').prependTo(".header-wrap nav.nav-secondary"), $('body').addClass('top-announcement'); })(jQuery);
Sencha Stencils

Sencha Stencils

Complete UI asset kit for Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Sketch, and Balsamiq with all of the components and styles to design Ext JS apps.


Create mockups for beautiful UI’s in your web apps


Sencha Stencils - Overview

Wireframe, Mockup and Code CSS with Sencha Stencils

Stencils is a complete UI asset kit for Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Sketch, Balsamiq and is also available as SVG/PNG for use with other programs. Stencils contains all of the components and styles used in the Ext JS Classic and Modern toolkits. Designers can use visual assets that exactly match all of the UI components that Sencha offers – down to the very last pixel. They can work with the components as vector files and symbols rather than writing code. With Stencils, designers can streamline the process of creating mockups for great looking web applications. Stencils is available for download at no additional charge.


Sencha Stencils - Wireframe

Quickly Wireframe

With Stencils, designers can quickly wireframe applications to try out UI concepts. In programs like Balsamiq, users can drag and drop Sencha Stencils onto the artboard making it easy for designers and developers to test different iterations of their designs before creating higher fidelity mockups or starting development.


Sencha Stencils - Mockups

Create High Fidelity Mockups

Stencils allows designers to easily and quickly build high fidelity mockups. Using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD or Sketch versions of Stencils, users can drag and drop pre-built UI components and edit them to create beautiful designs. With these pixel-perfect designs, developers can easily build out the user interfaces.

CSS Code

Sencha Stencils - CSS Themer

Use CSS Values in Sencha Themer

Designers and developers who want to plan theme colors before any coding happens have always been able to use Stencils to experiment with color combinations. Now, in the most recent version of Themer, users can easily import the color data from the Stencils file.

Design Better Applications with Sencha Stencils

Stencils for Ext JS

Stencils contains all of the components and styles used in the 140+ components accessible in both the Ext JS Classic and Modern toolkits.



  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe XD
  • Balsamiq
  • Sketch


  • Ext JS 6.7+


Build Web Apps Faster

with Sencha JavaScript Frameworks and 140+ High Performance UI Components