The SID music player for the next generation...
What is SIDPLAY?

SIDPLAY is a Commodore 64 music player. It emulates the sound chip and other internals of the Commodore 64 home computer to play back music that was originally written on it. The sound chip of the C64 is called the "Sound Interface Device" or SID, and therefore this music is known as SID music. The SID chip is basically a three voice synthesizer on a chip. The unusual combination of digital and analogue circuitry is the reason for its distinctive sound.

SIDPLAY strives to offer the best possible SID music experience on any platform. It has been designed with the High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC) in mind. This collection is the biggest and most complete collection of SID music on the Internet. It can be obtained for free from


Take a closer look at SIDPLAY:



SIDPLAY 4.2 released.

After a long hiatus, I'm happy to present a new version of SIDPLAY to you. This release is mostly to add proper support for macOS Sierra and Retina displays. See the sidebar for details.

This also marks the 20th anniversary of the first SIDPLAY release for Mac OS. The public beta was released on June 14th 1996, just around the same time HVSC was initially published.


SIDPLAY 4.1.4 released.

This version fixes compatibility issues with Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion). See the sidebar for details.


SIDPLAY 4.1.3 released.

This version fixes compatibility issues with Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard). See the sidebar for details.
It also features new integration with Remix.Kwed.Org. You can instantly find remixes for a .sid tune from within SIDPLAY.

There are also new versions of SIDPlug and SIDQuickLook which are required for 64-bit Macs.


GoatTracker 2.68 released.

I've released a new port of GoatTracker for Mac OS X. Be sure to check it out.


SIDQuickLook 1.0 and SIDPlug 1.2 released.

SIDQuickLook is a QuickLook plugin to preview .sid files in Mac OS X Leopard directly from the Finder.

I've also updated SIDPlug to version 1.2, which fixes issues in certain browsers, incorporates the latest playback engine and adds some UI controls to the plug-in.

SIDPlug 1.2 is part of SIDQuickLook, as it's used to play SID music files in the QuickLook preview.

Also, for discussions about SIDPLAY, SIDQuickLook or related Commodore 64 on Mac OS X topics, visit and check out the forum.


SIDPLAY 4.1.2 released.

Another small update with some bugs fixed.


SIDPLAY 4.1.1 released.

This is a quick bug fix release for SIDPLAY 4.1.


SIDPLAY 4.1 released.

This version fixes some critical bugs and should have been out much sooner. Unfortunately I was very busy working my normal job. I'm sorry for anyone that was affected by one of the bugs in SIDPLAY 4.0.

I'm planning to update more often from now on, but bear with me if my time schedule becomes tight again.

Good news for iPhone users:
Michael Lauer has released Sid Player for iPhone and iPod touch, based on the reliable libsidplay2/reSID combination.
It's available from the AppStore and offers direct access to all files in the HVSC.


SIDPLAY 4.0 released. Relaunched SIDPLAY web page.

This is the biggest version of SIDPLAY yet. Completely rewritten from scratch, designed as the ultimate SID music player for the best operating system.

SIDPLAY 4 boldly goes where no other SID music player has gone before. Check the sidebar on the right for the list of new features.

Requires Mac OS X 10.5 or higher, runs on PowerPC and Intel-based Macs. Support for HardSID and Catweasel cards is not included in this version.

EdLibPlay 1.0 released.

Here is a small goodie that I promised earlier. It's a tiny little player for Vibrants' EdLib music (also known as D00 files). This is a format that was used for music created on the PC for AdLib sound cards. If you enjoy SIDs, you'll find many similarities between C64 music and D00 music.

EdLibPlay uses an emulation engine that tries to ensure a high-quality rendition of the original AdLib chip (Yamaha YM3812 chip) sound. The GUI is simple with no frills (screenshot).

Requires Mac OS X 10.4 or higher, runs on PowerPC and Intel-based Macs.

Oh and by the way, the EdLibPlay package also includes a collection of nearly all available D00 music files for your listening pleasure. With proper filenames and headers.

SIDPLAY 3.4.1 released.

This is a small maintenance update, to resolve some issues that people had with version 3.4:

- Fixed a problem with detecting HVSC Update #45.
- Fixed incorrect subtune and songlength display on Intel-based Macs.
- Info window now stays hidden if it has been closed.
- Fixed AIFF export on PowerPC systems.
- Added option to copy relative path of file in HVSC.

SIDPlug 1.1 released.

The new version of the browser plug-in includes support for Intel-based Macs. But the download is also highly recommended for PowerPC users, since the plug-in has been completely rewritten from scratch and all known crash bugs have been fixed. Also includes some enhancements from SIDPLAY (the new oscilloscope rendering), and clicking into the plug-in area pauses the music.

It has been tested on Safari, Firefox and Camino. Support for Camino is PowerPC-only, as a bug in Camino for Intel currently prevents SIDPlug from working correctly.

Support for Internet Explorer has been dropped.

SIDPLAY 3.4 released.

This version adds support for Intel-based Macs (Universal Binary) and integrates Spotlight search on Mac OS X 10.4. A Spotlight plug-in is built into SIDPLAY, allowing you not only to search but also to create smart folders of SID files. To round this off, it also includes a bunch of bug fixes and small usability improvements.

SIDPLAY 3.4 is on its way.

The new version has been delayed for a while. I'm waiting for my MacBook Pro to be delivered, as SIDPLAY is now a Universal Binary and needs to be tested on both CPU architectures. SIDPLAY 3.4 will add support for Tiger technologies, especially Spotlight integration.

SIDPLAY 3.3 released.

This is a significant update that takes advantage of Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther), adds some often requested features, cleans up the user interface, and adds support for the latest in emulation technologies and hardware support. See the list on the right to find out about the new features and enhancements.

Additional goodies:

SIDPlug 1.0b2 the web browser plug-in for Mac OS X (finally), supporting all major OS X web browsers (Safari, Camino, Omniweb, MSIE, etc.), has been released. Features oscilloscope output in the browser window and is built using libsidplay2, so it's able to load RSID files.
GoatTracker 1.4 a quick port of the popular C64 music editor is also available. Supports output via reSID or the Catweasel card. This is for all those of you who have asked for a way to create their own SID music. Features a .sid export function, to directly create files that work in SIDPLAY.
SIDPLAY 3.1.2 released.

This version adds support for the SID chip on the Catweasel MK3 PCI Card. This requires the Catweasel driver.
This version is otherwise identical to 3.1.1, so it only makes sense to upgrade if you have a Catweasel card.

SIDPLAY 3.1.1 released.

This version fixes a potential crash at startup, and a redraw glitch in the file browser. It also includes the latest PSID64 0.5 for improved PRG export of RSID files.

SIDPLAY 3.1 released.

This is a major update which includes several new features that were often requested. Check out the column on the right side of this page for some highlights.
It includes support for the new RSID file format found in HVSC version 5.1.
This update is for Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) only. Upgrade now!

SIDPLAY 3.0.3 released.

This version has been specifically built for compatibility with Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) and does not contain any other improvements.
It will not work on older versions of Mac OS X!

I have been informed that SIDPLAY is partially incompatible with Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar). Expect a fix within the next few days.
SIDPLAY 3.0.2 released.

This update is a mandatory fix for the automatic HVSC update feature.


SIDPLAY 3.0.1 released.

This fixes a few minor problems that people have reported.

SIDPLAY 3.0 released.

First release of SIDPLAY on Mac OS X.

Copyright � 2016 by Andreas Varga