26. 改善点
◇ Splash を自分で作る必要がある(実装レベルで)
▶ titanium等,Unity(有料)は画像さえ作ればOK
◇ アイコンの設定
▶ やり方が不明だれか教えてください(笑)
◇ まだまだAlpha版
Warning! RoboVM is alpha software.It's not yet ready for
production use. Expect to be bitten by bugs. If you find a bug,
please report it.
29. 最近のRoboVM
◇ Objective-Cのメソッドを呼び出し可能に
▶ Objective-C code
▶ Java code
label.alpha = 0.0;
[UIControl animateWithDuration:0.5 animations:^{
label.alpha = 1.0;
UIControl.animate(0.5f, new VoidBlock() {
public void invoke() {
Grand Central Dispatch なども利用可能
30. OpenGL ES
◇ iOS OpenGLES in Java on RoboVM(2013/2/15)
▶ なんと OpenGLESのコードが書けるように
I never thought a screen fading from black to red would look this great! It
almost made me cry. :-)