2. The slides as used for the talk are a bit useless alone.
This is a an annotated version, grey slides are
additions (links, notes…)
- Video: https://youtu.be/LRFLdWG24Mk
- The .key file has all videos embedded
All Files:
7. At ESUG 2014 I give a similar talk, this one is
kind of the same topic, but from another point of view.
See http://www.slideshare.net/MarcusDenker/2014-
20. Knowing his quotes from the fortune unix command,
I did not know that Yogi Berra was a baseball player…
"I really didn't say everything I said.”
21. “By the time you’ve arrived at the *perfect* solution,
usually the problem has already changed.”
— Jessie Shefrin (@jshefrin)
22. Quote thanks to Jessie Shefrin
Why is that?
24. Context changes.
Would the perfect Programming Language and
Environment for 1985 be seen as perfect in 2016?
And it goes even deeper than that. Context is everything.
The same solution can be good or bad, depending on the
context it is embedded in.
26. One of the first viral videos of the internet.
The video should never have been posted, it is often
shown as an example of cyber bullying.
Lots of things can be learned, but what everyone agrees:
“Perfection” is the last thing that comes into mind.
So you are seeing this…
32. When you are ready to finish, it will be obvious to you
that what you did is all bad. You could do so much
better… easily.
Now it is so obvious…
But the “old you” would love it. The old you did not yet
learn what the “new you” knows.
Keep in mind: everyone else but you did not learn what
makes you see your work as imperfect.
34. … but to some extend others (and the old you) will
see the problems, though. A finished artefact always
embodies its own critique.
(If you can see flaws in everything other people do,
maybe it is not because you are oh so clever?)
51. In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. First
day there is one, second two. After long 47
days it is half full.
How long does it take to cover the whole lake?
52. 47 long days to do half.. will take a while for sure…
63. Example: Linux vs. Minix.
Minix was clearly better. But there was no
feedback loop for Minix.
Linux was a *process*, while Minix was a
finished artefact.
65. The first microprocessor was designed with paper +
You could not design a current one without having
already a computer.
(Going back to paper+pen… why not go back to
Another Example: LAM builds machines that build
processors. These machines *contain* processors
69. A startup just does not have resources for building
the perfect solution to a problem nobody cares
Very hard to explain to our profession… spawned a
whole “self help book” section for Programmers.
78. From self help books: do not focus on the goal ("I want
to loose weight”), but build instead a system that has
your goal as its result eventually. It is *much* easier, the
steps are smaller and manageable and even
We should understand our programming goals the
same way…
"Do try to tackle goals. Build systems instead"
80. Every artefact exist in a loop. The most basic one can
see when looking at economics: if you can sell a
simple, imperfect, early version, you can invest all the
result back in your product.
Compare that with working in your spare time…
82. Especially systems that are used to create other
systems benefit from feedback loops.
Improve your IDE and you will be more productive.
Reflective Systems even more: They are implemented in
themselves, so improving the system leads to a natural
90. Facebook poster. What they mean is that inside a
feedback loop, you reach perfection when you reach
the point where the next iteration can build on it (aka