need another social network.
The “for:” tag is taken straight from Delicious.
iTunes + bookmarklet = a site you never have to visit.
The ambitious plan: use the Social Graph API to drive recommendations based on relationships on other sites e.g. “You’re should listen to this audio file because it was huffduffed by this person that you know on Flickr, Twitter, etc.”
#24: Huffduffer launched in October 2008.
Becuase I’m a lone developer, a to-do list would probably be as good as using a bug-tracking service.
One or two people asked for comments but nobody really uses them.
Surprisingly, people aren’t clamouring for the ability to host files.
The Twitter account is a bot. Either be a human or be a machine but don’t be both.
#25: Building Huffduffer was a rewarding experience.
Because I was scratching my own itch, even if no-one else used it, it’s still useful to me.
As it turns out, there are now thousands of huffduffed files from over a thousand users.
The next step is to use the network effects for recommendations and trends.