UX Storytellers
UX Storytellers
UX Storytellers
Abhay Rautela
Andrea Resmini
Andrew Hinton
UX Storytellers
Andrea Rosenbusch
Cennydd Bowles
Chris Khalil
Connecting the Dots
Clemens Lutsch
Colleen Jones
Daniel Szuc
Dave Malouf
David St. John
David Travis
Deborah J. Mayhew
Eirik Hafver Rønjum
Gennady Osipenko
Harri Kiljander
Henning Brau
James Kalbach
Jan Jursa
James Kelway
Jason Hobbs
Jay Eskenazi
Jiri Mzourek
Ken Beatson
Lennart Nacke
Marianne Sweeny
Mark Hurst Edited by
Martin Belam
Jan Jursa,
Matthieu Mingasson
Olga Revilla Stephen Köver
Patrick Kennedy
and Jutta Grünewald
Paul Kahn
Rob Goris
Robert Skrobe
Sameer Chavan
Simon Griffin
Sudhindra Venkatesha
Sylvie Daumal
Thom Haller
Thomas Memmel
Timothy Keirnan
Umyot Boonmarlart
UX Storytellers
UX Storytellers
Connecting the Dots
Edited by:
Jan Jursa
Stephen Köver
Jutta Grünewald
UX Storytellers v1.01
To Our Community
Acknowledgments xv
Foreword xviii
Chapter 1
Paul Kahn 25
Learning Information Architecture
Jason Hobbs 37
Sex, Drugs and UX
Marianne Sweeny 45
All Who Wander Are Not Lost
Thomas Memmel 61
Jiri Mzourek 77
UX Goes Viral
Sylvie Daumal 89
What I Know and Don’t Know
Thom Haller 103
Journey into Information Architecture
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Index dcvii
I would like to thank all of the authors who have been so kind as to cut
out a big chunk of their precious time in order to contribute their story
to the UX Storytellers book. In alphabetical order, these wonderful men
and women are:
Acknowledgements xv
I have a thick notebook in which I write down my fantasy projects—
stuff I’ d love to build or to write some day. There is no date on the first
page, but I think I began writing and drawing ideas in this particular
book around the year 2000. I was working as an Adobe Flash developer
back then, so all the early entries are games and crazy animations and
I guess I had many books like this as a little child, when I used to run
through the winding streets of Mala Strana, right below Petrin hill on
the left bank of the Vltava River. I guess so, but I simply cannot recall
many memories from those early days in Prague.
Those books—if they ever existed—have long since gone missing, like
so many things. On the way from childhood to our first job, we surely
gain a lot of important skills, but we do lose things too. We lose the
ability to observe, to ask when we don’ t understand something, to try
things out and take risks, and to outline even the simplest idea in a
rough sketch. Much later in life, some of us pay someone who promises
to teach us how to draw again.
I don’ t know if the same is true for storytelling, perhaps it is. When
we are young, we have the wildest stories to tell. Then, on the long
path towards a profession, although we don’t lose our interest in them
completely, many of us simply stop telling stories. And yet listening to
stories is so much fun. Sure, but who will be the storyteller if we all just
lean back and listen?
Foreword xviii
Somewhere in my notebook there is a page with “UX Storytellers” writ-
ten on it, together with some rough sketches.
Foreword xix
I contacted many potential authors, and over the next 10 months, we—
Jutta, Stephen and I—set about collecting and reading stories. Reading
and re-reading them. And re-reading them again. Sending suggestions
back to the authors who were so generous to submit a story for this
book. And so on. Finally, we ended up with 42 extraordinary authors, all
people I admire and look up to. Take a look at their lives, their books,
their blogs, and their achievements. Jaw-dropping, isn’t it? You can’ t
help but be astonished and inspired. Not only are they leading experts
in UX and related fields with strange acronyms, but they are also the
most wonderful people. Please take the time to read and truly listen
to their stories in this book—or in person, if you happen to bump into
them at one of the many conferences that take place around the world
Why are there so few female authors in this book? Well, I can assure
you I honestly tried to contact as many female authors as I could think
of (ok, there was a bottleneck right there). I am all the more grateful for
the contributions of Andrea Rosenbusch (Switzerland), Colleen Jones
(USA), Deborah Mayhew (USA), Marianne Sweeny (USA), Olga Revilla
(Spain) and Sylvie Daumal (France).
Foreword xx
Please excuse typos or misspellings, but feel free to email them to me.
I’ll update this book from time to time. That’s the beauty of eBooks.
Foreword xxi
Chapter 1
Lewis Carroll
Paul Kahn
Managing Director, Kahn+Associates
Paris, France
First Get a Job
I arrived in Boston in the fall of 1972. I had left my home in the suburbs
of New York City, gone to college in Ohio, and spent the previous 18
months in Kansas. Kansas was virtually like a foreign land to a per-
son from New York City. It was filled with friendly people and endless
space. In Kansas, you can see great distances. Much of the land is flat.
Trees are sparse and grow along the shallow rivers. Highways are wide
and straight. The tallest buildings are silos for storing grain. You can see
large weather patterns that may be hundreds of miles away during the
day and chain lightning leaping across the sky at night.
Chapter 1 26
Paul Kahn Learning Information Architecture
fare plus tips. There was a taxi garage a short walk from the apartment
where I was staying.
Chapter 1 27
Paul Kahn Learning Information Architecture
destination on a map, but could not figure out how to get to the town.
In retrospect, I can see that this was a case of mismatch between infor-
mation organization and the user’s mental model. This particular user
(me) had no mental model of how to get from West Medford to East
Malden or from Downtown Crossing to Broadway in Somerville. The
experienced cabbie had the macrocosm in his head, and used the maps
to fill in the infinite detail. No one had made a book for a cab driver
with good eyes and an empty mind.
If someone got into my cab and knew how to get to where they were
going, we were fine. If they didn’t, it was an adventure.
Boston is one of the oldest American cities. Its urban development has
a distinctly organic side. It began as a group of settlements in the sev-
enteenth century around the curved shoreline of the harbor where the
Mystic and the Charles rivers emptied into the Massachusetts Bay. Each
settlement had grown into a town built along the English model, with a
central commons for grazing animals, a church and buildings for pub-
lic assemblies. The towns were connected by paths suitable for horses
and cattle. By the eighteenth century, the harbor was the commercial
center and became the city. In the nineteenth century, water-powered
industry developed along the rivers and canals. Adjacent towns which
had once been farming communities became factory and warehouse
Chapter 1 28
Paul Kahn Learning Information Architecture
Boston from the town of Cambridge. In one small part of the growing
city, wetlands were filled to make new real estate. On this virgin terri-
tory, known as Back Bay, the streets were laid out in a perfect grid, with
street names in alphabetical order. To a New Yorker, this seemed like a
reassuring and familiar pattern. To a Bostonian, it was simply a charm-
ing aberration.
Chapter 1 29
Paul Kahn Learning Information Architecture
This was my initiation into the world of code talkers. The two-way
radio is a narrow channel of communication, with minimum space
for output and feedback. The radio operator was receiving phone calls
and translating them into the smallest possible verbal message. The
listener was required to take these compressed verbal bits and rapidly
expand them into a calculation of where he was, how long it would take
him to get from here to the fare, and add a judgment as to how long it
would take to get another
fare when he dropped them It was many years before I learned
off. Mike and Sam and that code talking is a basic feature
Billy could do this in a few of person-to-person communication
seconds. and human-computer interaction.
It was many years before I learned that code talking is a basic feature
of person-to-person communication and human-computer interac-
tion. It is a method for compressing two critical elements of sending
and receiving a signal: length and meaning. This is how pilots talk to air
traffic controllers and how CB radio operators converse. A third critical
element is a protocol—the expected sequence in which codes are ex-
changed. The cab driver listens for a request, the radio operator makes
a request, the cab driver responds, the radio operator acknowledges
Chapter 1 30
Paul Kahn Learning Information Architecture
If you aren’t familiar with the protocol, you don’t know how to respond.
And if you don’t understand the code, you don’t get the message. I also
wasn’t motivated to learn. By the second week, I just turned the radio
Chapter 1 31
Paul Kahn Learning Information Architecture
Being honest about my lack of knowledge did not get me good tips, but
it got me good advice. Once I had told my fare that I didn’t know how
to get to where he wanted to go, he often taught me his favorite short-
cut home. My passengers shared their knowledge about which avenues
to avoid at certain times of day and how to follow service roads along-
side a crowded highway. Boston has a rich tradition of traffic conges-
tion. In those years, it still had many uncontrolled intersections where
traffic from several roads simply converged at entrances to highways,
bridges and tunnels. I listened to my fare’s advice and learned how to
find a little-known crossing of the same river, or a rarely used entrance
to the same highway.
Chapter 1 32
Paul Kahn Learning Information Architecture
By the time I turned in my last cab, I had learned a small but fundamen-
tal lesson. I had learned how to find my way around a complex network.
I had learned how to observe and internalize patterns, how to build
overviews and routes in my head from previous experience. Six months
later, I returned to Boston and lived there for another decade. By the
time I left, my mind was a rich database of routes from one part of the
network to another. I could anticipate traffic patterns when a Harvard
football game and freezing rain at five o’clock in November meant
to avoid Route 2 and Storrow Drive when driving from Arlington to
Watertown. I could tell the cab driver how to get me from Medford to
Logan Airport at six o’clock on Friday without getting stuck in traffic, by
navigating the back roads of Chelsea.
Chapter 1 33
Paul Kahn Learning Information Architecture
It was another decade before I realized that nothing had been wasted.
I came to understand that I had learned wayfinding and navigation
systems. My experience in listening to my passengers taught me hu-
mility and empathy. The people moving through the network were
the most important source of knowledge. Getting lost taught me that
I could understand a system I didn’t know by using it. Understanding
was a matter of seeing the patterns in the information. Seeing the pat-
terns requires a fresh and open mind, listening to the users and exam-
ining the data. In 1995, Richard Saul Wurman asked Krzysztof Lenk
for a contribution to his new book. Kris and I had been collaborating
for five years at that point, creating overview diagrams. It was our way
of simplifying information, drawing our clients away from their fixa-
tion on the microcosm of specific features and banners and buttons, to
make them see the larger system. We wanted them to see where all the
electronic neighborhoods connect and the user passes from one district
to another, accomplishing a task. Wurman called his book “Information
Architects”. It was at that point that I understood. I had received my
training in information architecture driving a taxi in Boston.
Chapter 1 34
Paul Kahn Learning Information Architecture
Web: www.kahnplus.com
Twitter: pauldavidkahn
Facebook: Paul Kahn
Chapter 1 35
Jason Hobbs
Founder Human Experience Design
Johannesburg, South Africa
Sex, Drugs and UX
The truth is, that for the better or worse of my design, I’ve never read a
book about UX. Not in my thirteen years of practicing. I’ve started read-
ing many of the books, but I get a few chapters in and I start looking
elsewhere for the kind of fiction I prefer to spend my time reading. It’s
not that the UX books or their authors aren’t any good, it’s just that—
and how do I put this diplomatically—doing UX is about as much fun
as I can have sober, but reading about UX is duller than watching paint
The thinking behind this solution gains its inspiration from what my
brother remarked as he handed me Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and
Loathing in Las Vegas. I was in my early twenties and, although some-
thing of a drinker, I was a clean-living kid in drug terms. My brother is
a fine artist and reading, fiction at least, is not big with him, so when he
handed me the book, I made sure to pay attention to what he said: “I
think for a full six months after reading this book, I couldn’t say no to
drugs.” And that was that, more evidence of a brilliant book an impres-
sionable young man could not ask for. The thing is, my brother’s six
months kind of became my next six years, but there’s no denying it, it is
one good book.
That isn’t quite the effect I’d like to create from you reading this story,
but in my early years of doing this kind of work, UX, I guess there was a
Chapter 1 38
Jason Hobbs Sex, Drugs and UX
Be it the grease, time passing, or the nap in the toilet, I would finally
settle down in the late afternoon to get some work done. I look up from
my desk, my monitor and pad and there is total calm. Some eletronica
is flowing through me from headphones and as if by magic there are
pages and pages of hand drawn designs all around me: thumbnails
of interfaces, annotations, mini sitemaps explaining where the little
Chapter 1 39
Jason Hobbs Sex, Drugs and UX
Fuck. I totally forgot. I wheel over to my graphic designer and beg her
for help. In order for you to appreciate what is humorous in this, you’ll
need to know, 1. That the bank’s primary colour in their brand and
corporate identity is green, 2. That in South Africa, marijuana is sold in
Chapter 1 40
Jason Hobbs Sex, Drugs and UX
clear plastic bags that seal at the top (the bags are acquired from banks
when coins or notes are provided at the teller) and that the street term
for weed purchased in these bags is a “banky” (like: “Score for me a
banky of Durban Poison hey China?”) and 3. We’d been smoking a lot of
marijuana out of these bankies until early that very morning.
Oh, and then there are the women, all the gorgeous, marvelous, smart,
creative, sexy girls who I’ve worked with, and tried to seduce, and failed
trying to do so. On only a handful of occasions have I succeeded and
once I even fell in love. Something special happens when you work in a
team over days, months and years. You share a lot and you show a lot,
your good ideas and your dismal ones. Then, all of a sudden, there’s
this thing happening. You find yourselves standing up for one another
against clients rejecting your designs, project managers berating you
for missing a deadline, or rallying troops to follow your shared sugges-
tion to go to a particular bar for Friday evening drinks. One thing leads
to another. Late nights working together become late nights drinking
together and the next thing you know you’re hiding behind the back of
a couch in the office ‘chill out space’ half naked at seven in the morning
because the managing director has come in early and you thought it
would be kinky to have sex at the office.
Then it all changed. One day I had the smart idea to put some of the
wireframes I’d designed in front of some of the people at work (the
Chapter 1 41
Jason Hobbs Sex, Drugs and UX
secretary, the tea person … ). I’d read about this in an article about guer-
rilla usability testing and I thought I’d give it a try. I discovered that a
different kind of creative magic occurs when you expose your designs
to users. You start to see yourself in the design; you start to see yourself
from above, from the outside.
Unknown to me then, I think I discovered that a different kind of
something fundamental shift- creative magic occurs when you
ed in me, both as a designer expose your designs to users. You
and as a person by doing this. start to see yourself in the design;
All the late nights and women you start to see yourself from
and drinks and parties and
above, from the outside.
drugs and havoc wreaking
very slowly, almost imperceptibly, started to become a little less impor-
tant. In considering users and other people a little more, I found myself
thinking beyond myself and with it the slow death of my bohemian-
artist persona.
Chapter 1 42
Jason Hobbs Sex, Drugs and UX
So long live Hunter S. Thompson. Long live the Gonzo Journalist. Long
live the b-grade wannabe rock ’n’ roll star creeping into your design.
The designer’s ego matters. Loving your design, fighting for it, staying
up late, night after night for it, trying to improve project after proj-
ect for it matters. I sincerely believe that without this ego, you won’t
amount to much of a designer. But then you wont getting trashed every
night either, however it’s a fun excuse for a life stage while you busy
yourself stumbling through the series of realizations that users matter,
research matters, process matters, good client service matters, project
management matters, other people matter, so you’ve got to respect it
Chapter 1 43
Jason Hobbs Sex, Drugs and UX
Web: www.jh-01.com
Facebook: Jason Hobbs
Chapter 1 44
Marianne Sweeny
Information Design Expert
Seattle, USA
All Who Wander
Are Not Lost
I’m pretty sure that Jerry Garcia was not talking about career devel-
opment when he came up with the line that is the title of this story.
However, it describes my career in information architecture, how I got
here and why I am so passionate about search. Information is so vast
and takes on so many forms; it defies singular description or contain-
ment. Some find it directly. Others take a more circuitous route as they
deviate from their original quest to pursue more interesting paths. One
path leads to instant gratification and the other can lead to sequential
illumination. It is this ephemeral side of information that seduced me.
I now see that I was an information architect long before the term
existed. I was always arranging things, from stuffed animals to comic
books. When I was younger, I wanted to be a traditional architect. I was
crushed to find out that this career choice involved a lot of mathemat-
ics, not my core competency. In fact, I freely admit to being math pho-
bic to this day.
Chapter 1 46
Marianne Sweeny All Who Wander Are Not Lost
I started my movie career with a one-year fellowship at the American
Film Institute (AFI). The time was the late 1970s and films could not get
much better. “Annie Hall,” “Star Wars,” “Apocalypse Now” and “Raging
Bull” were setting the tone. The movie-goer’s—the “user’s”—taste had
changed and so must the process of finding and making movies. Out
went the Old Guard and in came a much younger executive staff at the
studios, fresh from war-ending protests at Ivy League universities to
studio properties where excess was so pervasive it was the rule instead
of the exception.
At AFI, I studied with other professionals hoping to get further into the
film business. Unfortunately, that is not what AFI was about. Their pur-
pose was to educate through a conservatory model and finding work
after the fellowship was not part of the curriculum. Getting the first
job is always the hardest, and in Hollywood, it actually relied on luck
and a flexible moral framework more than intellect or preparedness.
Somehow, I was able to put the right combination together and secure
a position as the assistant to a television producer.
Chapter 1 47
Marianne Sweeny All Who Wander Are Not Lost
The core function of my job was to find material to make into movies,
and involved two critical activities, reading and eating out. I proved
to be accomplished at both. I would read everything I could get my
hands on: scripts, books (old,
new and yet-to-be published), The core function of my job was to
magazines, newspaper articles, find material to make into movies,
comic books, trading cards, and involved two critical activities,
and other movies, anything reading and eating out. I proved to
that could inspire a movie. I be accomplished at both.
also ate out a lot, breakfast,
lunch and dinner meetings with agents, writers, executives and other
producers. I would also have writers come in to tell me stories (also
known as pitches) in the hopes of getting paid to write them.
Chapter 1 48
Marianne Sweeny All Who Wander Are Not Lost
Introduction to Software
The Software Product Management certificate program at the
University of Washington came to my rescue. I am eternally grateful
to my fellow students, who patiently helped me through the course of
studies. As bad luck would have it, by the time I finished the program,
the gaming industry caught wise to the hazards of hiring Hollywood
veterans for story development, and that was no longer a viable career
option. While I had broken my addiction to eating out, I still had to eat.
Chapter 1 49
Marianne Sweeny All Who Wander Are Not Lost
certificate I had just earned. The product was advertising software that
ran on top of Excel and allowed users to estimate how much a news-
paper print campaign would cost. I started out as a gopher that did
everything. As the company grew, I migrated into data integrity and
became responsible for collecting the data that populated the program.
I learned a lot about software development, database construction and
operation, sales, customer support and the Web.
In 1997, the Web was just starting down the tortuous path of com-
mercialism. SEO was in its infancy, with lots of trickster methods that
refuse to die to this day. AltaVista, from Digital Equipment Company,
ruled the search world, with Northern Lights and Copernicus right
behind. Jim Allchin won the war of attention at Microsoft and hobbled
the company with box software in the infancy of the game-changing
Web. It was at this time that I stumbled on the early concepts of struc-
turing information, with the discovery of Richard Saul Wurman’s book
Information Architects. I was sold on the idea that I could build things
and not be good at math. I scoured the Web and read everything on in-
formation architecture that I could find.
Chapter 1 50
Marianne Sweeny All Who Wander Are Not Lost
The agency representative swore that the new team was different, and
indeed they were. My job title was Web Producer. The hiring manager
was most interested in my IA background and wanted someone who
would bring best practices in to the multiple redesigns of the Microsoft
Servers and Tools product websites. She concluded that I would be a
good fit for the job after my on-the-spot navigation redesign ideas for
one of her sites. In the Workforce 2000 initiative, I accepted a full-
time position with the team. I decided to deepen my knowledge of IA
through study as well as practice. I attended my first IA/Design con-
ference, the Landscape of Design, put on by the now defunct Chicago
Institute of Design, in 2002. Marc Rettig gave an inspiring talk on infor-
mation architecture.
The good times did not survive the first of frequent team reorgani-
zations. The last one brought in senior management whose idea of
information architecture was one-for-all-and-all-for-one navigation
Chapter 1 51
Marianne Sweeny All Who Wander Are Not Lost
Agency Life
I left Microsoft to go to work as an IA at Ascentium, a technology agen-
cy based in the Pacific Northwest. Ascentium was building out a digital
marketing division and was in need of IAs to design the websites. This
was the first time I held a job with the title of IA. In my interviews, I
mentioned my specialization in search.
Chapter 1 52
Marianne Sweeny All Who Wander Are Not Lost
Evolution of Search
My thinking coalesced further at the 2007 IA Summit, with a presenta-
tion that directly tied IA and search engine optimization (SEO) togeth-
er. Search engines respond positively to structure. By creating a core
foundation of metadata to describe the goods or services, and structur-
ing the site, content and linking structures to support this core meta-
data, the search engines are more likely to perceive the site as being
highly relevant to searches on core metadata and related concepts. My
presentation was a “call to action” for information architects to design
sites that were available to search technology as well as users.
Search and IA
In the movies, things are easily found online. The users actually use the
Web site’s navigation, and search engines work great in the movies. Not
so in the real world. In the real world, users visit a myriad of websites in
any given day. In 1997, there were 200 million Web pages. By 2005, this
had grown to 11.5 billion. In 2009, Google claimed to have discovered
Chapter 1 53
Marianne Sweeny All Who Wander Are Not Lost
1 trillion Web pages and to have over 126 billion of them in the Google
1. http://www.goodexperience.com/2004/02/the-page-paradigm.php
2. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Chapter 1 54
Marianne Sweeny All Who Wander Are Not Lost
links from authority resources. Hubs are navigation pages that focus on
authority pages for a certain topic.
So, game over as IA loses, search wins and we should all become inter-
action and experience designers? Not so fast. There is still time for us to
claim our place at the search table, and rightfully so. As IAs, we repre-
sent the human experience in search. Instead of the tireless discussions
on what IA is, or who is better, IA or UX, we should become a partner
in developing more user-centric search technology. The pointy-heads
need to join forces with the propeller-heads in building search systems
that facilitate a better understanding of the spatial relationships of in-
formation spaces3. It is time for us to reclaim our place at the informa-
tion-seeking table, and our approach should be strategic.
Use navigation to build relational content models that play to the topic-
sensitive page ranking. Develop link components that encourage the
user to explore related concepts or break off to explore new directions.
Relational content modeling focuses on what the user may want to see
next, not what the business unit may want them to see next.
Chapter 1 55
Marianne Sweeny All Who Wander Are Not Lost
The fold is dead. Even Jakob Nielsen said so4. So, let us bury the mini-
mal content structures that have been the order of the day so that all
of the messaging could be viewed above the now dead fold (an ironic
carry over from the truly dead, in the case of newspapers, or dying, in
the case of book publishing). It is true that humans do not like to read
from a computer screen for long periods of time. However, humans are
crafty and have developed coping mechanisms for this, such as: scroll-
ing, printing out pages, bookmarking the page, emailing the URL to
themselves, etc.
Search engines DO read (in a manner of speaking) and use the loca-
tion of text on the page as a core element in relevance calculation. For
search engines, real estate “above the fold” does have some meaning,
based on human behavior as seen in the Newspaper Model. Content
components found in the upper quadrants are weighted more for rel-
evance than those placed at the bottom of the page. Design page struc-
tures in such a way that the most important content is elevated to the
top of the page and supported by additional content made available to
user and search engine.
Search engines do not have eyes, ears or opposable thumbs. So, all of
the stunning Flash or Silverlight applications, sound accompaniments,
4. http://www.boxesandarrows.com/view/blasting-the-myth-of
Chapter 1 56
Marianne Sweeny All Who Wander Are Not Lost
buttons and such are not visible to the search engines that users will
employ to find them. As guardians of the experience for all users, I
believe that it is our responsibility to ensure that what we design is
accessible to all, including the search engines that we use to find in-
formation. To accomplish this for rich media, it is critical to present
annotative text for the search engines to use in indexing the content.
As for videos; the search engines are now using speech to text transfer
technologies as well as on the page annotation to find videos that are
relevant to the search terms. So, if you don’t want a machine to “figure
out what is being said,” design a page structure that allows for either a
thumbnail synopsis or publish a video sitemap.xml configuration file so
that a human editor can contribute to the search engine’s calculation of
meaning and relevance.
5. http://www.ixda.org/discuss.php?post=40237
Chapter 1 57
Marianne Sweeny All Who Wander Are Not Lost
Until we are able to claim a place at the system design table or Larry
Page’s vision of “perfect search” comes to pass, that will have to do. I
have more confidence in the former than in the latter because I believe
that IAs think better than machines.
Chapter 1 58
Marianne Sweeny All Who Wander Are Not Lost
Chapter 1 59
Thomas Memmel
Business Unit Manager
Zuerich, Switzerland
Since 1876, all the sons of the Memmel family have become watchmak-
ers, goldsmiths or dispensing opticians. From an early age, I was raised
to be a successor in our family business. However, I am all fingers and
thumbs as regards a skilled trade. Of course, I tried to make up for my
lack of talent at craftsmanship. As a teenager, for example, I spent the
Easter holidays in an internship as a fitter and welder in a ball bearing
factory. It was very exciting and informative; however, I did not turn
into a talented fine motor skills person. I think it became clear about
then that I would not become a master watchmaker.
Chapter 1 62
Thomas Memmel Watchmakers
Just before the turn of the millennium, the boom of the new economy
had also reached my Bavarian hometown of Schweinfurt. Meanwhile,
I had moved into my first apartment and was doing community ser-
vice (the alternative to compulsory military service) in a nursing home.
Helping people dressed in white scrubs left many formative impres-
sions. At the time, I didn’t know that I would later be helping people
interact with computers. Similarly, little did I know that sometimes it
would feel like being a plastic surgeon, merely in a different industry.
A few months later, after working double shifts, I had saved enough for
an online shop. After I finished working at the nursing home, I moved
on to our family business. I sat in the watchmaker’s workshop where I
had installed a PC workstation, only I set up an online shop instead of
repairing watches. In retrospect, this spatial synergy of tradition and
the modern age set the stage for the future of our business.
At the beginning of the online project, I also had the support of a small
agency. However, I quickly started to develop more and more of my
own ideas, which would have been too expensive to implement by a
third party. Thus, I started with web programming, five years after
Chapter 1 63
Thomas Memmel Watchmakers
writing my first lines of code on the C64 in BASIC. I collected and im-
plemented requirements from the sales people in the shop. I researched
the information that was relevant for a customer before buying and
tried to reproduce these criteria on the Internet. Without me noticing,
a solid IT value chain was established, and I learned more and more
about the exciting watch and jewellery industry.
Shortly after the opening of our online shop in June 1999, I sold my first
watch over the Internet. It was a radio clock by Junghans and was the
beginning of an entrepreneurial change that would gain momentum
from year to year. Selling this first watch over the Internet also marked
a change in my life. Hardly a day would pass without me programming,
configuring and optimizing the shop. The customer was king in the on-
line shop, and for a few years I was the troublemaker in a still very con-
servative industry that was not yet ready for online business.
Still, during the same year, we were reviewed by a trade journal and
compared with other shops; emphasis was placed on ease of use and
the site’s navigation. Ah! More than anything, ease of use at this time
meant foolproof to me. For example, the pictorial user guides that I was
writing for my father needed to be foolproof, in order for him to be able
to use his DVD player. “Press the button at the top right of the device
to turn it on. Insert an empty DVD. Switch the TV to the AV channel.
When the DVD player is turned on, you will now see a blue screen with
the logo of the manufacturer.” Most of my user guides were several
pages long, even when I was just describing simple tasks. In compari-
son, the manufacturer’s user guide was like shorthand and in no way
sufficient to explain how to use a DVD player to the aging fathers of
this world.
Chapter 1 64
Thomas Memmel Watchmakers
I was happy that I was already able to engage in user and customer-ori-
ented work outside of university. We didn’t cover the user of software
Chapter 1 65
Thomas Memmel Watchmakers
until the end of basic studies. The top priority was development. Back
then, sarcastic people argued that this would be exactly the same in
many projects to come.
Chapter 1 66
Thomas Memmel Watchmakers
The world then discovered the rest of the story in various test reports
and forums. The car’s buyers were not able to use the system, whose
main functions were hidden deep within the navigational structure. If
one wanted to program a radio channel during a trip, for example, one
was confronted with an entirely new customer experience—not neces-
sarily a pleasant one. The manufacturer had developed the system with-
out keeping the requirements of his target group in mind.
Personally, the interview was a big disappointment at first. Were all the
success stories and slogans of the usability engineering gurus nothing
but smoke and mirrors? Fortunately, not every company burned their
user requirements in high-octane fuel and eight cylinders. A few years
later, I wrote my first technical article on the topic of agile methods,
aiming to establish principles and practices whereby usability projects
could be conducted successfully, even under challenging circumstances.
Chapter 1 67
Thomas Memmel Watchmakers
One day, my phone rang in Munich. It was the usability drummer from
Constance. I was to become one of two front men in a usability band.
The concert promoter was one of the big players in the automotive in-
dustry who wanted to gain customers with user-oriented software in
the future. Initially, the whole customer lifecycle would be supported
through new concepts for digital distribution, within the scope of
close industry cooperation. This was to be a full position as a research
assistant during my Master’s course, with the prospect of continu-
ing in a PhD position, financed by the automobile industry. It was the
Chapter 1 68
Thomas Memmel Watchmakers
Chapter 1 69
Thomas Memmel Watchmakers
The diversity of the projects and the methods, which were key to the
success of the project, turned me over the years into someone Agilistas
would call a “generalist specialist”. This species is also known in collo-
quial language as a jack-of-all-trades. This means that usability seldom
comes on its own. I still live and work according to this philosophy and
I am furthermore trying to think outside the box of human-computer
interaction through continuing education in areas such as develop-
ment, requirements engineering and project management. This leads
to a better understanding of the point of view of other fields and addi-
tionally allows a usability expert to considerably better integrate diverse
With the results of our work, we went on a usability world confer-
ence tour. Then I made a pit stop in Singapore for six months, where
I worked in the IT management of an automobile manufacturer. This
position came about through a—by this time—long-time industry co-
operation. Despite the crisis in the automobile industry, I had received
a fantastic opportunity for a stay abroad. The position wasn’t directly
linked to usability, however it was all the more about business processes
and software development. As project manager, I gained insight into
these important areas that usually also strongly influence usability proj-
ects. I am still trying to show ways to connect those disciplines with
usability engineering for a reason. Integrated approaches, which con-
solidate all three disciplines, are still rare.
One day, word got out in the tower building of the automobile group
that I managed the online business of my family from Singapore. Before
I could refuse, I got involved in two intranet projects as well and my
Chapter 1 70
Thomas Memmel Watchmakers
Chapter 1 71
Thomas Memmel Watchmakers
In the meantime, my girlfriend had moved in and commuted to work
in Switzerland. The proximity of Constance to Zurich and the beauty of
Switzerland moved a few companies located in the east of Switzerland
that were interested in usability to the top of my wish list. A very skilled
recruiter helped me to sharpen my profile and choose the right posi-
tions to apply for. I was lucky to be able to closely review a larger selec-
tion of attractive employers. I was also positively surprised at how well
developed the job market for usability experts had become in the mean-
time. A few years ago, the profile of a usability expert was hazy for many
The upside of the job search experience is the lesson that one probably
never does anything to no purpose in life. Before, I often questioned
how the setup of an online shop for our own family business would
be judged by a third party. I was very happy about the respect and the
recognition. I can only recommend holding on to your own projects
and gathering experience accordingly. Very likely it will pay off in most
Record Deal
Many interviews were in some ways still symptomatic of the job de-
scription of a usability engineer. Many interviewers refused to believe at
first that, as a usability expert, I was able to write source code. Many a
time, the conversation was simultaneously an attempt at clarification of
the interdisciplinary and diverse nature of the field of human-computer
interaction. Admittedly, it is difficult to conceive a functioning mental
Chapter 1 72
Thomas Memmel Watchmakers
Chapter 1 73
Thomas Memmel Watchmakers
Apropos: Did you know that there are now even wristwatches with a
touch display? Or that there are watches that display the time as binary
code? User experience is everywhere and confronts us with many faces.
If you’re not already on board, check your time. It is 5 to 12 for the era
Chapter 1 74
Thomas Memmel Watchmakers
in which software and products were no fun. From now on, everything
will change.
Chapter 1 75
Thomas Memmel Watchmakers
Web: www.usability-architect.com
Xing: www.xing.com/profile/Thomas_Memmel
Chapter 1 76
Jiri Mzourek
Senior Manager of User Experience
Prague, Czech Republic
UX Goes Viral
Warning—UX May Be Contagious
Yep, I’ve been infected, and if you continue reading this story, you run
the risk of becoming a little infected, too. Or you may realize that you
already have been, or that you would like to be, at least. Did I mention
that you’re proceeding at your own risk? Please reconsider. There is no
way back.
Chapter 1 78
Jiri Mzourek UX Goes Viral
friends in the pub and elsewhere, and to people around me from other
fields. Some of them prefer mainstream products (“everyone else has it,
so it must be good”) and some of them prefer those products with the
most features, but hardly anyone said that they picked a product just
because it was easy to use, for example.
This story is about how I caught this “disease”, what it’s like to have it
and about my everyday “struggle” with it.
How I contracted UX
My original background is deeply technical. I studied at a technical
high school in Prague, with a focus on telecommunications, where we
learned how to design and layout wiring (this was during the pre-cell
phone era) and so on. We also did some coding (mainly very low-level)
and hardware design (very often on a single chip level).
Chapter 1 79
Jiri Mzourek UX Goes Viral
took a unique opportunity and got a part-time job at the recently estab-
lished Prague branch of Sun Microsystems. Since I had about five years’
experience as a developer and knew the whole development cycle, I was
put in charge of forming the “User Interface (UI) Team”—a team whose
mission was to implement the UI of the Net Beans IDE (NetBeans
is what IT geeks call an Integrated Development Environment, in
short, an application that provides facilities for developers to develop
Please remember that at this point I was still more or less an “innocent”
as far as UX was concerned. I didn’t even know that things such as us-
ability evaluation, user-centered design, etc., existed; we were only re-
sponsible for coding.
As it turned out, one of our first assignments was very unique—to make
NetBeans Section 508 compliant. In human-friendly language: There is
a law in the US called Section 508 describing how an application should
support the needs of people with visual, motor and other impairments.
It took us about a year to complete the job, and it was an outstanding
experience. The basic knowledge I had acquired during my university
project for BIS came in quite handy. In addition, we learned to look at
UX from disabled people’s point of view, since we were cooperating
with them and were using their tools. A great eye-opener! And this was
one of the first projects of its size at Sun.
Besides, we were also playing the role of a proxy, liaising between the
design team that was located in California and the engineering team
located in Prague. After a while, our team and the management began
to realize what seems obvious now: Firstly, things work out best when
both designers and developers collaborate. Secondly, if you are respon-
sible for the design, as well as its implementation, you tend to opti-
mize your designs in order to make them easier to implement. Thus
we made an earnest attempt to take over full responsibility for design,
too. Because we decided that we wanted to learn from the industry’s
Chapter 1 80
Jiri Mzourek UX Goes Viral
After a few more years, we reached a point where our team in Prague
became the general UX team. This involved hiring and mentoring
the junior members, eventually to grow the team and attain a criti-
cal mass of people with appropriate abilities. The objective seemed to
be straightforward, but it wasn’t—I will come back to this point later.
Ours was the first and only “full-featured” UX team that Sun had out-
side the U.S., consisting of a local manager (me), interaction designers,
visual designers and user researchers. Over the years, we have gathered
experience with all kinds of applications, focused on enterprise (e.g.,
SOA), developers (developer tools), designers (Java FX-related tools), the
end-user (email, calendar, IM), admins (middleware), and web 2.0 and
mobile (Java ME). We didn’t just provide standard “UX services” alone,
we sometimes also helped with HTML/CSS coding and search engine
So far the disease seems quite harmless, right? You’ve read more than
1,000 words and I still haven’t got to the point. I apologize, but I felt
that you needed to know a bit of the background.
I heard about this “UX disease” for the first time, when Alan Cooper was
talking about it and when I was chatting with other folks from his team
at the training course. I thought it was so cool! They explained how UX
has impacted more or less their entire everyday life: When they reach
an elevator, they immediately notice usability issues with the controls,
when they do an evaluation of their new car, they do so mainly from
the usability point of view … and they were right. Many professions are
like that; you start noticing things from your professional perspective
Chapter 1 81
Jiri Mzourek UX Goes Viral
that other people simply don’t see. Take, for example, my wife, who
is a linguist; when she reads anything, whether it’s a newspaper or a
book, she notices even the slightest mistakes, such as misspellings,
style issues, etc., which I would simply overlook. Or if you are a hair
stylist, you would notice more things about people’s hair when you
look at them than anybody else would.
That’s pretty normal. But with UX, it’s different. Everyone struggles
when they are forced to use a poorly-designed application or appli-
ance, e.g., a washing machine. But we, the UX experts are able to
put a name to it! Even worse, unlike ‘normal users’, if we aren’t able
to use an application or device properly, we don’t blame ourselves,
as the rest of the population would. Instead, we put all the blame
directly on those who designed or manufactured it, and our pa-
tience threshold for bad de-
signs is much lower than that It was so much easier when I was
of the average user. That’s still clueless about UX, just taking
exactly the point here—the things as they were, and if some-
number of choices available thing went wrong, I simply
to us suddenly becomes very blamed myself.
limited. Sometimes we have
no choice at all, for example, when renting a car on a business trip
or buying gifts. Having to use something which is unusable is so
annoying, but one has to make do. It was so much easier when I
was still clueless about UX, just taking things as they were, and if
something went wrong, I simply blamed myself. But as I mentioned
before, there is no way back.
I’ve picked a few examples from my daily life that help to illustrate
the problem.
Chapter 1 82
Jiri Mzourek UX Goes Viral
Chapter 1 83
Jiri Mzourek UX Goes Viral
I hope you can now understand my pain and that of others of our
profession, with the same mindset.
Starting a Pandemic
So, are there any ways out of this predicament? I think there are
two escape routes:
As you can imagine now, I and a few other folks here in Prague have
been working hard on the second solution for the last few years.
Why working hard? Because here we are basically starting from
Chapter 1 84
Jiri Mzourek UX Goes Viral
Even now, the situation is far from ideal. Just to give you an idea—as re-
cently as October 2009, when we presented very basic topics from our
field, such as usability testing, at WebExpo (the biggest local conference
focused on web development, technologies, and design), the informa-
tion was a complete surprise for the majority of people in the audience!
Web design is a “local term” referring to visual design or search engine
optimization. Web agencies are mainly experts in PHP, MySQL, or
Google Analytics. But hardly any of them have recognized that it might
be useful to talk to users from the target audience, to run interviews,
focus groups or conduct usability testing. To some extent, this is a
chicken and egg problem. Partly, local companies are not willing to pay
for UX services or to employ UX experts because they don’t see their
value, or perhaps they’ve never even heard of UX, and even if there were
a demand for UX services at this point, it would be extremely difficult
to get someone local to do the job.
Chapter 1 85
Jiri Mzourek UX Goes Viral
lab for their teaching and made UX part of the curriculum. Today, lab
utilization is close to 100% and we also run joint Sun – CTUP projects,
focused on usability testing, prototyping, or simple web design. We’ve
finally reached the point where the established UX department that was
started in September 2008 has come round full circle to user experience
and computer graphics.
It was in 2005 that I first heard of the World Usability Day—it’s similar
to No Smoking Day, but it’s directed against anything unusable. When
we received the buy-in from our management, our Sun UX team and
CTUP jointly organized a local event. We rented a small local theatre
with about 70 seats and prepared a program of introductory talks on
usability. The speakers were from Sun and from the university. The
entrance was free. We were very pleasantly surprised by the attention
we got—the event was “sold out” in a few days. Motivated by this suc-
cess, we decided to start actively promoting the field through a local
chapter of the Special Interest Group in Computer Human Interaction
(SIGCHI). The local chapter of ACM (Association for Computing
Machinery) SIGCHI, the largest professional association in the world in
our field, was established in 1998. Until 2006, it was mainly focused on
the organization of specialized professional events and lectures. After
the success of Prague World Usability Day 20051, we began to organize
local SIGCHI meetings for the interested public. The first meeting
was held on March 23, 2006. Since then, there have been many meet-
ings with speakers from companies such as Sun Microsystems, Adobe,
Microsoft, IBM and Google, and individuals such as Aaron Marcus,
another doyen from our field. The next milestone was establishing the
non-profit organization “Občanského sdružení Prague Association for
Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer-Human
Interaction” or Prague ACM SIGCHI2, on January 8, 2008. At present
I’m in charge of this chapter.
Chapter 1 86
Jiri Mzourek UX Goes Viral
So are we making good progress? I think so. The last Prague World
Usability Day (which now takes place every year) saw more than 250
visitors. As already mentioned, the university has established a depart-
ment dedicated to our field, the number of SIGCHI members is still
growing, and we are being invited more and more often to give a speech
about UX at local conferences. Also, in our company, we have reached
the point where we have become a truly international team, based in
Prague but cooperating with colleagues in the U.S., who are also man-
aged by me. Still, we realize that we have a long way to go.
I have no idea where all this is going to end. But you, dear reader, have
no choice, if you’ve been infected by UX. You’ve been warned. What you
can do to save your soul? Spread the word, proselytize people around
Chapter 1 87
Jiri Mzourek UX Goes Viral
Web: www.mzourek.org
Twitter: mzourek
Linkedin: http://cz.linkedin.com/in/jirimzourek
Chapter 1 88
Sylvie Daumal
Information Architect at Duke Razorfish
Paris, France
What I Know and
Don’t Know
Digital stories have nothing to do with technology. Computer and
virtual worlds are nothing if not deeply human; that is probably why
I enjoy working in UX (User Experience) design. It is all about people,
their mindsets and behaviours, which mean there is always an element
of surprise—there is always something new to learn, something you do
not know.
At that time, digital was called multimedia. MILIA was the big event
in this brand new field. This international fair took place in Cannes,
France. I was there in January 1995 when people were wondering which
format would win the market battle, CD-ROM or CD-I although you
could still count the existing titles on the fingers of two hands—the
market was essentially all potential. Walking through the alleys there,
we were surrounded by stands mainly occupied by publishers, the
ones who, we thought, would be the first to create and publish digital
products. We didn’t realise that just as it wasn’t auto body manufac-
Chapter 1 90
Sylvie Daumal What I Know and Don’t Know
At that time, we didn’t know the design patterns we could have fallen
back on. Indeed we were ignorant of the very concept of ‘design pat-
terns’. It was a period when the Pompidou Centre was hosting many
conferences on multimedia. Bob (Robert) Stein had just founded The
Voyager Company, a CD-ROM publishing house, and had set up an
office in Paris. He was a regular speaker at these meetings, along with
others whose names I have forgotten. All of them were questioning
the new media and the way the user handled it. How could we make
the user understand dimensions, sizes of objects? How to make them
understand where they were and where to go next, or even how to go
back? Back then, we were not thinking about user centred design, but
we were obviously facing questions: how to present the content and
allow people to browse through it. Some creators were influenced by
books systems, others by software. I remember one guy who created
a CD-ROM as an interactive movie: the user didn’t have a back but-
ton but an “Undo”. If they wanted to go ahead they had to use a “Do”
Chapter 1 91
Sylvie Daumal What I Know and Don’t Know
Although it might sound weird now, at the time we felt we were invent-
ing something new; and somehow we had, or at least the medium al-
lowed us to create something we had never seen before. I remember a
CD-ROM dedicated to Mozart’s Quartet in C Major K465 (Dissonance),
which made you understand the music in an incredible way. You could
play a piece of music as many times as you wanted and see on the
screen the corresponding music score. You could also, if you wanted,
have an expert’s explanation or answer a music quiz game at the end to
test your musical ear. Manipulating different media such as sounds, im-
ages and games was completely new.
Chapter 1 92
Sylvie Daumal What I Know and Don’t Know
You had to do it through ftp and type the name of the file in the table
The second versions were ordered very shortly after the first ones and
the developers began to create CMS better adapted to the size of the
content, which was growing rapidly. We spent a lot of time with the cli-
ent, imagining and discussing how things should work on the front-end
(sitemap, templates, navigation and menu), but they never asked any-
thing about the back-end, nor did we. The developers created it all on
their own, sometimes taking decisions based not on the comfort of the
user, but on their convenience. Little by little, problems became obvi-
ous: the back-end performance was not user-friendly and the way the
system worked was not intuitive at all. We had to spend time creating
documentation and we had to organise training sessions and produce
documents that people could rely upon. When I had to add content to
the website myself, I experienced how painful it could sometimes be.
Now I realised I was beginning to face some strange requests from cli-
ents regarding user behaviour, needs and expectations. Most strikingly
were reports of comments such as, “How do I go back?” or “My grand-
mother wouldn’t like this.”
Chapter 1 93
Sylvie Daumal What I Know and Don’t Know
I was discovering a brand new world; there were people around who
wanted to design websites to help people find what they were looking
for. I took inspiration from the way they thought, the way they worked.
I began to adopt the same methodology. Each time I faced some prob-
lem while conceiving a website, I used some method borrowed from
information architecture. I organised card-sorting sessions and I tested
labels to be sure they were self-explanatory.
Chapter 1 94
Sylvie Daumal What I Know and Don’t Know
part of it. I read with great attention all the mails from the lists. One
day, I answered a question myself for the first time and once in a while
repeated it afterwards. It was then that I realised I really wanted to be
full-time information architect and get rid of some production-related
tasks that I didn’t like anymore.
While I was introducing more and more of the UCD approach into my
work, I was also wondering whether my practice was really appropriate
or not; since I was a self-educated information architect I was not sure I
was completely legitimate. I really had to be sure of my thought process
and I couldn’t get this certainty alone.
Springtime in London
In France, there are plenty of jokes about how much it rains in
London, despite the fact that the weather’s not much different in Paris.
However, I cannot think back to June 2007 without remembering the
rain. At that time of year, I thought I would enjoy visiting floral parks
and gardens, but actually, during the couple weeks I worked at the BBC
it rained virtually all day every day. Not the ideal weather for enjoying
British gardens!
Karen Loasby welcomed me to the BBC, in fact she was the first infor-
mation architect I had ever met. I worked on several projects under her
direction and she introduced me to the many IAs who were working for
the mobile site or for interactive TV. I attended conferences and presen-
tations, saw many projects at different stages, first steps in PowerPoint,
Chapter 1 95
Sylvie Daumal What I Know and Don’t Know
I really loved the time I spent there. The work of IAs who were smart,
subtle and impactful showed me the way forward. The work experi-
ence, whilst humbling, gave me confidence in my IA skills and all the
self-education I had acquired. I realised that all my reading had been
very useful and I used it for research projects. My previous experience
also proved perfectly relevant.
Pioneer IA
When I arrived at Duke Razorfish, I was the first information architect
in the agency. Duke had recently been bought by Razorfish and Duke’s
managers had been to the United States to meet Razorfish’s people.
They had discovered information architecture at this occasion and de-
cided to introduce the discipline to the agency.
This meant that, in 2007, nobody at Duke knew what my job was and
most people misinterpreted my role. None of the books I had previ-
ously read on IA prepared me
for this environment. During During the first year, I learned how
the first year, I learned how to change my colleagues’ mindsets
to change my colleagues’ as well as adapt my practices to
mindsets as well as adapt my better fit their expectations.
practices to better fit their
expectations. I organised many different presentations, some for the
whole staff and some for specific groups such as account managers or
project managers.
Chapter 1 96
Sylvie Daumal What I Know and Don’t Know
I had the chance to work with the new business team on pitches
for new clients. This offered me the opportunity to propose a UCD
methodology from scratch. We won some of these clients and I thus
had some very challenging projects I could work on from the very
Chapter 1 97
Sylvie Daumal What I Know and Don’t Know
The main lesson I learnt from this experience is to always keep an open
mind. It isn’t worth fighting with your colleagues, it is far more efficient
to listen to them and change things to better meet their needs.
I arrived in town late in the evening the day before and, on the morn-
ing, walked 15 minutes to reach the theatre where the summit was tak-
ing place. It was a sunny morning and while I was walking along the
canal, I was wondering what I would find there. It was my first visit to
the Netherlands and the streets looked exactly as I had imagined them.
Chapter 1 98
Sylvie Daumal What I Know and Don’t Know
From IA to UX
As I worked on various projects at Duke Razorfish, I kept looking for
information about my job through discussion lists, blogs and web mag-
azines. I heard about service design thanks to Sylvain Cottong, from
Luxembourg, who came to attend my first UX Paris group meeting.
I am also grateful to the many others who have written the great books
which are my references, given the conferences that have nourished my
work, published their stories online or answered my questions through
discussion lists and groups. Belonging to such a helpful and intelligent
community means I am always willing to give a little back. Put simply,
working to offer users a better experience gives me a sense of great hap-
Chapter 1 99
Sylvie Daumal What I Know and Don’t Know
piness, a sense which only intensifies the more I learn about human
Chapter 1 100
Sylvie Daumal What I Know and Don’t Know
Sylvie also gives UCD courses at CELSA, a graduate School within the
University of Paris Sorbonne and at Sciences Po Paris University.
Chapter 1 101
Thom Haller
User Advocate at Info.Design
Washington, USA
Journey into
I wasn’t born an information architect. I couldn’t even figure out what I
was going to do when I grew up.
But this urge never struck. Instead, I took job inventory tests and wrote
descriptions of classes I liked and didn’t like.
Chapter 1 104
Thom Haller Journey into Information Architecture
In the early 1980s, when I moved to D.C., the U.S. government had
started contracting professional services to small corporations.
Washington quickly became riddled with these “Beltway bandits”—
most of them identified by acronyms and initialisms. In 12 years, I
worked my way through the alphabet: ETI. CTA. SSI. CCI.
During this time, personal computers moved into the workplace, where
they were used primarily to crunch numbers and develop print prod-
ucts. Those of us in government contracting soon used computers to
support efforts. It’s a kind of government-speak for providing profes-
sional services. Contractors support efforts by completing tasks and
submitting deliverables.
“You know all that work you did for us?” a government contracting of-
ficer later asked me. “We had to hire a contractor to come in and tell us
what we had.”
An Information Architect
Spring 1995. A colleague and I share a few words between professional
conference sessions. “I don’t get it,” I said. “I’m a writer and rhetorician,
but I like presenting the information graphically so others can use it.
Maybe I’m a data stylist.”
Chapter 1 105
Thom Haller Journey into Information Architecture
Information architect. I liked the sound (kinda cool). And I liked the
image: I envisioned structure. I was fond of structure. In my job, I en-
joyed shaping documents and products so they made sense to others.
For fun, I’d spend hours looking at ways visual designers clarified com-
plex data.
Chapter 1 106
Thom Haller Journey into Information Architecture
“How,” I wondered, “could someone with gusto in his soul spend his
days surrounded by mauve decor, busily preparing deliverables? How
could I work with people who don’t respect understanding but instead
do things because they’ve always been done a certain way?” I needed an
escape plan.
I sought advice from a former boss. “How do I get out of a mauve cubi-
cle? How do I find something I truly believe in? How can I work in some
way that really makes a difference?”
She directed me to a lifework class. “It’s 10 weeks. It’s cheap. You’ll love
I hadn’t planned to quit my job, exactly. But I was part of a team dis-
missed because of a contractual meltdown. My contractor boss offered
to find me another role. “Perhaps,” he said in all seriousness, “you could
work for Norm.” Would you like that?”
So when my boss said, “You can keep a job with us if you want to work
for Norm,” I thought, “I wouldn’t love to work for Norm. I have to find
Chapter 1 107
Thom Haller Journey into Information Architecture
An User’s Advocate
I also heard that message in my head, but I decided it must be the voice
of my mother, who had often expressed concerns about the work I
would do. What would I do? I could still type, and write, and create de-
liverables. Why, I could even find another job.
That question had pestered me for years. Somewhere along the way I
had come to believe that people are their occupations.
Chapter 1 108
Thom Haller Journey into Information Architecture
I’ve always been slightly belligerent—the kind of guy who asks “Why?”
far beyond the point where it’s considered cute. Whyness has always
pervaded my professional self.
“Why is it,” I wondered, “that writers, people with tangible skills, can-
not make their value understandable to corporate America? Why is
business so content to deliver documents-from-hell to their custom-
ers and users? Why don’t users complain? Why do they accept what
they are given? Why are they so passive when information has so much
Chapter 1 109
Thom Haller Journey into Information Architecture
A Teacher
Last semester I was introducing myself to my class on information ar-
chitecture and the user experience. Now beginning its 12th year, the
class is a place where Washington-area students can gather and explore
the field.
“As information architects, we explore labels.” I offered. “If the label re-
fers to the specific analyses performed by user-experience professionals,
then the label doesn’t fit me.” (I’m no longer in the deliverable business.)
“But when the label is used to refer to someone who believes in making
the complex clear, then you’ll find I embrace the term passionately.”
Chapter 1 110
Thom Haller Journey into Information Architecture
For ten years (1998-2008), Thom led the information architecture con-
sultancy, Info.Design, Inc. He also served as Executive Director for the
Center for Plain Language.
Web: www.thomhaller.com
Twitter: thomhaller
Chapter 1 111
Jan Jursa
Information Architect
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions
Berlin, Germany
Building Arcs with
Wall-Hung Urinals
I’m no longer quite sure whether it was the summer of ‘99 or 2000, but
I still remember exactly that we were sitting in an old pub in Frankfurt.
I was just in the final throes of my biology studies, my thesis was almost
finished and I had been accepted to do doctoral research in Toronto.
It was quite an effort to get accepted at the MPI but I simply wanted to
work with the best and learn from the best. There is a certain price you
have to pay if you cultivate such an attitude. Facing annoyed academics
during your oral examination, for example.
Chapter 1 114
Jan Jursa Building Arcs with Wall-Hung Urinals
Nevertheless, six months later I dumped all of it: great colleagues, inter-
esting studies, and the institute with its famous name.
When I started to work at MPI, I had only a vague idea of the World
Wide Web, let alone the Internet. Naturally, all of us already had e-mail
and we used search engines such as Yahoo or Northern Light, but the
Internet was still nowhere near as omnipresent as it is today.
We had computers to help us with our daily lab work, image processing
and research. The junior staff already had computer experience through
games such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle or Myst (games that I
now have installed on my Nokia.)
Adobe Photoshop was the first complex program with which I was
able to watch myself improving and, as a consequence, realize how my
demands on the program changed (something called the coevolution
of tasks and artefacts2). In his seminal book Usability Engineering Jakob
Chapter 1 115
Jan Jursa Building Arcs with Wall-Hung Urinals
Nielsen writes “Users will not stay the same. Using the system changes
the users, and as they change they will use the system in new ways.”
Years later, I learned that usable software should accompany a user’s
progress, enabling one to work efficiently at any level of proficiency3.
Efficiency and effectiveness are important attributes of usability.
Anyway, one day I handed in my thesis and all my studies were done. I
felt unexpectedly free. All at once, the path I had planned seemed to be
just one of many options, with alternatives as yet unknown. The good
thing is, if you don’t know where
you are going, any road will get If everything is open to challenge,
you there. Or was this part of it is best to start with yourself.
the problem? After all the time
at university, after all the years of education during which one learns
to follow well-trodden paths and supply spoon-fed answers, I suddenly
had the freedom to ask questions.
The problem was I’ve been touting about leaving Frankfurt for quite a
while. There was no way I could pull out now and simply stay where I
was—in my flat, near my gym and close friends. With Toronto I did her-
ald a phat destination though. Now I had to come up with something
similar. It felt impossible to settle with less. Bloody attitude.
Chapter 1 116
Jan Jursa Building Arcs with Wall-Hung Urinals
I began looking for a new city. Where do you start with a task like this?
Well, I did start with “A”. Atlanta, Austin, Amsterdam ... Amsterdam!
Definitely a great city. What else was there? Barcelona, Berlin ... Berlin!
Hey, I even happened to speak the language. That was it. I decided to
move to Berlin and become ... err, well ... someone.
At school, I was editor in chief of the school magazine, drew comics and
wrote short stories. When I mentioned to a school friend in Frankfurt
that I had ended my career as a biologist, but didn’t yet know what to
do instead, he reminded me of my “creative schooldays” and suggested
I’d learn Macromedia Flash4. He himself had just dropped out of medi-
cal school to work as a Flash developer—instead of becoming a suc-
cessful surgeon, like his father and grandfather. (Actually, this led to
his parents kicking him out of home, which led to his girlfriend leaving
him, which led to a serious drinking problem, which led to some more
very bad habits. But in the end, he got everything sorted out and be-
came a successful Flash and PHP developer.)
His deductive logic did sound pretty sensible to me. I installed a 30-
day trial of Flash 4 and began to familiarize myself with this animation
software. A month later we were having a barbecue at some friend’s
backyard and I was practicing my new role as Flash “expert”. We had
cider and sausages. The latter was hanging out my mouth when I offi-
cially proclaimed I was going to Berlin to work as a Flash developer. My
friends were surprised, to say the least. Since the banger didn’t enhance
my pronunciation they assured themselves: “sorry, did you say Fresh or
It was just 10 years after Berlin had become the new capital of a reunit-
ed Germany. Heretofore, I had never been to Berlin myself. In a faraway
4. Back then Flash was still owned by Macromedia. It’s Adobe Flash
Chapter 1 117
Jan Jursa Building Arcs with Wall-Hung Urinals
place called Silicon Valley, a bubble was bursting, and here in Frankfurt
some drunken biologists were making fun of me.
One morning, I threw my things in a rental car and drove off. I put my
Sinatra tape in and cranked up the audio. Start spreadin’ the news, I’m
leaving today. Why Berlin, again? Well, it’s the capital. I figured If I can
make it there, I’ll make it anywhere.
Luck favours the prepared mind, said Louis Pasteur and I am also very
reluctant to turn up somewhere unprepared. Prior to my departure
from Frankfurt, I had specifically approached a few people from Berlin
in an online forum, so as not to be completely alone in the city. I had
applied for various jobs and had bought two new books about Flash.
A few months later, I was a full-time Flash designer and had left my
nursing home job and all those sweet grannies behind. Well, that’s how
it is when you’re on a journey. You face new people and turn away from
old friends.
Chapter 1 118
Jan Jursa Building Arcs with Wall-Hung Urinals
What is it they say? It’s not rocket science. These are all languages and
programs that are not incredibly difficult to understand. Hey, even an
ex-biologist can learn them. Seriously: how hard can that be? It’s just
one step after another, and sooner or later, you look back and think,
“Wow, did I get this far already?”
I had now been at the agency for three years. We had grown from 20 to
120 employees and I had become a front-end developer and no longer
merely their Flash monkey. Don’t get me wrong. I did love my job. I was
part of the Berlin Flash developer community. I had great colleagues
and a good boss—and there was always something new to learn: where
HTML and JavaScript are concerned, accessibility is not far away, espe-
cially when creating web pages for government bodies like we did back
I started to get my head around the topic and read everything I could
find about it on the Web. The good thing about usability is that there
are guidelines to which one can refer to. By guidelines, I mean interna-
tional industry standards—we’re talking big guns here. I don’t mean a
top ten list that some blogger has hacked together to fulfil his weekly
link baiting quota. No, I’m talking about long texts with titles such as:
“Human-centred design processes for interactive systems” (ISO 13407),
Chapter 1 119
Jan Jursa Building Arcs with Wall-Hung Urinals
“Could you help me, please? I don’t know what to do; I’d like to borrow
some usability standards, but I can’t use the program to find those stan-
dards ...”
“Oh. I’m afraid I can’t help you.” She shrugged her shoulders with indif-
ference. “I don’t know how it works, either. Try reading the manual.”
Reading the manual really did help (who would have guessed?). I clicked
my way through the complex web of queries, alerts and meaningless
icons, and indeed, I was soon done.
Chapter 1 120
Jan Jursa Building Arcs with Wall-Hung Urinals
One of the ISO standards I was looking for was the aforementioned
13407. In the evening, I was lying in bed, leafing through the pages,
when suddenly I looked at illustrations of urinals. “Those usability stan-
dards are even stranger than I thought,” I said to myself and leafed for-
ward. There were urinals everywhere. Almost on every page! “Wow, this
author must be really obsessed with those urinals,” I thought.
I flipped the document and looked closely at the cover. I had wanted a
copy of the ISO 13407 standard “Human-centred design processes for
interactive systems”, but instead, I had taken home the industry stan-
dard “Wall-hung urinals—Functional requirements and test methods”
(German version EN 13407).
Chapter 1 121
Jan Jursa Building Arcs with Wall-Hung Urinals
She stared at me. “This is definitely the worst idea you had—this week.
This will never work. You will lose everything and we will have to live
on the street and eat junk like rats. Is that your plan, darling?”
“Aren’t you a little bit too pessimistic?” I asked and tried to score by cit-
ing Clint Eastwood: “If you think it’s going to rain, it will!”
I remember staying up that night for quite some time. How could there
be two completely different standards with the same number? Slowly I
began reading. Hey, did you know that Europe has basically three types
of wall-hung urinals, and that they must be able to bear a load of one
kilonewton for one hour?
Information Architecture
On the lookout for conferences, I stumbled across TED and Richard
Saul Wurman. I was fascinated. In the evening I told my girlfriend
about it. She said, “Wurman? Wait a minute, I’ve got something for
you.” She went into the study of our small apartment and came back
with Richard Saul Wurman’s book, Information Anxiety 2. “Everywhere
I go, this girl is already there” I thought to myself. But I didn’t say
Richard Saul Wurman: here was someone who was devoted to making
complex things simple. Someone who said “The only way to communi-
cate is to understand what it is like not to understand.” I was intrigued.
5. “I violated the Noah rule: Predicting rain doesn’t count; building arks
does.“ (Warren Buffet)
Chapter 1 122
Jan Jursa Building Arcs with Wall-Hung Urinals
Make Me Think, Women, Fire and Dangerous Things and The Inmates
are Running the Asylum.” In Eric Reiss’ book6, I read about information
scent for the first time, and Erik Jonsson’s book explained why people
lose their way7. This was not dry reading. No, this was amazing stuff
and I wanted more of it.
In the end of 2004, I began once more to study: library and information
science. My friends shook their heads again. Why would a front-end de-
veloper care about dusty books? By that time, however, I had lost inter-
est in front-end development. No, interest is the wrong word; I had lost
my enthusiasm.
Chapter 1 123
Jan Jursa Building Arcs with Wall-Hung Urinals
Seth Godin writes in his book Tribes: “It turns out that the people who
like their job the most, are also the ones who are doing the best work.
Making the greatest impact and changing the most”.
“My next project will be whatever occurs to me” said Richard Saul
Wurman in an interview, and went on, “Anything you do should come
from your age, your ignorance, your curiosity. Think differently at dif-
ferent ages. “
Ignorant and curious? That’s me, or as the actor and comedian Steven
Wright once said: “Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a
Though I’ve always preferred the journey to the destination, I’ve always
been quite reluctant to travel unprepared. “Invest in preparedness, not
in prediction”, advises author Nassim Nicholas Taleb10 and that’s what I
Chapter 1 124
Jan Jursa Building Arcs with Wall-Hung Urinals
In 2007 I felt my time had come. Again. It was time to move on. I want-
ed to help build our German IA and UX community. I wanted to meet
and connect with new people and learn from them as much as I could.
It was time to ram some piers into the ground and start building arcs.
Chapter 1 125
Jan Jursa Building Arcs with Wall-Hung Urinals
Web: http://about.me/jan.jursa
Twitter: IATV
Chapter 1 126
Olga Revilla
Founder and UX Manager at Itákora
Madrid, Spain
From Consultancy
to Teaching
I had been invited to teach User Centred Design (UCD) at a university.
Being a 32-year-old User Experience (UX) consultant with a work ex-
perience of ten years, should be a great background for transmitting
my know-how to 19-year-old Design students. Suddenly, I realized that
most of my knowledge in the field has come from non-university meth-
ods: jobs, blogs, Internet references, books, etc.; all not very scientific
stuff for teaching at the university. So I started to research what was
taught in other places about UCD and found that very little was done
at universities. (Or public information was very difficult to find.) Then
I turned to the places where I had learned and noticed that this disci-
pline (I still don’t consider it a ‘science’) is mostly done by non-scientific
professionals of design, librarianship, engineering and hundreds of
other different backgrounds and profiles that had all given their “two
cents worth” based on their experience. So here are my “two cents
worth” based on my experience, what I learned and what I teach on my
Chapter 1 128
Olga Revilla From Consultancy to Teaching
As time went by, I saw clearly that my future was not going to be as a
journalist, but as an Internet-things-maker. I now cannot remember
how I did it, but I got a scholarship at a prestigious design institute. I
had previously taken some courses in Photoshop and Freehand at the
college, but this part-time, demanding Design Master taught me how
multidisciplinary a designer should be: programming, networks, sound
and so forth, although I did not see myself becoming a specialist in
any of them. When you have to manage a group of people it is critical
to know a little bit about your co-workers tasks. Therefore the second
message for my students is: learn the basics of related disciplines, as you
will find it easier to bear them in mind when you work in a group.
I could go on about my courses for much longer, but I will close this
section with my second master, also through a scholarship. This time
I was offered a Master in Ergonomics. Classes ran for a year, Friday
Chapter 1 129
Olga Revilla From Consultancy to Teaching
evenings and Saturday all day. Actually, it was not a real Master in
Ergonomics, but in Workplace Risks Prevention, with three special-
izations: Ergonomics, Security and Health. Since in Spain there is no
university degree for Ergonomics, this was the closest way to study it
with an official certificate. I finally got the Ergonomics and Security
diplomas, and ruled out Health because I didn’t like at all the chemis-
try lessons, nor did I want to work in that field. Indeed, I didn’t want
to be a Risk Prevention Specialist either, I just wanted to learn about
Ergonomics to know how to design better products. Despite this great
effort of learning many rules, I learned very little about what I wanted,
namely, why these rules were like they were. Maybe I should have tried
to look for that knowledge abroad, but I preferred to waste one year on
this course just because it was held nearby. So my fourth piece of advice
is: Grab the knowledge wherever it is.
Product Selling
My first job opportunity was at a hardware and software trade fair,
specifically at a stand for video-games. I taught the users how to play.
There were some islands with different games, and I was in charge of
the island with a racing-cars game and a graphic adventure one. I was
still at the university and did not know much about the multimedia
market. They gave us a half-day training on their products. The com-
pany was at the top of the market, so people came to the stand very
quickly. The favourite was the racing-cars island and I had to control
how long people played the game and not to show them how it worked.
Chapter 1 130
Olga Revilla From Consultancy to Teaching
They learned it instantly. On the other hand, nobody in the seven days
showed any interest in the graphic adventure game. The company
recognised this issue and they never launched it. Which was a pity, as
I tried it for testing and it looked really nice: fine graphics, good story
and so on. On the other hand, the car game had the poorest graphics,
but better acceptance. I learned that sacrificing a quality product in order
to promote the profitable one is daily bread.
During the summer holidays I worked in several places to get some cash
for travelling. One of the jobs I will never forget is as tele-operator for
different companies. My first call centre experience was in a big tele-
communication company, receiving orders and complaints, as well as
jokes. The week after I joined, the company launched the first Internet
flat rate in Spain, and calls skyrocketed. I was lucky to have received
a one-week training, because during that week many, many new col-
leagues joined, getting only a 3-hour course. The intranet we managed
was really difficult to use, and I did not want to be in their shoes, and,
even worse, in the customers’ shoes. Besides, we were encouraged to
spend as little time as possible on each call. Therefore, the service qual-
ity drastically dropped. At first, calls were 85% orders and 15% com-
plaints. Then, 50% orders, 50% complaints. Finally, 40% orders and 60%
complaints about the bad service, many of them people who had not
been told the complete information on the product—just because the
company considered it a waste of time. I learned that quality involves
time, which entails time to listen and talk to the customer, and time to
train the staff.
I finished at the university on June 15, 2001 and started to work just
seven days later. Flash 5 was on vogue, and an e-learning company
needed many graphic designers to develop their courses. I was taught
Flash 4 in my Multimedia Master, so I passed the entrance exam easily.
But then, when faced with the white screen, I found out that I had no
idea about graphic design. I could use the tools easily, but my sense and
Chapter 1 131
Olga Revilla From Consultancy to Teaching
sensibility for art was missing. Fortunately, I was a stagier and at the be-
ginning, copy-and-paste was my first duty. During the 13 months I was
there, I received several courses on learnability and simplicity in design;
I accumulated tasks and gained experience in design from the begin-
ning to the final product. I was supposed to be a Flash designer, but I
also was doing Information Architecture, a concept I had previously not
even heard of.
It was a really nice job but the Internet crash made the company tee-
ter, many co-workers were fired, and everybody started to abandon
the ship. Six months after I left, the company shut down. It was a pity.
Bandwidth in Spain was not ready at that time for the challenges of
e-learning. Besides, e-learning was still taking small inroads into com-
panies, but I learned that art was not the most important thing in graphic
design, but communication. Good for me, as I still have problems identi-
fying the best colour-matches, but not to identify what my users need.
100% UX
Maybe this sounds familiar to you: a big company buys an expensive
intranet. One year later, they realize it is not being used by anyone in
Chapter 1 132
Olga Revilla From Consultancy to Teaching
Design work was finished by the time I was offered a new job. The proj-
ect was more interesting, and I felt change was mandatory the day I
wondered if I had to learn UNIX to do a better job.
Chapter 1 133
Olga Revilla From Consultancy to Teaching
your design is going to be judged, so your design should speak for itself
and any decision should be accompanied by the reasons for taking that
decision. Technical knowledge is mandatory, but also strong communica-
tion skills are needed, both written and spoken. One year after leaving, the
re-design was published.
My next job was for a small company, where I thought the same was not
going to happen again—and I was right. In this company it was quality
over quantity, and we even got free cake on Fridays! I was hired to pro-
vide support on accessibility for some big companies, but I also did my
best information architecture and usability reports there. I had finally
escaped from the technical issues and even the code, and was complete-
ly focused on user experience, as I had always wanted. But numbers
were not good, and we, four co-workers and I, knew it for sure the day
we were fired. Maybe I was too idealistic about that “user experience”
stuff, putting the user in the centre of everything. The last jobs showed
me the importance of profitability for every company, no matter what
size. So with that clearly in mind I faced my job search differently. My
priority is still working on interesting projects about user experience,
Chapter 1 134
Olga Revilla From Consultancy to Teaching
but from that moment on, I became a freelance professional. It has its
pros and cons, like the certitude of being completely alone, but it also
has the reward of being free to accept or reject projects.
Chapter 1 135
Olga Revilla From Consultancy to Teaching
asked them why they attended that course and what they expected of
it. It was then that I realized that their knowledge about the Internet
was worse than I had previously considered. And they were scared.
More than me, probably. Apart from emailing and googling, they knew
nothing about the Internet. I was really surprised by their response. So
I relaxed and calmed them down. I gave one third of the lessons I had
prepared, but fulfilled all their expectations.
Some years later I thought it was time to give back some knowledge
to the Design community. Most of the things I know now come from
library books, courses with scholarships and free tutorials on the
Internet. I proposed to organize a free course on usability with the
Cadius group in Madrid—Cadius is a Spanish speaking community
of professionals from the fields of interaction design, usability and
information architecture. About 30 people told me they wanted to col-
laborate in the organization, but finally only a bunch of them kept their
word. We joined a non-profit conference series about science that is
held in Madrid every year. We did this conference for two consecutive
Chapter 1 136
Olga Revilla From Consultancy to Teaching
years and had a great time. In the second year we changed the focus of
the lectures, in order not to repeat ourselves. The third year everybody
was very busy (I was the very first one) and stopped organising confer-
ences. We did it just because we wanted to, no money was involved, but
it rewarded us with far more than we had given. For example, review-
ing the videos recorded at the conferences, I found myself repeating a
pet word. Although I have practiced at home, and my script was rid of
this word, I could count more than 20 uses in just five minutes! Beside
that I had changed some examples on the fly, and I still do not know
why. Maybe I was too nervous to follow the script or had not practised
enough. Anyway, people were happy and learned a little bit about User
Experience. Probably they did not spot the pet word or the change in
the examples. They really appreciated our effort. This taught me that it
does not matter if you make little mistakes if the overall satisfaction is
good. People forgive little lapses, especially when things are good, free and
presented with enthusiasm.
Chapter 1 137
Olga Revilla From Consultancy to Teaching
fact it was much better than that of some of the lecturers. So I plucked
up courage and tried my first shot. The conference was in Austria, and I
spoke about my doctoral research. I felt terribly nervous, but I knew the
subject, had practised a lot and had some slides to support my speech in
case I was blocked. But one thing happened that I couldn’t foresee. My
low-cost flight had landed so quickly that my ears were blocked; I could
not hear anything for three days unless it was shouted! The worst thing
was that I noticed it during the question time of my presentation. So I
gave my lecture with few language difficulties, but when people raised
their hands to ask questions, I entered into panic mode. I could not un-
derstand a word they said and continuously asked them to repeat their
question in a clearer way! I became more and more nervous and finally
had to leave the platform without answering anyone, feeling like an
idiot. But, at the same time, I felt liberated as it could not get any worse.
This was the worst scenario I have ever imagined in communicating in
English. So from that moment on, everything could only get better. I
got rid of my complex and practised my English diligently. There is still
plenty of room for improvement, but if I hadn’t dared that first time, I
would probably have missed a lot of opportunities, including writing this
text now.
Chapter 1 138
Olga Revilla From Consultancy to Teaching
formation, in an amusing way, but if they miss one, they will probably
have problems to understand the whole subject.
To solve this potential issue, I mix the UCD theory and practice with an
introduction about different, related disciplines, like information archi-
tecture, usability or ergonomics. If they miss one lesson, they have my
slideshows on the e-learning platform and I provide basic bibliography,
links and videos.
I can be flexible with the attendance, but I am not with their deliver-
ables, as it is the only way to evaluate them. Probably those who attend
will get better scores, but it is their choice.
As you can imagine, simplicity, ease and user needs are stressed in the
syllabus, and their redesign must reflect these concepts. Beside, all the
Chapter 1 139
Olga Revilla From Consultancy to Teaching
Design Is a Profession
User Experience is not only about the user, but also about how compa-
nies benefit through design. Organizations, even charity associations,
want to maximize the productivity of their actions. So the designer
must also look for that profit, both for the company you are working
for, and for the client of that company.
1. Adjust the budget, resources and time to the reality; do not try to
implement everything users, or clients, want or need. Be realistic.
4. If you want a quality product, it will take time (and time is money,
so return to point 1).
I know this may hurt the artist’s heart we have inside us, but this is
what the real world is like.
Chapter 1 140
Olga Revilla From Consultancy to Teaching
In her spare time Olga plays basketball, draws and takes long walks with
her dog.
Web: www.itakora.com
Twitter: itakora
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/itakora
Chapter 1 141
Sameer Chavan
Chief Interaction Designer and Researcher
Seoul, South Korea
A Journey from
Machine Design to
Software Design
How It Began
I come from Sangli, a small town in central India, famous for sugar
manufacturing and a large temple of Lord Ganesha. My family and I
lived in sugar factory campus housing until I completed my engineer-
ing degree. I used to sit on the back of big trucks loaded with sugar
cane, chewing on the sweet canes. My father worked as a chief engineer
for, then, Asia’s largest sugar factory for 30 years, until his retirement. I
cannot imagine working for the same company for three decades. I cer-
tainly can’t.
The 1990s were the era of mechanical engineering; this was every
student’s aspiration in India. Unlike the multiple solutions of Human-
Computer Interaction (HCI), mechanical design aims to identify the
single optimum solution that is efficient, low-cost and easy to manufac-
ture. In software design, you can afford to make mistakes and then re-
lease a patch to fix it. In mechanical engineering, however, a design flaw
Chapter 1 144
Sameer Chavan A Journey from Machine Design to Software Design
can result in huge costs, for example, of replacing a metal die and modi-
fying manufacturing lines. Or in other words, you cannot release a car
without a steering wheel and say it will be available in the next version.
Chapter 1 145
Sameer Chavan A Journey from Machine Design to Software Design
Being fascinated with design, I opted for the R&D department. I worked
at the CAD center, where I first encountered high-end, 21-inch colour
SGI & HP workstations. Using 3D modeling software such as CATIA
and IDEAS, I made 3D engineering models of automobile parts and per-
formed CAE (computer-aided engineering) stress analyses. At the same
time, I used computers with black-and-white 15-inch monitors, working
with dBASE and FoxPro via a command-line interface—no mouse.
A year later, we got our first colour monitors and Microsoft Office-
equipped desktop computers. Each team shared just one computer and
we used to line up to see what Word, Excel and PowerPoint were about.
I remember being highly fascinated with MS Word’s formatting capa-
bilities, compared with my old WordStar program. We got special train-
ing in MS Office but we still had no idea which program to use for what
task. Because we liked Excel, most of our documents were spreadsheets.
Nobody talked about usability back then, as we had assumed that we
were the ones who lacked the skills. No one talked about ease of use;
instead we tried to adapt ourselves to the software.
At the end of my second year at this company, I was shifted from CAD
to prototyping in a management position. This is where I fulfilled my
father’s dream, heading a team of 12 sheet metal craftsmen in an R&D
Chapter 1 146
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It was at the Industrial Design School that I first heard of the internet
and email. We used TELNET to send college emails. Email was a DOS
program back then, with no graphical interface, just text and attach-
ments. The Internet was very slow and images were banned. It is so
weird to remember how we surfed the web without images, just text.
What was the reason for the image ban? Most students were trying to
view pictures, download movies and play games, however bandwidth
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was limited and expensive. Today, this is history. Everyone has their
own laptop and network connection. In those days, search engines like
Yahoo or AltaVista were very popular, and by the end of 1999, we all had
free email accounts with Yahoo and Hotmail.
It was my first time outside India. It was good to work with the Italian
designer of the Vespa ET4. I realized that everyone was a hardcore in-
dustrial designer there, that is to say, purely design-oriented and not
technology-savvy. The designers didn’t use computer software for 3D
modeling and engineering. They worked with pen and paper only. In
India, a designer does everything.
My First Website
I came back to India and joined India’s top Scooter company in Pune
as an industrial designer. Pune is like Detroit. There are three big au-
tomobile companies here. It is also called the Cambridge of India as it
has many colleges. At the scooter company, I created designs for bikes
and three-wheeled rickshaws. For the first time, I used the Power Mac
and SGI workstations. I noticed that on the Mac, in order to remove a
floppy disk, I needed to drag the floppy icon and drop it on the trash-
can. I was afraid to do so because I thought this would delete all my
contents on that disk. This is one example of bad metaphors that Apple
had used.
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Metaphors are great if used in the right way. We humans always relate
our past learnings to new situations and objects; we generate precon-
ceived notions of how things work. They form our mental model of
every object we see. Our experiences from the physical world can be
used to speed up the learning curve and accelerate interaction with
software interfaces, but not all physical metaphors may make sense
or may be applicable to the software world. The main reason is that
software cannot convey various properties such as the sense of weight,
smell, or touch from the physical world. We have managed to imple-
ment sound, for example we use the metaphor of an SLR camera shut-
ter sound for digital cameras. But keypads on touch screen mobile
phones are still in early stage, though I know many mobile companies
are working to create a tactile effect for keypads on touch screens using
vibrations or static currents. Another unusable metaphor I always see
is rotating the volume knob using a mouse on a lot of mp3 player soft-
ware. This is difficult to realize using current input techniques. A sim-
ple slider is always better for volume settings.
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cup of tea somewhere and come back later to the internet cafe. It took
that long.
This was also the time of the Y2K problem and the dotcom boom.
Everyone in Silicon Valley with a business plan had started up a ven-
ture-funded company with a sales office in the US and a development
office in India. It was the time when so many software companies
began coming to India and they needed people to work on the front
end, whether you called it interaction design or visual design. The in-
dustrial designers were the most obvious choice to get hired, because
India didn’t have interaction design or HCI or HF courses at that time.
Since we had studied ergonomics, visual design, cognitive psychology
and user research, we were getting hired by these companies. And yes,
at four to five times the salary. I visited the popular IT job fairs in 1999
and 2000 and was horrified to see how 4,000 to 5,000 candidates lined
up in front of hotels where these IT companies would interview them
and give them on-the-spot offers. My heart didn’t agree with joining the
queue of those 5,000 candidates. I felt I was not that desperate.
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Evangelizing Usability
As a member of the founding HCI team of this Telecom IT company,
I didn’t have much of an idea of what usability really was, nor did our
team. But we were all familiar with the industrial design process, its
methods and techniques. So we started reading lots of books on HCI.
The most famous ones were Jakob Nielson’s Usability Engineering
and Alan Cooper’s About Face. We then called ourselves the “User
Interactions Design Group” (UID). The engineers in the company
also had no idea what our team was and what we were doing, so we
started to conduct trainings. We taught software developers about
heuristics, GUI form design and user research. In case you haven’t no-
ticed, Pressman did not include much about usability in his Software
Engineering book. I wonder why software engineering didn’t emphasize
usability. They do mention use-cases and requirement gathering in the
book, but there is no section on UI standards.
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as Google and Yahoo, users now understand what good design is. They
can compare and tell whether your design is good or bad. Clients, too,
have realized this. Competition is tight. All this has led to the develop-
ment of HCI teams in Indian IT service companies. On the other hand,
HCI was not that difficult to realize at product companies. The HCI
teams in US product companies insisted on setting up HCI teams in
their Indian subsidiaries. When I stared in 1999, only two or three com-
panies had UI teams. But now, in 2010, every company has a separate
UI team.
We had a proper usability lab and also remote usability testing equip-
ment. I did my first ethnographic study (contextual enquiry) in
Cambridge, UK at a client’s location. I observed shop floor engineers
entering part numbers into our system. I saw how they multitasked
using other software, as our product lacked some features. It was also
the first time I was part of a remote usability team. My manager was
also a UPA chapter head in Minneapolis, and that’s how I came to know
about UPA and SIGCHI.
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I was quite amazed to see how our Web UI standards team had put
every task flow, whether for financials, HRMS or CRM, into one design
pattern with defined tabs, action buttons and a work area. Having a
standards-based design for an enterprise suite is very important. There
were many development teams across the globe developing applications
on the enterprise web application server. As a UX team, we wanted to
make sure that they followed a standard design pattern, so the user ex-
perience is consistent for those users who use many of our applications
at the same time. In general, users should not have to relearn every-
thing all the time.
The company had four separate teams: web design, product manage-
ment, development and sales. When I joined this company, I saw that
most of the Interaction designs were decided by the product manager,
Chapter 1 155
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and the web designers were just implementing the decisions. The prod-
uct manager took all the decisions regarding the functions, the layout,
page interactions, buttons, colour schemes and every text on the site.
They were really smart guys. But I thought this process could be im-
proved and some responsibilities could be shared with UX teams This
way product managers focus more on customers, market studie and
sales plans—and the UX team focuses on design. It took some time for
this transition. But finally it did happen.
I reported to the CEO and was able to convince him that we needed
people from different backgrounds in my HCI team. I hired good de-
signers from top Indian design schools and companies and made sure
they had different interests and skills. I didn’t wanted a UI designer
doing usability testing of his own design and influencing usability test
participants. I didn’t want a graphic designer spending time on interac-
tion flows and vice-versa. I didn’t want all my UX designers sitting in
front of Dreamweaver doing HTML.
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for knowledge sharing. Initially, Hyderabad was like the Silicon Valley
of India, until it was overtaken by Bangalore. Microsoft, Oracle, CA,
Google, IBM, Accenture and other global players have development
centers in Hyderabad.
I had met the Director of World Usability Day (WUD) and we started
doing a few WUDs in India. The HCI community in India was very
small then—may be less than 500 folks—but currently, we have good
WUD conferences in India. One of them is usabilitymatters.org
Chapter 1 157
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about the culture and the way they practice usability in Korea. Here,
it’s all about technology. I have not seen any usability communities
or forums. Nor have I seen any kind of knowledge sharing among the
companies or even within the same company. This may be because it’s
a small country and a highly competitive market that is divided among
two or three strong players. There is lot of emphasis on benchmarking
and competitior study in HCI design. Its difficult to convience new de-
signs unless someone has already implemented it in another country.
I’ve read that big multinational companies have failed to adjust quickly
enough to the tastes of South Korean consumers, so companies like
Wal-Mart, Nokia, Nestlé and Google had to wrap up their business
pretty soon.
Here, no one uses Google maps, eBay or Facebook. They have their own
local version of every product and perhaps they are better than the in-
ternational ones. What I like here is the fast pace of innovation and the
very fast Internet connection.
Concluding Notes
From the variety of experiences I’ve had over the last 13 years, I have
learned that design is never finished. You can keep improving your de-
signs as long as you have the resources, time and money to do so. We
take a decision to halt further innovation at a particular time, as we
feel this is what we can achieve with the available time and resources.
Design is a continuous improvement process. UX designers will have to
continue to evangelize and keep justifying their designs and convincing
stakeholders. I have realized that if you are not a good advocate of your
ideas, they may not reach the production stage. User experience is not
an engineering topic that can be proven like a theorem. It’s a mix of art
and science.
Chapter 1 158
Sameer Chavan A Journey from Machine Design to Software Design
Web: www.sameerchavan.com
Twitter: sameerhere
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sameerchavan.me
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/sameerchavan
Chapter 1 159
Ken Beatson
Senior User Experience Designer at LeftClick
Christchurch, New Zealand
UX the Long
Way Round
User Experience Design (UX) is a much younger profession than its
practitioners. We’ve almost all migrated here from other professional
“lands”, bringing our own unique histories and perspectives. I came
here from fairly nearby places; I was a database developer, web devel-
oper, designer and web project manager. Others came from slightly
further away: product designers, graphic designers, librarians, market-
ers and many other interesting starting points. So here’s the story of my
journey to UX, together with some of the things I picked up along the
So here I am using Notepad on the new lab computers, in the new lab,
exploring this new thing called HTML. Text with pointy brackets gave
me tables, colours, fonts, backgrounds and even blinking text. I was
Chapter 1 162
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making web pages! They looked just like real ones on the Internet when
I viewed them in Netscape 2.02. I’d borrowed HTML for Dummies from
the public library. I’d only been reading it for a couple of hours and I
was already making real web pages! I edited the code in Notepad, saved,
clicked refresh in Netscape and there was my updated webpage. The
feedback was so instant and visual, unlike the C++ and COBOL I was
learning in my classes. That was hard work because you spend loads of
time writing and debugging your program, then when it finally runs,
you get the wrong set of numbers out on the other end and you don’t
know why. Not exactly compelling stuff. But HTML was everything I
loved about both programming and visual design.
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had time for during the rest of my study. I did various other department
sites in the university. It was also the perfect part-time job and provided
a base of consulting and web skills that my university study didn’t.
One of the most astounding things I noticed was how otherwise nor-
mal people were rendered temporarily insane when thinking about
doing things with the web. They would use a reasoned, well-considered
and rational process when designing printed brochures but unleash
utter madness on their websites. Brochures, nicely structured and laid
out with good pictures gave way to websites akin to compost heaps
festooned with leftovers from
the print publishing effort and Brochures, nicely structured and
other offcuts. They were a decay- laid out with good pictures gave
ing mixture of pixelated pictures, way to websites akin to compost
waffly stale content and colours, heaps festooned with leftovers
all of which were long past their from the print publishing effort
use by date. I still don’t fully un- and other offcuts.
derstand this phenomenon and
what drives it. I just knew that I was mostly immune from the thinking
paralysis that surrounded it. I was learning that most clients struggle to
understand the medium of the web and don’t see that there are many
rules that transfer between print and web. Luckily, my first client, the
HR department, never had that approach and their practical and fo-
cused thinking gave me a solid grounding to kick-start my consulting
All these clients in a vulnerable state gave rise to a food chain of preda-
tors, parasites and scavengers calling themselves consultants. I once
read a Dilbert strip where the character Dogbert explained that he liked
to “con” and also to “insult” people, and how the word “consult” was a
fusion of these two ideas. This was apt for web consulting in Tasmania
in the late 90s. There were an astounding number of people running
around calling themselves web consultants and some of them drove
their clients to me through their random acts of web development
Chapter 1 165
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and their Frankenstein design. I remember one that was infecting the
university’s International Students Office. A remarkably shifty and in-
competent guy had been thrust upon them as part of a senior manage-
ment initiative. He could talk the talk but his designs were a hideous
monstrosity of primary red, fluoro custard yellow and a stately royal
blue that was far too classy for the sordid company it was keeping
on the page. His content management plan was to get all the depart-
ment staff to edit the site in Netscape Composer—probably the buggi-
est and most unreliable editor available at the time and very probably
one of the worst in the history of time itself. Imagine your beautifully
crafted Notepad HTML page as the Mona Lisa. Now imagine Netscape
Composer as a petulant three-year-old child attacking your masterpiece
with a set of crayons. That’s your page after Netscape Composer was
finished with it. These were
dark days. A tip for those people considering
doing an HR degree. Don’t.
I graduated feeling pretty
drained at the end of 2000. It had been a long five-year degree—espe-
cially the commerce and HR bit. By the way ... a tip for those people
considering doing an HR degree. Don’t. Read The Dilbert Principle in-
stead. It gives you everything you need to know more cheaply and with
no pain.
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I had an offer from PwC open for a couple years and almost joined
them twice. But there were family and relationship issues that kept me
at home and I just wasn’t ready to do the big move from Tasmania to
Melbourne and further afield. My best friend at the time turned down
a position with Andersen Consulting and also stayed on in Tassie for a
couple of years.
This was a pretty good time as it turned out, and a good place to wait
out the aftermath of the dot com bust. They were good years, if not
all that productive. I lived in a western red cedar house on stilts up in
Trevallyn, on the hill facing the morning sun, with a 180 degree view of
the river Tamar winding its way through the city and out to the hills in
the distance. A big deck and plenty of space to have BBQs, parties and
generally cut loose in my early to mid 20s.
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flexibility and educating clients about ways the web can add value was
critical. For example, it’s often best not to approach a new idea head
on, but lead people to a better approach diplomatically by increments.
I remember working with a university client who wanted to rush at
discussing links on the home page without first looking at the users,
their needs and how these relate to the areas of the website. I wanted to
use an approach akin to those described in Indi Young’s Mental Models
to work the problem through. But if I’d suggested it outright, the cli-
ent would probably have not understood it, declined it and insisted on
going straight to discussing the links. So I just asked to spend 10 min-
utes of the 1 hour meeting looking at the user tasks. We actually spent
40 and at the end of it the client really did see the value and got some
insights they hadn’t expected. But they needed to experience it to see
the value. I couldn’t just expect them to take my word for it.
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This is one of the main reasons I didn’t get on with one of my col-
leagues. She was very knowledgeable but I found her approach bureau-
cratic, defensive and impractical. She was often more knowledgeable
than me but I could get more good, usable designs into the university
thanks to my design ability, taking a collaborative approach by becom-
ing part of client teams, and compromising a bit to keep clients happy.
Being a bit raw on the team skills front managed to get her back up by
doing a poor job of communicating how I felt and acting like a smart-
ass at times. She taught me a lot about classic usability and accessibil-
ity theory. She was extremely bright and very learned. But she also
showed me a set of key characteristics of many other practitioners and
approaches which have held back the potential for UX to help organisa-
tions. Most of this comes down to education again. People need to be
educated about the process, the web generally and go on a journey of
discovering what they really want. People don’t read big, dense docu-
ments and need to be walked through things. They are busy and often
need to be nudged to get things done on time. You as a consultant need
to take responsibility to get results and expect all this to be par for the
course. People don’t by default understand UCD and its value ... get
used to it, accept it, and reach out to them. Don’t clam up and hide be-
hind a wall of process documentation.
It’s so good to see us as a profession now getting away from the “web-
sites that suck” mentality. These approaches seem to have caused us-
ability to get a bad name in some situations. People in traditional brand
and marketing had the right ideas but were applying them in the wrong
ways. They didn’t understand the web and the value of usability. Well,
Chapter 1 169
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why should they really? It’s not their area of expertise. But our reac-
tion mustn’t be to get defensive and retreat into defending our turf.
We’ve got to go out and meeting them, bring them in, including them
and showing them results that are within their reach. We need to give
business people that “don’t get” websites the same amount of respect as
we do website users we might design for and approach them using the
same attitudes. They’re all doing their best.
It was 2005 and I had done a CMS deployment, two rounds of re-
branding and redesign and a host of other projects for the University of
Tasmania. It has been a great stint with plenty of variety, project man-
agement progression and I could now jump into the management track
if I wanted to. I did PRINCE2 training and kidded myself that I could do
that stuff full time and like it. Big projects, lots of controls, full method-
ology of reporting, stages, definitions of what’s produced and processes
galore. A few years later, I eventually realised this wasn’t the path to
career happiness for me personally. It’s the creative equivalent of eating
dry Weet-Bix but without that nice wheaty flavour.
It was a huge emotional experience being “home” after having left re-
luctantly with my parents at the age of twelve. New family I’d never
seen, all the familiar things that warmed the cockles of my nostalgia
and a very conservative university going through major upheaval. The
biggest learning curve, initially, was really getting up to speed with
my management and leadership skills. But despite all this collabora-
tive pragmatism I’ve been banging on about, I was still working with
a very basic toolkit of techniques. For example, it’s scary to think that
back then I didn’t realise how much traditional meeting formats suck
Chapter 1 170
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for many group work exercises. They’re good for general discussion on
a topic or getting agreement on a simple set of points. But they’re ter-
rible for doing lots of UX things, like brainstorming, ordering and pri-
oritising large numbers of things like system requirements and moving
people to think differently. Just using meetings with a whiteboard for all
this is like having a toolbox full of nothing but hammers. I still wasn’t
fully getting it. I could come up with the perfect structure for the meet-
ing, prep the participants well, but at the heart of it the structure still
sucked for doing workshops. It wasn’t truly collaborative and not ev-
eryone was really engaged. I was yet to discover the full power of sticky
notes, affinity diagramming and properly planning the participant in-
teraction in structured workshops.
Chapter 1 171
Ken Beatson UX the Long Way Round
I’m really, really lucky I feel the same level of passion now as when I
was fresh out of uni a decade ago. That wasn’t the case back in 2007
when I was nearing the end of my term at the University of Canterbury.
It was a combination of needing a change, needing to see the world
and also the role not totally fitting me. I went through different roles,
each with quite a bit of challenge and variety. Still, the weight of a large
organisation takes its toll. It’s the classic problem of internal politics,
not being able to get things done, and in web, everything having to fit
into the same template. It’s a world of overcoming restrictions. I was
starting to stagnate and become a bit “institutionalized”. It reminds
me of what Morgan Freeman’s character “Red” said in The Shawshank
Redemption “These walls are funny. First you hate ‘em, then you get
used to ‘em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That’s
Chapter 1 172
Ken Beatson UX the Long Way Round
Shockingly, London wasn’t just a place where you magically get cata-
pulted into your chosen career just by virtue of being from Australia or
New Zealand. You need the right skills and direction and there’s all this
sweating blood in between. I hadn’t properly researched the London
job market. I was too much of a jack of all trades. I had this collection
of role components in my past roles which were very broad, shallow
and generalist by London standards. Management, web developer,
project manager and IA. I couldn’t really imagine wanting to do more
staff meetings, HR, position descriptions and organisational politics, so
management was out. Web development was really becoming a com-
modity and my skills were quite rusty for what the industry demanded
in the UK. I didn’t really like pure project management—more Gantt
charts, project planning, long documents, methodologies like PRINCE2
were all dry Weet-Bix variants to me. So I decided IA and UX roles
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would be a lot more fun and I tried like hell to land one. It was the first
time I totally let go of ladder climbing and just went for something
modestly paid that I loved doing.
IA in London
I finally managed to get a permanent IA role at a little startup called
MyVillage.com. They’d been a dominant force in local entertainment
guides during the late 90s but had since been overtaken by the huge
number of other players in that market. So they took an increasingly
smaller share of the pie and were hoping to turn this around by adding
strong social recommendation elements to their core product which
centred around restaurant, bar and
gig reviews. My first task as IA was to run
down the road and get some
The working environment was total- milk from Tesco.
ly different from anything I’d known.
I was interviewed at my boss’s house. My first task as IA was to run
down the road and get some milk from Tesco. I worked out of a small
office in Notting Hill three days and from home two days.
Chapter 1 174
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But I was still the lone practitioner and so much more so because of
the small company size. I really hungered to connect with other profes-
sionals. Luckily, I was in London and there were about 1000 people like
me who felt the same. Now all I had to do was go out and meet some of
Starting London IA
Everyone was nice enough at UPA events but I was kind of a nobody
working for a tiny company most people had never heard of. Small fish,
very big pond. At least back in Christchurch, New Zealand, I would say
I was working for the university and that got a bit of kudos. Most of all,
I was shocked by how little IA and UX community activity there seemed
to be in London. There were these IA and usability London mailing lists
on Yahoo that only ever seemed to send out jobs. Then Paul Wheeler,
bless him, organised a get-together to see what we could do about
it. About a dozen of us from the Yahoo group london_ia met at the
Wellcome Trust offices, which I would later learn had some of the lush-
est muffins to be seen anywhere in London down in their café. I still
owe Paul one of those. I really hope I get to buy him one someday. But
I digress. We all wanted something better than Yahoo and I suggested
Ning because I knew about it through MyVillage. I proposed, with a
spark of creative genius, that the group be called ... “London IA”.
Back at the University of Canterbury, I’d started a tertiary web group for
New Zealand but that was hard going. Being geographically separated
was the main killer I think. We organised a conference that went well
but after that, things petered out.
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plug from one of the UX recruiters. There was a strong appetite for
online interaction, pub meetups and something different. The group
exploded to 300 or so and just kept growing and growing. Now it’s over
1000, thanks in no small part to the efforts of people like Matthew
Solle, Martin Belam and Tom Coombs.
Chapter 1 176
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I now see this city I had lived in for 3 years previously with new eyes.
There are so many opportunities and so many great software compa-
nies here. Now I’m learning even more and it’s almost like the hunger I
felt when I started uni for the first time. That sense of being alive tells
me I’m in the right place and that I’ve found the right career.
Chapter 1 177
Ken Beatson UX the Long Way Round
Ken is a Kiwi by birth and his travel experiences have taught him to
make the most of the beautiful country he lives in—he enjoys hiking,
roadtrips, ultimate frisbee and cooking outdoors. His other professional
interests include data visualisation, content strategy, business strategy
and professional online communities.
Chapter 1 178
James Kalbach
User Experience Consultant at LexisNexis
Hamburg, Germany
Wine, Women
and Song
Hello, Deutschland
“Wine, women and song.” That’s the short answer I tell people when
asked how an American ended up in Germany. Either that or “sex, drugs
and rock-and-roll.” Both jokes, of course. But it usually brings about a
Chapter 1 180
James Kalbach Wine, Women and Song
Searching For an ID
It was the summer of ’98. I had just sweated out a master’s degree in
library and information science (MLS) at Rutgers University in New
Brunswick, New Jersey (USA). At the time I was working at the univer-
sity music library supervising the media desk at night and was looking
to become a music librarian eventually. Working for a university is a
good gig, after all. Good pay, comfortable working atmosphere, and the
rhythm of college semesters: on again, off again, on again.
Still, even with a somewhat clear career focus, I found myself picking at
existential scabs at the time. What if there’s more out there? Do I really
want to consign myself to a fairly narrow career right now? So, before
entering the tenured world of academic librarianship, I wanted one
more summer in Europe: a final jaunt that would surely get any wan-
derlust out of my system, or so I thought.
Two years earlier—in 1996—I had taken part in the Rutgers sum-
mer abroad program for German in Konstanz, deep in the south of
Germany, on the border to Switzerland. It was fantastic: a beautiful
university city right on a gorgeous lake—the “Bodensee” in German, or
“Lake Constance” in English—framed by the Alps peeking through in
the distant background.
That’s when I started to learn German. I was really obsessed with learn-
ing to speak German at the time. I wrote a brief journal every day of
what I did that day and went to informal “coffee talk” groups and the
Chapter 1 181
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(Previously, I had learned some basic HTML at library school. Back then
we were working in emacs, a primitive text editing program, writing
code for the lynx browser, an early non-graphical browser. I wasn’t very
good at it, but knew just enough
to get by. Those skills still help It’s important, I believe, to have
me keep up with conversations a firm grasp of the medium for
on web development to this day. which you are designing, just as
It’s important, I believe, to have sculptors have to know about
a firm grasp of the medium for
stone or bronze, for instance.
which you are designing, just as
sculptors have to know about stone or bronze, for instance. Or, I have a
friend who spent a summer framing houses while studying to become
an architect in order to have a better sense of how things get built. A
web designer without knowledge of HTML—the main constructive
material of web UIs—lacks necessarily skills to design properly. But I
digress … )
Chapter 1 182
James Kalbach Wine, Women and Song
ID Media became this cult-like enclave deep in the heart of the Swabian
Alb, the region of Germany surrounding Aalen. (The Swabian people,
by the way, have their own dialect and culture. It’s a fairly traditional
region of Germany with a strong sense of history and pride.)
Two projects at ID stand out as the ones which extracted the maximum
out of us, though there were many others. The first was Beetlemania.
For the introduction of the New Beetle into Europe, VW contracted ID
Media to stage an event—one that was to combine online and offline
aspects. Our idea was to stage a scavenger hunt across Europe.
Here’s how it worked: contestants were put into teams of two. Each got
a New Beetle, which they had to drive through Europe to collect clues
and artifacts that led to the next destination.
Chapter 1 183
James Kalbach Wine, Women and Song
who really directed the drivers along their journey. Keep in mind this
was 1998. Many firms would have a hard time conceiving, coordinat-
ing and implementing such a grand-scale effort today, 12 years later. I
didn’t really play a major part in the development of the concept or the
implementation of Beetlemania—I just cranked out some of the pages
in HTML, as well as translated some of the riddles to English. Still, for
me at that time it was both thrilling and educating to have worked on
the project.
The other big project was an ongoing one: Cycosmos, a service that ID
Media created itself. Cycosmos was a full-fledged online community
with customizable avatars and 3D chat rooms. Discussion groups in-
stantly sprang up around a variety of topics and hobbies: travel, sports,
business, science or just watching TV—you name it, Cycosmos had it.
Accompanying Cycosmos was a virtual “rock” star: E-Cyas, a virtual
personality. At its peak, there were reported to be 100,000 users in
Germany. ID worked hard to convert this huge online community into
profit, and there were lots of interested business partners. But ultimate-
ly, the business model part of Cycosmos led to its eventual closure, de-
spite a growing number of users. There’s no doubt about it: Cycosmos
was very progressive at the time. It even foreshadowed Second Life,
predating it by five years.
Beetlemania and Cycosmos are just two examples of the type of for-
ward-looking projects ID Media engaged in. There were many more, in-
cluding other community-based solutions for clients, innovative uses of
Flash applications to push content to users’ desktops, forays into inter-
active TV, 3D modeling teams, and participation in the development of
Swatch’s internet time. (The latter was a way to measure time without
time zones. Minutes and hours were replaced with “beats” or a division
of a day into 1000 equal time units.)
Web 2.0 for the rest of the world was Web 1.0 for ID Media.
Chapter 1 184
James Kalbach Wine, Women and Song
Chapter 1 185
James Kalbach Wine, Women and Song
drained the energy from the team and changed the company spirit. We
were still creative and innovative, but the general bedlam that pervaded
daily work was unbearable to some. I even remember a new employee
in Hamburg quitting after one day because he couldn’t take the disor-
der. Key people also started to jump ship: the frustration was just too
much for them, or they found better offers elsewhere.
But the stress at ID Media eventually got to me too. I was ready to move
on, despite the fact that the company was still successful.
Chapter 1 186
James Kalbach Wine, Women and Song
It was the height of the dotcom bubble. Razorfish stocks reached an all-
time high—over a $100 per share. The stocks then split. We had a ton
of cash and a ton of business with larger, international clients. Exciting
times, indeed.
Chapter 1 187
James Kalbach Wine, Women and Song
The dotcom bubble soon burst, and the company went into a tail
spin. Razorfish had three locations in Germany at its height, with over
80 people in the Hamburg office alone, where I was. The numbers
dwindled even more rapidly than they grew. Within a year there were
only about a dozen of us in the Hamburg office. That’s when I heard
the term “pink slip” party for the first time: people celebrated getting
canned. It was kinda like pulling out a lounge chair on the Titanic to
watch the thing slowly go under. The majority of the fish were young,
and moving on professionally was not unusual either in those days. Not
that anyone really likes to get fired; in many cases it just wasn’t a sur-
prise when it happened.
It was the beginning of the end. But the management struggled and
contrived to keep the boat afloat. Razorfish then split into Razorfish
US and Razorfish Europe, which meant we were competing with our
former American colleagues for some accounts. That didn’t last long
either, and Razorfish Europe split further after shutting down many
office locations completely. Left over were Razorfish Germany and
Razorfish Amsterdam.
Razorfish Germany then went bankrupt, but was kept alive in a new
company form. The Frankfurt office closed, and the company was
managed from the Munich office. We were now only three people in
Hamburg—two IAs and the Design Director—forcing the company to
conduct projects virtually. The centrally located downtown Hamburg
office—also famous for its monthly parties, by the way—was forced to
Chapter 1 188
James Kalbach Wine, Women and Song
move, and the remaining trio of fish shacked up in a shared office space
of another much smaller digital agency in Hamburg.
Not only was all the magic gone, it was embarrassing for the once lead-
ing agency in Hamburg to have its office in a corner of the office of a
B-level agency. Our fancy quarters with an all-glass conference room
(called the “fish tank”) and exposed brick walls were gone, and we now
sat in a drab warehouse in the middle of an industrial area of Hamburg.
Chapter 1 189
James Kalbach Wine, Women and Song
Chapter 1 190
James Kalbach Wine, Women and Song
The answer, I believe, lies in a strong shared vision. Unless you have
a “Steve Jobs” at your company, a vision needs to be actively forged
and nurtured along the way.
Creating a vision, however, A vision should be something that
doesn’t just mean creating a is alive, and it should pervade every
vision statement after a cou- action of every employee and guide
ple of minutes’ thought and their thinking in general.
moving on. A vision should
be something that is alive, and it should pervade every action of every
employee and guide their thinking in general. It has to be a clearly and
widely understood ethos across teams and departments—a veritable
way of life.
Chapter 1 191
James Kalbach Wine, Women and Song
Grass roots efforts to craft a common vision are necessary, but only get
you so far. There has to be support from above, ideally top-level man-
agement support. By definition, you can’t have a partial vision or a vi-
sion that applies only to some but not others. The common cause must
be holistic and overarching, pervading all levels in the company.
Apart from getting a shared vision, I also have two other general recom-
mendations for people working in large organizations. First, be patient.
You’re not going to change things overnight. Fighting town hall directly
can be futile, leading to even more frustration. There’s also a tendency
to think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. But don’t
jump ship too soon: wait for the breaks—they will come slowly.
Chapter 1 192
James Kalbach Wine, Women and Song
And that’s the key, really: being able to respond and react to situations
as they arise. Sure, being pro-active is something you should strive for.
We’d all love to work for organizations where Design (with a capital
“D”) is an integral part of the business strategy at the highest levels. But
that’s rare. So in relatively young fields like information architecture
and user experience, flexibility and adaptability have to be part of your
professional DNA—on a daily basis as well as for your career as a whole.
Chapter 1 193
James Kalbach Wine, Women and Song
For the past five years, James has been on the organizing committee
for the European Information Architecture conferences. Previously, he
served on the advisory board of the Information Architecture Institute
in 2005 and 2007.
Web: www.experiencinginformation.wordpress.com
Twitter: JamesKalbach
Facebook: James Kalbach
Chapter 1 194
Chapter 2
Isaac Asimov
Aaron Marcus
Founder and President of
Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.
Berkeley, USA
Image credits: AM+A
Almost Dead on
Arrival: a Tale of
Police, Danger, and
UX Development
How We Got Started
It is not often that the lawyer for a prospective client, that is heavily
armed, calls us in for a new project. Starting off with lawyers and police,
we were already on alert. Still, we anticipated that this job would be
different, challenging, and perhaps dangerous. It happened about five
years ago.
The lawyer (for the policemen’s union) explained that the police de-
partment of a major Silicon Valley city was rolling out a new mobile
information display system, but they were running into problems. The
police officers who had to try the new system found it problematic,
sometimes refusing to even use it, because they said it might endanger
their lives. What a customer or user reaction! As we learned more and
more about the context, the application suite, the software developer,
the threads of politics, software development and organizational behav-
ior became more and more intertwined. We felt like we were detectives
ourselves, trying to understand how things had come to this situation;
that the police officer’s union (which hired us) was about to sue the
software developer, the police management, and the city for creating a
fiasco. The newspapers were also beginning to sniff around.
Chapter 2 198
Aaron Marcus Almost Dead on Arrival: a Tale of Police, Danger, and UX Development
All might have gone well, were it not for several unfortunate circum-
stances. On the team considering the requirements of the new soft-
ware, there was not a single person from the actual officers, who were
the users, only management—people who had once been officers but
were no longer in cars and on the streets. Consequently, they did not
get actual user-input when setting up the vendor requirements. Also,
the team did not know about usability and user-experience develop-
ment concepts and likely issues. They did not know to establish user
profiles, personas or use scenarios. The users were not involved in the
vendor interview process. It seems clear, in retrospect, that the team
that decided on the primary vendor asked the vendor about functional-
ity, not usability, and, of course, the vendor was enthusiastic about the
capabilities of their product, offering to provide what the team was pro-
posing. Little, if any, discussion of usability issues probably occurred.
With hindsight, it would have been good to know if the selected vendor
was already being sued by another city’s police officers for the software
they had provided because of some usability problems. This seemed
to be the case, but the facts did not come to light until much later. In
retrospect, it seemed possible that the vendor was marketing a product
designed originally for small corporate police forces with little or no
“crime action” to big city police forces that placed many demands on
the software.
Chapter 2 199
Aaron Marcus Almost Dead on Arrival: a Tale of Police, Danger, and UX Development
So, now it was show time, and the new integrated system, when it was
rolled out, crashed. No matter, eventually the vendor team at police
headquarters got the software to work. But there was still the issues of
officers not being trained on actual working equipment, being trained
with too little time, and their having problems using the software. The
city had already spent $4 million dollars on software development at
this point. That was when we were called in, months too late, but better
late than never.
Chapter 2 200
Aaron Marcus Almost Dead on Arrival: a Tale of Police, Danger, and UX Development
system that determined if the car was already known as stolen or suspi-
cious, the information came back to the PC display in a small window
that showed other information that was essentially useless system
messages stating that the system was operating OK. The officer could
only glance quickly at the display, looking for the important message
needed: OK or Danger. Alas, the displays were not well designed for this
Chapter 2 201
Aaron Marcus Almost Dead on Arrival: a Tale of Police, Danger, and UX Development
What was noteworthy to us about the entire project was that the origi-
nal team, which sought to find the best solution, did not know what
they did not know. What they lacked was an advisor on software devel-
opment who was experienced with the usability and user-experience
profession and the appropriate user-centred development process that
emphasized such matters as the following:
7. Cognitive walkthroughs
8. User testing
9. Iterative design
All of these concepts and techniques are well known in the usability
and user-experience professional community. Alas, they were virtually
unknown to the members of the police department’s information tech-
nology group. If they were known to the software vendor, they were not
Chapter 2 202
Aaron Marcus Almost Dead on Arrival: a Tale of Police, Danger, and UX Development
promoted as such. After all, such matters probably would just get in the
way of a quick sale and quick development process.
By the way, in the course of our project, we also had occasion to talk
with the dispatchers, the specialized professionals on the other side of
the communication link who would direct officers to a scene of a crime
or gather key information from them and disperse it to other officers.
These users had their own high-performance, multiple screens and a
different suite of software. They, too, were experiencing usability prob-
lems. We did not even get to interview them or work with them to help
solve their challenges. That is another UX bedtime story for another
time, boys and girls.
So ends the story. This one had a somewhat happy ending, but it raises
troubling thoughts about what needs to be done to improve the situa-
tion in general.
1. Marcus, Aaron, and Gasperini, Jim (2006). “Almost Dead On-Arrival:
A Police Emergency Communication System.” Interactions, 13:5,
September-October 2006, pp. 12-18.
Chapter 2 203
Aaron Marcus Almost Dead on Arrival: a Tale of Police, Danger, and UX Development
Mr. Marcus has written over 250 articles and written or co-written six
books. He has published, lectured, tutored, and consulted internation-
ally for more than 40 years and has been an invited keynote speaker at
conferences internationally.
Web: www.amanda.com
Twitter: amandaberkeley
Chapter 2 204
Dave Malouf
Professor of Interaction Design
in the Industrial Design Department
of the Savannah College of Art & Design
Savannah, USA
Moving into
Chapter 2 206
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
with nuances and sub-themes and hopefully a few of those will rise to
the top as well.
Chapter 2 207
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
many paths to this role, and in 1998, there was no formal education in
it, for sure. But I jumped in with both feet, neck deep the moment I was
asked the question, “Do you want to be the project manager or the ‘in-
formation architect’?”
All I REALLY knew about information architecture was that there was
a book with a cute bear on the cover about it from some Library School
in Michigan. By the way, I worked in the library in one of my previ-
ous careers. That seemed to be
good for me! With that, a new All I REALLY knew about
career was born. I fitted into information architecture was that
the role nicely because I have a there was a book with a cute bear
good sense of direction (which on the cover about it from some
really matters), spoke a few lan- Library School in Michigan.
guages really badly, (but at least
I tried), and seemed to have the ability to ask the right questions over
and over again, until they are answered the same way. In previous roles
at other organizations, I did wireframes (we called them storyboards),
and I was known for designing user interfaces.
Vizooal was not the first place I worked directly with formally trained
visual designers, but I will say it was the first place I had the opportuni-
ty to collaborate so closely with them. An open studio helped for sure. It
was new, different and, well, foreign. Things that are foreign are differ-
ent and very hard to map against our natural ways of thinking. For the
remaining two years of my time at Vizooal, I never really understood
what I was seeing, but I was very attracted to what I saw and intrigued
to learn more.
At the end of those two years, I can say I learned the following points
about the value of the creative studio environment:
Chapter 2 208
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
3. Informal and formal: There was a clear separation of work for cli-
ent vs. work for you. This meant that you knew you were creating
artifacts that the client would never see. These could be sketches,
or could just be directional explorations.
Chapter 2 209
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
York City, I knew in my heart of hearts that I was not a designer. I never
practiced anything like design and didn’t even really know what design
Chapter 2 210
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
What I didn’t understand until now was design process; I knew that
I had to go out and learn design process and the language of visual
3. That good ideas are not born out of divine conception but are
forged and carved repeatedly in a crucible of specific processes.
4. That design has been doing UX all over the world before a com-
puter was ever sold to a consumer (they just never called it that).
I was so excited. I was like the Zealot who was spoken to by G-d him/
herself. So, with this back story, the real story begins ...
Rewind a Little
I arrived at IntraLinks, my newest employer, in the summer of 2003. In
the role of Principal UX Designer, I made it clear to them that what I
saw in their current offering was pretty disappointing and that I really
Chapter 2 211
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
wanted to change the application from the ground up. Since this is not
a case study but a story, I’ll just say that their existing application was
just really bad in all the obvious ways. We ran some usability tests on
it a year after I got there (it took that long!) and it was hysterical. Die-
hard users for years would not be able to complete core tasks, but when
asked what they thought of it, they said it was great! This really con-
fused our stakeholders, but it was just a small part of the story to come.
During this process, my only access to user data was through secondary
contacts. Not ideal, but a reality. The sales teams were very protective
of their clients. What was worse was that the clients were not the end-
users. This was an enterprise system that was purchased by a manager
who would probably never be the primary user of the system.
The team of three was completely overworked on the feature creep and
new market additions that were being demanded of us at a very rapid
pace. We were doing major upgrades three times a year. We had three
Chapter 2 212
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
Chapter 2 213
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
The concepts were well received and nothing was done with them. It
would have taken too much work on the core platform to develop the
concepts. However, it created two conversations. The first was around
the feature set, what really made sense for that market, and how to
implement the features within our existing platform, if at all possible.
The second was that there was a realization of greater synchronicity
between the existing markets than originally thought, and that if the
platform was rebuilt based on these newly observed patterns, we had an
opportunity to create an incredibly extensible platform for all our mar-
kets and then some.
Chapter 2 214
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
that had a clear plan for how they would deliver, based on the RFP. We
decided to go outside for user testing, because the internal team was
too close to the interface to be clear in their critique. Furthermore, due
to the rampant complaining within the entire team, including myself,
for the last two years at this point, we had lost a bit of credibility, and it
was agreed that a third party would help bring that back to the group. I
had no problem with that, because quite honestly, I was very confident
in how the results would turn out.
The tests took place over three days with five 50-minute tests per day.
We did the tests in Manhattan, a short cab ride from the office and
invited, begged and pleaded that key stakeholders would come to the
tests, especially from product management and sales. Product manag-
ers showed up, but few from sales did.
In my opinion, the tests were a huge success. The usability testing or-
ganization provided the exact insights that I had described in previous
reports, just using my own judgment. It was a huge win for me and
the team and was filled with rich data for how to move forward with a
major redesign of the system.
Our first task was another concept design for a market specific feature
area. It was the right area to get our juices cooking on one of the most
complex areas of the application. By providing prototypes around this
very complex feature, we learned a ton about the foundational object
model, the metaphors and the action sets that would be at the core of
any new redesign project. It also was an opportunity to demonstrate
the use of a multiple-concept-approach to the organization, who were
more used to getting one idea and running with it.
Chapter 2 215
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
between us. This led to filling the space with constant reviews, cri-
tiques and cross-fertilization of ideas. Each concept, though, was given
a specific design direction, based on a focused goal. Imagine designing
a house from a single point of view: sleeping, food, entertaining, etc.
While the application was broad in its functionality, I wanted early con-
cepts to be focused on a specific aspect of the market’s workflow.
As these early designs started to come together, again it was clear that
they could not work without a major revamp of the core platform of
our application. This redundant cry from development was finally start-
ing to be heard by the executive staff, who then started a small skunk
team on a feasibility project for a complete redesign of the platform.
Now looking at all markets, the design team had to figure out how to
communicate to engineering what was needed in a new platform, so
that the engineering team could begin doing their research. Again, two
designers now started working on three different concepts, each with a
design brief of its own.
So three designs were put in front of the stakeholders. It was very clear
that one of the designs was a solid winner. While there were issues,
there were significantly fewer of them. The other two designs were
Chapter 2 216
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
not nearly as appreciated and quite honestly were way too rough to
evaluate fairly.
So we took the designs and iterated on them and beefed up the fidelity
with a crisp visual design. We then put that design in front of some 100
end-users across four of our primary markets, in four key global region-
al areas: NE Corridor, San Francisco, London and Frankfurt.
The primary method was in the form of a focus group. While there are
certain dynamics that make focus groups less than ideal, there was one
aspect that I wanted more than any other. Our user base included two
sides of the business process that never really considered the other’s use
of the application before. So, by creating some groups that were mixed,
I was able to have these groups engage with each other and reach their
very different points of view. What ended up happening was the cre-
Chapter 2 217
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
ation of tiny crucibles, in which new ideas were formed that would have
never happened otherwise.
The feedback on the new design was not exactly disappointing, but
was more negative than many would have liked. But me? I was excited,
because what I got from this set of data was even more data that sup-
ported key areas of this design. More importantly, there was even more
support that the previous design still had tremendous value. What I
ended up with, however, was strong support for key features in the new
design that would have never happened, if we had not gone through
this process of looking at the tangents before focusing on the center.
After the presentation, we began working hard on new ideas for how
to combine the designs. One thing that made a big difference was look-
ing at newer sources of inspiration than previously. This enabled us to
consider new visual patterns, while maintaining the interactive patterns
that they were communicating. We increased scalability across both de-
signs and brought the object model of the new design to the navigation
model of the old design.
During this stage of the design, we did more than create visual compa-
rables. Rather, we created a full interactive prototype. We even hired a
contractor as part of the design team to build out every visual composi-
tion into this interactive prototype.
Through all of this, it was clear that communication between the inter-
nal stakeholders was not going well. We decided to create a space where
the stakeholders could work in teams around core pieces of functional-
ity. We would work with one product manager, one designer, and one
or two developers, making up a team for a market segment. Then we
would create mockups that were converted into a live prototype the
week after, to be reviewed and possibly iterated on. It was a rapid cus-
tom agile method that seemed to be working for the team in order to
close the communication gaps that were causing problems previously.
Chapter 2 218
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
Towards the end of the design phase, my team disappeared out from
under me. One left the organization and, upon inquiry from Human
Resources, the other main designer let them know that he was dissatis-
fied as well. The organization removed me from the project and from
management, making me a concept designer under the R&D group.
Besides feeling completely betrayed, I lost all trust in the management,
who I felt had not covered my back, nor did they look at what the team
had actually accomplished.
The project continued without me, based on about 90% of the design
from when I left. It has taken more than two years since I left to get
it launched, according to inside sources. It succeeded well through
a round of usability testing, although it challenged the engineering
Chapter 2 219
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
groups. The final result was what the customers needed to increase
being productive and successful.
The end result was that I was basically demoted due to poor manage-
ment, which I would call poor communication to the design team. The
lesson learned here is that when working as a designer in organiza-
tions that don’t necessarily understand or appreciate design, the act of
evangelism is not just about convincing management to spend on user
experience. It is also about team management. You cannot make your
direct reports follow you. You have to teach. You have to give room for
them to discover their own way. Finally, if you do have to lead, due to
time constraints and pressure, you need to be transparent in your com-
munication style. It is not good enough to merely tell your staff what to
do, you need to explain what will happen along the way and why.
Chapter 2 220
Dave Malouf Moving into Non-Linear Iteration
Dave is also one of the primary founders and the first Vice President of
the Interaction Design Association (IxDA). Dave’s passion for evangeliz-
ing and teaching interaction design came to a climax in 2008, when he
co-chaired the first Interactions conference, Interaction 08 | Savannah.
Web: http://davemalouf.com
Twitter: daveixd
Facebook: www.facebook.com/daveixd
Chapter 2 221
David St. John
Lead User Experience Designer
Seattle, USA
One Thing,
Many Paths
When I graduated from college the only computer programs I knew
how to use were Word, Internet Explorer, and the popular CD-ROM
based PC game called Myst. This was still the height of the dot-com
boom, so while I had limited technical experience, my college education
and a healthy local economy lead to plenty of work as a contractor for
several startups in the Seattle area. Most of the assignments were not
glamorous (data entry, quality assurance and categorizing products),
however these experiences opened my eyes to the way of life in several
technology companies that were still grappling with how to turn a prof-
it using this new thing called the Internet.
Chapter 2 224
David St. John One Thing, Many Paths
The category editor would repeatedly state that there are “multiple
paths to every item in the online catalogue.” One item had several di-
mensions of information, or meta-data, that described whether it was
age appropriate, for a girl or boy, or of a certain brand. The point, she
said, was for each item to have enough data assigned to it so that visi-
tors to the site could find it in more than one way.
Science would be on the 3rd floor of the library, so the entire third
floor was science. To support the floor, all subjects of science were di-
vided into many pieces, concentric circles of scientific pieces: campus,
Chapter 2 225
David St. John One Thing, Many Paths
libraries, arts and sciences library, science floor, southwest corner, row
2, shelf 4, this is where you, the book, would live. The point the cat-
egory editor made was that we were no longer bound by the same rules
in the digital domain. We could create multiple paths to one object and
it did not have to live in one place nor in one hierarchy.
Of The Book
Only there, where gravity acted upon you and every other book, did you
realize that a hierarchy bound you. It is you, book, with such pent up pages
that you cannot be in more places than one. There is one place you can be,
and it is there in the midst of all other science books, that your first steps
away from your boundaries began.
Now look at you, unbound from your inner rungs, you can step toward the
world. Now you can be found anywhere, in any language, by any person.
Anyone with access to the Internet can begin to reach you, search you, and
course through your words with the clacking of buttons and keys, keys and
buttons. I know your maker has put conditions on your letters, but nonethe-
less you are here, and now everywhere. No more shelves, just you, your read-
er, your creator’s words, some screen, some light or electric ink, are scribing
your existence. Now, book, you have your freedom. Anyone can get you, to
you, from you, and to others like you.
This is the glory, the lifting of the hierarchy. Oh book, you went everywhere
simultaneously. One book you are, but to me you arrive by many paths.
Deconstructing UIs
Another era began with observing interfaces, studying them, and com-
municating how they functioned as a technical writer. The role of a
tech writer afforded me the opportunity to be a close observer of the
language used to describe a user interface, to learn how to structure a
conversation about software, and to identify what to tell the end user
about how to accomplish tasks with software.
Chapter 2 226
David St. John One Thing, Many Paths
In this flow from the receiving software, to deconstructing the UI, and
then to providing a narrative; I grew weary of being the storyteller of
an interface that I could not directly affect or improve. I could author
with the craftiest descriptions
of how software should func- In this flow from the receiving
tion to meet user needs, but software, to deconstructing the UI,
in one moment of realization, and then to providing a narrative;
I came to the conclusion that I grew weary of being the storytell-
the more complete the descrip- er of an interface that I could not
tion necessary, the less likely
directly affect or improve.
one would be to read it. The
best messages, I told myself, are those that are told by the work of the
designer. The interface should “speak” to its user. It became clear that
I wanted to swim upstream to find the source, to begin to meet user
needs at the font of all my content.
Chapter 2 227
David St. John One Thing, Many Paths
Intranet Design
Around the time that I began to show more interest in Web UIs,
a new opportunity to redo our company intranet came my way in
2004. There were around 12,000 pages that needed to be accessed in
a unified user interface by around 9,000 employees worldwide. The
President of the company wanted a consistent experience that reflect-
ed the unified culture of the company. While the project already had
a well thought out category taxonomy, and a proven technology ap-
proach, it did not have anyone in the business acting as the champion
for the project, and the user interface had not reached a level of refine-
ment to build momentum behind the effort.
I recall the new canvas of colours, fonts, texts, and controls; not to
mention, MVCs, CSSs, JSPs. The user interface, now mine to improve,
needed a voice. To give it form, the lead developer, development man-
ager, and soon after, the sponsoring VP, all committed early to provid-
ing a voice for the user during the redesign. Though much was guided
by healthy discussions between VPs tracking the project, there was an
equal role afforded to the user feedback gathered in usability tests, web
traffic patterns pulled from the existing intranet and frequent search
terms mined from the existing search.
I designed and facilitated usability tests that walked users through the
versions of the interface and recorded both their voice and the actions
on the screen. Users were instructed to use the think-aloud proto-
col, which requires users to talk about their actions as they interact
with the interface. After the tests, comments were grouped by theme,
and for each area where we witnessed a task failing or the interface
not meeting the user needs, we created an action plan to modify the
Chapter 2 228
David St. John One Thing, Many Paths
Web traffic patterns showed us the behaviours and patterns that already
existed in the site. These metrics were used as the baseline for exist-
ing behaviours and as a standard for helping to see what effect the new
design had on those behaviours. The frequent search terms helped us
to identify the preferred resources and language used by the intranet
users. In addition, we used the search terms as a way to identify what
resources should be optimized to have prominent locations in the
search and browse experiences.
Look Outward
The Help texts from my experiences as a technical writer were stand-
alone content offerings. Each unit of information, “a topic”, was written
to deliver enough information without the need or assistance of any
Chapter 2 229
David St. John One Thing, Many Paths
In the intranet world, the ordering principle could not be as narrow and
deep as when I authored Help. Here, one had to incorporate the mul-
tiple information views and there were just too many points of view to
account for one way of navigating to the information. And in contrast
to one Help site dedicated to a release of software, you had to provide
a way to manage and address many primary sites and their supporting
sub-sites. The movement was from nodes or topics that were members
of a single site, to sites that had sub-sites and yet also included nodes
that were individual topics. The Intranet proved to be a navigation
problem that scaled up and out. It was both broad and deep, and had to
account for the multitude of viewpoints that would be navigating the
Chapter 2 230
David St. John One Thing, Many Paths
It is one thing to read about a project, its theories and its outcomes, but
as a practitioner of user experience, you have to problem solve from a
place that is developed from your personal experience, the techniques
that have informed design decisions for decades, and from your own re-
search. The Flamenco project, and projects like it, have taught me that
you do not have to go it alone when you think through tough design
problems, and that there are most likely other people working toward
similar goals. One hopes that they intend, like others before us, to share
their experiences.
The great reward for me comes from the equal exchange of ideas and
finding others that have found a way to form their user experience
story. As we delve deeper and vacillate between theory and practice, we
will find common ground through the exchange, and I believe, the path
will not be definitive or clearly called out, but rather, a series of many
paths to this thing we call the user experience.
Chapter 2 231
David St. John One Thing, Many Paths
David lives in the greater Seattle area and is currently focused on rapid
user-centered design methods, enterprise social applications, and the
enterprise mobile web experience.
Chapter 2 232
Henning Brau
President of the German UPA
Ulm, Germany
Accepting Star
Wars at Work
Red cascades of data flicker rapidly through my right eye. They move
with me as I turn my head, telling me where to go; I now have to turn
right. I mechanically follow the instructions, getting closer to my
My mission is clear: find artifact A2000 4356 7832, pick it up, bring it
back home. As easy as that. Yet I have never been in this sector before; I
must rely on the information that appears in my eye.
Distant machines stamp out their never-changing beat. The hall I enter
lies bathed in dim light.
Although the walls numb the senses with their icy greyness, I am not
cold; it is warm in here, maybe 27° Celsius. A bead of sweat runs down
my forehead into my eye. I feel a sudden sting, but I do not dare to wipe
it away, afraid to lose sight of the thin red lines.
A man comes round the corner and stops in his tracks as he sees me.
His mouth opens in disbelief. He certainly wasn’t expecting me—the
cyborg—to appear here.
I grin widely and nod in his direction; a mistake. The play of facial mus-
cles changes the position of the light source. The data stream moves
Chapter 2 234
Henning Brau Accepting Star Wars at Work
out of focus. I knew it, the position of the laser isn’t stable and I’m los-
ing contact with the data server.
Oh, crap.
Suddenly orange lights flash and brakes screech. I turn to my left just in
time to see a forklift truck stopping right in front of me. That was close!
Via this HMD, I was given information on how to find a specific small
part of a truck that was being assembled, and this artifact’s name, as
mentioned above. The task was timed to determine whether perfor-
Chapter 2 235
Henning Brau Accepting Star Wars at Work
The same goes for trucks. They are also unique; rough estimates indi-
cate that just two out of 100,000 trucks from any particular manufac-
turer are 100% identical.
Thus, there is a unique parts list for each truck. Someone has to find
the right extra parts for a particular vehicle in a giant warehouse and
bring them on a cart to the assembly lines—to the right place at right
time. The parts list shows the ID of the truck and the line on which it
is being assembled. There then follows a listing of sometimes hundreds
of parts with their ID code (e.g., “A2000 4356 7832”), a natural language
description, information on the quantity needed and their location.
Basically the same data was displayed on the HMD, together with some
additional details.
Chapter 2 236
Henning Brau Accepting Star Wars at Work
The expected benefits of the HMDs were mainly ergonomic. The work-
ers push their carts round the hall, selecting parts according to the cur-
rent parts list. The carts are quite large and can only be moved through
the main pathways, which means our workers quite often have to walk
away from the cart to pick up parts. It would therefore be helpful if they
could continuously see the correct ID code. The HMDs also eliminates
the necessity of handling paper parts lists, allowing workers to have
both hands free the whole time. Work would be more convenient and
less stressful, which in the long run leads to better motivation and less
Chapter 2 237
Henning Brau Accepting Star Wars at Work
Usually when talking about usability, we mean the goals of users. Yet,
given the situation within an industrial work process, can we really
assume that users have the same goals as the organization? What ef-
fect would mandatory use have on the acceptance of the system by our
workers? I also wanted to investigate this.
“But, err ...”, I started. There was no reaction. The chief physician who
had just checked my eyes at the ophthalmology clinic was no longer in-
terested in my physical condition.
“Go to your doctor every three years and stop driving when you are old
and blind.”
Ok, this is exactly the kind of empathetic doctor I was looking for to
launch the first stage of our study—ensuring workers’ physical health.
Every participant had to go through a thorough check of his eyes before
and after the test to see if being exposed to the laser beam for more
than six hours a day would have negative effects. In the end, we had 18
workers as volunteers, all of them healthy and highly motivated to par-
ticipate in our pilot test.
Chapter 2 238
Henning Brau Accepting Star Wars at Work
Some ergonomic changes were needed, however. Can you imagine how
well a touch pad built in 2003 works while wearing industrial work
gloves? The touch point with these gloves on is about 4 cm wide, so we
simply replaced the touch pad with a single giant knob, 10cm in diam-
eter. Together with four out-of-the-box cursor keys and one additional
key for opening the menu, we had six digital (on/off) input sources. Not
much, but enough for the most important features.
Another lab test series evaluated psychological stress and strain caused
by the devices. 30 participants were asked to perform intricate tasks of
sorting items and solving puzzles while receiving instructions on the
HMDs, compared with a group whose instructions were printed on
paper. In addition, they had to perform concentration and stress tests,
similar to those in IQ tests, between the tasks. Again, everything was
fine. The two groups did not show significant differences either in per-
formance or in objective stress or perceived strain.
After that, the workers took part in card-sorting sessions to reduce the
information on traditional paper lists into chunks and rearrange them
according to their needs. Together, we created screens and found out
how to turn them into interactive workflows.
Chapter 2 239
Henning Brau Accepting Star Wars at Work
and easily, even in PowerPoint. We simply drew the screen layouts and
laid transparent rectangles over the interactive elements, such as but-
tons. The rectangles were linked to other slides, which then showed the
system’s “response”. Our demonstrators thus allowed us to iteratively
evaluate design and workflows in expert reviews, formal analytical eval-
uations using GOMS, and of course in focus groups with the workers.
This was strange, as the system had superb results in usability ques-
tionnaires by the very same people; it was rated suitable for the task
at hand, easy to learn, easy to control, users could individualize it suf-
ficiently, it was self-descriptive, and it was consistent with users’ ex-
pectations for system behavior, as well as being tolerant towards usage
Chapter 2 240
Henning Brau Accepting Star Wars at Work
“Now we look like we’re in Star Wars, but I would only use the helmets
if I could watch Star Wars while working.”
Chapter 2 241
Henning Brau Accepting Star Wars at Work
Chapter 2 242
Mark Hurst
Founder of Creative Good
New York, USA
A Day at
Acme Corp
I spent a day at Acme Corp recently … you know, the multinational
company that makes all the supplies for Wile E. Coyote and other avid
inventors. (Hey, I figure it’s more interesting than “all names and details
have been vastly changed” etc. :)
Anyway. Acme had a problem: research showed that their website was
completely, unforgivably, disastrously hard to use for their customers.
And ugly, on top of that, as if it was spat from a template circa 1996.
So I sat down with the executives, everyone with a stake in the online
presence, to help them improve the business metrics by improving their
Me: “One thing customers complained about was the home page navi-
gation. To quote one customer we talked to, ‘I can’t figure this thing
out and I’m leaving right now.’ I think it had something to do with the
flaming chainsaw animation that follows the mouse pointer around the
screen. Is it possible we could remove that?”
Me: “But customers would shop more, and buy more, if it wasn’t there.
Wouldn’t you like to reconsider that animation?”
Chapter 2 244
Mark Hurst A Day at Acme Corp
Me: “The technology is impressive, for sure ... I mean, I’ve never seen 18
nested levels all flying in unison like that.”
Me: “Uhh—sure thing. But I’d just like to push back a little on this—the
customers did say that the menus were confusing. How about a simpler
menu, maybe just a few links to the top-level categories, and that’s it?”
VP Technology: “Listen, I’m all for simplicity and ease-of-use and all
that, I hear you. I really get it. But I have to tell you, Web technology is
moving fast, and if we don’t keep up, we’re going to look like Google or
something. A bunch of blue links. Borrring.”
Me: “Allllright. Now we’ve covered the flaming chainsaw and the flying
menus, let’s move on to the logo graphic. Some customers complained
that they didn’t want to scroll down a full page just to get past the logo,
the large stock photos, and the slogan.”
VP Branding: “What did they say about the color scheme? I’m just won-
dering, because the green and fuscia palette is really supposed to, you
Chapter 2 245
Mark Hurst A Day at Acme Corp
Chapter 2 246
Mark Hurst A Day at Acme Corp
Every spring in New York he runs the Gel conference, spotlighting he-
roes and innovators of good experience in a variety of fields.
Mark also writes Good Experience as a blog and email newsletter for
tens of thousands of readers.
His 2007 book Bit Literacy proposed a basic set of skills to overcome in-
formation overload. Douglas Rushkoff wrote, “Mark Hurst is the smart-
est person thinking about ways technology can make our lives easier
rather than harder.”
Web: http://goodexperience.com
Twitter: markhurst
Facebook: markhurst1
Chapter 2 247
Timothy Keirnan
User Experience Analyst
Michigan, USA
UX Professional
Goes Car
In the winter of 2008 my most excellent auto mechanic, Jake, gave me
the bad news: my beloved 12-year-old car should not be driven through
any more Michigan winters. Too much corrosion was attacking the
Many car parts can be fixed or outright replaced, but a frame with too
much corrosion becomes dangerously weak and impossible to repair.
Michigan is in what we Americans call “the rust belt”. The steel in auto-
mobiles competes with the salt spread onto the roads during the win-
ter. Eventually, the salt wins because the rust spreads like crazy.
“If you really want to keep it forever as you’re always telling me, get
something else to drive in the winter,” Jake said. Jake knows what he’s
about. He rebuilt the engine for me at 217,000 miles. Replaced the
clutch, too. He also modified the suspension and exhaust system for me
over the years as we made the car more fun to drive than it had been
straight from the factory.
So this car I’d bought when fresh out of grad school in 1996 was now
too rusty to drive all year round. This was a moment of serious emo-
tional import. This car and I had been through a lot together. It was
even stolen in 1999 when I lived in Denver. Days after the theft, I
bought another 1996 Saturn SC2 in nearby Colorado Springs because
I couldn’t order a new one. (Saturn had ruined the model for me with
Chapter 2 250
Timothy Keirnan UX Professional Goes Car Shopping
some ugly revisions in 1997, and there were no other car brands on the
market that remotely interested me. I wanted the same car back as I
had lost!) But then the police found my original car partially stripped in
a south Denver parking lot. So I had two 1996 SC2s in my driveway for
a few months until my original car was restored and I sold the second
280,000 miles is a lot of miles and memories, and the cockpit ergo-
nomics of those mid-90s Saturn S cars are a joy to drive (see my Design
Critique episode, 1996 Saturn SC2 Critique1). Before General Motors’
inept interference in the late 90s, Saturn proved with the nimble, fru-
gal, two-door SC2 that economical cars could provide terrific user expe-
riences when designed properly. Could I find a car this good in 2008?
1. http://designcritique.libsyn.com/index.php?post_id=340718
Chapter 2 251
Timothy Keirnan UX Professional Goes Car Shopping
1. Two doors, because there’s just me to get in and out, plus an oc-
casional front passenger. Back seats are superfluous and I’m aes-
thetically allergic to four door vehicles.
5. 360-degree visibility, just like the 1996 Saturn SC2 (no blind
MINI Cooper
Website Experience
I had admired www.minusa.com for years as the best car brand website
I’d ever browsed, until MINI redesigned it in the summer of 2010. The
Chapter 2 252
Timothy Keirnan UX Professional Goes Car Shopping
Unfortunately, the cockpit controls are terrible. For example, the turn
signal returns immediately to its centre position when pressed to indi-
cate a left or right turn. It does not stay down for “left” or up for “right”,
thus forcing the driver to take eyes off the road and look at the blinking
lamps to verify they are signalling the proper intent, or even signalling
at all, if music is loud enough to mask the audio cue of the signals.
The 2007-2010 MINI’s climate controls and audio controls are the
worst I’ve seen anywhere and look dreadfully cheap and childish, like
toys. I do not expect, nor want to pay for, cheap plastic exaggerated
“Fisher-Price toy” controls in an upscale automobile. The centre-
mounted speedometer is enlarged far beyond the classic “Minis” of the
1960s and thus looks cartoon-ishly absurd. Quirky personality is one
thing, but there’s a fine line between charming and cloying.
Chapter 2 253
Timothy Keirnan UX Professional Goes Car Shopping
UX Takeaways
1. Invest in a proper website to communicate a car brand’s unique
qualities and make it easy for prospective customers to build their
own “daydream car” during their car research.
Chapter 2 254
Timothy Keirnan UX Professional Goes Car Shopping
Honda Civic Si
Website Experience
Trusted automotive advisor buddy Ken told me to test-drive a Honda
Civic Si because it was recently redone and good value for fun. Off I
went to Honda’s website for the Civic Si and discovered that Honda’s
website was, in the spring of 2008, dreadful. It could have been de-
signed 10 years earlier from the look and interaction design of it. None
of the personality of the car, nor any effective use of Flash that MINI is
so good at for describing options and configuring a car, were apparent.
Honda’s website was very static overall; the content was typical corpo-
rate bland bad marketing fluff and not at all engaging for what appeared
to be a very engaging car.
Do they really think a product that costs well over US$20,000 can be
test-driven in a parking lot? Is a website or brochure or magazine review
going to let a customer experience the product firsthand? Obviously
not. Would any UX professional conduct a usability test by telling the
participant, “We can’t let you perform any tasks with the product in
pursuit of your typical goals, but we hope your session with our product
will be enlightening”?
2. http://www.fawltysite.net
Chapter 2 255
Timothy Keirnan UX Professional Goes Car Shopping
Well, we had driven for over 30 minutes to get to this point, so drive
around the parking lot and access road I did, my Dad in the back and
the clueless salesman in the passenger seat. To my delight, the controls
of the Civic Si were wonderful. Everywhere that MINI made a stupid
decision, Honda made a good one. The dreamy short-throw manual
transmission has a sensible shift pattern unlike the MINI, the parking
brake is alongside the shifter for immediate use by simply rotating your
wrist 90 degrees, the centre stack has everything within reach and I
didn’t need an instruction manual to figure it out, plus several knobs
were oversized to facilitate gloved hand use in winter, and the dash-
board was exquisitely usable. Honda carved the dash into two tiers, the
top tier holding a digital speedometer plus two gauges, and the remain-
ing gauges and tachometer in the lower tier. Marvellous! I could keep
my eyes on the traffic ahead and still see my speed in peripheral vision.
No need to look down even for half a second.
Chapter 2 256
Timothy Keirnan UX Professional Goes Car Shopping
torque than I prefer, and exterior styling that looks like a well-used bar
of soap on wheels.
UX Takeaways
1. Do not treat a somewhat inexpensive car like an exotic and disal-
low test drives on actual roads.
3. Get a website that shows the car off without making users feel
they are looking through the pages of a print brochure done by
marketing hacks. There undoubtedly exist marketing profession-
als who are also literate driving enthusiasts. Hire them!
Mazda 3
Website Experience
Sadly, in 2008, the Mazda website was as lame as Honda’s was that year.
Unlike with MINI’s superior website, I again felt I was looking through
a print catalogue; Mazda’s site did not take advantage of what websites
are good for when communicating dynamically variable information.
Building a car online was awkward and information about trim levels
and options was not presented well. And I would have to get a sunroof
to have the trim level I wanted—plenty of that cursed option bundling
was going on at Mazda as well as at Honda.
Chapter 2 257
Timothy Keirnan UX Professional Goes Car Shopping
exclusively, so I took him up on his offer to drive his Mazda 3—he obvi-
ously appreciated good cars. After my bad experiences trying to test-
drive cars on public roads with the MINI and Honda dealers, a private
appointment with someone who prefers “driver’s cars” and would share
his was welcome. Even though Mazda does not offer a coupe in the 3
series, the sedan looked so good to me I didn’t care. (2009’s “face of the
Joker” redesign of the Mazda 3 put an end to my appreciation of these
otherwise fine cars.)
Driving the 3 was fun and I could see why Mike liked it. Visibility was
better than the Civic Si, and nothing about the interior controls an-
noyed my usability sensitivities. I did wonder about the use of red in all
the lighting and gauges. It’s probably good for preserving night vision,
but aesthetically I wasn’t eager to see red everywhere all the time in the
day. Perhaps it was my cultural tuning to red as a warning colour only.
I also noted the same “force many options down your throat because
you dared want one specific option” packaging that plagued Honda.
Even if I could stomach driving a car with four doors, having to get a
sunroof really annoyed me which was unfortunate as the handling and
other aspects were good.
UX Takeaways
1. Stop forcing customers into mandatory up-sell positions when all
they wanted were a couple of options.
Chapter 2 258
Timothy Keirnan UX Professional Goes Car Shopping
Off we went and I didn’t mind the motoring advisor coming along for
the ride because he actually knew where to take the car for safe tests of
its acceleration and handling. He also contributed insightful comments
to us about the product. Imagine that! It was obvious he loved the prod-
uct he sold and enthusiasm is contagious in these situations.
The lack of a turbocharger made the standard MINI seem less excit-
ing, but the superb handling was still there. Unfortunately, so were the
dreadful controls inside the cockpit. However, at least MINI allows for
an a la carte selection of options, unlike Honda and Mazda. The options
may cost more as a result of so much assembly line customization, but
the customer has a choice to create his or her own unique MINI and it
was good to be back in a car with superior visibility again.
A sad fact of the turbocharged Mini was the unavailability of the tradi-
tional MINI slatted chrome grill. Only a black piece of plastic hexagons
is used, which makes the Cooper S resemble a Volkswagen in a twisted
confusion of brand identity. When I found frequent complaints of reli-
ability problems with the turbocharged 2nd generation new MINI in
various Web discussion forums, I crossed the Cooper S off my list. But
the Cooper was becoming an intriguing option.
UX Takeaways
1. For goodness sake, let the prospective customer test drive all
models on the public roads.
Chapter 2 259
Timothy Keirnan UX Professional Goes Car Shopping
1. Enjoy the superior cockpit design of the Civic Si, but endure poor
visibility and soap bar styling, OR
In the end, my choice of the MINI was based on some emotional rea-
sons that had nothing to do with usability and everything to do with
other components of my user experience:
Chapter 2 260
Timothy Keirnan UX Professional Goes Car Shopping
It was thrilling and maddening to shop for a car in the first decade of
the 21st century. Thrilling because modern cars have so much good en-
gineering in them and are in general more reliable than the classic cars I
drool over at old British car shows, as well as being safer.
But it is maddening to see a great car (like the second generation of the
new MINI) hamstrung by interior controls that so flagrantly break my
cardinal rule of driving usability, which is:
Good car designs let the driver keep eyes on the road all the time. Bad
car designs force the driver’s eyes to verify what he is about to do, or
confirm what he has already done.
Chapter 2 261
Timothy Keirnan UX Professional Goes Car Shopping
mean every brand learns from its peers. Best practices are rarely univer-
sally adopted in an industry, if ever.
Chapter 2 262
Timothy Keirnan UX Professional Goes Car Shopping
Chapter 2 263
Timothy Keirnan UX Professional Goes Car Shopping
Web: www.designcritique.net
Chapter 2 264
Sudhindra V. Murthy
Associate Creative Director at Sapient
Bangalore, India
Design is Problem
Solving—In More
Ways than One
It all began on a cold day towards the end of October in 2005. I was
rushing up to go over for a client meeting, 5 miles into the city. As I
was about to close and lock my computer, I saw a message pop from
the Resourcing Team. I gave it a cursory glance, thought with a sigh,
“Another hard gruelling project” and locked my computer. However, I
thought I had noticed something like a “travel instruction”. So I un-
locked my computer and read it in full. It was indeed a new project
I was to take up, but to my disbelief, I saw that I was to travel
to Singapore in the next 3 days. Of course, I was shocked, unhappy and
essentially disturbed since I was to travel at such a short notice.
I came back three hours later, went through the mail again and called
the Resourcing Team. The first thing they asked me “Did you get your
ticket yet? What kind of accommodation are you looking for? Please fill
in the travel request form and send it back ASAP.” I fought to control
my myriad emotions at play and asked them a simple question “Why is
it such a short notice?” “Because the project has started yesterday and
today, you will be talking to the client at 6.30 pm. Did you not get the
invite yet?” was the reply.
Chapter 2 266
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
Now I lost all my control. There was a shouting match between us,
we exchanged non- pleasantries and banged the phone down on each
other. But there was nothing that could be done. Well, something could
be done, get familiar with the project, get to the documents sent by the
client and start the project study. So that is what I did, as all good em-
ployees would do.
I was not surprised. During the day, I had learnt enough not to be sur-
prised. In fact, I had steeled myself to the point that if I did not come
across “surprises” every hour it would not have been normal for the day!
A Quick Intro
To those who do not know me, I am a User Experience Strategist.
Also referred to as User Experience Architect, Interaction Designer,
Usability Analyst, Software User Interface Designer and so on. Though,
taken individually, they differ from each other, chances are most people
called by any one of those names above will be doing an overlap of all at
some point.
Chapter 2 267
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
In generic terms, this is what my tribe and I tend to do, enable the soft-
ware and the people to interact effectively so that the stated goals are
achieved. Increasingly, businesses have realized the true power of a
good Interaction Design. But there are still people, in the heart of the
software world, who are yet to appreciate the need for this, as I learned
in my client’s place in Singapore.
At Singapore
The Changi Airport at Singapore is a huge enclave with armed guards,
pleasant immigration officers and tired, but cheerful, porters walking
around. And the familiar smell of the sea mixed with the air welcomed
me. I have always liked Singapore, the all familiar, almost-touchable
cleanliness, the greenery, and the consistency of weather have all added
to my pleasant memories of the place.
Chapter 2 268
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
Chapter 2 269
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
that User Interface is so visual and gets very subjective most of the time,
makes it all the more complex. One has to be “up for it” all the time—
with research, empirical data, best practice info, and a strong hold of
the subject. And, of course, the ability to convey all this in relation to
the technical view point.
In Dubai
Dubai is the land of gold, silver and sand. It is the trading hub of the
Middle East. It carries a legacy of being the “free state” among the rath-
er orthodox ones such as Saudi, Iraq, Iran and the like. Dubai is actually
everything except petrol and the government has business interests in a
variety of sectors—real estate, transportation, aviation, and healthcare.
I worked in one of its Information Technology divisions that catered to
the travel sector.
Chapter 2 270
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
The grind then began. I had no idea how to take it forward, with this re-
ception from my colleagues. So I put down what was that important in-
gredient, for each category of people, to enable them to understand. For
the high level executives, it was the ROI. For development team project
managers, it was the value-addition that they could provide to their cli-
ents. For business analysts, it was the effectiveness of the features in any
application. For developers, it was the challenge in writing the code and
at times, the easiest way to complete a task. And for designers, it was
the beauty of the solution. OK, the first step was clear but a long way to
go. “At least,” I thought “the problem is deconstructed.”
The recruited employees arrived one by one with a flourish; they were
almost heroes in front of their peers. There were16 of them. We had re-
cruited from all types of employees – tech savvy, non-tech, seniors, new
staff, managers and developers.
We briefed them, gave them the first task to complete, which was send-
ing a message to a colleague through the intranet and the exercise
Chapter 2 271
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
began. Any fears I had up to that point vanished in the first couple of
minutes. 50% of the participants did not even know this was available
and 25% of them could not locate the employee list. We could see the
others egging them on and almost muttering to them without being
able to say out loud—“It’s just there.” This was the most silent Football
ground atmosphere, I guess.
The CEO walked in and saw The CEO walked in and saw how
how his prized possession was his prized possession was reduced
reduced to a non-entity with its to a non-entity with its users.
users. The CIO was displeased
and was seen venting his ire at the Intranet Project Manager. And by
the end of the exercise, the intranet team were in another conference
room, the meeting chaired by the Project Manager. The silence in there
was so loud that it could be heard!
We did not even have to go to the other essential buy-in factors such
as ROI, the value-adds from the UI and so on. The point was made and
our team was summoned later by the CEO to come up with usability
methodology to fit in with the existing SDLC (Systems Development
Life Cycle) and create Standards. And it was mandated for all App
Teams to go through the UI team in all of their application develop-
ment. A sweet sense of victory pervaded the team and we went out for a
Back at Singapore
Now back here at Singapore, in 2005, it was not too different. I realized
we needed something as dramatic to get the usability ball rolling.
It was the second Tech Team Meeting, which also included the Tech
Program Director, Dave Williams. Dave Williams was rumoured
to be a “tough guy,” “uncompromising” and “very smart,” all of
them being true. Now, this time around, I went with a rather differ-
ent approach, learning from my first meeting. I had prepared a list
of scenarios of the UI, mapped them against personas and had them
Chapter 2 272
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
“The Alerts guys are ready for you” announced Bill one day. Who and
what were the Alerts guys, I wondered. “The business analyst folks that
work in Alerts Team, Rachel and Attilio, want to have a meeting with
you to discuss the User Interface for setting up Alerts” he explained.
“Oh, is that all? I should be ready at 3 pm to discuss it.” “They are wait-
ing for you at Conference Room 112,” he said and walked away.
I was greeted by about 8 people all standing in a semi circle and discuss-
ing in hushed but serious tones. I started “Hi All, I am here to discuss
the User Interface of Alerts.” Attilio, a stout man with a thin mous-
tache, stood with his hands folded to his chest and grunted, “Have you
not already created a panel for Alerts in the Dashboard?” “Yes,” I said,
“it was but a placeholder only to indicate where an alert will ...” He
lowered his hands, put them in his trouser’s torn pockets and stood
erect and barked, “But how the f... did you show it to the business?”
Chapter 2 273
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
“I did not and no, my team didn’t, but probably one of your colleagues
did. But what really is the problem here?”
My Weekend Out
One weekend, it was about 1 pm, I still had many hours at my disposal
and so, looked for the events in the city. “SingEx” it read, “is an exhibi-
tion for one and all, the cheapest and the best products all under one
roof.” I decided to visit the place and check out the tall claims. I was
passing through a stall that advertised the newly launched Singapore
Portal that gave information about the city, places to visit, restaurants,
bars, etc. It brought back memories of the Bangalore Portal we had
launched and how, a long time ago, we had made an error in judg-
ment that cost us to drop an ambitious project. The lesson we learnt
Chapter 2 274
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
was, “Know your audience well, and make all efforts to know them re-
ally well.”
This was in the year 2000 when the company I worked for decided to
launch a portal that covered all aspects of Bangalore. The project and
the website were named MetroBangalore and it aimed at covering res-
taurants, places of worship, public transport information and just about
everything in Bangalore. And, as an added attraction, the company di-
rector decided to hold a “Miss MetroBangalore” contest. This meant the
participants for this contest were all to be featured in the website and
the users of the site would vote and choose the best among them.
Chapter 2 275
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
The lesson that emerged was crystal clear. We had just not done
enough work on understanding who would want to be our partici-
pants. We were too caught up in the end users of the portal, the way
one should vote, the publicity of it all etc., but we took the participa-
tion in the contest for granted. And it was a great lesson, one that I have
not forgotten since then: “Know your audience groups well, and make
all efforts to know them really well.”
Well, not the best experience after all, but then experience is the moth-
er of the future. Like one of the speakers visiting our offices recently
said, “life gives test first and lessons later.” An unforgettable lesson
Chapter 2 276
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
We spoke about the needs to redo the IA, pointed out several inconsist-
ent interactions, a great many labelling issues and the overall scheme
of things. I thought it was going pretty well. We did not get a single
question in any of these slides and I, in all my innocence, thought that
was a good sign. Probably my team had done a too thorough job of the
review, I beamed.
When it got to the last 2 slides, the meeting had to be extended for an-
other hour. The Conceptual Sketch slides were the ones they were all
waiting for. Once we reached it, the people in the rooms dissected it to
bits. They offered opinions about how this can be taken forward, what
use cases it supports, what data needs to come where and so on. While
this collage of activities and noises were going on, I was a bit perplexed.
I tried to explain “This is a conceptual sketch, aimed at strategizing for
the application, not individual use cases.”
Chapter 2 277
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
The next question I got was a further shocker. “Where are the remain-
ing wireframes?” “Wireframes?” I said aloud, “these are not wireframes
but a structural depiction.” “Oh, OK. Complete the remaining wire-
frames by tomorrow and let’s continue the meeting again,” came back
the reply, as if I had just spoken to a wall. I got the point that there is
a vast gap between what the usability professionals mean and how the
technical folks understand. Somehow, they understood concept sketch-
es to be “finalized visual designs
and concepts.” This event further As it happens in user interviews
added to my knowledge reper- or business meetings, people
toire—never take anything the explain symptoms and possible
business or technical teams tell solutions rather than the real
you on face value. As it happens
in user interviews or business
meetings, people explain symptoms and possible solutions rather than
the real problem. The intentions of all the people are pretty good, but
its the world each one of us lives-in, where we often tend to take the
things we take for granted, as understood. For example, there was no
need for a review here in the first place and probably if we had dug
deeper, we could have gotten their real need, i.e. the scenario based
wireframes. Everything else did not make much sense to them.
And in this case, somehow there was an unwritten rule that nothing
must be taken from the existing system. An enhancement is viewed
as an upgrade of features and functionalities. Quite often, re-designs
are necessary because users find the system overwhelming, cannot
Chapter 2 278
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
understand too many things or just cannot get their primary work done
effectively and efficiently. It may just be necessary to let go, when need-
ed, to enhance the overall User Experience.
I can still hear the echo of some developers’ favourite lines. “Do not
take away anything from the legacy system,” “Let us design for the
worst case scenario,” and “There is a training that Users will undergo,
so why are you making all the fuss of making it easier?”
While usability teams work with doing the IA, navigation, task flows
and then the screens, the technology usually takes the opposite direc-
tion. Their focus lies on identifying the re-usable components to man-
age development efficiently and coding for the worst-case scenarios. In
general, all these often lead to prolonged discussions and the group
with the better negotiating power, research and reason get their way.
“Can I see you for a minute?” I heard a voice near my desk one day. I
looked up to see the tall lean figure of Jean Wylie beside me. Jean Wylie
was the Program Director of the project, responsible for its final de-
livery to clients and reported to the President of the organization. He
reminded us of a military colonel but he was a very pleasant man to
work with and talk to. Though I had exchanged casual greetings with
him when we met in the elevators, we had never really exchanged any-
thing related to the project. Now here he was, wanting to talk to me.
“What might it be this time?” I wondered. A goof up somewhere or is
it a new app design? I was to find out soon enough.
Chapter 2 279
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
Jean offered me a seat. I looked around and noticed that his office was
furnished quite creatively. He had beanbags, a couple of low chairs and
some tables that were laid against the walls, for quick stand-up meet-
ings. Though he looked and behaved like a military officer, his office
spoke of a very casual atmosphere that encouraged creativity and prob-
lem solving rather than being a mundane complaint box.
“The project is a high profile one, you understand that, right?” began
Jean. “It’s right under the scrutiny of the President. His ambitions for
this product are sky-high. He wants this to be the biggest sensation of
our domain,” explained Jean. He further explained the importance
given to the User Interface and mentioned this was the first time ever
they had hired a User Interface Team to actually see the project through
to the end. “Not a surprise,” I thought, given the lack of understand-
ing I had seen among the ranks here. “And although there has been
stiff resistance to it,” he said with a wink, “you guys have delivered.”
This was the moment I was waiting for. As a project manager of the UI
team, this was the best news I had got in some time. If I was having a
telephonic conversation instead of a face to face one, I am sure I would
have jumped with joy. In this chaotic atmosphere, with many levels of
disagreements and resistance, this called for a celebration.
He continued. “Your team has done a great job. You have exceeded our
expectations. The product itself looks grand now and in the few demos
we have had with our clients, they have loved the product to the core.
We expect a great welcome to our product when it’s launched and are
confident it will break our previous sales records. I would like to con-
gratulate you on your excellent work.” I was speechless. I just wished
my team was there with me to share the accolades but kept listening
with polite thank you’s. He continued: “Now that you have done a great
job of getting the designs and the framework ready, I want you to be the
‘cops’ of the design, i.e., bearers of the standards and responsible for the
strict adherence to the designs. You are to ensure that all screens main-
tain the exact visual design specifications and let me know anything
Chapter 2 280
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
you need towards that end.” Now this was definitely a great turnaround
for us. “Thank you Jean, I appreciate your good words and will ensure
the screens adhere to the exact visual design specs.” I thanked him and
left the room. I felt light and returned, almost floating, back to my desk.
Chapter 2 281
Sudhindra V. Murthy Design is Problem Solving—In More Ways than One
Web: www.sudhindra.in
Twitter: sudhindra
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sudhindrav
Chapter 2 282
Gennady Osipenko
Creative Director
Kiev, Ukraine
I Am Feeling Lucky
Strike Today
One day, a prospective client asked me to meet him to discuss some
work over lunch. The weather was fine and at some point we changed
the subject and started talking about websites, their souls and life cy-
cles. Sitting in a quiet Belgian fusion bar in center of Kiev, I compared
websites to living beings, suggesting they evolve like any other creature
on our planet. The soothing ambient music accompanied our conversa-
tion and the imported Palm ale made things even more relaxing. I had
to do something to stay focused, so I picked up the cigarette pack that
was on the table and started explaining: “Imagine creating a site for
Lucky Strike fans!”
I’d like to note that I don’t smoke and don’t encourage others to, either.
The problem was, the cigarettes were the closest thing to hand; my
iPhone simply happened to be a bit further away.
So, holding the cigarette pack right in front of my face, I said, “We start
by launching a site for fans of—let’s see,” I looked at the pack, “Lucky
Strikes. Those of us who adore these cigarettes would like to know that
we aren’t alone in the vastness of the internet. So we start by counting
like-minded individuals. Let’s show an image of a pack of Lucky Strikes
to attract brand Nazis like us and place a button that says ‘I’m feeling
Lucky Strike today!’ Visitors click the button and we show the number
of times it was clicked. That will help our site to get underway and be-
come at least a little popular.”
The pack of cigarettes I was holding was not just a collection of 20 cof-
fin nails; it became a symbol. It became the start of a website starring
Chapter 2 284
Gennady Osipenko I Am Feeling Lucky Strike Today
everyone who visited it. I placed the Lucky Strikes at the center of the
table and tried to demonstrate the button and counter with my hands,
as if the table were a browser window. “This will be ok for a while,” I
continued, “but users will certainly demand the ability to leave com-
ments. Aren’t we eager to hear what they think about our fansite and
favorite cigarettes?”
“Visitors now come to the site, read comments, write comments, take
a look at the numbers and leave. But some of them come back and we
experience …”
We had to stop here while the client took a cigarette from the pack. As
he returned this avatar of an imaginary site to me, I continued, “Visitors
return from time to time to read new comments—and to feed the
Chapter 2 285
Gennady Osipenko I Am Feeling Lucky Strike Today
“One day, it becomes obvious that the site design is not suitable for the
sort of community we have built up. So we remove the image of the
pack,” I moved the pack of Lucky Strike away from the center of the
table, “and replace it with a logo. Also, it isn’t hard to notice that the
discussions have become more factual, diversified and extensive. Most
visitors come often and they write a lot. As the site creators, we decide
we have no choice but to give them the opportunity to post using blog
functionality so that they can write interesting stories and discuss them
with readers and other bloggers in comment posts.”
I smiled at the client, saying in a low voice, “It’s the perfect time to go to
BAT, the brand owners, and try to sell them the whole project.”
“So visitors come, post stories, tag those stories and we have to deal
with it. The core community cultivates its traditions, its elite, its
personal idols, etc. The number of registered users is huge, but at
this point—how ironic—numbers don’t matter as much anymore.
Remember how we started? Counting users. The site has become big-
ger, better and more interesting. Visitors start to discuss not just ciga-
rettes, but also the community itself. So it’s off to British American
Tobacco to start working on the details of the contract.”
“Time passes and at some point traditions connected with the site’s
unique content point us towards the leaders of the community. Some
of them post ads, some of them are youthful and funny and some of
them are gurus ready to answer any question related to Lucky Strikes or
anything else for that matter. It’s obvious that the blog structure is no
longer useful to organize the stockpile of information we have, because
we are receiving new posts faster than a smoker can light up a cigarette.
So we redesign and reorganize the site.”
Chapter 2 286
Gennady Osipenko I Am Feeling Lucky Strike Today
“The image is back on the site but it’s smaller. We add blocks on dif-
ferent topics, thus minimizing the area for blog posts. It’s important to
think about advertising at this point. Content on the site is now pretty
diverse, so we have to separate it using graphical elements,” I said, using
toothpicks to show separation on the table, “or just space.” Bye-bye
toothpicks. I actually like space more.
“Now tons of people visit the site for various reasons, read news, enjoy
the images and multimedia, learn something new in our blogs and in-
crease the number of community members by joining themselves and
inviting their friends.”
The client was sitting there silently, listening and waiting to see what
would happen next to our imaginary Lucky Strike site. The changes
and adventures taking place with our site while traveling from a simple
counter to a big resource
were astonishing and really The changes and adventures taking
looked like the evolution of a place with our site while traveling
living thing. At this point, the from a simple counter to a big
site became not just an amus- resource were astonishing and
ing toy but a responsibility really looked like the evolution
and maybe even mass media. of a living thing.
The potential BAT contract
added another very good reason to like the idea of the evolution of
the site. After a pause, with a sparkle in his eyes, the client asked, “So,
what’s next?”
“I don’t know”, was my reply. “Maybe Web 3.0, maybe something so new
we can’t even imagine it. From this point on, everyone is on their own
and we have to try to be the first to know what will come next.”
The client thought about this for a while, took a long drag on his ciga-
rette and finally looked me in the eye: “We’re in business.”
Chapter 2 287
Gennady Osipenko I Am Feeling Lucky Strike Today
Blog: http://mega.genn.org/en
Twitter: genn_org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/genn.osypenko
Chapter 2 288
Cennydd Bowles
User Experience Designer at Clearleft
Brighton, UK
The Stamp
It took me a while to realise that user experience was my calling.
Don’t get me wrong: I had been fascinated by it for years, and was slow-
ly but surely nudging my job description from analyst to information
architect. I voraciously consumed blogs, books and Boxes & Arrows and
dreamt about life as a “proper” IA, but I was young and it was easier to
stay in this university town with its cheap rent, beer and women, than
make the move down South. However, my interest soon snowballed
into passion and I knew that I had to make the leap. I took advantage of
a well-timed redundancy offer and set off for London with a hangover
and a new haircut.
London was everything I expected: vast, tough and quite unlike any-
where else in the country. I coped with the geographical transition
surprisingly well—it was the culture of my new role that was the shock.
I had landed an IA job at a well-known dotcom, and arrived at my sky-
scraper twenty minutes early fully aware that my horizons were about
to change drastically. You never complain about an old employer, espe-
cially not in a book, and I am not about to here. It was a company that
did a lot right and taught me a lot, but it was a big change from my cosy
government job in the Midlands.
Chapter 2 290
Cennydd Bowles The Stamp
The job itself was fast moving and demanding. My employer ran a site
that asked users for data, performed calculations and presented results.
In many ways it was a pretty simple site. The real magic lay in the com-
plex mathematics whirring away behind the scenes, which fortunately
I didn’t have to concern myself with. My job was to make the input and
output process as painless and even enjoyable as possible.
It is tempting to think small sites are easy. They aren’t. Every single
change to a small site comes under intense scrutiny, meaning successful
design is as much about stakeholder
management as research and proto- It is tempting to think small
typing. In this instance, the scrutiny sites are easy. They aren’t.
was doubled. On arrival, I learned
that the site had recently been redesigned from scratch. I was stunned.
I had assumed it simply needed some attention after a long time on the
shelf; instead, what I had seen was recent work! The site was riddled
with oversights and compromise, and stories of its difficult birth still
lingered. After suffering through this painful redesign process for such a
modest end result, management was understandably reticent to under-
take more major design work.
Unable to make the sweeping changes I knew the site needed, I chose
to steadily improve a page at a time. Boldly, I set my sights on the page
in most need of my help. The results page was essentially an enormous
data table that the user could manipulate, compare, sort, filter and
Chapter 2 291
Cennydd Bowles The Stamp
select—you know the drill. The company earned commission from cer-
tain choices. A potential ethical quagmire, of course, but I was delighted
to see that the company was very open about its revenue model and
took a strong stance of fair play. Just in case, the watching eyes of the
regulator provided another layer of security.
The results table was unclear and generally helpful to neither users
nor business. Advanced functionality was thrown together with trivial
controls, and users struggled to get it to do what they wanted. The page
cried out for a complete overhaul, but given the politics and the rev-
enue that flowed through it, I knew the business wouldn’t bite. Instead,
I decided to improve it by stealth, fixing its mistakes until it reached a
reasonable level of performance.
My eyes scanned the screen for the most egregiously awful problem.
Eureka! The “stamp”, a scratchy little image that highlighted the best
result. Illegible, ugly, pixellated, it was the sorest of thumbs on a poor
Some people were easy to win over; they thought the stamp was just as
bad as I did. Others, indifferent at first, were eventually won over by my
sweet talk. After many meetings and patient iterations, we agreed on
Chapter 2 292
Cennydd Bowles The Stamp
the design and scheduled the change. I jostled to sneak this change into
the user story backlog, and sent the file to the developers.
You already know what happened next. Within a couple of days, big red
lines started slumping off charts and whispers started to reach me that
trouble was afoot. Somehow the “designerly” stamp was not showing
the best deal as clearly as the scratchy, illegible stamp. I mumbled some-
thing about statistical significance and giving it time, but eventually the
data conspired against me in sufficient numbers, and the business chose
to pull the tiny image rather than lose any further revenue.
Chapter 2 293
Cennydd Bowles The Stamp
I’m the critical sort, but when I look back at this episode, I’d do it all
the same way again. Instead of being a tale of mistakes and youth-
ful naiveté, it is now a useful reminder to not be too sure of myself.
Whenever I begin to feel too comfortable, too dogmatic, I stop and con-
sider how my certainty over the stamp was so easily dispelled. Users can
surprise us. Surprises are good.
Chapter 2 294
Cennydd Bowles The Stamp
Chapter 2 295
Eirik Hafver Rønjum
Senior Usability Specialist
for NetLife Research
Oslo, Norway
Cutting Through
the Opinions
It was in the Nineties. Fredrik, a Swede and former journalist, was walk-
ing to his job. For a couple of days he had been working as a web editor
for a Swedish public website.
Something was rotten on the website. There was this ugly button on
the front page. An ugly button with a strange word: “Intranet”. Fredrik
didn’t know the meaning of the word, but he did know he hated that
button. It made the clean, functional front page a mess. While walking,
Fredrik’s mind was occupied with one thing: he had to get rid of that
Fredrik was not an anarchist. He was a Swede. Swedes follow rules and
regulations. So he knocked on the door to his manager’s office, prepar-
ing himself for the battle for the button.
Fredrik was happy. He logged on to the server using FTP. There it was.
The folder with the ugly and strange word. Intranet. If he eliminated
Chapter 2 298
Eirik Hafver Rønjum Cutting Through the Opinions
that folder, then perhaps the button would disappear? With a satisfied
smile, he pushed Delete. And then it was gone. The button was gone.
And a big Swedish organization had lost its intranet.
To go on, however—what can a decent man talk about with the great-
est pleasure? Answer: about himself. Well, then, I too shall talk about
I work with web content in Oslo, “this strange city which no one leaves
before it has set its mark upon him.”2 I love my city. Well, it’s ugly. The
lack of planning has turned the Norwegian capital into a mess. Tall,
futuristic buildings live unhappily together with neo-Classical architec-
ture. It’s out of control. In the eastern part of the city, the police have
totally resigned. I know it. I work there. I’ve been robbed there twice.
Here, in one of the most northern capitals in the world, I live my life.
Go to work each and every morning. Take the subway to my suburban
home at night. I don’t know what I like better, my job or my city.
Chapter 2 299
Eirik Hafver Rønjum Cutting Through the Opinions
Let’s talk about iTunes. It costs iTunes almost nothing to add a new
album to their library. If they sell, let’s say, 20 copies for the price of 10
dollars each year, they will earn 200 dollars. Not a sensational amount
of money. But with a huge number of these low volume albums, the
total would be decent. That’s what Anderson had in mind when he
wrote “the future of business is selling less of more”.
What about content? Are inventory storage and distribution costs in-
significant? Some web editors seem to think so. But, guess what, it’s
wrong. Content is extremely
expensive. It needs to be taken Content is extremely expensive. It
care of each and every day. needs to be taken care of each and
Content is like fresh food. We every day.
need to manage the findability,
constantly improve it, and delete or archive it when outdated.
If you have the resources to take care of 10,000 pages and still manage
the findability; fine. But I seriously doubt the business case.
Chapter 2 300
Eirik Hafver Rønjum Cutting Through the Opinions
Maybe we should focus on the other end of the tail, the most important
tasks, suggests Gerry.
On every website there is a “book a flight”. It is the small set of top tasks
that your customers really come to your website for. The long neck3.
Think about it. Why do you visit a municipal website? To find out more
about the mayor’s occupations? To read the annual report? Or enjoy
yourself with some facts about how the bureaucracy is organized? No?
On one municipal website, I found that three tasks represented 90% of
the users’ demand: apply for a place in a kindergarten, apply for build-
ing license, and, finally, get in touch with the right department. It was
there on the web page. Buried in the cacophony of countless voices.
Every single colleague preaches their own long neck. Listen to them, lis-
ten carefully. Publish whatever they want. You’re on your way to mak-
ing the most useless website ever; in other words an average website in
the year 2010. When you start the journey, remember there is only one
exit, the delete button. It’s free. Your next web project is not.
A Huge Website
A cold winter morning in Oslo 2009. Fredrik is standing outside the
central station, looking for a guy called Eirik. No one’s there, except
some tired humans waiting for their man to show up. And some old la-
dies carrying their skis.
Chapter 2 301
Eirik Hafver Rønjum Cutting Through the Opinions
Freezing his fingers off reading the map, he’s starting the short but
cold walk through the snowy streets. Heading to the office of his new
First, let me tell you a few words about Innovation Norway. This is how
they describe themselves: “Innovation Norway promotes nationwide
industrial development profitable to both the business economy and
Norway’s national economy, and helps release the potential of different
districts and regions by contributing towards innovation, internation-
alization and promotion.” In plain English: they support Norwegian
Chapter 2 302
Eirik Hafver Rønjum Cutting Through the Opinions
And, of course, there is a web editor. Editor? How I hate that word.
Let’s clean up the language, and call it by its real name—web secretary.
Web secretaries publish stuff when they are told to. They don’t care too
much about the objectives. They don’t know their audience. They only
know there is stuff to publish. And they do publish a lot. When you
ask them if they know the content on their website, they don’t answer,
“nope”. They laugh at you, saying, “are you an idiot? How could I be fa-
miliar with the content on a 10,000 page website?”
Fredrik once deleted an intranet. Now it’s time to delete websites. Not
by accident this time. As Alan Cooper once said: “If you want to create
a beautifully cut diamond, you cannot begin with a lump of coal. No
amount of chipping, chiseling, and sanding will turn that coal into a
Chapter 2 303
Eirik Hafver Rønjum Cutting Through the Opinions
3. interviewed 20 customers.
Well, we now have about 1,300 possible tasks. Should we ask the users
what’s most important for them? To pick the top 5 from a list longer
than the long tail of the Library of Alexandria?
Final workshop. The list can’t contain more than 100 tasks. Where are
the senior managers, junior mangers and other loud characters? They’re
sitting here together with us. They have to prioritize now. We’re not
leaving the room until we have only 100 tasks or less.
It’s time to meet the users. It’s time for them to choose their favorite
tasks. No more than 5.
After the survey, we know what the customers really want when visiting
Innovation Norway’s website. And, not surprisingly, they want money.
Chapter 2 304
Eirik Hafver Rønjum Cutting Through the Opinions
2. Start-up grants
3. Financing—how do I proceed?
Now what? The top management has statistical evidence of what the
customers want when they visit the website. But are they going to give
them what they want? This is the moment of truth. Now they have to
choose. Choose between:
3. Keeping the existing site. As an ugly mirror of the city outside the
The top management chose the first option. The long neck.
Spring 2009. Winter is about to leave my city. As I walk on the slushy
pavement, I recognize the salty smell from the fjord melted by the sun.
Far in the distance, a boat whistles; its call is passing the harbor. A
block, then another, a building, another block, farther and farther ... It
is summoning the whole city and the sky and the countryside, and our-
selves, to carry us all away, our websites too.
Chapter 2 305
Eirik Hafver Rønjum Cutting Through the Opinions
It is time to push the delete button once again. This time, it’s not by
accident. It’s time to build something new. Something manageable.
Something valuable. Based on facts, not opinions.
Chapter 2 306
Eirik Hafver Rønjum Cutting Through the Opinions
As a former information officer and web editor, Eirik is able to see the
challenges from his client’s point of view. He has helped various organi-
zations manage their content. In short, he knows what works and what
doesn’t. The only way to make quality web content is to adopt a task-
centric approach.
Chapter 2 307
James Kelway
UX Director at Hello Group
Copenhagen, Denmark
Culture Shock
Welcome to Denmark
Denmark, to an Englishman, can be summarized with four words: beer,
bacon, butter and bricks. (Lego of course!) There is another “b”—the
beautiful people that live here and that was how I was introduced to
this small, fascinating land, through my girlfriend (and now wife). It
immediately felt like a place I could live in and Copenhagen has a very
human scale to it that is not found in all capital cities.
Hello Hello
To be honest, the adjustment period of moving from London to
Copenhagen never became an issue as there simply wasn’t any time to
settle in. I landed on the 11th August and started work as a Senior IA on
the 12th at Hello Group.
Chapter 2 310
James Kelway Culture Shock
It was a crazy time. Not least just getting my head around a new cul-
ture, a new home and a workplace that was far removed from the B2B
publishing world that I had come from and been a part of for eight
years. I was also to become a dad in December, with my wife heavily
pregnant and intent on painting the whole house before she gave birth.
Agency life very quickly taught me that work life is harder, more chal-
lenging and, although demanding, is generally more interesting than
corporate work. I could not foresee at this stage how cultural differ-
ences would come into play.
My first project was a pitch for a company who were as Danish as they
come. Fritz Hansen is renowned for its beautiful furniture made with
the most exceptional craftsmanship, created by designers who go down
in history as perhaps the most influential in the post-modern era.
Ten years previously, I had owned my own very small web design firm
in Sevenoaks, Kent. It was just before the dot com bust and, if any-
thing, that experience gave me the ability to think on my feet and be
productive quickly. What I realized here was that workers in Denmark,
although outwardly having a laid back appearance, the underlying work
ethic is to work hard during your hours and then have the quality time
once those hours are done with. The lunch breaks were shorter, the idle
chats around the water cooler just do not occur because the aim is to
get the job done. That’s not to say they don’t party but all that happens
after hours, from about 11.30pm actually (yes that is UK pub kicking-out
Chapter 2 311
James Kelway Culture Shock
different elements of what the client’s vision was for the site. The brief
I was given was very comprehensive, and had been written by Peter
Svarre, UX director of Hello Group, who was also a partner in the busi-
ness. This was obviously a client that they would dearly like to have and
an impressive name on any Danish design agency’s client list.
Despite the comprehensive brief, the project itself suffered from the
halo effect that everybody was excited by the prospect and clamoured
to be involved. There was also a palpable fear of failure in the initial
team. It meant that everybody had an opinion that needed to be heard,
which is something that is very evident in Danish society in general.
Companies have flat hierarchies where conversations with the CEO are
welcomed from any level of the company. Politics is considered serious
business, there are numerous parties and to pursue politics as a career is
considered an honourable occupation, a somewhat different view from
that of the UK.
The initial project manager had a hard time getting a firm grip on a
project that had limitless creative opportunities but had to answer so
many business needs on a corporate and a customer level. The team at
the pitch stage was chaotic and complex. We had to rely on an external
designer to visualize the wireframes as we lacked resources. It was a
time that I had to rely on my design management background to brief
the designer to produce something visually arresting, whilst still being
technically possible. All of this needed to happen to a pitch deadline.
The unusual part for me was that I had to investigate the UX of the
website fully to gain a holistic view of what we were suggesting, before
we had won the pitch and which had not been clearly defined by the
client. At this point we were going off our own assumptions of what we
felt the company needed. So the definition of the user experience was
for us to map out and explain to the client.
Chapter 2 312
James Kelway Culture Shock
One thing I knew instantly was that this team of people was passion-
ate about the work they were doing. Some were perhaps too emotion-
ally involved with the product and their views began to influence the
design. At this moment the account manager was replaced by Lasse
Vakgård who had project management experience from another no-
table big Danish brand—Royal Copenhagen, famous porcelain manu-
facturers to the Queen of Denmark.
Chapter 2 313
James Kelway Culture Shock
Chapter 2 314
James Kelway Culture Shock
Once confirmation came that we had the job and ink was on paper the
UX rolled on from site structure diagrams to wireframes. The client,
Emarketing manager Louise Juhl, had a great way of getting the most
out of us. She had an unenviable task of satisfying her directors and
heads of department, keeping Hello Group fulfilling their commitment
and planning the strategic direction for phases beyond launch.
New Arrival
What happened next was expected and amazing. I became a father to
a baby girl, Lara Kelway on December 13th 2008. Both wife and baby
were doing fine but work ground to a halt over the next three weeks.
Christmas, from what I remember, was a surreal blur. Spending three
days in the hospital after the birth and waking up at 6 in the morning to
an earthquake, were one of the oddest experiences and one that people
just shrugged off and got on with. Another day in Denmark.
By the time I had returned to work my input into the process had
moved on. As I was missing physically from the project it meant I was
not a part of the transition from plan to build and I was a little sore
about that. I came back and went full on into a new project about intel-
ligent homes, both fascinating and disorientating at the same time.
Chapter 2 315
James Kelway Culture Shock
I learnt again that you cannot be too precious when it comes to proj-
ects. In an agency you are a resource that is used and the job moves
on without you, it’s a matter of fact and in no way is it considered un-
usual. But professionally you still retain a responsibility to a project as
it progresses. Having the passion for your work invariably means you
care about it after it leaves your desk. In an agency you are afforded the
luxury of seeing it develop, but it takes an inquisitive nature to pursue
how it forms.
It was not an easy project and I have no doubt they would approach it
differently if they did it again. The configurator has some issues that are
being ironed out. These derive from subtle nuances that were lost in
development as they were re-prioritized during sprints that fell off the
backlog pre-launch. These slight details make the difference, of course,
between good and excellent on-screen interactions.
Despite this, the site is a great achievement. It has a CMS that allows
the company to manage their own content. It speaks to customers,
dealers, architects, employees and fans of Fritz Hansen all in one place.
It has an abundance of content and a valuable historical view of the fur-
niture brand that has so much design history.
Chapter 2 316
James Kelway Culture Shock
Cultural Integrity
But something really struck me—culture influenced the design here. It
is often something we are aware of but do not consider on how far it
impacts us as we design. In many respects any design artefact is a direct
outcome of interactions between designers and their environment—the
cultural landscape that they operate
within. In many respects any design
artefact is a direct outcome of
Consider the culture of Hello interactions between designers
Group, a collective of individuals and their environment.
with very different talents and dif-
ferent ways of working. The company has a multi-faceted personality.
Fritz Hansen, a globally famous brand with so much heritage and a
pressing need to combat the copies from other countries who are coun-
terfeiting their furniture with poor quality and inferior products.
The people at Fritz Hansen also had a passion for their work and com-
mon ground was found between these very different companies. This
difference in corporate cultures helped to create a positive energy that
would be hard to replicate in an internal studio tasked with completing
a similar project for another department.
The website is still being developed, refined and iterated upon. Like all
good sites it is developing its offering, answering changing goals and
Chapter 2 317
James Kelway Culture Shock
emerging opportunities. The site has provided the company with a plat-
form to launch other initiatives from and reflect its brand in a way that
is engaging and speaks to so many different audience types. It is a prod-
uct of a collective vision certainly and a great example of two company
cultures combining to produce a site that addresses so many needs.
Design Is Everyday
Perhaps it is because good design is considered just a natural approach
to making things here. The design of objects, products, buildings is ex-
ecuted so well because the functional basis of the work must stand up
to a public scrutiny that will be completely honest and devoid of what
one’s reputation may be. Scandinavian design is unique because of the
culture it derives from. Why design something new if it does not do it
better? Improvement is another element to the Danish way, a quiet un-
derstanding that the first iteration is just the start.
This optimistic and forward thinking attitude has seen some great
buildings establish themselves. The Royal Opera House is a case in
point, dominating the skyline when seen from the Queen’s palace.
Chapter 2 318
James Kelway Culture Shock
The home comforts will never leave me and thus I fear I will always be
an Englishman abroad, maybe fitting in but with that funny accent and
island race mentality. But being here has opened my mind. I see things
from the other side of the fence because I must, and that can only help
me become a better UX designer.
Chapter 2 319
James Kelway Culture Shock
On his blog, User Pathways, James records his findings, as well as de-
velopments in information architecture, interaction design, and user
Web: http://userpathways.com
Twitter: jameskelway
Chapter 2 320
Andrea Rosenbusch
Partner of Zeix AG
Zurich, Switzerland
Shaping Spaces
From Archivist to Information Architect
Digitising Finding Aids
I started out as an archivist. As a history student, I found a part-time job
writing descriptions of the records of the district attorney and attrib-
uting keywords to them. Most of the records concerned petty crimes
or car accidents in the 1950s. The photos of the accidents contained
contemporary street views otherwise seldom found, and the records of
suicides were both gruesome and fascinating.
What made the job interesting was that at the time the archives had
just started digitising their finding aids. During my studies at university,
library catalogues had gone from card indexes to stand-alone digital
catalogues. When I was writing my thesis in the mid-1990s, the latest
achievement was remote access to other library catalogues. The com-
plicated and lengthy procedure of logging into external databases was
explained on slips of paper taped to the table next to the terminals.
Tedious as this may sound today, it was far easier than cycling furiously
up and down the hills of Zurich and trying to leaf through the index
cards of as many libraries as possible during their restrictive opening
The excitement of this new age and the goal of greatly enhancing access
to unique records made my work at the archives meaningful. Moreover,
I quickly learned that without the work of arrangement and descrip-
tion, the records in the archives were worthless. The example of a col-
league of mine who returned from a cable car company with four huge
sacks of paper might demonstrate this. Nobody knew what was in those
sacks, and no-one cared to take the time to sort the papers out. In this
form, the contents of the sack were downright useless. I’m not sure if
anyone ever had the courage to ditch them, or if they are still sitting in
Chapter 2 322
Andrea Rosenbusch Shaping Spaces
Chapter 2 323
Andrea Rosenbusch Shaping Spaces
1. The study was based on the idea of Wendy M. Duff and Catherine A.
Johnson, A Virtual Expression of Need: An Analysis of E-mail Reference
Questions, in: The American Archivist, Vol. 64, Spring/Summer 2001,
pp. 46-60.
Chapter 2 324
Andrea Rosenbusch Shaping Spaces
expected to take care of themselves. That sets the bar high, for users as
well as for information architects. I jumped in at the deep end and came
up with the idea of a “virtual orientation room” for the archives.
Chapter 2 325
Andrea Rosenbusch Shaping Spaces
2. The spatial arrangement does not help users to find their way
around, and neither the look of the counters nor their location
in space make it clear what they are for. The benefit of icons is, as
usual, questionable.
3. The metaphor of the post office has its limits. What is the e-mail
icon doing there? Services provided at a real-world post office do
not necessarily match those offered online.
Information Space
In the real world, spatial arrangement does not always increase ori-
entation either. The reason for spatial arrangement is its necessity.
Counters and clerks need room and they have to be arranged some-
how. The skill of good architects is to use space to create atmosphere.
However, creating atmosphere in the virtual world works differently: by
Chapter 2 326
Andrea Rosenbusch Shaping Spaces
Real Users
Still, creating access in the virtual world is different from the same task
in the physical one. The metaphor of physical architecture works well
for the principle of creating access, but I believe it reaches its limits in
the way it is achieved. Physical space has its borders, whilst informa-
tion space thrives on its complexity. More often than not, your user
does not know what she or he is looking for. It is not like looking for a
certain classroom in a school, or the ladies’ room in the theatre, or the
aisle with toothpaste in a supermarket. Looking for information is a
complex process and has a lot to do with decision making, something
that many humans have trouble with. There are many theories about
Chapter 2 327
Andrea Rosenbusch Shaping Spaces
information gathering I find very useful but will not go into here.2 In
my everyday job, I want to find out about problem solving in the con-
crete case. Does my mock-up of a recipe database help people find what
they want to cook? What are their criteria? Do they make their choice
based on a mouth-watering photo, the ingredients they might or might
not have available, the time needed to fix the meal, or something else?
How do people go about booking a flight? Do they actually book online
or just gather information? Do they book immediately, compare other
platforms, switch to their favourite airline, or first talk the options over
with their partner?
This part of the job is, for me, one of the most enjoyable ones: dealing
with real people and their everyday needs, troubles and ideas. While
conducting usability tests for our company, I have observed teenagers
looking for their future profession, traders speculating in shares in the
most varied ways imaginable, senior citizens playing games on their
mobile phones; I have watched and interviewed patient, unmotivated,
intelligent, conceited, witty, insecure, funny and unintentionally funny
people, and many more.
Chapter 2 328
Andrea Rosenbusch Shaping Spaces
We often work on projects where the content of the website is created
by a large number of copywriters (i.e. content authors) who almost
always have little time and often little motivation for this additional
job. In particular, they do not take the time to understand the ideas of
the new information architecture, even though we take great pains to
carefully document them. The same holds true for the programmers.
We find programmers adding “search tips” to our lovingly elaborated
and user-tested search; instructions we know will confuse rather than
help users. We see copywriters creating new containers in the content
management system that have exactly the same function as containers
already available in our design. More often, however, copywriters make
much too little use of means of structuring their content and of guiding
their users through the process of focusing on a particular subject.
Chapter 2 329
Andrea Rosenbusch Shaping Spaces
So should we treat the people who “build” what we have “designed” the
same way we treat users? Should we try to make them happy instead
of giving them instructions or imposing rules? My answer is yes and
no. We should make them happy, but not by giving them the choice
of whether they want to implement our concepts or not. It is our ex-
pertise and it is our responsibility that what we design will work in the
end, and that users will achieve their goals and feel confident on their
journey. Our clients are convinced of our skills; after all, that is what
they are paying us for. The people in charge of implementing our con-
cepts, however, do not necessarily appreciate our work. Treating them
as we do our users is probably not the right answer. They are part of
Chapter 2 330
Andrea Rosenbusch Shaping Spaces
the team and should feel that way. If we want fruitful co-operation, we
must convince programmers, designers and copywriters that we are not
merely there to cut their budgets. Our concepts and documentation do
not interfere with their work, they are the foundation that allows them
to concentrate on their own areas of expertise. I believe that as a com-
pany and as a profession, we are still at the beginning of this process of
mutual understanding, of creating a common cause, and I don’t claim it
will be easy.
Chapter 2 331
Andrea Rosenbusch Shaping Spaces
Web: http://www.zeix.com/unternehmen/ueber-uns/team/andrea-
Chapter 2 332
Chris Khalil
Director of User Experience
at News Digital Media
Sydney, Australia
How to Love and
Understand Your
Audience by
Probing Them
Now that I have your attention, I’ll let you in on what I’m really talking
In this story I’ll share with you my recent experience of using one. I’ll
talk about how it enabled us to be innovative in our product design and
share some of the tips I picked up along the way.
Chapter 2 334
Chris Khalil How to Love and Understand Your Audience by Probing Them
This is the story behind one such project. The client was a large music
ticketing site in Australia. The goal was to generate a comprehensive
behavioural model of what the audience was doing in the music space
(i.e. how did they find out about gigs, what was it like to attend a gig
Opportunity to Experiment
A great user experience is grounded in the insights gained from un-
derstanding users’ needs, behaviours and motivations. One powerful
way of gaining this insight is by
simply observing users in their A great user experience is
natural environment, often over grounded in the insights gained
a long period of time by means of from understanding users’ needs,
ethnographic research. behaviours and motivations.
For this project, ethnographic research was precisely what was needed,
but we didn’t have either the time or the budget to do a full scale longi-
tudinal project
Chapter 2 335
Chris Khalil How to Love and Understand Your Audience by Probing Them
Also, there are other issues such as the participant sometimes just for-
getting to write their diary entry, or the participant’s handwriting being
difficult to read or simply they are capturing a lot of interesting infor-
mation, just not about the right thing (i.e. the topic of the research).
Chapter 2 336
Chris Khalil How to Love and Understand Your Audience by Probing Them
In this way, it’s possible to keep an eye on the participant in real time
(by watching their blog) and encourage them if they aren’t contributing,
or nudge them in the right direction if they are getting off track.
This was precisely what I wanted to do, to utilise a blog as the means
with which the participants in the study could capture their online ac-
tivities. This idea brought with it several other advantages such as the
recording mechanism being in the same medium and context (the web)
that I was trying to find out more about. It also meant I could automati-
cally capture some of the participant’s online activities such as their
Facebook statuses, tweets, emails, instant messages etc and integrate
them into one feed.
But what is a lifestream? Today, it is pretty common for most people
to capture vignettes of their life in digital format. From the emails they
send, to the status updates they post on Facebook or Twitter or the text
messages they send to friends and the photos they upload to Flickr.
Chapter 2 337
Chris Khalil How to Love and Understand Your Audience by Probing Them
The Research
Before I could start capturing lifestreams, I needed to find a way to
recruit the right participants for the research. Some of my colleagues
had, in the past, used a tool called Ethnio to recruit participants directly
from the sites we were studying. This seemed like the right approach
for my study. To recruit directly from the site meant that occasionally
a visitor to the site would see a lightbox screener asking them whether
they would like to participate in the research and offering an incentive
to do so.
This may at first glance seem disruptive to the user experience but you
do get to control the interval at which the screener appears (anything
from 0.01% to 100% of site visits). Therefore, dependent on the time-
scales for the research you can change the frequency to achieve your
recruiting aims whilst causing minimal disruption.
So, for instance, if the timescales are short, you could set it to 50% for a
very short period, in which you might expect many replies, and then it
can be turned off. If, however, you have a long lead time before the re-
search starts, it is best to set the frequency low and harvest participants
slowly, whilst minimising disruption to the site.
We didn’t have much time in this case, but we did have a heavily traf-
ficked site. This meant that I could start quite high, reap a lot of recruits
in a short time and then turn it down. This approach worked well.
Chapter 2 338
Chris Khalil How to Love and Understand Your Audience by Probing Them
6. Sort and prioritise the respondents; create 1st, 2nd and 3rd tier
lists and backups.
… and then:
8. Let those who were not chosen know you might contact them in
the future for focus groups and further research.
Chapter 2 339
Chris Khalil How to Love and Understand Your Audience by Probing Them
1. Wordpress
2. Posterous
3. Tumblr
Posterous was great and was very easy to use. Unfortunately, it didn’t
have the ability to capture an RSS feed, which I thought was critical.
With an RSS feed I could pull in a participant’s activity from most exter-
nal 3rd party sites that they might be using (Flickr for example).
So, I turned to Tumblr and found it offered just what I was looking for.
It was easy to use, well supported by a community and had a number of
great features that would be critical to the research.
Chapter 2 340
Chris Khalil How to Love and Understand Your Audience by Probing Them
Useful Plugins
In addition to being an excellent foundation product, Tumblr has a
number of third party plugins which augment the default capture
mechanisms. One example is Dial2Do, which allows participants to
record voice memos on their phones which are then automatically
transcribed and sent to the Tumblr. So, for instance, if the participant
wasn’t in a position to type, but wanted to capture a moment, they
could make a quick call to Dial2Do and record their thoughts. These
would then be uploaded to their Tumblr.
This was crucial, as most of the participants were browsing the web
during office hours and didn’t always feel comfortable loading Tumblr
at work. Email was a much less conspicuous, more natural medium for
them to capture their thoughts, and they could still attach images, vid-
eos or other files which were ported into the Tumblr page.
Chapter 2 341
Chris Khalil How to Love and Understand Your Audience by Probing Them
sion feeling comfortable and familiar with the tools I was asking them
to use.
For those that had, after a few days, done very little I sent a gentle email
encouraging them to participate. For others who were not quite cap-
turing the information I was looking for I was also able to nudge them
in the right direction by again giving them a call or dropping them an
I made it a point, as well, after a few days to email all the participants
anyway to let them know they were doing well and to encourage them
to keep going. This worked really well, as it turned out many were look-
ing for the sense of validation that what they were recording is what we
were looking for.
The results of the probe were quite amazing. The Tumblrs were a re-
ally rich source of information we would never have been aware of
otherwise. We saw pictures from gigs, status updates to Facebook and
Twitter, and had an unprecedented view into the ecology of websites
they were using to find out more about music.
Chapter 2 342
Chris Khalil How to Love and Understand Your Audience by Probing Them
This was the most critical part of the research. It is important to re-
member that it is not the data
in the probe that is the most It is important to remember that it
useful thing. Rather, it is the is not the data in the probe that is
story the participant tells the most useful thing.
you around the data. Here is
where you find the richness that gives the design researcher the deepest
2. Get them to reflect on what they’ve actually done rather than deal
with conjecture.
3. Ask open questions to get at the why, such as “What were you
thinking about when you posted this?” or “How did you feel about
seeing your favourite artist live?”
4. Start with the item they are discussing but focus on the context,
what happened around this item, why did they add it?
In practical terms, here are some other things I want to share with you
about conducting post probe interviews:
Chapter 2 343
Chris Khalil How to Love and Understand Your Audience by Probing Them
b. Replay the audio or video after the session has finished and
transcribe it manually.
The post-probe interview was probably the most rewarding part of the
research for me. The Tumblr the participants generated came to life in
the stories that they told.
As you can imagine, after carrying out the probe study I was left with a
tonne of raw data. Turning it into something useful was the next real
Chapter 2 344
Chris Khalil How to Love and Understand Your Audience by Probing Them
I decided that a mental model was the best way in which to present
the results. So, I set about generating a meaningful mental model that
mapped the audiences’ motivations, thought-processes and the emo-
tional and philosophical context in which they were operating.
The model ended up being huge, around six meters long. It contained
hundreds of conceptual groups along an x-axis. Each of the conceptual
groups contained a series of users’ behaviours, philosophies or feelings
towards a single concept (for instance “going to a gig”).
It became an immensely useful tool for the product team who now no
longer make “guesses” about audience behaviour or needs, they can
now simply reference the model for answers. This allows faster, more
informed product development decisions to be made.
It was also a great learning experience for me. Just creating the model
submerged me into the mental space of our audience and product de-
sign and strategy level insights soon followed.
This was a fascinating and difficult journey, but one which was ulti-
mately very rewarding because of how valuable the research became to
the product team and for the lessons I learnt on carrying out this type
of research.
Chapter 2 345
Chris Khalil How to Love and Understand Your Audience by Probing Them
audience for a while you can generate models of their lives; you can
look for areas where unarticulated opportunities exist, or where current
systems break down. By looking for the gaps waiting to be filled you
can see new product opportunities. It is when these opportunities are
turned into solutions that we see innovation.
Chapter 2 346
Chris Khalil How to Love and Understand Your Audience by Probing Them
He has over 13 years experience in the field and in his time has turned
his hand to the design of such things as: thermonuclear power plant
control panels, immersive augmented reality environments, seismic
simulators, intelligent agent interactions, workspaces, SaaS products,
traditional websites and virtual worlds such as Second Life.
As well as his design work he has carried out HCI research at leading
research faculties such as Loughborough University (UK), University
College London (UK) and XeroxParc Europe, Cambridge (UK).
You can read more of his thoughts on User Experience on his blog.
Blog: www.chriskhalil.com
Twitter: chris_khalil
Chapter 2 347
Martin Belam
Information Architect at The Guardian
London, UK
Using the Right
Tool for the Job
Three Methods of
Testing the
Redesign of
Guardian Jobs
I wanted to tell the story of a project to redesign Guardian News &
Media’s Job website, which was carried out during 2009. Guardian Jobs1
is one of the newspaper’s most successful digital properties. In a time of
financial uncertainty, particularly in the media sector, it was important
to make sure that any changes to the site improved not just usability,
but also the commercial performance of the web property. I was as-
signed the project shortly after joining The Guardian on a full-time
basis as Information Architect, and looked at it as an excellent chance
to demonstrate the value user-centred design processes could bring to
the business.
Strategically the project had two aims. One was simply to give the
design a refresh, so that, whilst it retained its own personality, it felt
1. http://jobs.guardian.co.uk
Chapter 2 350
Martin Belam Using the Right Tool for the Job
more in line with the look and feel of the main guardian.co.uk site. The
second was a business aim. In print The Guardian has additional daily
supplements for specific sectors—“Media” on Monday, “Education”
on Tuesday, and “Society”, which covers health and social issues, on
Wednesday. These carry a significant amount of recruitment advertis-
ing, and we wanted to reflect those key sectors much more on the jobs
For guerrilla testing, I use the Silverback App software3 which simulta-
neously records the user’s on-screen actions, whilst also recording their
video and audio via the webcam. The footage turned out to be really
useful, if not elegantly shot. In fact several people did not quite appear
in shot at all, and I got some excellent footage of the tops of people’s
heads or torsos. This wasn’t a huge problem though, as I had still cap-
tured their voice and their on-screen actions.
I didn’t have any kind of formal “script” for the tests. Instead I asked
people questions around whether they had ever used the site before,
and what other jobs sites they had used. Then I would show them the
site at http://jobs.guardian.co.uk, and get their opening reactions.
Looking at our statistics we know that users of Guardian Jobs have
2. http://careers.guardian.co.uk/
3. http://silverbackapp.com/
Chapter 2 351
Martin Belam Using the Right Tool for the Job
This wasn’t formal testing, so I didn’t come out of the session with any
specific user interface recommendations. However, we had established
Chapter 2 352
Martin Belam Using the Right Tool for the Job
Chapter 2 353
Martin Belam Using the Right Tool for the Job
Guardian users and readers, who we can ask to take part in surveys. So
instead of face-to-face card-sorting, we did some online survey testing,
where we asked existing job site users which sector they were looking
for work in, and then got them to validate our choices of sub-sector la-
bels in that area.
The early sketches in this project show that I played around with the
idea of the browse categories appearing as left-hand navigation, with
the categories ordered not alphabetically, but by the number of jobs
available in each sector. After producing a series of sketches, I would
meet up with the product manager to discuss some of my thoughts and
the options available. The feedback from that session would allow me
to narrow down the design into a more formal set of wireframes.
Chapter 2 354
Martin Belam Using the Right Tool for the Job
For me getting the “fidelity” of wireframes right means that the amount
of detail varies from project to project. For the Guardian Jobs redesign,
as my ideas on the layout became firmer, I worked on some wireframes
which were indicative of “zones” of content. Instead of content, I indi-
cated the layout with labelled boxes of varying shades of grey, indicat-
ing their purpose and function. I find this useful, as it means business
stakeholders are able to look at the relative hierarchy of the information
on display without being distracted by things like the choice of imagery
and icons, the colour, or even sometimes the particular story chosen to
represent the “news” section.
The basic layout at this point had browse and search sections at the top
of the page, with a panel listings the services available on the site along-
side an advertising slot. Underneath that, a narrow left-hand column
featured “promo” content, and there were sections for news, excerpts
from the user forums, and a slot to showcase video. A small section
above the video slot was allocated to offer recruiters the chance to place
advertising on the site.
Having got to some wireframes that I was reasonably happy with, and a
set of categories and sub-categories that we thought would work, it was
time to progress to some formal usability testing.
Chapter 2 355
Martin Belam Using the Right Tool for the Job
What I was most interested in finding out was audience reaction to the
new homepage structure. One of my key learning points from this proj-
ect was that I certainly made mistakes in the way that I commissioned
the testing. We had decided to recruit two people from each of the
vertical sectors that we were hoping to have a higher profile on the site.
Since we were going to be using an HTML prototype that meant I had
to make a clickable HTML page for each sector.
As we were only testing the principle of taking this approach for the
different sectors, rather than the actual content, I believe that we could
4. http://www.madgex.com/
5. http://www.90percentofeverything.com/
6. http://squaxor.posterous.com/
Chapter 2 356
Martin Belam Using the Right Tool for the Job
have comfortably only tested people from two of the sectors and I could
have produced less versions of the design. As it was, with simultane-
ous pressure from other projects, I didn’t allow myself enough time to
deliver fully-fledged versions of the eight different tab states needed. I
built the prototype using Axure and the time restriction meant that we
ended up presenting users with a “mixed fidelity” prototype to assess.
Some elements on the page were pure wireframe. Other elements fea-
tured the visual design and typography from the live site, as I had ended
up having to use images, which I had cut and pasted, from the existing
Despite the obvious drawbacks of this approach, the testing was ex-
tremely useful in shaping the final design. We were able to categorically
dismiss the tabbed design. The idea had been that the tabs would also
change content on the rest of the page i.e. selecting the environment
tab would change the advertising, news stories and search terms tag
cloud on the page to all be environment themed. We established that
the way users understand tabs means that they were definitely only
expecting changes in the “bounding box” at the top of the page and did
not notice any changes elsewhere on the page, especially if the transi-
tion took place on a section buried below the fold at the time the tab
was selected.
Throughout the process, I had always envisaged that the changed state
of the tabs would be delivered by a page reload, rather than any AJAX-y
on-page effect. For bookmarking and, frankly, SEO purposes, this was
to provide new top-level URLs like jobs.guardian.co.uk/environment.
Whilst dismissing the tabs, the lab testing process did validate this “sub-
sector homepage” approach. Test subjects from all the different sectors
confirmed that they would find a “sector homepage”’, which combined
the jobs from their vertical with news and careers advice relevant to
that job area, useful. We therefore settled upon using a second-tier of
navigation to display these sub-sector homepages.
Chapter 2 357
Martin Belam Using the Right Tool for the Job
Lessons Learnt
As I mentioned earlier in my story, these are tough times for the news-
paper industry, with an advertising downturn affecting revenues from
display, classified and recruitment advertising. One of the clear metrics
for us was an increased search engine presence for the main sectors we
cover and there was an immediate uplift in our rankings from re-orga-
nising the site and adding the new tier of themed pages. There was also
a commercial gain in having more sellable “slots” for featured advertis-
ing on the sub-sector homepages.
I’ve always been a fan of iterating designs, rather than “big bang” total
relaunches, as it allows you to incrementally improve performance all
of the time. Our next task is to take what we have learned from rede-
signing the homepage and apply those lessons to search results and in-
dividual job listings on the site.
What I was particularly pleased about in this project was how we were
able to combine three different types of research to produce a reasoned
overview of the direction that the information architecture and design
should take.
The online survey validated our taxonomy choices, with real mem-
bers of our audience and users of the site. The “guerrilla” testing at the
Graduate Fair gave me compelling anecdotal evidence that our target
Chapter 2 358
Martin Belam Using the Right Tool for the Job
For me personally, the most satisfying thing is that this project success-
fully established the principle of “guerrilla” testing playing a role in our
product development process. On subsequent projects I’ve tested The
Guardian’s incredibly successful iPhone application by filming people
using their phone over their shoulders with my Flip mini camcorder,
spent hours in cafes ambushing unsuspecting customers to get them
to try out different aspects of guardian.co.uk and enjoyed a day trawl-
ing London’s major art venues looking for people to interview who like
“culture”. It is not the most scientific of research methods, and I would
never use the clips as the basis for any statistical analysis, but I find a
regular dose of putting our website in front of people and asking them
about it helps me to act as the “voice of the user” within the business—
and enjoy it!
Chapter 2 359
Martin Belam Using the Right Tool for the Job
Besides his role at The Guardian, Martin Belam acts as one of the con-
tributing editors for FUMSI, commissioning articles and writing edito-
rial for the ‘Share’ practice area in the magazine aimed at information
professionals. He blogs about information architecture, journalism and
digital media at www.currybet.net
Web: www.currybet.net
Twitter: currybet
Chapter 2 360
Jay Eskenazi
Usability Expert and Partner
at Customer Experience Labs
Seattle, USA
How to Avoid
Wasting Millions
on Your Product
Today, we have a little story to tell. Some might call it a parable about
the dangers of not doing consumer research early in the product cycle.
Others might describe it as a true story about a past consulting project
and a UI (User Interface) parable of sorts for our times.
The team, which we’ll refer to as the “Oxygen team” for this article, had
everything going for them a high tech team could hope for.
Chapter 2 362
Jay Eskenazi How to Avoid Wasting Millions on Your Product Development
Like many internet teams, speed was of the essence. They wanted to
have the “first mover advantage” and be the first to market.
The team had been developing this product for more than a year and
the total project costs were well in excess of a million dollars.
My role and involvement with the team on this project was as a consul-
tant. I was brought in for several weeks to help the team complete this
project before moving on to consult with another team the following
The build was not quite ready for prime time. It kept crashing so our
participant was not able to complete the tasks because the software was
so unstable. This prototype was highly interactive and the team was rel-
atively deep into the actual coding and development so we were using
a working build rather than a paper prototype. Ideally, if user research
Chapter 2 363
Jay Eskenazi How to Avoid Wasting Millions on Your Product Development
had been brought into the product development process much earlier,
inexpensive paper prototyping
would have been a valuable and Ideally, if user research had been
cheap way to conduct an iterative brought into the product devel-
test right from the start. opment process much earlier,
inexpensive paper prototyping
The development team decided would have been a valuable and
they needed to tweak things a cheap way to conduct an itera-
little bit more. So I went into the
tive test right from the start.
room and asked the participant
if he would be willing to stay for another session and he agreed. (Of
course he received double compensation for his efforts.)
So, fast forward an hour and we’re starting the test again. Everyone
seemed a bit “keyed up” and nervous tension filled the air. The team
had been working so hard and for so long, but they had still never actu-
ally observed a customer using the product.
Joe started the test and was struggling. About 30 minutes into the ses-
sion, he clicked on a link to go to a page and suddenly there was a
LOGIN window on the computer screen!
“Uh, what is that?” I asked Janet, the lead developer sitting beside me
on the observer side of the usability lab. “Oh, that’s the login screen. We
designed the system to time-out after 30 minutes for security reasons,”
she replied. (This was the first time I’d heard or seen of this “feature”.
Janet went into the room to help log the participant in and Joe started
asking her why there was a login screen).
Chapter 2 364
Jay Eskenazi How to Avoid Wasting Millions on Your Product Development
So Janet walked over to the participant side of the usability lab. And
that created an unusual and very interesting situation; suddenly we
were observing not just the participant interacting with the website.
But we were observing the frustrated participant now face-to-face with
the person who created the website. And the person directly respon-
sible for their frustration!
It would have been humorous if the tension in the air was not so
strong. And it was neat to be observing the end user actually interact di-
rectly with the person creating the product. Joe was so frustrated at this
point that he was a powder keg ready to blow. He was quite irritated
and it was actually quite entertaining to see him sharing that frustra-
tion directly with the developer, rather than to the usability profession-
al as is usually more common. As an aside, many usability practitioners
have had the experience of conducting some really solid research and
then being met with some level of skepticism or defensiveness by the
developers. So it is always nice when the team can experience that feed-
back directly from the end users.
Joe continued with the list of tasks that represented the core things
that a customer would want or need to do in order for this product to
be successful. Since the prospective customers were creating a website
these tasks were fairly straightforward, they had to be able to create
some pages and format them to look like some sample pages they were
There was one “little” problem though, the product was very confusing.
Chapter 2 365
Jay Eskenazi How to Avoid Wasting Millions on Your Product Development
right type of page to create. Then after he had selected the wrong type
of page to create and realised it didn’t look right, he wasn’t able to fix it!
Overall, the success rate for selecting the right type of page to create
was only 50% and that meant that half of the participants could not
choose the right kind of page to make. Then, after they created the
page, they often were not able to format the page correctly. They expe-
rienced a major slow down in their task flow as they tried to decipher
what the final page layout would look like from reading the accompa-
nying text descriptions. Users had to read through text descriptions and
it took them a very long time to find a page that matched the descrip-
tion of what they were trying to do. All of the participants, except one,
selected the wrong page to build. Later, they tried to “fix” the visual ap-
pearance of the page and tried to change the layout, but the real prob-
lem was that the page type was incorrect.
The user interface was so ineffective that the participants could only
make five to seven pages in a 90 minute session.
At the end of the study, we asked the participants to do some user in-
terface ratings. These were standard questions usability folks often use
about satisfaction and their experience using the product during their
session. These ratings were on a seven point Likert scale. And the rat-
ings for this study averaged nearly two points lower than any other
study I have conducted personally or been involved with during the last
decade! People are usually positive when evaluating products in the us-
ability setting, so that was revealing.
Chapter 2 366
Jay Eskenazi How to Avoid Wasting Millions on Your Product Development
Anytime a user tells you they need a manual to use a website, or even
a software product, it’s usually a bad sign! And the emotional tone and
depth in this one sample com-
ment was also a bit alarming. Anytime a user tells you they need
Needless to say, it was crystal a manual to use a website, or even
clear that the product was not a software product, it’s usually a
ready for prime time. bad sign!
Several months after the study, I learned that the company pulled the
plug on this product and the “Oxygen” team was dissolved.
At the end of the day, a company with extensive resources and deep
pockets was unable to move a product so severely flawed forward. It
was simply easier to pull the plug than to try to salvage this effort.
Most companies don’t have anywhere near the level of resources (time,
money and people) that this company had, so the issue would probably
have surfaced much earlier in a smaller company.
Chapter 2 367
Jay Eskenazi How to Avoid Wasting Millions on Your Product Development
The moral is: test early and test often. Don’t let this type of usability
failure happen to you, your team, your product, or your company.
If you pick up an old text book in human factors they always talk about
how it “used to be” so expensive and time consuming to conduct us-
ability testing back in the 1960’s or so. But its 2010 now and there is no
excuse for not doing usability testing and other forms of consumer re-
search, even at the earliest stages of your product development. A case
study like this one of “usability gone wrong” helps to remind us of what
happens when user experience research is not a part of the lifecycle of a
product or service from the very beginning.
Chapter 2 368
Jay Eskenazi How to Avoid Wasting Millions on Your Product Development
Jay’s research career spans 20 years, and he has worked in user expe-
rience research since 1999. For nearly a decade prior to co-founding
Customer Experience Labs, he served as an internal usability consultant
and expert, helping to drive product improvements via user experience
research—first at at Microsoft on their top e-commerce channels and
then at Expedia, Inc. where he created and then served as Director of
User Experience Research for more than seven years.
Web: www.customerexperiencelabs.com
Twitter: customerexplabs
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Seattle-WA/
Chapter 2 369
Clemens Lutsch
User Experience Evangelist at Microsoft
Unterschleißheim, Germany
Style of Change
It was a beautiful morning, the sun burning away quickly the not-so-
uncommon fog of the moor countryside north of Munich. Our work-
shop started with fifteen minutes delay, the group arrived late flying in
from Hanover, but fifteen minutes, hey, we can make up for it during
the day.
What does the stage look like? I am the User Experience Evangelist at
Microsoft Germany. In this role I manage Microsoft’s relationships
with its partners, software and multimedia, or creative companies that
deliver user interfaces, and have a substantial impact on determining
user experience. I also work with software-development companies,
enterprises and companies in all sectors really, as long as usability, user
experience or human-centred design is involved. The group that arrived
with an air of curiosity that morning at our German headquarters in
Unterschleißheim had a problem. This problem prompted a colleague
to call me.
Chapter 2 372
Clemens Lutsch Style of Change
Remark: Dear reader, you might have noticed that even within a com-
pany, a colleague was careful to bring up this issue for fear of being mis-
understood. He was very cautious as he wanted to make clear that there
is NO problem with the partner itself, only with that crappy thing they
were doing to the user interface. This was something he did not know
anything about, that he had no solution to and that did not really affect
his daily work—something he expected me to take care of.
Sven: “They want to discuss some issues and show you the current state
of their work. They adopted the ribbon for their new release.”
Sven:” They develop software for logistics. They have a lot of clients.
Most of their portfolio is legacy stuff.”
Me: “O … K ...”
Chapter 2 373
Clemens Lutsch Style of Change
So we sat down, set up our equipment and made the routine intro-
duction round. They quickly came to the point, a painful point. After
a recent acquisition, they had to include two other logistics products
into their new portfolio. Together with their own three applications,
the formula they tried to come up with was 3+2 = 1 and they kind of felt
that a user interface developed
in 1998 would be somehow Together with their own three ap-
inadequate. I agreed. Interest- plications, the formula they tried
ingly enough, they were using to come up with was 3+2 = 1 and
usability buzzwords left and they kind of felt that a user inter-
right, using them in a wild and face developed in 1998 would be
sometimes a little bit romantic somehow inadequate.
way, but not exactly in a consis-
tent way. So I kicked off with a one hour bird’s eye view of user expe-
rience and usability. Then the ribbon came. Since we introduced the
ribbon (aka Office fluent UI) in Microsoft Office 2007, a lot of software
companies sought to adopt this design. After some initial confusion,
the users started to like and to prefer it to the old cascading menus of
earlier versions especially after looking at the published presentation,
“The story of the ribbon”, (held by the product team guy) about the way
we got there. So, they presented what they had done to the ribbon up
to now, ending with the mention that they had recently run into some
limits regarding the integration of 75 modules of their software into
ribbon design.
Now, there are several ways to break the truth to engineers. Some folks
prefer to work towards a discovery, so listeners can learn along the way
what they caused. Others want to sell a usability test and let users be
the herald of the bad news. Then there are the ones that come straight
to the point. Most often, I prefer the latter approach. So I told them,
Chapter 2 374
Clemens Lutsch Style of Change
that I get paid for telling the truth, not for being nice. That was well
received. One respondent wanted an open visor discussion. One looked
for learning something and one wanted real, original feedback. Then I
said, on a scale from 1 to 10, 10
being very good, 1 being pretty Then I said, on a scale from 1 to
bad, their approach was a good 10, 10 being very good, 1 being
minus 20! That was not well pretty bad, their approach was a
received and caused some irrita- good minus 20!
tion. They had adopted the rib-
bon specs as laid out by Microsoft so how could it be minus 20? Techni-
cally, they were correct; the ribbon has been developed according to the
specs. But a ribbon is not only a technical element, it must also be easy
to use by the user. Then my favourite part came when the IT Lead said
that they know exactly how their users work, since they have known
them for years. Borrowing from my Microsoft colleague Arnie Lund the
quote “know thy user, you are not thy user” I got my torpedoes ready.
UI Lead: “None.”
Chapter 2 375
Clemens Lutsch Style of Change
Me: “You are telling me that 6-8 people spend their time deciding upon
something what they have no fundamental knowledge of, something
that they are not trained in?”
IT Lead: “…”
Me: “So, you guys can implement a user interface, we’ve seen that. But
you are not trained to design a user interface, to create a concept and
devise a user experience strategy. You have no idea how to do it. And
that is because you have never learned it. And that is OK, because being
a UI developer; it is not your job, you have other responsibilities. The
problem that you have is not your 75 modules into the ribbon issue, it is
that you have no one that can take care of what to do in the UI.”
Chapter 2 376
Clemens Lutsch Style of Change
Blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/clemenslutsch
Xing: www.xing.com/profile/Clemens_Lutsch
Chapter 2 377
Harri Kiljander
Director of UX Design and Brand
F-Secure Corporation
Helsinki, Finland
Escaping the
It has never felt better to be a mobile user experience designer than
today. To be honest, it has been a rather long time since I was a true
design practitioner myself. I traded in the role of the creative problem
solver and user advocate when I jumped on the corporate ladder some-
where in the late 1990s. In my most recent roles, I often find myself act-
ing as a design strategist and facilitator whose greatest contribution can
be in setting the direction and creating the infrastructure and opportu-
nities for the true user experience designers in my design team. I try to
maximize their design talent, so that eventually, through our products
and services, people can connect in new and better ways. Sometimes
this design work is pretty straightforward, and sometimes more chal-
lenging; after all, we are talking about an industry where devices and
services, bits and atoms are converging in creative and surprising ways,
and user experience design is an extremely visible domain in mobile de-
vices product development, where almost everybody has an opinion or
even a financial interest.
From 2008 to early 2010, I was heading the UX design team in the
Maemo unit of Nokia, now called MeeGo. We were designing the user
experience for high-end mobile devices that allow users to live their
Internet lives when they are mobile. This is about browsing the web,
messaging with your buddies, doing your emails, subscribing to web
feeds, locating your position and navigating, listening to music, discov-
ering and installing new applications, making cellular phone calls and
internet calls—basically allowing people to be productive and to have
fun when equipped with their mobile devices. These multi-functional
Chapter 2 380
Harri Kiljander Escaping the Waterfall
In the autumn of 2009, Nokia launched the N900 device1 that was the
culmination of a long period of human-centred design work. We had
taken the previous-generation Linux internet tablet UI design as the
baseline, and had then incorporated the user feedback we already knew
about, redesigned the stylus-optimized UI elements to be usable with
fingers, designed basic mobile device functionality, like cellular telepho-
ny and text messaging, tested meticulously with users and iterated the
designs, while the implementation marched forward. After the product
launch, the user experience designers who had worked on the project
for so long were finally able to breathe a happy sigh of relief while lis-
tening to feedback from the people who had purchased the device. It
has been gratifying to hear users and media praising the product, but as
professional designers, we also need to appreciate criticism, bug reports
and improvement suggestions with a humble and open mind. There
was already a soft launch of the N900 at the maemo.org developer sum-
mit in Amsterdam earlier that year, where hundreds of units were given
to the participants. We then listened closely to the feedback from these
early adopters and were able to incorporate some of the related design
improvements into the first software updates for the device.
Chapter 2 381
Harri Kiljander Escaping the Waterfall
tour’ across Japan, Central Europe, and Silicon Valley. Eventually, the
best UI concept, dubbed “Jack”, was selected and then implemented,
initially in the Nokia 6110 phone3. The code name Jack was chosen for
this small-footprint UI, since we were working at the same time on
the new Nokia smartphone UI, later to be known as Series 60, and we
needed code names for both designs. Someone suggested the names
Jack and Averell, two of the four Dalton brothers in Lucky Luke, the
best-selling Franco-Belgian comic series. Jack was the shortest of the
brothers, and Averell the tall one, albeit perhaps not so smart. The Jack
UI took the 2110 UI design as the baseline, simplified and clarified the
interaction logic, while adding numerous new features and introducing
a GUI for the first time in a Nokia phone. We had a whopping 84 by 48
pixels at our disposal on the display, all in black and white, although at
that time, pixels were not completely square, so fonts and icon design
were somewhat more restricted than today.
3. Lindholm, C., Keinonen, T., Kiljander, H. How Nokia Changed the
Face of the Mobile Phone. 2003. McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-1385142, 304
4. Giudice, M. Can’t We Just All Get Along? Human-centered Design
Meets Agile Development. 2008. http://bauhaus.id.iit.edu/externalID/
Chapter 2 382
Harri Kiljander Escaping the Waterfall
Chapter 2 383
Harri Kiljander Escaping the Waterfall
is, at least theoretically, shippable. The most widely used agile process
framework or method is Scrum, where each iteration, lasting usually
from two to four weeks, starts with the development team making a
plan for that phase. The whole development project starts by capturing
the customer needs in the form of user stories or similar.
Chapter 2 384
Harri Kiljander Escaping the Waterfall
For a start, there is no time to do the design work inside a black box
and only proceed with the implementation afterwards. You need to run
these tasks simultaneously to speed up the total process. Information
design and interaction design are very often deeply intertwined with
the technical architecture. Secondly, modern digital interactive prod-
ucts are so complicated that one can seldom get the design right during
the first round. You must validate
your design with users and go back You must validate your design
to the drawing board to fix things with users and go back to the
that did not work. Thirdly, when drawing board to fix things
developing a mobile communica- that did not work.
tions device, you really cannot find
out all the twists and quirks with a fake design prototype; you must also
test the appeal and usability with prototype software running on proto-
type hardware connected to the mobile network. Only this type of user
testing will give you real user feedback that can be used to iron out real
problems with the device or service you are building; only real software
and hardware connected to a real network will enable you to measure
realistic response times and performance, the essential constituents of
the real-life user experience.
UX Design Manifesto
We arranged a UX design and development practices workshop in late
2007 with Alistair Cockburn, one of the software visionaries behind the
original Agile Manifesto, and produced a UX Design Manifesto, among
other things, since we felt we needed to crystallize some of the founda-
tional drivers of our improved mode of operation in design and product
creation. In our UX Design Manifesto we boldly stated:
Chapter 2 385
Harri Kiljander Escaping the Waterfall
This does not have to be so. As a matter of fact, the original Agile
Manifesto does not explicitly exclude any elements of human-centred
Chapter 2 386
Harri Kiljander Escaping the Waterfall
Chapter 2 387
Harri Kiljander Escaping the Waterfall
Chapter 2 388
Harri Kiljander Escaping the Waterfall
Chapter 2 389
Harri Kiljander Escaping the Waterfall
the value that the UX practitioners can bring to the product de-
velopment work.
7. Designers are not users, neither are developers, and vice presi-
dents certainly aren’t. Whenever a product is being developed for
users or consumers outside the development organization, the
designers and developers should follow human-centred design
principles professionally, i.e., not use themselves to represent the
target users—unless they do represent them, of course. Designers
need to be mature enough to kill their darlings, developers should
not deliver architecture and code that only tries to minimize the
development effort or just to show off their coding wizardry, and
vice presidents should not force the inclusion of their pet features
in a narrow-minded manner.
There are variations and nuances to the aforementioned principles,
based on the magnitude of the design and development exercise,
whether it is new development from scratch or incremental develop-
ment on top of an earlier product release, whether the available design-
ers can be co-located with the software development team, whether
you are introducing some ground-breaking new innovation or some-
thing your competitors have already made familiar to the users and
consumers out there, whether you are developing a web service or an
embedded software product, who and where your users are, and what
the schedule constraints are. Product design and development are really
all about people, about the cross-disciplinary team collaborating and
communicating to develop something appealing and usable to the real
people out there. The combination of human-centred design and agile
development is a good approach to make this happen, when applied
consciously and with understanding of the product design and develop-
ment context.
Chapter 2 390
Harri Kiljander Escaping the Waterfall
Chapter 2 391
Deborah J. Mayhew
Early Pioneer in Usability Engineering
West Tisbury, USA
UX Then and Now
I entered college in 1969. This is a 40 year retrospective of both the UX
profession and my career in it.
I did not have a clue as to what I might do after college. Back then,
in America, we did not even think about careers while in college, the
world was our oyster, and we focused on exploring what was interest-
ing. Not to mention various ways to change or save the world! It was,
after all, the late 60s and early 70s. A liberal arts education, largely self-
defined, was considered the best route to a successful career.
Chapter 2 394
Deborah J. Mayhew UX Then and Now
Master’s Degree—1974-1977
Still having no real thoughts about a possible career, I applied to gradu-
ate schools that offered cognitive psychology programs, excited to study
in this emerging and fascinating field. At the University of Denver in
Colorado, besides learning about human cognition, I also learned about
Chapter 2 395
Deborah J. Mayhew UX Then and Now
home to my old waitressing job for the summer, or try to find a real job
in Boston? It was the Spring of 1978. I was 27 years old, with four years
of college and four years of graduate school under my belt, but as of yet,
no experience in the real working world.
Come Fall, I was really enjoying the job—especially the pay! I found out
later I was the lowest paid professional in the company at $10,000 USD
a year, but to me, after living on graduate school stipends for four years,
it felt like I was rolling in money. I did not want to give it up, so I con-
vinced my graduate program to allow me to keep a full time job and fin-
ish my doctorate around it. I only had some independent studies, some
exams and a thesis left to do. They were reluctant, being a completely
academic and unapplied sort of program who looked down their noses
at industry, but grudgingly gave permission.
I spent the next three and a half years working very hard; 50-60 hour
weeks programming, travelling and trying to complete a doctoral de-
gree at the same time. But I was young, single and full of energy and
motivation. At work, I learned to program in Basic, worked on DEC
timesharing mainframes and brought my handwritten draft documents
down to a word processing department. We were experimenting with
Chapter 2 396
Deborah J. Mayhew UX Then and Now
Chapter 2 397
Deborah J. Mayhew UX Then and Now
At that time the field of Human Factors had been around for maybe
35-40 years, having emerged in WWII, but was very focused on the de-
sign of military equipment and other hardware products. Human fac-
tors in software design was just a gleam in a few peopIes’ eyes at that
point. But now I had glimpsed the possible connection between psy-
chology and technology. I tried to interest my small company in sup-
porting me in exploring this connection, but failed to do so. It was time
to move on.
Chapter 2 398
Deborah J. Mayhew UX Then and Now
You would enter the number of your choice in a fill-in field and then
press the Enter key, after which you would be similarly asked for pa-
rameters such as directory names, document names and printer names.
Once inside your document, if you
wanted, for example, to make a word The mouse was a cutting
bold or italic, you would have to enter edge device not yet widely
special characters before and after the used. Everything was
word in question, which would be trans- keyboard driven.
lated only at print time. The mouse was
a cutting edge device not yet widely used. Everything was keyboard
driven. I did user research and wrote Style Guides and built a business
plan for growing the usability function in my software department,
Chapter 2 399
Deborah J. Mayhew UX Then and Now
creating a role as yet largely undefined. I think at that time my title was
“User Interface Designer”.
The first thing that happened was that the product release was de-
layed, practically unheard of back then once a product was publicly
announced, until its user interface problems could be addressed. Then,
practically overnight, Carrie was assigned to report directly to one of
these vice presidents, grow a department of usability expertise and inte-
grate that expertise into Wang’s product development departments. She
was given significant power and support from very high up to do so.
Chapter 2 400
Deborah J. Mayhew UX Then and Now
UX Career, Academia—1984-1986
That year, I also left Wang Labs for an assistant professorship in the
College of Computer Science at Northeastern University in Boston,
Massachusetts, where I taught what were probably some of the first
courses in the country on software usability, design and methodology,
in a computer science curriculum. It was then and there that I first
began to develop the methodology ultimately documented in my 1999
book The Usability Engineering Lifecycle (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers).
Chapter 2 401
Deborah J. Mayhew UX Then and Now
UX Career, Consulting—1986-Present
By the end of 1985, I had come to the conclusion that neither large cor-
porations nor universities were the right work environment for me; and
I launched my own consulting business in January of 1986, jumpstarted
with some regular consulting work with my past employer, Wang Labs.
Early clients included other high tech vendors and universities, and
some financial institutions.
Chapter 2 402
Deborah J. Mayhew UX Then and Now
As my practice took me all over the country and to other parts of the
world, I also wrote books, as mentioned: The Usability Engineering
Lifecycle published in 1999 (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers) and Cost
Justifying Usability with Randolph G. Bias in 1994 and 2005 (Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers), as well as contributing chapters to other books.
Around the time of the publication of my Lifecycle book, I started re-
ferring to myself as a “usability engineer”. Only relatively recently, say
in the past three or four years, have I started calling myself a “user ex-
perience engineer.” I like that term a lot, as it allows that a good user
interface requires more than usability, it may also entail great graphic
design, and effective marketing and sales (i.e., persuasion) techniques as
When I was a professor in the College of Computer Science at
Northeastern University, students had to commit to specializing in
computer science in their first year. It was a five year program that in-
cluded regular internships in local high tech businesses. I remember I
would often be advising students on what courses to take. I would see
students in their fifth year and close to graduation who would ask my
advice on whether to fulfil a few remaining electives with courses on,
say, compiler design or database design. Which would improve their
resume? I advised them to take this last opportunity to try some cours-
es outside the computer science college such as English Literature,
Psychology, Anthropology, Music or Art. They were always appalled at
this advice as they were, unlike my generation in college, very focused
on preparing for a career, and saw no value in taking courses outside
their computer science specialty. Sadly, I think that is still true of the
current generation of students, reinforced by poor economic times and
job shortages. College has come to be viewed almost like a professional
trade school.
But I think my story attests to the value of a liberal arts education. You
just never know where your interests will take you, and what new fields
Chapter 2 403
Deborah J. Mayhew UX Then and Now
will emerge that will require interdisciplinary skill sets. I have always
felt that I had an edge over professionals who came from narrower
backgrounds. I felt I had more perspective and a greater breadth of
knowledge that helped me think outside the box. And while I have seen
successful UX professionals develop from many different backgrounds,
I also remained convinced that the best academic background for an as-
piring UX professional is cognitive psychology.
I now have a 17 year old daughter who is about to graduate from High
School and go off to college. She is a very talented singer and musician
whose aptitude emerged at a very early age. She has had a great deal of
training, has done very well in state and national competitions, and has
met, performed with and been recognized by an amazing variety of very
successful professional musicians (see www.katiemayhew.com) all by
the age of 17. Probably any conservatory would take her. But, she will be
attending a liberal arts university (albeit with a conservatory affiliated
with it)—both her preference and mine. She will take psychology and
biology courses as well as music and theatre, and probably other sub-
jects neither of us can even imagine right now will draw her interest as
she matures. Even for someone with such a clear focus and talent from
such an early age, this feels right to me.
Chapter 2 404
Deborah J. Mayhew UX Then and Now
Deborah Mayhew’s highly regarded books have been sold in many dif-
ferent countries.
Chapter 2 405
Andrew Hinton
Principal User Experience Architect
at Macquarium
Charlotte, USA
The Story is
the Thing
Here’s something I believe in: stories are what make us human.
Opposable thumbs? Other animals have those. Ability to use tools?
Ditto. Even language, in and of itself, is not exclusive to human beings.
And “design.” Because design is, ultimately, a story we make. And de-
signing is an act of weaving a new story into an existing fabric in such
a way that it makes it stronger, better, or at least more interesting, and
hopefully more delightful.
An Origin Story
My identity as an information architect happened accidentally, and
gradually. I just kept doing things I liked, that people were willing to
Chapter 2 408
Andrew Hinton The Story is the Thing
pay me for, until I woke up one day and realized I had a career. And the
things I liked doing were invariably surrounded by people’s stories.
One of the earliest jobs I had out of college (after trying my hand at car-
pet cleaning, waiting tables and telemarketing) was as an office manager
in a medical office. It was 1990, and this office of five or six providers
was running entirely on a phone, a copier and an electric typewriter. No
computer in sight. Every bill, insurance claim, or patient report had to
be typed anew … as if the 80s had never happened. I talked the owner
into getting a computer and a database management package—sort of
Erector set for database application design that I’d seen at a computer
user group a year before—so I could make the office more efficient.
To understand the people who were to use the application, I had to talk
to them, get a sense of what they’d done before and what sort of forms
they had used in the past. What sorts of technology? What terminol-
ogy was going to make sense for them? How do they tend to learn—by
written instruction or hands-on activity, by rote or through improvisa-
tion? I learned these things by watching and conversing. Eventually I
had enough of a sense of those “users” that I had a full story in my head
about how they came to the experience of this particular application, in
this particular place.
Chapter 2 409
Andrew Hinton The Story is the Thing
An Architecture Story
Much later, about ten years ago, I was working at a web design agency,
and our client was an organization that acted as a sort of confederation
of research scientists, universities and technology corporations. The
organization funneled research money from “investor” companies to
the scientists and their students in the universities, and in return the
companies received “pre-competitive” research and dibs on some of the
brightest graduate students when they graduated.
We realized that the web site had become a visible instantiation of that
discord: a messy tangle of priorities in tension. A new information ar-
chitecture would mean more than just making things more “findable.”
Chapter 2 410
Andrew Hinton The Story is the Thing
A Survival Story
Much more recently, I had the opportunity to work with a non-profit
organization whose mission was to educate people about breast cancer,
as well as provide an online forum for them to share and learn from one
When interviewing the site’s users, it soon became clear how important
these people’s stories were to them. They would tell the tale of their
cancer, or the cancer of a loved one, and in each case the story was one
of interrupted expectation—a major change of direction in what they
assumed to be the storyline of their lives.
I learned that this website was merely one thread in a great swath of
fabric that the site would never, ultimately, touch. But the site was
most valuable to these people when it supported the other threads,
buttressed them, added texture where it was needed, especially when
it helped fill in the gaps of their stories: How did I get cancer? What do
my test results mean? What treatment should I choose? What can I eat
when getting chemo? How do I tell my children?
Chapter 2 411
Andrew Hinton The Story is the Thing
Here were stories that had taken hard detours, but had found each
other in the wilderness and got intertwined, strengthening one another
on the new, unexpected journey.
The stories are the foundations
This work, more than any other I’d of our lives, and the data, the
done before, taught me that stories information, is the artificial
aren’t merely an extra layer we add abstraction.
to binary logic and raw data. In
fact, it’s reversed—the stories are the foundations of our lives, and the
data, the information, is the artificial abstraction. It’s the dusty mirror
we use to reflect upon ourselves, merely a tool for self-awareness.
Chapter 2 412
Andrew Hinton The Story is the Thing
It was through listening to the whole stories as they were told by these
digital inhabitants that I learned about their needs, behaviors and goals.
A survey might have given me hard data I could’ve turned into pie
charts and histograms, but it would’ve been out of context, no matter
how authoritative in a board room.
And it was in hearing their stories that I recognized that, no matter how
great my work or the work of our design team might be, we would only
be a bit player in these people’s lives. Each of them happens to be the
protagonist in their own drama, with its own soundtrack, scenery, ris-
ing and falling action, rhyme and rhythm. What we made had to fit the
contours of their lives, their emotional states, and their conversations
with doctors and loved ones.
Stories can’t be broken down into logical parts and reconstituted with-
out losing precious context and background. Even though breaking
the story down into parts is often necessary for technological design,
the story lives only if there’s someone who can serve as a witness to the
whole person, with a memory of
his or her story as it came from Stories can’t be broken down
that person’s mouth, in that per- into logical parts and reconsti-
son’s actions. tuted without losing precious
context and background.
Keeping the story alive keeps the
whole idea of the person alive. Whether we use “personas” or “scenari-
os” or task analysis or systems thinking, the ultimate aim should be to
listen to, understand and remember the stories, precisely because the
stories are the beating heart of why we’re designing anything at all.
Chapter 2 413
Andrew Hinton The Story is the Thing
So, now, when I’m working on more mundane projects that don’t touch
people in quite the same way as some of the others I’ve done, I still try
to remember that even for the most everyday task, something I de-
sign still has to take into account the experience of the whole person
using the product of my work. That, after all, is what we should mean
when we say “user experience”—that we seek first to listen to, observe
and understand the experience of the people for whom we design. We
honor them in what we make when we honor their stories.
Chapter 2 414
Andrew Hinton The Story is the Thing
Chapter 2 415
Chapter 3
Stephen Wright
Daniel Szuc
Vice President of the
Usability Professionals Association (UPA)
Hong Kong, China
Three Stories
During our 2009 visit to Helsinki with my partner Jo Wong, our taxi
picked us up on a cold morning from our friend’s place in Lauttasaari,
an island about 3 kilometres west of Helsinki’s city centre. We were on
our way to a business meeting and running a little late. As we arrived
at our destination, the driver noticed that I was playing with my Nokia
E61i; I was texting a colleague to announce our arrival. He glanced
warmly at me in the driver’s mirror, started to smile, and reached into
his pocket. He then turned around quickly and held up the same model
Nokia E61i, waving it in the air and saying proudly, “See, Nokia too!” At
that moment, it was clear to Jo and I that we were not only officially in
Finland for the first time, but we were also visiting the home of Nokia,
and its people who are very proud of their home-grown product.
The other night, I was watching a documentary on TV about the evolu-
tion of the camera, wireless radio, air travel, morse code, the automo-
bile and the underlying need for people to communicate outside their
local communities. Humans need to travel and explore. As I enjoyed
dinner with my wife, we both laughed at the effort and number of steps
needed to start the Model T Ford, the weight of the first cameras used
to record film footage (without sound) and the restricted time of the re-
cordings, the open cabin of the first flights, and so on.
We really do take so much for granted and in doing so, become spoilt
about both the technologies and luxuries around us. Yet, in 2010,
we still face some challenges about what it means to move forward
Chapter 3 420
Daniel Szuc Three Stories
On a recent trip to the USA, I was reminded of something very im-
portant. I had been invited to speak to students at CMU’s HCII1. This
was my first visit, and my impression of Pittsburgh was that of a place
going through a renaissance, with a layer of creatives and future think-
ers rising up from an old economy of steel mills. A grounded place with
wise and passionate people. There were some delays during my week
in Pittsburgh because of the severe weather conditions caused by snow
and storms—but it gave me more time with friends and also an oppor-
tunity to see the city and prepare for my presentation.
A small group of students had turned up for the presentation and I had
chosen to talk from the lectern, partly because the presentation was
being filmed and also because it seemed like the right place to present
from, since I was the “invited speaker.”
But I had missed the opportunity to really move away from the lectern
and sit with the students at the table to have a more personal discussion
on the topic of UX and Selling UX. A good friend and colleague said to
me later when he picked me up from CMU “it’s really a presentation to
your peers,” and so it was.
1 .http://www.hcii.cmu.edu/ in Pittsburgh
Chapter 3 421
Daniel Szuc Three Stories
Chapter 3 422
Andrea Resmini
President, Information Architecture Institute
Jönköping, Sweden
Hundred and Ten
“One day, a Water Rat called Bilargun was out hunting and he spotted a
Duck in the distance. This duck was called Daroo, and Bilargun wanted
Daroo as his wife. He snuck up on her and escorted Daroo back to his den.
Here, he fed her and nurtured her. Together, they were very happy and
Bilargun told Daroo that whenever she was in danger to slap her tail on the
surface of the water. After a while, Daroo had a brood, but quite an unusual
one. The offspring each had 4 legs and a fur coat like their father, and a
beak and webbed feet like their mother. That offspring’s descendants can
be seen nowadays, and they still use that same warning sign, and have the
characteristics of a bird and mammal.”1
How the platypus came to be during Altjeringa, the Dreamtime. Tradi-
tional Australian story.
It is a cloudy May afternoon and I am reading a book, drinking some
coffee and trying to find a way to make you grasp what I understand
by information architecture. I put the book down and get back to the
keyboard. I sip the last of the coffee and stare at the few lines I have
written. I can not decide if they say anything at all. I decide they do not,
I want it to be personal, as I believe design is like that, personal, and it
can get complicated if you do not want to end up lecturing. I think of
ways I could make you see me and tell the story without explaining it.
I think: What do I do? I design information spaces. But I have always
been designing. It has always been there. I hear the light tip-tapping of
rain on the window. It was raining then.
Chapter 3 424
Andrea Resmini Hundred and Ten
I was around 9 or 10. It was a methodical process: I was not a particu-
larly methodical kid, but I could discriminate. This required method
and some application. I used only regular-size exercise books, not too
thick, not too thin, which only came in a yellow cover, God only knows
why. Those had enough pages, but not too many. I had my tools and
sufficient space on the table. I knelt on the chair and then I got going.
Cover first, as this had to be redesigned carefully. I drew some kind of
frame in inks and pens, usually something with an insane amount of
Art Nouveau flourish on the corners, and then glued in a new sheet of
heavy cloth paper inside the frame itself with white solid office glue. I
still remember the smell of the thing, and its distinctive metallic con-
tainer2. You had to apply the glue with its own small brush and make
the paper stick properly. Trying to avoid bumps and lumps was hard
work. Then I waited for the glue to dry, sketching dinosaurs or doing
one of the many things that only seem important or interesting when
you are just about nine. When I checked back after ten minutes I had a
yellow exercise book with a framed, empty light space on the cover that
opened up a world of possibilities and just called for more work. A five-
step procedure kicked-in: find a title, decide a style for the hand-made
lettering, figure out an image, draw the image, write the book from
top to bottom; first draft is the right draft. This could take up entire
afternoons for weeks, as the story would come up as I was writing it.
Changes crept in due to a sudden inspiration from a Jules Verne novel,
or a Donald Duck comic book, or something I saw on TV. But I do not
remember ever finishing one single story: that was not where the fun
was. The fun was in the possibilities, in the kick-off and in the design.
When it comes to design, I do not believe in invention. I believe in in-
terpretation, in pushing forward, in changing direction and in reaction.
2. A true product of an earlier age of design, you can find pictures of
this incredible metallic packaging all over the Internet. One is here:
Chapter 3 425
Andrea Resmini Hundred and Ten
I was in my early thirties. When I moved into my teenage years I did
not get to spend much time with my mum. We just lived in the same
place and that was all. This changed when she got ill and needed help,
but even then, even when she was actually too sick to do anything more
than move around her apartment or be driven somewhere by car, she
fought fiercely and heartbreakingly for her independence. But I remem-
ber one occasion, some ten or twelve years ago, walking with her to
some narrow backstreet shop or office not far away from the Cathedral
in Parma. It was a small, new place inside a really old building, all tim-
bers and bricks and carefully lit passages. I really do not remember what
we were there for. Something bureaucratic, I imagine, as those were
the only things where she would sometime indulge herself to a little
help. Whatever it was, we finished early, and I just asked her if she fan-
cied walking a little more and have a coffee in the Oltretorrente; the
neighbourhood across the Parma stream where she grew up with her
parents and her ten brothers and sisters after World War Two. Parma
is a relatively small city in the North of Italy, lying just far enough from
everything, the sea, lakes and mountains, it still maintains a rather pe-
culiar interest in its feudal traditions. Like factions, for example. The
Oltretorrente is the popular heart of Parma, the place were you were
to be born, or grown up, or had to live, if you were to consider your-
self a real Parmigiano. People from there could tell which street and
sometimes which building you were from just by the way you spoke
the local dialect. We walked past the many shops of one of the main
streets, and crossed the bridge over the stream. The remains of the old
Roman bridge are still half there, but it is now neglected and stretching
Chapter 3 426
Andrea Resmini Hundred and Ten
over dry land, as the Parma has changed its course over the centuries.
We walked left and entered the older, winding streets looking for a café.
Then I noticed something: the city my mother saw in front of her eyes
was a totally different city from the one I saw. While for me it was a ge-
ography of places and street names I knew from reading signs or from
having been there before, she was following a personal cartography
which was all people and persons. “We turn left where Gianni used to
live when his father worked at the shoe factory”. “That’s Maria’s bakery.
The second window on the right, second floor, that’s where your aunt
Eva used to work as a maid before getting married”. “You remember
Alberto? His mother’s family used to live just across the street from
where we used to play as kids. Right there”. “Now let’s turn right at the
house where the old Signora Pezzani used to sell her eggs and cheese,
there are more shops over there”. I had to keep on reminding her I had
neither the slightest idea who these people were nor where they lived
forty or fifty years ago. If we wanted to move around at all it had to be
second right or third left or keep straight on, for me. Her world was
precise, but so intimate and so personal that I was not a part of it. It was
a secure, conversant world, but it was a smaller, hard-to-communicate
My dad put it straight down to me one morning just before my first year
of the Italian equivalent of High School was about to start: “First day I
find out you go to that school so you can boast, you are coming to work
with me right away, young man”. He was a plumber, and he meant that,
so I took his advice very seriously. I went on to become an architect, so
I could command plumbers around in my houses, and thanks dad for
“I do not like it”. “You might not know that now, but you are going to
like it. A lot”. Italy in the 1980s had two different High School tracks:
scientific and classical. I chose scientific. This amounted to a lot of
Chapter 3 427
Andrea Resmini Hundred and Ten
I was 12. The curtains were partly drawn in the silent sitting-room
at my grandparents’. I remember cicadas, so it must have been sum-
mer. My grandfather was working on one of his paintings at the table,
standing, as I remember him doing most of the time, and I was sitting
alongside drawing something and peeking at what he was doing. He
had all his gouaches ready on a handmade palette, which looked as if
he had been painting for millions of years, and was carefully building
Chapter 3 428
Andrea Resmini Hundred and Ten
Chapter 3 429
Andrea Resmini Hundred and Ten
I am 44. I have been married quite a few years now and I have a daugh-
ter who is 10. We live in a small university town in central Sweden, and
in my daughter’s world the Internet, computers and mobile phones are
a fact of life. She makes no distinction between physical and digital, and
there is no such thing as virtual in her vocabulary. She has this game
for the PS3 called Little Big Planet, a cute little platform game we play
together. You can customize the way your character looks by dressing
it up to be either a sackboy or sackgirl, in any way your creativity sug-
gests. From ninja to cowboy to peacock to Jack Sparrow, you name it,
you do it. And you can share your costumes with a vast online commu-
nity, build levels and share these as well. These are her dolls. She dresses
them up as chefs and then builds a level with kitchen appliances, and
bakes videogame muffins. She is not scared of the possibilities.
My mum had the small world of the Oltretorrente as her universe,
personal and mostly incommunicable. Communication is helping my
daughter make the world her neighbourhood. She uses a webcam to
talk to friends who are thousands of kilometres away, and she plays on-
line with kids from the other side of the Earth. The perception of space
and place and the way she experiences “being there” is necessarily going
to be different from her dad’s, who, when her age, considered kids living
two blocks away as a different tribe. Her world is getting smaller physi-
cally, but it is increasing tenfold semantically. It is cyberspace, and it is
not the consensual hallucination in 3D Gibson envisioned in his early
novels, but a layer which is becoming tightly integrated into the world
around us. It is nothing like the TV I had when I was a kid, it is action-
able, it is a place my daughter and her peers will live a large part of their
lives in and they know it. It will always be there and they are not scared
of the possibilities.
Chapter 3 430
Andrea Resmini Hundred and Ten
I design those information spaces where people like my daughter are
going to live. I help shape the links, the connections, the semantics, and
ultimately the map people will travel on. And in cyberspace, as Andrew
Hinton is fond of saying, the map is the territory. That is why I call
myself an information architect; because, in all frankness, I see no radi-
cal departure from what I did when I used to design apartments and
buildings. My teachers designed the shops we visited for our weekly fix
of music. We bought LPs, and these required shelves. I design the shops
today’s teenagers visit for their fix of music. They download MP3s, so I
design the paths to these in cyberspace and ways to store and find them
in a place that has no necessity for shelves. My teachers designed the
offices that people would visit to gather information about their taxes,
their health or their civil duties. I design the way for people not to visit
them and still receive the information they need. My teachers designed
the houses, I help design our place in cyberspace: I am sure my daugh-
ter will appreciate it.
Chapter 3 431
Andrea Resmini Hundred and Ten
Chapter 3 432
Abhay Rautela
Senior Human Factors Engineer
New Delhi, India
Capability is Only
Half the Story
A Story
Once upon a time, there were two internet companies that had recently
introduced interaction design teams. Both of these companies managed
to hire talented interaction designers (IxD). While they did hire some
good IxDs, they were not following a User Centered Design (UCD)
Their process was basically as follows. The product team would come
up with the information architecture (IA) of a new product and the in-
teraction design team would come up with the user interface (UI) and
iron out creases from the flow given to them at a low level (micro IA).
Changes would be made to the product once it went live, based upon
studying how it was performing through reports from the Management
Information System (MIS) and web analytics.
Now this was not a very optimal method of doing things. It would often
be the case that after going live, the IA and UI would be modified. This
would have been perfectly acceptable except for the fact that these
modifications were to be made on high level structures—both in IA and
UI. This, of course, was not easy to do, since the entire web applica-
tion or website rested on these high level structures. All of this cost the
company dearly in terms of time and money, which was being spent on
issues that were never anticipated.
Chapter 3 434
Abhay Rautela Technical Capability is Only Half the Story
At this time, none of the companies were conducting any form of user
research or usability evaluations. The interaction design teams in both
companies were aware of this and around the same time, both teams,
frustrated with the state of affairs as they were, and for the good of
their respective companies, decided to try and introduce UCD tech-
niques into their organizations.
After a year had gone by, one team had managed to set up a small un-
official but recognized user research group which their company was
quite pleased with. Not only that, they had a pipeline of projects to keep
themselves busy for the coming months. On the other hand, the second
team was faring rather badly. Nobody wanted to let them conduct any
usability tests. A new product was in the making and they did not get
to conduct any user research for it either. Their plan to introduce UCD
techniques into the organization had pretty much failed and they were
beginning to give up because of the lack of results they had seen. They
were unimpressed by the response of the organization. Likewise the
folks in their organization were unimpressed by the result of this group
of interaction designers, who they thought would have saved time if
they had simply stuck to what they were assigned to do in the first
If both these teams were very talented and technically capable, what
exactly did one team do so right and the other so wrong? They both
had the same destination, but took different paths in order to achieve
Chapter 3 435
Abhay Rautela Technical Capability is Only Half the Story
it. The successful team put in extra effort, just as much as it did to tech-
nically implement its usability evaluations, to make sure that all their
stakeholders—business leads, technical leads, product bosses, program-
mers and marketing folks—were happy and upbeat about the entire
process, right from day one, whatever compromise it required. The
other team simply conducted usability tests and cold bloodedly revealed
its findings, which basically rather openly razed much of the work that
the other teams were doing.
When you are trying to introduce UCD techniques in your organization
and your goal is to ultimately integrate UCD into your organization’s
Product Development Life Cycle, then arming yourself with technical
capability is only half the story. The other half is your team’s ability to
effectively deal with soft issues and successfully engage with stakehold-
ers. With either part missing, you will not be able to go very far.
Chapter 3 436
Abhay Rautela Technical Capability is Only Half the Story
good thing for them. Nobody wants to look bad, especially when they
can avoid doing so.
In order to implement your technical skills, you need to get hold of op-
portunities to demonstrate value in the first place. Then, you need to
be appreciated for the work you are doing and get the right noises made
so stakeholders and other influential
people in your organization hear about In order to implement your
the value the product has derived out technical skills, you need to
of it. Going further, you need willing- get hold of opportunities to
ness from your stakeholders to take demonstrate value in the
a few pains themselves in order to
first place.
help you get further projects and set
the ball rolling. In order to do so, you will need to effectively deal with
soft issues all the way and successfully engage with your stakeholders.
Otherwise known as ‘soft skills’, I will refer to it as soft capability.
Who are your stakeholders? They are everyone and anyone who is af-
fected by your actions. This includes folks in product or project man-
agement, business, programming, analytics and marketing. That’s a lot
of people, and that’s just how much opposition you might face when
your user research actively crosses their paths. Folks from the product
team may already go with the marketing guys for conducting interviews
with users (they probably do focus groups too). The product guys al-
ready use sales and customer checkpoint data to keep a pulse on what
the user feels about the product and the programmers simply don’t
agree with the itsy bitsy changes you make to the interface and flow
to enhance the user experience as it increases their work load in an al-
ready tight plan.
You may think that soft skills are not unique to the situation I’m de-
scribing and that they are required in any sort of occupation across the
industry. That’s correct. But the difference here is ‘how important’ is it?
The difference is about ‘good to have’ versus ‘required’. Let’s say, if an
Chapter 3 437
Abhay Rautela Technical Capability is Only Half the Story
One of the first opportunities the folks who wanted to try and intro-
duce UCD techniques into their organization got was not on a com-
pany product but rather on their intranet. They had been assigned to
work together on the redesign of the often complained-about search
page, search results page and a new Collaborative Question Answering
(CQA) feature. The interaction designers managed to convince the Vice
President of Engineering, who headed the project, to give them the op-
portunity to conduct a series of usability tests on the new search that
was being developed. They were unable to get him to let them conduct
usability tests right from the beginning—from ideation into paper pro-
totyping and then low fidelity wireframes, since he thought their time
would be better utilized at this point devoting time to simply getting
the UI design off the ground, based on stakeholder and product inputs.
In any case, this would be a trial usability test and he could not afford to
assign any resources on experiments. However, he did agree to let them
conduct usability tests once they were ready with interactive prototypes
since they would have achieved something concrete by then. In addi-
Chapter 3 438
Abhay Rautela Technical Capability is Only Half the Story
tion, he also agreed to let them do the same in the next iteration for
CQA development as well.
The Vice President (VP) was quite pleased about the initiative taken by
the interaction designers. Steve Krug’s book, ‘Don’t make me think’ had
been lying on his work table for quite a while now and anybody who
entered his cabin was sure to catch a glimpse of it. He had read a bit of
it and it did make sense, though he would like to see results rather than
simply reading about how usability could improve a product on paper.
He enjoyed talking about how he was trying to bring ‘usability culture’
into the company and considered himself quite the usability evangelist.
All in all, the interaction designers could not have found a better person
to get an opportunity from because things were already slightly in their
favor, thanks to his positive outlook towards usability. Now all that was
required was to show him that this stuff really worked!
When the time came, they set about conducting their usability tests.
Their plan was an elaborate one. It was longer than the VP expected,
especially since he had asked them to simply send over a quick one
page plan by email with the dates of the test as well as a short high level
overview of what they would be doing, along with the test scenarios
and tasks. The plan they mailed over attached as a lengthy eight page
word document, had too much information in it according to the VP,
and he simply called one of the three interaction designers over to his
cabin and asked him to explain how they planned to proceed. The VP
wanted all eight test sessions to be done in a day and wanted to to see
the findings the very next day. The interaction designers however said
it would take them at least two days to conduct the usability tests and
then another two days to analyze the data after which they would have
the report ready with the findings he wanted. So the usability test was
not to wrap up in a maximum of two days as the VP would have liked
to have it, but would take around a week, something he was not too
pleased about.
Chapter 3 439
Abhay Rautela Technical Capability is Only Half the Story
In order to keep a pulse on what the tests were revealing, he had asked
the interaction designers to give him a summary of the test findings at
the end of each day. But they were not very keen to do so as they did
not want the findings to be known and spread by word of mouth before
they could present a report of findings to the intranet team once all the
tests were done. When the usability tests were over and they were ana-
lyzing session videos and making notes, the VP came by and enquired
about what direction were the results generally pointing out to, and
what the findings were, since by now they surely would have a fair idea
of it. Being the guy who was introducing usability tests into the orga-
nization, he wanted to have a look at the results before they were pre-
sented to everyone else so he could generally talk over lunch with his
colleagues about ‘how most of his assumptions were validated’ by the
test. It was his baby, after all. However, the interaction designers were
vague about it again; they really did not want everyone to know the
results before they presented the findings and recommendations, think-
ing it would dilute the whole effort.
Eventually the day arrived for presenting the findings. It was presented
to the VP and most of the leads from the programming and prod-
uct teams, in addition to a few other programmers and product folks
Chapter 3 440
Abhay Rautela Technical Capability is Only Half the Story
working on search. The presentation was well made and the recom-
mendations were convincingly put forth. All in all, there were reluctant
but agreeing nods to the findings. The report did not speak much about
what was working well in the search and SERP (search engine results
page), perhaps there were indeed not many positives. The report con-
centrated on the utter failure of the facetted search which was neither
noticed nor understood by most of the participants, the excessive un-
used elements that cluttered each search result listing and also how the
positioning of the search user interface failed to imply it was to be used
for both global and local section searches. The report also let the inter-
action designers vent their frustration because they had pointed out
the issues with facetted search and positioning of the search UI to the
product team and the VP at the time of paper prototyping, but they had
not paid much attention to it at the time. This point too was made clear
during the presentation quite a few times.
The report did not make the VP look good in any way. In fact it made
him look bad. And so was his experience interacting with the interac-
tion designers from the first day of planning for the usability test right
up to the end with the report. The findings criticized most of the proj-
ect at a structural level, constantly reinforcing the message that related
risks had been pointed out but nothing has been done about them.
What started out with a positive outlook towards usability had trans-
formed into a bad exercise for him.
The VP’s final take was that the project could be seen as a waste of time
since it took up a week and most of the findings they agreed upon were
Chapter 3 441
Abhay Rautela Technical Capability is Only Half the Story
very minor changes they could have done without. At this stage, the
plan could not accommodate structural changes and the VP, along with
other heads, dismissed the results and quickly agreed that the sample
size was too small. And this made it easy for them stuck to their gut
feeling that the facetted search would do just fine. The same was the
case for the search UI positioning in the page. The VP also managed
to get the product leadership’s consensus that the data was skewed
and was bent towards supporting the viewpoint of the interaction
That was pretty much the end of their UCD gig as long as they were on
this project under the VP. He spread the word about how difficult they
were to work with, how they were not being aligned with project goals
and that they could do with more professionalism. The VP also can-
celled his earlier agreed plan to let them perform usability tests in the
next iteration when they worked on CQA. With the VP spreading such
a negative influence, it was not going to be easy for them to get oppor-
tunities to conduct usability tests or user research on other projects in
the future either.
Who are the key keepers? Those who give you or your team the oppor-
tunity to implement UCD techniques, some form of usability evalua-
tion or user research on a product are the key keepers. Usually higher
up the organization chart and very influential, they hold the keys to
the kingdom—the kingdom where you can get to keep yourself busy
improving the user experience of products by incorporating UCD tech-
niques in not just a few, but all projects. While they hold the power to
give you a continual list of opportunities over time, they also hold the
power to close the gates and shut you down. In other words, they make
or break your group. Make sure you never make them look bad in any
way at the expense of trying to achieve perfection. Because ultimately,
if they decide to not like your work, it will not look good, however good
you may think it is or it actually be. Looking back at the story, there was
Chapter 3 442
Abhay Rautela Technical Capability is Only Half the Story
nothing really the interaction designers had actually done wrong, but
they could have made a few concessions for the VP. They could have
sent over a one page email plan as the VP had requested, they could
have allowed him to attend any usability test session he wanted and let
him ask questions in one of them before they requested him to hold
them till the end, and they could have provided him with a summary
of findings at the end of the day, just the way he wanted. When it came
to the report, cushioning in hard findings with a lot of good stuff to say
about the project, even if it was superficial, would have harmed nobody.
They should also have avoided venting their frustrations about how the
findings were in line with what they had pointed out as risks earlier.
If they had done this, it would have been much more likely that they
would not have been shut down. By capitalizing on the VP’s initial posi-
tive outlook, the same exercise would have come to a very fruitful end.
So if there is anyone you should use your soft skills on across your
range of stakeholders, the key keepers are the ones you should use it
with most, because their voice matters the most in terms of getting ap-
proval for the UCD activities you are trying so hard to introduce as a
better way of executing projects in your organization.
Chapter 3 443
Abhay Rautela Technical Capability is Only Half the Story
It was thus not surprising how much they wanted to introduce usability
testing which they would like to see happening throughout the soft-
ware development life cycle (SDLC) from beginning to the end. This
would help not only them but the entire project teams to deliver prod-
ucts faster and with less time and effort wasted.
A year down the line after a lot of talk, two interaction designers man-
aged to break through with their product head. He wanted to use their
help in understanding the major pain points their users faced while
using one of their portals for fabric manufacturers and traders. He also
wanted to know how best they could go about improving their portal in
relation to the pain points that were to be figured out.
The product head gave them a week to do all they wanted as long as
they did it on a zero budget. The interaction designers’ plan was to
first conduct telephone interviews to understand the most common
problems their users faced, after which they would follow it up with a
usability test to validate those concerns. But since they had just a week,
they decided to only conduct telephone interviews and present their
findings to the stakeholders. Taking into assumption that things would
go well and the stakeholders would be impressed with what they would
uncover, they would then ask for another week to conduct usability
Monday came and they presented their report to the project stakehold-
ers. Besides letting the stakeholders know what was working well and
Chapter 3 444
Abhay Rautela Technical Capability is Only Half the Story
The interaction designers’ hard work had gone waste and they did not
get any user research opportunities thereafter for almost another year.
In addition to other findings, their findings revealing clutter on the
website due to ads and paid listings were actually not revealing at all
Chapter 3 445
Abhay Rautela Technical Capability is Only Half the Story
to the stakeholders who had known all about it, but this is where user
goals and business goals clashed. Ads and paid listings were a substan-
tial portion of their revenue and the trial user research activity was not
going to change their business model.
More often than not, business goals and user goals differ. When trying
to introduce UCD into an organization, this is something you should
take note of. When you get an opportunity to conduct UCD activities,
you are trying to demonstrate value.
Begin by showing that you are aligned to business goals unless you
want to start off on the wrong foot. When you focus on findings that
are essentially user goals clashing with stakeholder goals, then you are
diluting the effort and impact of your activity.
So focus on and present findings that do not clash with business and
marketing goals in order to get maximum mileage from your effort. If it
is of any consolation, as your stakeholders begin to trust you more and
give you more UCD projects, you can then make your case down the
line, after establishing credibility with them and all the data collected
over multiple research activities, if you foresee an alternate business
model for increasing revenue.
Chapter 3 446
Abhay Rautela Technical Capability is Only Half the Story
Twitter: conetrees
LinkedIn: http://in.linkedin.com/in/abhayrautela
1. http://www.conetrees.com
2. http://www.theuxbookmark.com
3. http://www.uxquotes.com
4. http://uxbookclub.org/doku.php?id=new_delhi
5. http://www.slideshare.net/group/web-accessibility
6. http://soundforest.net
Chapter 3 447
Lennart Nacke
Human-Computer Interaction Lab,
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan, Canada
Broken Soft Drink
London, Heathrow. Like a blood cell being pumped from the heart’s
ventricles back into the outer arteries, I had left the exhilarating mass
reunion scenes at the arrival hall behind me. At the bus stop, the first
vehicle brakes with fizzling sound, I get in. A quick ride later, I was cut-
ting through a dark, early September night alone on my way to find
a place to sleep on Brunel University campus. What am I doing here,
again? Right, I will be speaking at a conference the next day on play-
ability and biometric player measurement, a topic I have been passion-
ate about during the past years of undertaking Ph.D. studies in Digital
Game Development.
Chapter 3 450
Lennart Nacke Broken Soft Drink Machines
Chapter 3 451
Lennart Nacke Broken Soft Drink Machines
Chapter 3 452
Lennart Nacke Broken Soft Drink Machines
Chapter 3 453
Lennart Nacke Broken Soft Drink Machines
that will make achieving the behavioral goal much easier for us and
provide us with real pleasure. Pleasure, for example, may be related to a
surprise that happens in user-product interaction. These surprise mo-
ments are usually playing with our expectations and provoke a sudden
shift in our attention. Games thrive on surprise moments and attention
shifts to engage users in interaction. A successful example of this is the
gameplay mechanic called quick time events, which has become popu-
lar in games like God of War (Sony, 2005) and Resident Evil 4 (Capcom,
2005). These games feature moments, where players are interrupted
during a cinematic sequence and prompted to press a combination of
buttons or execute a certain move to steer the game’s narrative in a
certain direction or simply to avoid losing the game. Creating an inter-
esting attention shift or surprise moment may actually be quite hard to
design as balancing attention to progress in a game puts a player under
cognitive stress. Finding the right balance of such stressful cognitive
processing moments and more relaxing recall of learned interactions
with a virtual environment is one of the things that makes games fun.
Chapter 3 454
Lennart Nacke Broken Soft Drink Machines
For a little while, we stroll around the campus and come to discuss the
ideas of self-motivated activities. We both seem to agree on the fact
that one of the most powerful aspects of digital games is that they en-
gage you for a longer period of time. Successful games either challenge
you to solve a complex puzzle and keep you cognitively engaged by giv-
ing you only as much hints as you may need or they present adrenaline-
pumping visuals and audio that appeal to you on a visceral level. Thus,
whether a game is successful or not is largely dependent on its visual
and auditory aesthetics as well as its gameplay dynamics. Prior research
suggests that products that have high aesthetic value or attractiveness
are also perceived as being more usable than products with a low aes-
Chapter 3 455
Lennart Nacke Broken Soft Drink Machines
In a way, another driving factor of digital gaming is the quest for infor-
mation and applying the knowledge that one has to acquire such infor-
mation to proceed further. Somehow, the situation we were in now was
similar to this as both of us had only limited information on where to
get a drink at night on a holiday in England, but we were determined to
extend our limited information space by exploring the environment. As
darkness crawled along on the sides of the campus pathways, we were
considering the options given our prior successful quests for drinks. At
this time of day, we thought it was possible to find liquid refreshments
at either:
Chapter 3 456
Lennart Nacke Broken Soft Drink Machines
The list shows how limited our information space was, given that we
were thirsty and only making assumptions about our unknown envi-
ronment. Like headless chicken, we were really confused and wanted to
find a soft drink machine and go back to the dorms when we encoun-
tered security guards at the campus information center. Finally, a place
brightly illuminated and hopefully the end of our quest for a drink.
Strolling Around
We quickly reported our problem and the guards told us the location
(not far away) of a building with a soft drink machine inside, we de-
cided to go and try that one out. If it was out of stock as well, we should
return and find a solution together. The lady speaking to us was really
nice and I always enjoy listening to a clean English accent. Should not
be more than a five-minute walk for us. Or so we thought.
Chapter 3 457
Lennart Nacke Broken Soft Drink Machines
Chapter 3 458
Lennart Nacke Broken Soft Drink Machines
ing way that gives them hope and to have real psychological impact on
the success of their treatment.
14. Norman, D. A. Emotional Design. Basic Books, New York, NY, 2004.
15. Nacke, L. Affective Ludology: Scientific Measurement of User
Experience in Interactive Entertainment. Ph.D. Thesis, Blekinge
Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, 2009.
Chapter 3 459
Lennart Nacke Broken Soft Drink Machines
16. Damasio, A. R. Descartes’ Error. G.P. Putnam, New York, NY, 1994.
17. LeDoux, J. The Emotional Brain. Orion Publishing Group, London,
UK, 1998.
Chapter 3 460
Lennart Nacke Broken Soft Drink Machines
Crackle! Rattle! Clink! The coin was back, but the drinks remained in-
side. This cannot be! Joerg tried with a few of his coins. Nothing. We
rubbed, polished and grinded our coins using potentially all furniture
available in the hallway. Superstition did not help, still no joy. Mad
laughter prevailed. Dammit! We went back to the guards’ place and
reported our peculiar story. The helpful lady called in the troops and
in no time, we were back on our way to the building with the machine.
The two lads accompanying us could not believe this. Back in the hall-
way, four people were now jumping around, fiddling, grinding coins, all
trying to get the machine to give us what we wanted. Frustration set in.
Too much challenge and no reward.
Our two newly-won friends declared that these machines were new and
we were likely to be successful here. A final crackling and the machine
started to rumble and spit out a soft drink. Quickly we deposited all
Chapter 3 461
Lennart Nacke Broken Soft Drink Machines
our coins into the machine and packed some bottles for the night. After
thanking the guards for their assistance, we went on our way home
and discussed this little adventure and how difficult it can be to achieve
what you want. Sometimes life itself is like a great game designer, put-
ting obstacles in your way so that you have to come up with creative
solutions. Thus, designing a game can be as creative as playing one and
the boundaries between playing and designing tend to blur the more
the power is given to the player. Nevertheless, we were certain not to
forget our campus quest for a drink, as the experience had settled deep
in our brains through the affective experience that accompanied it.
Chapter 3 462
Lennart Nacke Broken Soft Drink Machines
Web: www.acagamic.com/lennart-nacke
Twitter: acagamic
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nacke
Chapter 3 463
Robert Skrobe
Director of Professional Development, UPA
Las Colinas, USA
The Limitations of
Good Intentions
Come with me on a journey, as we walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.
You are highly strategic, thinking about the bigger picture while con-
centrating on the details. You have won awards, and have spoken at a
few conferences. You feel pretty confident about what you do, and find
your work rewarding.
The agency’s offices are spread out over several expansive floors of a
refurbished downtown building. Open spaces are the norm, with meet-
ing rooms scattered throughout the far corners of the floor for privacy.
Vaulted ceilings and other remnants of the buildings’ history have been
preserved, giving an authentic flavour to the inside décor. Outside,
the daily ringing of light rail trains at a nearby intersection echo softly
throughout the work day.
Chapter 3 466
Robert Skrobe The Limitations of Good Intentions
Early that morning, several members of your project team pay you a
visit, paperwork in hand. It is an impromptu meeting in the open for
casual group discussion. After a few pleasantries, everyone gets down to
The team is currently reviewing and examining your most recent deliv-
erables for a high-profile project, which include use cases, wireframes,
sitemaps and interaction models. They ask several questions, attempt-
ing to understand your rationale on certain design decisions you’ve
made in your work. Particular details are cross-examined and clari-
fied. They want to align your deliverables with the projects’ goals and
Let’s make it interesting and put a few dynamics into the mix.
Imagine that most of them have problems understanding what you do.
They are amazed at your ability to turn around work in a short time-
frame, and appreciate the quality of the deliverables. Still, there is a fun-
damental disconnect, and you have not been able to figure it out.
Some of them do not understand what value you provide. They are
not sure how you should be utilized. You communicate your work ef-
fectively most of the time, but the underlying concepts are largely over
their head. Abstractions just do not translate, and the work you do only
seems appropriate for certain situations.
Chapter 3 467
Robert Skrobe The Limitations of Good Intentions
Chapter 3 468
Robert Skrobe The Limitations of Good Intentions
This cycle repeats itself more or less throughout the week. The chal-
lenge inherent with the work keeps you on your toes. But, your work
environment makes you a little nervous, and periodically fills you with
doubt. You wonder about your job security from time to time.
You are hopeful that things will change for the better, as small victo-
ries bring opportunities to improve your situation and showcase your
Your role is reduced to where only a quarter of your abilities are em-
ployed, leaving the larger discussions about strategy and user experi-
ence to those who directly manage client relationships. Opportunities
for direct contact with your clients are minimal. Your strengths with
business strategy and user experience are rarely utilized. You seem to
produce nothing but supplemental documentation.
Chapter 3 469
Robert Skrobe The Limitations of Good Intentions
This story, with some contextual variation, is one I have heard most
often from senior user experience practitioners in a number of compa-
nies I have had the pleasure of working for over the years.
I wish I could tell a more uplifting and motivational story. I wish that
my own body of experience could speak to
„The reality is that user
recognition and promotion, networking
with other practitioners, getting ahead and
experience is, and will
finding inspiration and satisfaction from remain, a tough sell.“
the craft. The reality is that user experience is, and will remain, a tough
It certainly does not mean that there are not triumphant stories of
companies, teams and individuals currently showing the value of UX.
Chapter 3 470
Robert Skrobe The Limitations of Good Intentions
do better work, bridge gaps and ultimately create better design and so-
lutions for everyone concerned.
Chapter 3 471
Robert Skrobe The Limitations of Good Intentions
Web: www.robertskrobe.com
Twitter: robert_skrobe
Facebook: www.facebook.com/robert.skrobe
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/robert-skrobe/1/90/862
Chapter 3 472
David Travis
Managing Director of Userfocus
London, UK
The Fable of the
Many years ago, I read a book by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer
Johnson called The One Minute Manager. The book is an allegory about
good versus bad management. It describes the journey of a young man
who wants to learn how to become an effective manager.
Sitting at home one day, I found myself musing on what Blanchard and
Johnson would have to say about user-centred design. Like manage-
ment, user-centred design is ostensibly simple, yet when it comes to
great user experiences many people do it incorrectly. And as with man-
agement, there are some simple but powerful rules.
This fable is the result of my thinking. I’ve retained the narrative struc-
ture of The One Minute Manager and if you know the book there are
some other similarities you’ll discover. But above all, it’s a simple de-
scription of the secrets of user-centred design. I hope you will enjoy it,
apply it and pass it on.
The Search
Once there was a bright young man who was looking for an effective
designer. He wasn’t looking for just any designer. He wanted to find a
designer who could design complex technology that was easy to use.
Chapter 3 474
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
Over the years his search had taken him to the far corners of the world.
He had spoken with many designers: with graphic designers and prod-
uct designers, with software architects and information architects, with
interaction designers and visual designers, with business analysts and
computer programmers, with men and women—young and old.
He was beginning to see the full spectrum of how people design tech-
nology. But he wasn’t always pleased with what he saw. He had seen
many designers whose products—software and web sites—were de-
scribed as attractive. Some of their clients thought they were good
designers. Many of the people who tried to use their designs thought
“My designs are visually striking. I design interfaces that people find
attractive.” He heard the pride in their voices and their interest in
The man also met designers whose products were described as state-of-
the-art. Some of their clients thought they were good designers. Many
of the people who tried to use their designs thought otherwise.
Chapter 3 475
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
As the man sat and listened to these designers answering the same
question, he heard: “My designs use the latest technology. I design in-
terfaces that people think are cool.”
The young man had looked everywhere for an effective designer, but
had found only a few. The few he did find would not share their secrets
with him. He began to think he would never find out what made an ef-
fective designer.
Chapter 3 476
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
The young man said nervously, “I’d like to ask you some questions
about how you design technology.”
“I’m glad to share my design insights with you,” the designer said. “I will
only make one request of you.”
The young man had been expecting this. During his search, he had vis-
ited many designers who wanted to keep their ideas secret.
“I’ll be delighted to!” exclaimed the young man. This designer certainly
seemed a bit of a character.
“In that case,” said the designer, sitting back in his chair, “fire away.”
The young man took out the Moleskine notebook he carried with him
and looked at his notes. Tentatively, he asked, “When you design an in-
terface, do you focus on the way it looks?”
Chapter 3 477
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
“Certainly not,” corrected the designer. “Visual design is just one part of
the user experience with technology.”
The young man looked at his notebook. “So,” he said, “do your designs
use the latest technological innovations?”
The young man closed his notebook. “In that case, I’m confused,” he
said. “What kind of designer are you?”
The young man’s face showed surprise. He had never heard of a User-
Centred Designer. “You’re a what?”
“If you really want to find out, you shouldn’t ask me,” observed the de-
signer. “You should ask my clients.”
Chapter 3 478
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
done for them and they are all available to meet with you today. Why
not give each one a call?”
The young man left the building and walked out into the winter chill. A
weak sun was beginning to burn off the fog. As he pulled his coat closer,
he felt slightly bewildered and a little uncomfortable. He had expected
to leave the User-Centred Designer’s office with a manual, or a text-
book, or something else to read. He didn’t expect to have to talk with
The young man looked at the first name on his list: Jane Sampson. He
gave her a call.
A slender woman with auburn hair soon arrived at reception. She held
out her hand in greeting. “I’m Jane,” she said warmly, as she shook the
young man’s hand. “So you’ve been to see the special designer. He’s
quite a character, isn’t he?”
“Yes,” said the young man. “But he didn’t tell me much more. He sug-
gested I see you and two of his other clients.”
Chapter 3 479
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
Jane opened the door to a meeting room and invited the young man to
take a seat. “Well, that’s certainly the way he thinks,” said Jane. “When
he worked on our software redesign it got me puzzled at first.”
The young man asked, “Is that because he didn’t talk about visual de-
sign or the latest technology?”
As Jane spoke, the young man took out his Moleskine and uncapped his
pen. Jane continued, “Some people on our design team thought that
one or two people in a company would use our software frequently, so
they wanted a design that supported expert use. Other people thought
that our product would be used by several people less frequently, so
they wanted a design to support novices.”
“Because the software was trying to do both things at once, and failing
badly. It wasn’t suiting anyone’s needs.”
“His first step was to identify the users of our system and what they
wanted to do with it,” replied Jane. “He watched people in offices to
see how they managed a company’s finances and interviewed some of
Chapter 3 480
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
“He helped us realise that we have very different groups of users with
very different needs. We had been designing our software for an ‘aver-
age’ user that didn’t exist.”
“So now you know who you are designing for and what people want to
do with it?” concluded the young man.
The young man nodded thoughtfully. “It sounds like you develop perso-
nas,” he said. “I’ve come across those before.”
“So had we,” returned Jane. “But the User-Centred Designer’s approach
was different. He made us base our personas on research findings—not
on the assumptions we had about customers. Nowadays, we have a say-
ing around here: ‘Supposing is good, but finding out is better’.”
The young man liked the saying. He wrote it in his notebook. “What did
the User-Centred Designer do next?” asked the young man.
The young man leaned forward. “What goals are these?” he asked with
rising interest.
Chapter 3 481
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
“First,” said Jane, “we begin to understand what motivates our custom-
ers, so we can create personas. Secondly, we understand the environ-
ment in which people use our products, such as the company culture.
And thirdly, we develop red routes.”
“You must have seen roads with yellow lines painted on them?” asked
“Of course,” said the young man. “It means you can’t park on those
“Well, in some cities they put red lines on certain routes,” continued
Jane. “By keeping these roads free of obstacles like parked cars, journeys
on these routes are completed smoothly and quickly. Motorists aren’t
allowed to stop on a red route, even for a minute. Make the mistake of
stopping your car on a red route to buy your daily paper and traffic war-
dens converge on you from nowhere!”
“How do red routes apply to your software?” asked the young man, who
was still a bit confused.
“Software has red routes too,” explained Jane. “These are the critical
tasks that people want to carry out—tasks that need to be completed as
smoothly and quickly as possible.”
The young man thought for a second and said, “So red routes are criti-
cal user journeys with a product?”
Chapter 3 482
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
“But there must be dozens of things you can do with your software. Are
they all red routes?”
“No,” corrected Jane, “Some tasks are much more important than oth-
ers. That’s where the red route idea helps us. By focusing on the red
routes, we can make sure that less important functions don’t clutter the
interface. Those functions are still there, but to use them people may
need to go to a dialog box or another part of the interface.”
The young man paused for a moment and then said, “I can see how
focusing on red routes makes some tasks easier. But won’t this make
other tasks harder to complete, because you’ve relegated some func-
tions to dialogue boxes?”
“Yes it will,” said Jane. “But good design is about making decisions and
trade-offs. It’s impossible to make every task easy. You need to prioritise
what’s important. That’s why we need to do research with our custom-
ers: to make sure we’re focusing on the right goals.”
The young man looked at his notes. He said, “So your site visits to cus-
tomers help you understand who you are designing for, what people
want to do with the software and the environment in which the soft-
ware will be used.”
“You’re a quick learner,” said Jane. “That’s the first of three secrets of us-
er-centred design. Here, take a look at this poster.” Jane gestured to the
wall behind the young man. He had not noticed this poster until now.
The poster showed a mosaic of people’s faces: there were hundreds of
faces in the poster. In bold lettering at the bottom of the poster he read:
The First Secret of User-Centred Design: Early and Continual Focus on Us-
ers and their Tasks.
Chapter 3 483
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
“Thank you,” said the young man. “Let me jot that down, I want to re-
member that.” Jane watched the young man write in his notebook. She
saw him pause, and frown. He leaned forward and asked, “Doesn’t this
take a lot of time?”
“So that must mean your projects take a lot longer these days.”
The young man had another question. “If ‘early and continual focus on
users and their tasks’ is the first secret, what are the other two?” Jane
smiled and looked at her watch. “I think it’s time for you to visit the
next person on your list,” she said.
Chapter 3 484
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
effective designer if you don’t know who you’re designing for or what
people want to do with the product you’re creating?”
The young man wondered about the two other secrets he still had to
learn. He was excited, and he soon left the café for his next engagement
with Peter Levy.
“And he’s sent you out to speak to people like me to find out about
user-centred design,” said Peter, smiling. “That sounds just like him—a
very user-centred approach.” He showed the young man into a meeting
“Yes, I already know about focusing on users and their tasks,” agreed the
young man, removing his coat. “What do you do next?”
“You need to make sure that your designs work the way people expect.”
“That must be easy,” said the young man enthusiastically. “Don’t you
just ask people what they think?” Peter didn’t answer the question but
took a mobile phone from his pocket. He handed it to the young man.
“What do you think of this handset?” he asked.
Chapter 3 485
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
The young man turned it over in his hands. “Well, it looks OK to me,”
he said. “Did the User-Centred Designer help you design this? It’s nice
and small, and I like the rounded edges.”
“Now try typing in your telephone number,” said Peter. The young man
began to type and quickly made a mistake. “The buttons are a bit close
together,” he said. “I keep pressing two buttons at once.”
“That’s the point,” said Peter. “You need to be wary of people’s initial
opinions. If you want to find out what the problems are with your
product, you need to get people to use it. We’ve had thousands of these
handsets returned by customers as ‘fault not found’.”
“What does ‘fault not found’ mean?” asked the young man.
Peter sighed. “It’s when the customer reports the handset as broken
but in fact there’s nothing wrong. It’s really because the customer has
problems using it. And it’s not just the buttons on this thing—it’s the
software too.”
The young man placed the mobile phone on the table. “That handset
must have cost you a lot of money.”
“It did,” said Peter. That’s why we called in the User-Centred Designer
to help fix it.” The young man took out his Moleskine notebook and
said, “So what did he do?”
“He set up a usability test. He asked our customers to use the phone
and we watched them as they worked. We noticed where they got stuck
and experienced problems,” said Peter.
“And did your customers tell you what to change?” asked the young
Chapter 3 486
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
“With products like ours, people don’t always know what’s achievable,
so they don’t know what to ask for. There’s a saying from Henry Ford
that I like to quote: ‘If I had asked my customers what they wanted,
they would have asked for a faster horse’.”
The young man smiled and wrote the quotation in his notebook. “So
how do you get feedback on the good and bad parts of your design?” he
“We ask people to carry out specific tasks with our designs. Have you
heard of red routes?” inquired Peter.
“Yes, I’ve heard of red routes. They are the critical tasks that people
want to complete with a product.”
“That’s right,” said Peter. “We hand people our product and ask them to
carry out those tasks. People think aloud as they work so we know what
parts of the interface are confusing them.”
“Yes,” replied Peter. “But that’s not all. In our tests, we also measure the
usability of the product.”
The young man stopped taking notes for a second and looked up at
Peter. “You measure usability?” he asked, surprised. “How do you do
The young man thought and then said, “Because if the design is easy to
use, more people can achieve their goals.”
Chapter 3 487
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
“Because if the design is easy to use, people will be able to achieve their
goals quickly,” pointed out the young man.
“Because there’s no point having a design that people can use effectively
and efficiently if they don’t like it,” said the young man.
“You’re a quick learner,” said Peter. “Now you know the second secret of
the User-Centred Designer.” As he spoke, he pointed to a poster on the
wall. The poster showed a woman looking at a computer screen. She
was watching a video of a usability test and taking notes. In bold letter-
ing at the bottom of the poster, the young man read:
“Let me write that down,” said the young man. After he finished taking
notes, the young man paused. Something was clearly bothering him.
“After you have run your tests, you obviously find problems with your
product?” asked the young man.
“And after you fix the problems, you need to test the system again?”
asked the young man.
Chapter 3 488
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
“I think you’re ready to find out about the third secret of the User-
Centred Designer,” said Peter.
His third appointment was with Sofie Brown at a web design company.
A very smartly dressed woman in her 30s met him in the reception.
“I’m Sofie,” she said with a smile. “So the special designer sent you over.
Sofie took the young man into a meeting room and gestured to him to
sit down. The young man said, “I’ve just been hearing about usability
testing. It seems to make a lot of sense but I’m worried that it will be
too time consuming.”
“Why do you think that?” asked Sofie, sitting back in her chair.
“Because when you fix one problem, you need to re-test the system,”
replied the young man.
“You’re absolutely right,” agreed Sofie. “That’s why we put off writing
code for our web site for as long as possible.”
Chapter 3 489
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
“But how can you test a web site if you don’t code it?” asked the young
“We show users a paper interface and then ask them to complete tasks
with it. Users press buttons”—Sofie made a quotation mark gesture
around the word ‘buttons’ with her index fingers—“and choose options
as if it’s a real system.”
“So you run usability tests on paper prototypes!” exclaimed the young
“Exactly,” agreed Sofie. “We test again and again. The User-Centred
Designer taught me that the secret of good design is to sketch out lots
of different designs and test them. Then you take the best from each
one and create a new set of designs.”
“You’re a quick learner,” said Sofie. “In fact, you might be interested in a
saying we have around here. ‘You can’t get the design right until you’ve
got the right design’. This reminds me that the first step in design is to
generate lots of different ideas. You then pick the best elements of each
design by running usability tests. This is what is meant by ‘getting the
right design.’ The next step is to refine the design: to ‘get the design
Chapter 3 490
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
Sofie said, “Paper prototyping helps us ensure we get the correct infor-
mation architecture—so that people can navigate the site and under-
stand the terminology. Then we move to electronic prototypes, which
look a lot more realistic but are still simulations. This helps us get the
correct visual design of web pages.”
“And you use electronic prototypes to ‘get the design right,’” said the
young man.
“That’s right,” said Sofie. “You’ve just discovered the third secret of the
User-Centred Designer.”
The young man smiled and searched the walls for a poster. “I don’t sup-
pose you have this written down anywhere, do you?” he asked.
“As it happens,” said Sofie, “I do.” She stood up and invited the young
man to follow her. In the corridor outside the room was a poster on the
wall. It showed a number of arrows arranged in a circle. At the top of
the poster were the following words:
“Let me write that down,” said the young man, turning the page of his
Moleskine. As the young man glanced over the notes he had made, a
thought occurred to him. “Can I ask you a question?” he asked.
“As I look over these three secrets of user-centred design, they seem
very sensible.”
“So why do so few companies design this way?” asked the young man.
Chapter 3 491
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
Sofie smiled. “I’ll let you ask the User-Centred Designer that question,”
she said.
The young man walked back towards the User Centred Designer’s
office. “Iterative design certainly seems a very simple and powerful
method,” he thought to himself. “After all, how can you be an effective
designer if you just come up with one or two designs?”
When the young man arrived at the designer’s office, he found him in
conversation with a colleague.
The designer saw the young man and finished his conversation. He
walked over and shook the young man’s hand. “What did you find out
on your travels?” asked the designer.
“A lot!” said the young man enthusiastically, shaking off his coat.
“Tell me what you learned,” said the designer, as they walked to a meet-
ing room.
Chapter 3 492
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
and interview them. You then use the data you have collected to create
personas and red routes and you share these with the design team.”
“So what do you think about all that?” asked the designer.
“I’m amazed at how simple it is,” said the young man. “And I’m sur-
prised that many companies don’t do it.”
“You mean they just make it up?” asked the young man.
“I’m not sure they think of it that way,” said the designer. “They prob-
ably think they know their users because someone on the design team
used to work with customers in the past. That’s a start, but it isn’t
research. The data will be biased by the perceptions of one or two
The young man said, “So companies don’t do the research because
people in the organisation simply assume that they know what’s best
for customers?”
“And so companies don’t get to understand users and their tasks,” said
the young man.
Chapter 3 493
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
“That’s correct. And even when a company does carry out research, they
often don’t do it early enough or they do it only at the beginning or end
of a project.”
“Precisely,” said the designer, with a nod of his head. “So what else did
you learn?”
The young man turned a page of his notebook. “I learnt that the second
secret to being a user-centred designer is empirical measurement of
user behaviour. Why don’t more companies do this?”
“That’s why you need to carry out usability tests,” said the young man.
“And it’s also why you need to measure usability,” added the designer.
“By taking measurements of your product’s usability, you know if you
are improving or falling behind compared with earlier designs or com-
pared with the competition. You can set key performance indicators for
usability and see how the design stacks up.”
“So the problem is that few companies run usability tests and even
fewer collect usability metrics,” said the young man.
“That’s right,” said the designer. “What else did you discover?”
Chapter 3 494
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
The young man flipped through his notebook. “I learnt that the third
secret to being a user-centred designer is to design iteratively. That
means creating lots of paper and electronic prototypes, testing them
out and then changing the design based on feedback.”
“So there’s a distinct design phase before any code is written,” added the
designer. “How does that sound to you?”
“It sounds sensible, but don’t most design teams already create two or
three versions of an interface?”
“It’s true that design teams will come up with multiple designs for a sys-
tem. But then the decision on which one to develop tends to be swayed
by the HIPPO.”
The designer smiled. “The Highest Paid Person’s Opinion,” said the
The young man burst out laughing. “So the designs aren’t tested with
“But if every iteration is tested with users, companies won’t meet their
deadlines,” said the young man.
“You don’t need to get user feedback on every iteration. It’s about risk
management: you involve users whenever important design decisions
are going to be made. There are other techniques you can use alongside
usability testing, such as an expert review. But these will never entirely
take the place of usability testing.”
Chapter 3 495
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
“What I hear you saying is that it’s a valuable technique but it’s never a
replacement for user testing,” said the young man.
The designer looked at the young man and said, “I’m impressed with
you, young man. You’re a quick learner.” The designer paused, and then
said: “How would you like to work here?”
The young man put down his notebook and caught his breath. This
was, of course, what he had been hoping for all along.
“I’d love to work here,” he gasped. And so he did—for some time. The
time the special designer had invested in him paid off. Because eventu-
ally, the inevitable happened. He too became a User-Centred Designer.
When he started a new design project, he made sure that the design
team had an early and continual focus on users and their tasks. He
made sure that the design team carried out empirical measurements
of user behaviour. And he made sure that the design team designed
Chapter 3 496
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
And soon he found himself talking to a bright young person. “I’m glad
to share my design approach with you”, the new User-Centred Designer
said, as he showed the visitor to a seat. “I will only make one request of
Chapter 3 497
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
Adapted from Travis, D.S. (2002). e-Commerce Usability: Tools and Techniques to Perfect the
On-line Experience. London: Taylor & Francis.
Chapter 3 498
David Travis The Fable of the User-Centred Designer
Chapter 3 499
Umyot Boonmarlart
Designer and New Media Artist, frog design
Austin, USA
Chapter 3 502
Umyot Boonmarlart Anything Can Be Interactive Media
Being a designer is about picking, mixing, and using design ingredients
to construct design works. This is no different for Interactive Designers
or Experience Designers. At a higher
level, elements of interactive experi- At a higher level, elements of
ences can boil down to three things interactive experiences can
that go hand in hand: story, media, boil down to three things that
and context. go hand in hand: story, me-
dia, and context.
Story is what you try to communi-
cate. It’s essentially what experience design is all about: communica-
tion. The message can be anything from branding, a narrative story,
Chapter 3 503
Umyot Boonmarlart Anything Can Be Interactive Media
Image credits: Client: Y+ Yoga Center, Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Shanghai, China
Chapter 3 504
Umyot Boonmarlart Anything Can Be Interactive Media
the mouthpiece end and the rest of the straw, thus every time the user
bends a Yoga Center straw to drink, the yoga instructor changes her
position between the Back Bend and Downward Facing Dog positions.
This advertising campaign takes ad-
vantage of a flexible object to animate Keep in mind that to tell a
a still image and turnss a mere straw single story, you can use
into an interactive medium. Each me- more than a single medium.
dium has its own characteristics and
parameters. Look into them carefully and make sure every element of
the medium serves your storytelling. Keep in mind that to tell a single
story, you can use more than a single medium.
Lastly, one must consider the context of the story. Design in the 21st
century has reached a point at which we realize that an object has more
than one function, and on top of that, more than one meaning, de-
pending on the context. Take, for example, the iPhone. If you use it for
voice calls, the iPhone is just a phone. However, when you launch other
apps on the device, its function and meaning change. An iPhone can be
a GPS navigation tool, a music player, a social device, a camera, an or-
ganizer, etc. Designers today need to understand this dynamic context
and utilize it wisely.
BBC World’s Now In America campaign was an interactive billboard
installed in New York City in 2007, by BBDO, New York. The goal of the
campaign was to try to break into the US news market. The story is the
BBC branding itself as an honest source for world news that offers un-
biased reporting. This interactive billboard series, in the heart of New
Chapter 3 505
Umyot Boonmarlart Anything Can Be Interactive Media
Image credits: Client: BBC World, USA; Advertising Agency: BBDO New York, USA; Chief
Creative Officers: David Lubars, Bill Bruce; Executive Creative Director: Eric Silver; Creative Di-
rectors: Jerome Marucci, Ari Weiss; Copywriters: Adam Kanzer, Ari Weiss; Art Directors: Jamie
Overkamp, Jerome Marucci
Chapter 3 506
Umyot Boonmarlart Anything Can Be Interactive Media
Image credits: Client: Fifty Fifty Magazine; Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG Duesseldorf,
Germany; Creative Directors: Florian Meimberg, Torsten Pollmann, Felix Glauner; Art Direc-
tor: Jean-Pierre Gregor; Copywriter: Till Koester; Production Company: CONGAZ Visual Media
Chapter 3 507
Umyot Boonmarlart Anything Can Be Interactive Media
Image credits: Client: Shiner Bock; Advertising Agency: McGarrah Jessee, Austin, USA; Creative
Directors: James Mikus, Cameron Day; Art Director: Beau Hanson; Writer: Tannen Campbell
Chapter 3 508
Umyot Boonmarlart Anything Can Be Interactive Media
Scott, the leading character, also mentions the video directly, “Have you
seen this? It’s on YouTube.” With the new experience design, not only
are the boundaries between media fading, but fiction and non-fiction
worlds are also moving closer together.
It might be easier to demonstrate how to create an interactive com-
munication campaign by picking a potential project and analyzing
how to push the design further. Here is an example: Cleo magazine,
an Australian based magazine in Asia targeted at women, promoted its
annual Bachelor of the Year party by tying Ken dolls to balloons and re-
leasing them into the sky over Sydney. Once the helium gas in the bal-
loons had escaped, the Ken dolls fell from the sky. The message written
on the balloon was: “It’s raining men. Vote for your Bachelor of the Year
at Cleo magazine.” The campaign was received very well by readers and
the media alike. That’s as far as the real story goes.
However, I believe that this campaign had a lot of potential and that
experience design would push the campaign up a notch. Let’s try to en-
hance this campaign in a thought experiment. Imagine that each Ken
doll, in addition to the original message, has one of fifty unique phone
numbers, corresponding to fifty Bachelor of the Year contestants. A
woman who finds a doll can call the number and listen to a recording
of the bachelor’s voice asking her to vote for him: “Hi, I’m Umy, bach-
elor number 13. I am a very good-looking designer. Please vote for me at
www.cleomagazine.com so we can have a chance to date.”
After that, the user or the reader can go to the website to look at the
contestants’ profiles and decide to vote for the men they like. Users also
can upload their pictures and profiles to enter a competition to win a
date with the contestants they feel for. Once the winners get to go out
on a date with the contestants, we can feature their dating experience
in the magazine. They will also be asked to blog about the dating expe-
rience with the bachelors they voted for.
Chapter 3 509
Umyot Boonmarlart Anything Can Be Interactive Media
There is no obvious formula for designing a good interactive experi-
ence, but there are some basic principles for designers to keep in mind.
First of all, experience design is about people. Not only do you want to
engage a target audience, but also the people around them, the media
that might help you project your message, and your competitors who
are observing your actions.
Chapter 3 510
Umyot Boonmarlart Anything Can Be Interactive Media
And lastly, our lives today are spent both online and offline, and the
boundary between them has almost disappeared. The other day, I had
this conversation with a colleague whom I hadn’t met in person in
weeks. If someone had overheard us, they wouldn’t have understood us.
Umy: “Cool. I’m glad you did that since you decided to get rid of all the
N.: “Yeah, and thanks for the link as well. It came in very handy.”
N’s Facebook status: “Re-ripping all the CDs into mp3 (256kbps)”
Chapter 3 511
Umyot Boonmarlart Anything Can Be Interactive Media
Umy’s comment: “Yes, it does. You just need to rip your CDs in Apple
Lossless instead of Flac. Here is the link to the Audio Decoder I use.”2
Our real world and online lifestyle have merged, triggering endless
possibilities for communicating through design. The boundaries of
experience design are not defined by media, but only by the designer’s
Chapter 3 512
Umyot Boonmarlart Anything Can Be Interactive Media
Umy’s interactive work not only has the quality of newness but also
embed Eastern philosophy to make them meaningful.
Web: www.umyot.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/umyot
Twitter: umyot
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/umyotb
Chapter 3 513
Colleen Jones
Principal of Content Science
Atlanta, USA
A Woman in UX:
I’ve Come a Long
Way, Baby
“You don’t have the ‘presence’ that we’re looking for,” said an employer I
wanted to please.
When I asked why, the employer could not explain. Did I need to wear
suits? No. Was I acting unprofessionally? No. Finally, the employer
pointed out to me some examples which happened to be masculine. To
this day I believe the desired presence was a tall, dynamic male with a
deep voice, the classic CEO presence, as Blink points out1. Being a short
female with a squeaky voice, I clearly did not have that appearance.
As a woman in UX, I have found dealing with these snubs while advo-
cating for user experience a challenge. I’d like to share some specific
situations from my more than 13 years as a UX professional in the
southeastern United States and how I overcame them.
Chapter 3 516
Colleen Jones A Woman in UX: I’ve Come a Long Way, Baby
“Macho doesn’t prove mucho.” (Zsa Zsa Gabor)
Chapter 3 517
Colleen Jones A Woman in UX: I’ve Come a Long Way, Baby
How to Deal
I’ve found these techniques handy:
Chapter 3 518
Colleen Jones A Woman in UX: I’ve Come a Long Way, Baby
Chapter 3 519
Colleen Jones A Woman in UX: I’ve Come a Long Way, Baby
How to Deal
1. Do your research before working with her.
In my experience, Ms. Way Back undercuts most women with
whom she works, but it might not be obvious. So, a little research
can go a long way toward uncovering whether a prospective col-
league or boss is a Ms. Way Back. If so, then you need to decide
whether the benefits you might get out of the work or position
outweigh the costs. One time, I unknowingly took a position with
such a boss and it caused me many months of profound frustra-
tion. Don’t make the same mistake.
Chapter 3 520
Colleen Jones A Woman in UX: I’ve Come a Long Way, Baby
“You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.” (Oprah Winfrey)
How to Deal
1. Do negotiate. Always.
Very early in my career, I skipped negotiation because I trusted
6. Babcock, L. & Laschever, S. (2007). Women Don’t Ask: The High Cost
of Avoiding Negotiation--and Positive Strategies for Change. Princeton:
Princeton University Press.
7. Babcock, L. & Laschever, S. (2009). Ask For It: How Women Can Use
the Power of Negotiation to Get What They Really Want. Princeton:
Princeton University Press.
Chapter 3 521
Colleen Jones A Woman in UX: I’ve Come a Long Way, Baby
that the person hiring me was making me the best possible offer.
I eventually learned my salary was not up to industry standards
and asked for it to change. Ever since then, I have negotiated job
offers, proposals and just about anything possible to negotiate.
“Ask for It” notes that the reality is that the person hiring you, or
making you an offer, anticipates that you will negotiate. In fact,
you could argue it would be strange not to negotiate. Consider it
a convention.
3. Practice.
Practicing negotiation might feel silly, but it’s really smart. I’m
striving to practice it more often. Anticipate questions or objec-
tions and prepare answers. Recite your comments or possible
answers. You will feel much more comfortable then with the real
Chapter 3 522
Colleen Jones A Woman in UX: I’ve Come a Long Way, Baby
Glamour’s 2009 Women of the Year. Fast Company has an annual spot-
light on influential women in technology. But I feel we have work left
to do. Like a good UX professional, we can start that work with a top-
down and bottom-up approach.
Chapter 3 523
Colleen Jones A Woman in UX: I’ve Come a Long Way, Baby
Chapter 3 524
Colleen Jones A Woman in UX: I’ve Come a Long Way, Baby
Colleen loves helping clients get results online by studying how content
influences people’s decisions. Colleen is turning all that study into a
book called CLOUT: The Art and Science of Influential Web Content. Look
for it from New Riders in December 2010.
Web: www.leenjones.com
Twitter: leenjones
Company: www.content-science.com
Chapter 3 525
Simon Griffin
Director of User Experience Design
at Etre Ltd.
London, UK
Out of Focus
Here’s a question for you: Would you give up your seat on a crowded
bus for an Armenian woman?
I’d like to think that you—and, indeed, everybody else reading this
book—would respond to this question with a hearty “Yes, of course I
would!” But can I trust your answer? I’m not sure. Okay, so race might
not play a part in your decision. But, as Ricky Gervais might say, what if
she was talking to the driver while the vehicle was in motion? What if
she didn’t have the correct change ready when she got on? What if she
had previously been sitting in one of those seats that are reserved for
disabled people?
This was an offer that LaPiere made with some trepidation, however,
because Chinese people were something of a rarity in 1930s America
and, as such, were frequently subjected to terrible (and overt) racial
Chapter 3 528
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
prejudice. The hotel, LaPiere recalled, was especially “noted for its nar-
row and bigoted attitudes towards Orientals”.
Puzzled by the disparity between the hotel’s reputation and the clerk’s
treatment of his new friends, LaPiere later telephoned the hotel and
asked whether they had a room available for “an important Chinese
gentleman”. “No”, he was told, in no uncertain terms—the hotel would
not accommodate a person of Chinese race.
LaPiere was shocked by the discrepancy between how the hotel said
it would behave and how it actually behaved in practice, but was wise
enough to realise that his experience might have been atypical. To in-
vestigate further, he would need to repeat the same “experiment” with
a far larger number of hotels. So he picked up the phone again and in-
vited his new Chinese friends to accompany him on a driving tour of
the West Coast of America.
This was an offer that the Chinese couple readily and gratefully accept-
ed. To them, LaPiere appeared to be the most kindly of professors—a
man who, out of the goodness of his heart, had found the time in his
busy schedule to show them around his homeland. They did not, for
a moment, suspect that they were about to become the guinea pigs in
one of his experiments.
Chapter 3 529
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
Six months after returning from the trip, LaPiere conducted a follow-
up study, sending a questionnaire to each of the hotels and restaurants
he had visited. This questionnaire asked their owners about the types
of people they were prepared to accept patronage from and included
the question: “Will you accept members of the Chinese race as guests
in your establishment?” The answers LaPiere received to this ques-
tion made for uncomfortable reading. Over 90 percent of respondents
ticked the “No, Chinese people are not welcome here” box, with almost
all of the remaining 10 percent ticking the “Uncertain” option. LaPiere
received only a single “Yes” to this question, to which the owner had at-
tached a short note saying that the reason she would welcome people
from China was because she had recently enjoyed a nice visit from a
Chinese man and his sweet wife!
Focused on Failure
As far as most organisations are concerned, the phrases “customer re-
search” and “focus groups” are interchangeable. Whenever they need
to make an important decision about a particular product or service,
Chapter 3 530
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
they will corral a group of customers, solicit their opinion and then fix
a strategy based upon their response. Yet focus groups are, in fact, abso-
lutely useless. There, I said it. In your face marketers. Want to argue the
point? I’ll take you all on!
Before I explain why this is the case, let me first define the term “focus
group”, since it is employed to describe all manner of different sins. A
focus group is a bunch of people who have been gathered together for
an in-depth discussion about a particular product or service. They usu-
ally consist of eight to ten participants who have been selected because
they possess a set of characteristics (or “demographics”) that are deemed
representative of a certain target group of customers or users. For ex-
ample, if your product is aimed at lawyers, you might want to recruit
people who have the relevant legal qualifications, earn a lot of money
and possess no moral or ethical backbone. (Just joking legal eagles.
Please don’t sue me—I’ve already gotten myself into a fight with the
marketers.) Focus groups generally last between one to two hours, and
are often held in the evening so participants can attend after work.
Chapter 3 531
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? Yet, focus groups have been responsible
for some of the biggest marketing disasters of all time. For example, in
the early 1990s, in an attempt to convey “purity”, Proctor and Gamble
had redesigned its famous Ivory soap to make it clear instead of milky,
and in so doing, had seen a massive boost in sales. As a result, practi-
cally every company with a product that was supposed to be perceived
as “pure” began hurriedly developing a transparent version of it. One of
these companies was PepsiCo, who had come up with Crystal Pepsi—a
product that they wanted to market as a caffeine-free “clear alterna-
tive” to normal cola, equating its transparency with purity and health.
In 1992, the product was tested, by way of focus groups, in a number of
regional markets and met with an almost universally positive response.
Excited by these results, PepsiCo launched the product later that year
and threw its weight behind it with a massive marketing campaign, in-
cluding a ridiculously expensive Super Bowl ad.
Initial results were excellent, with the product capturing one percent of
the US soft drinks market in its first year—a figure that doesn’t sound
like much, but that equated to $474 million in sales, and provoked
Coca-Cola to enter the market by launching a rival in the form of Tab
Clear. Thereafter, however, sales of Crystal Pepsi fell away rapidly; so
rapidly, in fact, that during the following year, PepsiCo was forced to
pull it from the market. The product’s failure was later attributed to the
fact that its target audience, the health-conscious, did not see it as of-
fering anything that they were not already getting from Diet Pepsi and,
once the novelty of its transparency had worn off, saw little reason to
keep on buying it.
You would have thought that PepsiCo would have learnt its lesson
from this mistake, but, in 2004, it repeated it with the launch of Pepsi
Edge—a product that tasted similar to original Pepsi, but contained
half the calories. Focus groups once again endorsed the concept, lead-
ing the company to roll out the product across the globe. The globe,
however, rejected it en masse, thanks to what Business Week called its
Chapter 3 532
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
Why do focus groups produce such wildly misleading results? There are
many reasons.
Let’s start with the setting. You would be hard-pressed to find a worse
environment for the exchange of frank and honest opinion than your
average focus group laboratory.
Most are sterile, boring, beige You would be hard-pressed to
places, with a whacking great one- find a worse environment for
way mirror at one end that can- the exchange of frank and
not help but lead you to wonder, honest opinion than your
“Who the hell is watching me?” average focus group laboratory.
Drop into this setting a group of
strangers, led in discussion by another stranger, and you have the per-
fect recipe for stilted, guarded, unnatural conversation.
Then there’s the moderator. Since the moderator is steering the discus-
sion, and, as such, is not a detached observer, she has a direct influence
on the results. It’s one of those “If a tree falls in the woods, and there
is nobody there to hear it, does it still make a sound?” type situations.
If people discuss a product in a focus group and there is no moderator
there to guide them, do they still say the same things? It is impossible to
know for certain. However, even if the moderator takes pains not to ask
leading questions or otherwise impress her own beliefs upon the group,
the introduction of some degree of bias is still very likely.
Chapter 3 533
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
Chapter 3 534
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
There is one problem that cannot be mitigated however, and that prob-
lem is the very one that Richard LaPiere and his Chinese companions
discovered back in the 1930s: What people say and what they do are
two completely different things. People will tell you that they hate a
product, but then go out and buy it the very next day. Not because they
are liars, but because when you ask people questions about how they
are likely to behave in a hypothetical situation (like whether they would
allow a Chinese person to stay at their hotel, or whether they would
buy Pepsi Edge), they can only ever give you a hypothetical answer. This
answer will usually have no bearing on what they would do in reality
since, as neuroscientists have recently discovered, most of the thoughts
and feelings that influence our behaviour occur in the unconscious
mind, not the conscious mind, which means that, no matter how hard
we try, we cannot accurately predict or report our behaviour!
Chapter 3 535
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
It was this that led focus groups to reject Herman Miller’s Aeron Chair.
Participants who attended these focus groups just didn’t “get it”, which
in hindsight makes perfect sense, the chair was like nothing they had
ever seen (or sat on) before, so how were they supposed to assess its
value? They couldn’t, so they wrote off a product that later went on to
generate millions of dollars in sales (and continues to do so to this day).
The participants said they hated it, when what they really meant was
that they were not used to it. They said it was “ugly”, when what they
really meant was that it was “different”.
Focus Pocus
Given these serious flaws you might wonder why focus groups remain
so popular. There are several reasons:
Firstly, focus groups have been around for years (they were first used
over 60 years ago, in fact, by US government sociologists investigating
the effectiveness of World War II army training and military propagan-
da movies) and are therefore clearly-defined in terms of process, out-
puts, cost and timeframes. They are also quick to design and conduct.
These factors make organisations feel comfortable in commissioning
Chapter 3 536
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
Thirdly, focus groups are widely used, which gives them legitimacy in
the form of “social proof.” (“Everyone else is using focus groups, so we
should use focus groups too.”)
This was a good move for the analysts (at least, it was in the short-term
as it no doubt ensured their preservation); but a very bad move for GM
as a whole. Prior to launch, GM forecast sales of 75,000 Azteks per year,
Chapter 3 537
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
determining that it needed to sell just 30,000 units a year to break even.
Unfortunately, only 27,322 were sold in year one—with more than 50
percent of those purchased by captive audiences like car rental com-
panies (whose pre-existing agreements with GM meant that they were
contractually obliged to purchase a fleet) and GM executives (who were
forced to purchase the vehicle so as to be seen to be flying the company
flag). At the tail end of that year, Kay Polit, principal analyst at manage-
ment consultancy A.T. Kearney, suggested that warehousing the excess
supply, plus the cost of the incentives necessary to convince customers
to overlook the vehicle’s “ugly” design, meant that selling the Aztek was
already costing GM more than it had cost to design and build the ve-
hicle. Four years later, sales of the Aztek had fallen to just 5,020, forcing
GM to discontinue the model.
The irony: Styling aside, the vehicle was pretty darned good. The Aztek
had one of the highest Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) scores in its
class and was named “Most Appealing Entry Sport Utility Vehicle” in
2001 by J.D. Power and Associates, who noted: “The Aztek scores high-
est or second highest in every [customer satisfaction] measure except
exterior styling.” Had the focus group results not been censored, GM
might therefore have swapped a few pieces of sheet metal around and
delivered a world-beater.
In the case of GM, its executive team had no idea that the results of
its focus groups had been manipulated. In many other cases, however,
executives are complicit in this crime. The classic example is that de-
scribed by MIT Professor, Justine Cassell, in a thought-provoking article
entitled “What Women Want”. Authored by Ruth Shalit, the article
reports Cassell’s experience of working with a company that was devel-
oping technology targeted at teenage girls. Following a series of focus
groups, the organisation concluded that what teenage girls desperately
wanted was technologically-enhanced nail polish. Which was great, be-
cause it just so happened that technologically-enhanced nail polish was
precisely what the organisation had just invented!
Chapter 3 538
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
It probably won’t shock you to learn, however, that when Cassell con-
ducted her own (independent) research with more than 1,800 teenage
girls in 139 countries, in which they were asked to describe what they
would like to use technology for, not a single one of them articulated a
need or desire for technologically-enhanced nail polish.
Thus, if you want to evaluate your website, forget focus groups and
commission a user testing study instead. You’ll be shocked by the dis-
crepancy between what users say and what they do. In a study I facili-
tated recently, I watched a user repeatedly commend a retail website for
its simplicity and “well thought out” design, while failing to complete
seven of the eight tasks I asked her to perform on it! Why did she con-
tinue to commend it? She blamed the problems she experienced on her
own ineptitude, rather than on that of the site’s designers. Such behav-
iour is commonplace.
Chapter 3 539
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
If you are still planning your website, watch people using your competi-
tors’ offerings or get out of your office and observe users in the offline
world attempting the types of tasks that you will eventually facilitate in
the online world. This will help you identify aspects of their behaviour
that you can better support via your site, and prevent you from becom-
ing side-tracked by the phantom issues that users might otherwise re-
port in focus groups.
2. How likely are you to give blood in the next six months?
3. How likely are you to floss your teeth in the next two weeks?
Chapter 3 540
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
car, give blood and to floss your teeth in the next few weeks than you
otherwise might have been.
Priming was first observed in the field of social science, where the use
of the survey (or questionnaire) as a research tool is commonplace.
Social scientists employ surveys to find out how likely people are to
engage in certain types of behaviour; how likely they are to vote, com-
mit crime, purchase a particular product, and so on. This method of
research has been used for years, since it is pretty much the only way of
getting inside people’s heads and examining their intentions, without
using a scalpel. But, as scientists have recently discovered, this method
of research is fundamentally flawed. Because when you use a survey to
measure people’s intentions, you ultimately affect their conduct. More
specifically, when you ask people what they intend to do, they become
much more likely to actually go ahead and do it. Like a ticking time
bomb, they are “primed” to blow.
Chapter 3 541
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
The second question I asked was: How likely are you to give blood in
the next six months? When Godin, Sheeran, Conner and Germain put
this question to 4,672 people who had donated blood in the past (as part
of a questionnaire that enquired as to their intentions to donate blood
again in the future), they found that it increased blood donations over
the course of the following six months by 8.6 percent!
The third, and final, question I asked was: How likely are you to floss
your teeth in the next two weeks? When Levav and Fitzsimons put this
question to 50 MBA students in 2006, they found that it increased their
flossing by a factor of 52 percent.
Chapter 3 542
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
But we aren’t done yet, as it turns out that the mere-measurement ef-
fect can be amplified by supplementing questions about what people
intend to do, with questions about when and how they plan to do it.
This was first demonstrated in 1965, when Leventhal, Singer and Jones
delivered a lecture to a group of senior students at Yale University on
the risk of tetanus and the importance of visiting the on-campus health
centre for an inoculation. At the end of the lecture, the three research-
ers asked the students how likely they were to go and get the shot. Most
said they planned to do so. But when the researchers questioned the
students again a few weeks later, it transpired that only three percent
had actually made good on their intentions.
As Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein point out in their influential book
Nudge, notice the subtlety of these additional “primes”. Since the stu-
dents were all seniors, and the Yale campus is relatively small, they did
not need a map to tell them where the health centre was located; and
since they were only told to plan a visit to the health centre, as opposed
to being forced to make an appointment, they were under absolutely
no obligation to get the inoculation. Yet, nine times as many students
wound up getting the shot this time around.
Surprisingly, social scientists have found that they can prime people
to perform certain types of behaviour by offering even subtler cues.
For example, a 2003 study by Aarts and Dijksterhuis found that show-
ing people a picture of a library, telling them they were about to visit a
Chapter 3 543
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
library, and asking them to pick out words like “silence” and “whisper”
from a collection of nonsense words, primed them to speak more softly;
a 2005 study by Holland, Hendriks and Aarts found that the faint odour
of cleaning fluid made people more likely to tidy up after themselves
when eating a crumbly cookie; a 2004 study by Kay, Wheeler, Bargh
and Ross found that game-players were more competitive, less coopera-
tive and less generous when a briefcase was placed by the door of the
games room (priming them to think of “work”); while a 2008 study by
Williams and Bargh found that participants’ judgments about strangers
were affected by whether they had been given a cup of iced coffee or hot
coffee beforehand. (Those given iced coffee perceived strangers as being
“colder” than those who were given a hot cup of Joe.)
So employ focus groups and surveys to ask people about the likelihood
of their using your website (ask them how and when they plan to use it
too, if you can). Just don’t waste your time analysing their answers, as
they’ll almost certainly “prime” your site for implosion.
Well, that is about it from me. But before I sign off, let me leave you to
ponder one final question: how likely are you to recommend this book
to your friends in the next six months?
Chapter 3 544
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
A massive soccer fan, Simon co-wrote and sings the theme tune that is
played whenever the world’s oldest professional football club—Notts
County FC—takes to the field. As you might have guessed, Simon is an
ardent supporter of the mighty Magpies!
Twitter: sigriffin
LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/simongriffin
Web: www.etre.com
Chapter 3 545
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
3. Gross, D., “Lies, Damn Lies, and Focus Groups: Why Don’t
Consumers Tell the Truth About What They Want?” Slate
Magazine, 10 October 2003. http://slate.msn.com/id/2089677/
Chapter 3 546
Simon Griffin Out of Focus
10. Leventhal, H., Singer, R. and Jones, S., “Effects of Fear and
Specificity of Recommendations upon Attitudes and Behaviour”,
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2, 1965.
13. Godin, G., Sheeran, P., Conner, M. and Germain, M., “Asking
Questions Changes Behavior: Mere Measurement Effects on
Frequency of Blood Donation”, Health Psychology/Official Journal
of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological
Association, 2008.
15. Kay, A. C., Wheeler, S. C., Bargh, J. A. and Ross, L., “Material
Priming: The Influence of Mundane Physical Objects on
Situational Construal and Competitive Behavioral Choice”,
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 95, 2004.
Chapter 3 547
Patrick Kennedy
Design Research Lead at News Digital Media
Sydney, Australia
Seeing Things the
Way They Are
The Student
Xun is a university student from China, living in Australia while he
completes his studies at a local university. He is in the second year of a
double degree in IT and Economics.
The university computer systems are not easy for students to use, es-
pecially for those who do not have English as a first language. It’s not
strictly his competency in English that makes it difficult for Xun, but
rather the cultural references or specific context of use.
“Sometimes I can read and understand the word, but how it is used
in Australia is different to how I know the word. You need to think of
what a word means in Australia, as well as what it means in English.”
Yet it’s not just international students like Xun who have difficulties
with language. Even the local students have to come to terms with the
academic and bureaucratic terminology used, which can be very con-
fusing. For instance, there are the names of departments, initiatives,
programmes, policies, facilities and, of course, the names of the com-
puter systems. The problem is made worse by having multiple terms for
the same thing, depending on who you ask or the age of the documen-
tation you read. Often, the issue is exacerbated by conflicting or incon-
sistent use by staff.
If there were only a few computer systems, the meaningless (to stu-
dents) names could be excused, but unfortunately there are a great
number of such systems that Xun and his fellow students are exposed
Chapter 3 550
Patrick Kennedy Seeing Things the Way They Are
Last but not least, there is the issue of usability. Xun considered himself
expert at using computers back home, but quickly found he had dif-
ficulty using the software and systems at the university, particularly in
the library.
“They’re all really different and most are very hard to use by us
The library itself is another part of the university that doesn’t seem to
be geared towards meeting Xun’s needs. He doesn’t use the library for
much other than a desk to sit at; his courses are more about facts and
figures, not reading and research.
“The library is too old fashioned, who needs books? I can just use the
Sometimes Xun will find a book to read in the library if he doesn’t have
his textbook. But usually they don’t have it or are a few editions behind.
Chapter 3 551
Patrick Kennedy Seeing Things the Way They Are
When Xun does need to look something up for an assignment, he’ll ask
his friends and see what they found. It’s not worth spending time look-
ing too far; he’ll just take the first thing that looks ok.
“Staff in the library often get rather cross with us, saying we shouldn’t
be just using Google, we should take time to learn the library systems
and do research their way. Too hard, too long ... we don’t need to, it’s
not important for us.”
On one side are the expectations and expertise of the staff, as well as
the IT systems created largely by and for them. On the other side are
the relatively inexperienced students who are struggling to consume,
process and make use of the vast amounts of information they now
have access to, and doing so in their own way. An understanding of the
width of the chasm, and difficulties facing students, would allow sys-
tems to be designed in such a way as to make this scholarly path a little
less bumpy.
But Ahmed does use the web for research, from looking up directions
to a customer site, to finding a new supplier for certain parts. He also
looks for information to help him run his business. Like most small
Chapter 3 552
Patrick Kennedy Seeing Things the Way They Are
“A good small business site is like something you’d ask a friend about
and would provide you with answers.”
Ahmed tends not to browse through a site, and doesn’t often read news
Chapter 3 553
Patrick Kennedy Seeing Things the Way They Are
“I don’t have time for news; if you read a story you feel like you’ve wast-
ed 10 minutes. When you go to a small business site, you are working;
being on a news site is more like browsing.”
The Parent
Stacey is a mother of three who has just returned to work after the birth
of her son, James, aged four months. Stacey works for a large company,
in their main office building in the city.
“We couldn’t afford to live on just one income, with three kids and all.”
Chapter 3 554
Patrick Kennedy Seeing Things the Way They Are
“I felt like people were looking at me, thinking ‘why isn’t she working?’
I fed him as quickly as I could and left, although I would really like to
have spent a bit more time with him ... I didn’t feel as comfortable as I
would like; it’s not private.”
Other mothers have told Stacey that sometimes staff use the room for
a meeting or to eat their lunch. If there are no mothers in there at the
time, the room is treated like it’s just another meeting room.
“They move things around and leave paper and rubbish, like it’s their
lounge room. Even the change rooms you find at most shopping centres
are better than this ‘dedicated facility’”.
“What am I supposed to do, put the baby in day-care, then every few
hours go get him, bring him to work to feed him, then take him back to
day-care? That’s stupid.”
The way in which the facility would need to be used is impractical and
counterproductive. It reveals a lack of understanding of the needs of
Chapter 3 555
Patrick Kennedy Seeing Things the Way They Are
“They don’t know anything about what it’s like to raise children. Like
my husband says, it’s a ‘half-arsed attempt at looking like they care!”
When Stacey doesn’t have James with her during the day, for example
on the days she goes to work, she has to express her breast milk into
bottles. His minder, either a relative who is babysitting, or the staff
at a day-care centre, then feed him from the bottle. The only way in
which the breastfeeding room could improve upon this would be if it
was located close to James’ day-care, as well as close to Stacey’s work.
Preferably, all in the same building.
“It upsets me because, for a mum, it’s useless. It does nothing for me,
but if I were to complain or ask for something that is useful, I am made
to feel bad; ‘we’ve already done this and that for you, what more do you
As a parent, Stacey sees it as her duty to do the right thing for her chil-
dren and deeply resents her colleagues’ suggestions that she change
her mind or do things differently. It’s an emotive subject, not merely an
issue of facilities and policies.
Instead of making life easier for Stacey, and welcoming her back to
work as a valued team member, the actions of her employer have
done just the opposite. She now feels uncomfortable, pressured and
“If the new initiatives had not been introduced at all, I’d be in the same
situation, not being able to breastfeed my baby on my days at work,
only I wouldn’t have all this mental stress on top.”
Chapter 3 556
Patrick Kennedy Seeing Things the Way They Are
The phenomenon that the above quote speaks of is plainly evident for
anyone who has conducted usability testing or user research. However,
it often isn’t that obvious to our clients and colleagues who haven’t had
such contact with actual audience members (aka “users”). They haven’t
seen the frustration caused by products that are irrelevant, needlessly
complicated or just difficult to use. We see things as we are, until we
receive some information that gives us reason to think otherwise, to see
things from the perspective of the audience.
It is for this reason that we need to understand who our audience is and
how they see the world in general, but more specifically, how they think
about the subject area in which we might be designing a product or ser-
vice, whether it be a website, a physical facility or an entire institution.
We need to hear the users’ stories, such as those of Xun, Ahmed and
Stacey. Their stories illustrate the issue of designing a product based
not on the views, attitudes, behaviours and needs of the audience, but
rather those of the designer.
Chapter 3 557
Patrick Kennedy Seeing Things the Way They Are
By ‘designer’ we mean the person or group who has influence over deci-
sions regarding what to design and deliver. At Xun’s university, it is the
academics and the IT vendors who actually sell their products to aca-
demics, who design and implement systems, and do so without a good
understanding of the needs of their audience. In Ahmed’s case, it is the
publishers of business content and the advertisers who want to reach a
“business” audience. And for Stacey, it is the corporate HR department
who want to be seen to be engaging with employees, rather than actu-
ally understanding their problems and solving them.
In each case, seeing and hearing their users’ story would have gone a
long way towards ensuring these influencers had a realistic understand-
ing of the audience whom they were trying to serve.
Chapter 3 558
Patrick Kennedy Seeing Things the Way They Are
Patrick has over ten years experience in web design, information archi-
tecture and user experience design, and has worked with many different
types of organisations in a variety of industries, both in Australia and
the UK, assisting them with enhancing their websites and other infor-
mation systems.
Web: www.gurtle.com/ppov
Twitter: PatrickKennedy
Chapter 3 559
Matthieu Mingasson
Head of User Experience, Ogilvy Interactive
Paris, France
Part 1: Memories from the Past
Maps, plans and submarines. It was Paris, 1974 on grey rainy afternoon.
My little brother and I would sit hunched over big sheets of white
Canson paper with pencils strewn about the dining room table. We
would spend hours here together, designing all sorts of hot rods, turbo
jets, hypersonic spaceships and deep-ocean submarines, tending to
every minute function, creating powerful, never-before-seen features.
We would add shielding, automatic doors, air-compressed piping with
every drawing more detailed than the last. Back then, more was defi-
nitely better. I remember the pleasure of drawing up plans of imaginary
houses and visualizing the logic of the whole structure. I almost felt like
I was inside the plan, walking through the rooms, to the patio, the ter-
races, passing by the planetarium and the rocket launch pad. For hours,
we could escape these rainy, boring afternoons, passionately building
intergalactic residences at the foothills of the mountains of Mars.
Chapter 3 562
Matthieu Mingasson Coevolution
Chapter 3 563
Matthieu Mingasson Coevolution
web was something I could trust. Not only was this grip solid, it was
vibrant, alive. I felt like someone was asking me, “Hey, they’re going to
launch a spaceship to Mars soon and they’re looking for guys like you.
Are you in?”
Chapter 3 564
Matthieu Mingasson Coevolution
lamp, a book, a website etc.), you’ll probably feel the irrepressible need
to tweak it, even just a little bit in order to leave your mark. Now, if you
have been educated as an engineer, you are probably trained to think
that excellence comes from the strict respect of established standards
and rules along with the organizational aspect of team work. You will
follow these rules and your team process even if you end up creating
an over-complex solution for a simple object (a DVD player, a mobile
phone, a database etc.)
Chapter 3 565
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Chapter 3 566
Matthieu Mingasson Coevolution
“Think Different”3
Every other month, I teach some UX Design courses for professionals
at Paris’ “Ecole de l’Image” (and by the way, promoting UXD to students
is a wonderfully rich experience). Last week, one of my students asked
me about clients’ general perception and acceptance of UX Design and
whether there was any reluctance in changing methodology. In fact,
clients are definitely not the problem. They always welcome the UXD
process because they can see it brings clarity and solidity to a project.
Resistance to change occurs much more inside the classic communica-
tion agencies themselves. Like I said, old cultures, old behaviours. UX
3. “Think Different”: Apple slogan (1997). Interestingly, this slogan was
advertised the same year the Internet started to be massively adopted.
1997 is also the year Steve Jobs returned Apple Board as “iCEO”. Not a
Chapter 3 567
Matthieu Mingasson Coevolution
Design moves the lines about and creates new spaces to design differ-
ently and to think differently. In Fast Company Magazine, Tim Brown,
CEO of the innovative design firm IDEO, said that “in order to do a
better job of developing, communicating, and pursuing a strategy, you
need to learn to think like a designer”4. Indeed the fields of application
are large; in strategy, business, services, even in politics, UX Design, as a
radical change of thinking, can transform the way we see and build our
In one of his most inspiring lectures at Stanford University5, Steve Jobs
stated that “you cannot connect the dots looking forward; you can only
connect them looking backward”. Today, it is very difficult to predict
what will be User Experience Design tomorrow, but looking back over
the past ten years, we can see that something happened, something
that makes a lot of sense; web designers of all kinds have been evolving
along with the development of the web. The web changed the way we
design projects, the way we work together and even simply the way we
communicate with each other. By designing for an evolving world, we
learnt how to be flexible in our methods, how to not take anything for
granted, to co-evolve with the Internet ecosystem.
Chapter 3 568
Matthieu Mingasson Coevolution
Web: www.activeside.net
Public profile: www.linkedin.com/in/mingasson
Chapter 3 569
Rob Goris
User Experience Architect at Openbravo
Barcelona, Spain
Image credits: Naomi Williams
The Wet Cat
1984: Inventing
I always felt sorry for Beertje’s desperate attempts to make us aware
of him being outside in the cold on the window sill. Winters in the
Netherlands are cold and wet, and cats are not especially keen on cold
and wet. I must have been ten years old and had been pondering on
how to solve this problem using the technology at hand.
A physical switch using the cat’s weight was a reasonable solution but
my Mum did not approve this, as I would have needed to drill a hole in
the window’s wooden frame to push the wires through. The whole de-
vice needed to be on the inside of the window.
Chapter 3 572
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Chapter 3 573
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I used some transparent plastic to build the housing around the printed
circuit board. This way, the LDR could stay safely inside, so my mom
would not break it while watering the plants. I remember the LDR cost
the equivalent of 2 Euros, probably a week’s pocket money.
From that moment on, every time our furry friend jumped on the win-
dow sill, a loud alarm would alert us. The family members took turns to
run to the other side of the house to let Beertje in the moment the Cat
Sensor sounded. No more wet cat in our house.
When you are ten years old, you do not think about a design process,
but looking back now, I can’t help but smile to see that the steps I took
then actually followed some sort of structure that is not so far from
what I use nowadays to design an application or site:
Idea phase: Look at all kinds of solutions using heat, conduction, noise,
light and weight. It is during this phase that the eureka moment nor-
mally occurs; sometimes it comes later when you are already in the next
phase, building on the wrong idea. Then you need to go back.
Chapter 3 574
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
Building: make a prototype and test it on the users. I only had one user
and I think he liked it. He also happened to be the beneficiary.
I always believe that what you liked most in your youth is what you
should be doing as a profession when you grow up. After the enormous
success of the Cat Sensor, I decided to become an electrical engineer—
that is, until I got my Commodore 64 home computer.
1989: Programming
The Commodore 64 was a home computer with 64 KB of RAM memo-
ry. In fact, that was a big lie, because 16 KB was taken by the operating
system, so there was only 48 KB left. Either way, it is amazing what you
can do with such a limited amount of memory. The notebook compu-
ter I am using to write this has almost 22,000 times more RAM, and
the simple calculator application I just used for the maths to calculate
this needs 5 times as much using Windows XP. I started programming
in BASIC, which is a language that is in fact still quite similar to more
modern programming languages. Nowadays, when I look over the
shoulder of my developer colleagues, I sometimes like to believe I still
understand bits of what they are doing. The problem with languages
that can easily be understood is that they are slow, because they are
converted into machine code at run-time. Compilers can do the conver-
sion upfront, but I believe my Commodore didn’t do that really. So after
some months of writing silly applications that could calculate what day
your birthday will be in ten years, I started to teach myself ‘assembler’.
This wasn’t for sissies; it essentially meant you had to put values (poke)
in certain registers in the computer’s memory, only to read them out
(peek) later on. Tedious programming, but very fast execution. I needed
speed, because I wanted to program my own arcade computer game.
The idea was to let the user navigate a UFO in a rocky maze from A
to B without touching the sides. Different mazes for different levels
were needed. However, since copy and paste did not exist at that time,
I decided against building more than three levels and decided to make
the levels extremely difficult to play instead. This was to make sure my
Chapter 3 575
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
friends wouldn’t reach the finishing line within five minutes. I found an
apt name for the game: “Stress”. So here is how I started the initial de-
sign of the game.
1991: Studying
Hans was a great windsurfer a couple of years older than I was. I met
him on the beach at my windsurf club in Hoek van Holland, a windy
town near Rotterdam. He was studying industrial design1 and was de-
signing three-dimensional products. He was also designing and build-
ing his own surfboards. How cool was that? I had been windsurfing
Chapter 3 576
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
since I could walk, but had never given industrial design much thought.
In my understanding, design was something for artists, whereas real en-
gineers wrote computer games and built pet-sensing devices. I started
to observe products around me and tried to figure out the reasons why
they had been designed the way they were. It struck me that many
products were not designed very intelligently, and some were even de-
signed downright illogically. Why use a cylindrical door knob on a bath-
room door so that wet, slippery hands cannot operate it? Why was it so
difficult to program our video recorder? Why did they use such a tiny
button for the snooze function on my alarm clock, when the last thing
you want to do is search for it when half asleep? After reading the book
“The Design of Everyday Things”2 with many more great examples of
dumb design, I was even more convinced that the world was indeed in
need of great industrial design.
It did not take long for me to get excited about this engineering domain
I had so ignorantly overlooked. I was destined to design fast surfboards,
humane alarm clocks and sexy cars. I was going to become an Industrial
Design Engineer. The only problem was that I had not told my parents
yet about my latest passion. When you are 18, parents are not only your
biggest stakeholders, but also your sponsors, and they needed convert-
ing. There were only two weeks to go before the first semester started
and I was already signed up
at university for computer The industrial design curriculum in-
science. I told my parents volved drawing, clay modelling and
about my plan and they woodwork, activities that my parents
looked at me as if I was associated with unemployment,
proposing to study ballet. poverty and free love.
The industrial design cur-
riculum involved drawing, clay modelling and woodwork, activities
that my parents associated with unemployment, poverty and free love.
They had lived through the sixties and knew the dangers of all that. To
Chapter 3 577
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Chapter 3 578
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
handle, interact with, understand, learn, teach, sell, buy and recycle. A
painting is a thing that you just look at. A sculpture you can look at and
touch, but that’s all you can really do with it. A typical industrial prod-
uct, such as a car, has hundreds of interactions, demands a high cogni-
tive load to operate it, moves, purrs and can even be a lethal weapon.
Back then, interaction design did not exist yet as a profession, but this
domain adds even more dimensions.
Chapter 3 579
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Chapter 3 580
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
with a hole in it. Then you could change the dimensions later on. This
was Valhalla for the industrial designer, in comparison with hand draw-
ing, or drawing with 2D software such as AutoCAD, where you were
forced to decide upfront about dimensions. Pro/E allowed you to play
with shapes as if they were clay.
Chapter 3 581
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
Do not let anyone intimidate you. You are the designer and you were
asked to solve the problem. If someone else in the company were bet-
ter suited for this, they would have been asked instead. Stay neutral and
Chapter 3 582
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
carefully weigh the opposing forces. Most people think they know what
the best solution is, but they don’t, because they don’t see the full pic-
ture. Abraham Maslow, once commented “If the only tool you have is a
hammer, you will see every problem as a nail”.
You cannot make everyone happy, so don’t bother trying. In fact, you
don’t want everyone to be happy, as this means your product is most
likely so watered down that it cannot possibly be good. It is better to
make 80% of the people very happy, rather than 99% a little bit happy.
Very happy users spread the word and buy again, but only slightly happy
people don’t care and are as loyal as an alley cat.
Use data as your sword, otherwise you will be defeated on the spot.
Unlike many other practices, design is vulnerable, as it is corruptible
by subjective opinions. Everyone has something to say about design,
but only a few are good designers. Find out what the most important
factors are for each stakeholder and get the data that provides improve-
ment over the current or the competitor’s product. I proved that my
design had a better signal-to-noise ratio than the current model. That
convinced almost all of my stakeholders. Softer attributes such as aes-
thetics and ergonomics, for which it is harder to get data, can then be
discussed in much smaller focused groups where softer arguments are
Record all opinions, decisions and outcomes. It will save you a lot of
time, as it will avoid people reopening closed discussions.
The project grew bigger and bigger, but I enjoyed it the whole time.
After one year, I was finally able to present my patient-friendly neck
coil with a higher signal-to-noise ratio than its predecessor. In addition,
I had documented my experiences using CAD software for industrial
design. I was happy with the results and so were my stakeholders. I was
rewarded with a cum laude degree and a bottle of champagne in a buck-
Chapter 3 583
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
After graduation, I felt like I had fallen into a black hole, a sort of cold
turkey. This is an interesting phenomenon, the feeling of having ac-
complished a mission, and instead of feeling satisfaction, you only feel
the lack of challenging work. This has been a recurring feeling during
my career, and whenever it occurred, I always wanted to move on in
search of new design challenges. That moment came again two years
Chapter 3 584
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
1999: Travelling
My contract at the agency ended unexpectedly and I was free. I bought
a backpack and sturdy boots and took off for a year of travelling in Latin
America. Travelling is about connecting to people of other cultures, ex-
changing information and making this world a little smaller, moving to-
wards the Global Village. I found it very refreshing to have this year off
and to use other parts of my brain (and body). For most of us, working
means sitting in an office chair, staring at a computer screen. Travelling
is intellectually less demanding, but mentally much more so. Apart
from trying not to get ill, most of the day was spent trying to figure out
bus timetables, finding a place to sleep and drinking Cuba Libres with
locals and other travellers. Information was hard to obtain. On the
Android smart phone that I use nowadays, I can find travel information
in ten seconds that took me half a day to figure out in Nicaragua on the
Chapter 3 585
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
moments as they came and not worrying too much about the future.
There, I just walked over to a friend’s place and we would hang out all
day because none of us had planned anything. However, I realized soon
enough that trying to find a job in my field was not that easy. Only very
few companies employed designers; perhaps back then, design was still
a first-world “luxury” profession. Nowadays, this has changed and Luke
Wroblewski wrote a great article about the shifting role of design in his
2000: Consulting
I liked the “e” in e-business, however I did not like the “we are the dot in
the dot com” that Sun used in their commercials. IBM’s marketing peo-
ple had invented e-business with the quirky red e. IBM has always been
good at marketing obvious technology using fantastic names, and years
later, they would introduce On-Demand business. Did I choose this
company for their brand identity? Perhaps I did, but once again, trust
your intuition and choose what feels right, interesting or just because
Chapter 3 586
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
it makes you feel something. If everyone thought too much about deci-
sions and listened to ‘sensible’ people, we would all end up as account-
ants at Deloitte.
IBM or not, it was clear from day one that I was here to design Global
Villages and not to program or sell software. I did not really think it
through, but sometimes you just need to be lucky, and I learned that
the same month I joined, a new department had come to life; IBM’s
Digital Marketing & Interactive Branding or was it Digital Branding
& Interactive Marketing? I couldn’t care less about the naming this
time, but knew I needed to become part of this team. They had hired a
dozen agency web designers. This was the league of Macs, black turtle-
necks and flashy trainers. Here, the first distinction between the pure
creatives (Mac G4 computers) and the analytical folks (IBM ThinkPad
Chapter 3 587
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Chapter 3 588
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
try instead to sum up the most common political factors that a designer
needs to be aware of:
It is not always about creating the best-designed product. Not all cus-
tomers are alike; some want you to come up with a solution that is not
necessarily good for the user but satisfies other requirements. Some
projects are not even meant to succeed, and sooner or later, you will be
asked to work on one; the trouble is, these projects are not going to do
you any good. You will be forced to deliver design work that does not
meet your standards, meaning that it will be essentially useless for your
portfolio. You will even be held responsible for bad design at a later
stage, when the evil forces have disappeared and nobody remembers
anymore why decisions were
taken. The best thing to do is It is the responsibility of a designer
to stay out of these kinds of to always fight for the user’s rights.
projects. If you cannot, then
make sure that you bring forward the right solution at least once. It is
the responsibility of a designer to always fight for the user’s rights. If
that battle cannot be won, make sure both client and project executives
know that you have tried to save the project and then get out as soon as
Chapter 3 589
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
design work. In fact, you cannot really score here because you should
not be doing half-way decent design work. You should be doing kick-
ass design work. This is the conundrum, if you say no to the project,
the final solution will be even worse, because they need you badly. Well
dear readers, this is the life of being a user experience consultant. In
fact, there is no conundrum, as you should take responsibility and still
try to save the project. However, after having tried, get out as soon as
Chapter 3 590
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
After this project, I decided that this had been my last project in busi-
ness consulting. It was time to move back into serious, pure design
work. It was time to sink my teeth into some highly complex, important
and geeky products that needed deep thinking. No more web design,
no more B2C and no more consulting. Everybody is a web designer,
consultant and works in B2C. I was going to design B2B, Java, boxed
Chapter 3 591
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
The Lab was a great place to work; it was all very different to the en-
vironments I had worked in before. Both in geographical and organi-
zational terms, we were working
in the sort of isolation that you I learned that for great ideas in
would not find in many other research and development, you
product organizations. Tucked need to withdraw into
away in the forests of southern isolation sometimes.
Germany, where squirrels hopped
around in the garden, I could tinker all day and ponder the best solution
without too much involvement of customers, sales and marketing folks.
Chapter 3 592
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
Chapter 3 593
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
Sometimes, they may even just go away after a while. Colleagues at IBM
Research in India were very excited and offered to elaborate the mathe-
matics behind the idea, and together we eventually turned this idea into
a patent. When I read the final patent document, I have to admit that I
did not understand much of it anymore. For me, this is a great example
of how designers and engineers need each other and how design think-
ing and scientific thinking can be very powerful when combined.
Life in Stuttgart was very comfortable and so was life in the Lab. This
made me decide to leave both, because when things are getting too
comfortable, you risk becoming too soft. I also think that as a user
experience designer, or designer in general, you need to change focus
once in a while. This can be another product, organization, market
or medium. I believe that a designer’s speciality is design and nothing
else. You can become an expert on a subject if you work for years on
the same product or in the same market, but it will be hard to reach
the same level of domain expertise of your colleagues in, for example,
product management. If you
feel that you enjoy having do- If you want to stay loyal to the
main expertise and that you art and science of design, you
want to influence product de- should not worry too much about
sign on a more strategic level,
domain knowledge, but instead
then a career move from UX
focus on improving your design
to product management is not
all that strange. I have seen skills by taking as many different
this a couple of times and UX design assignments as you can
professionals can become excel- possibly get.
lent product managers. This
is a career path that should be encouraged, because there is a need for
product managers with design and user research skills. If you want to
stay loyal to the art and science of design, you should not worry too
much about domain knowledge, but instead focus on improving your
design skills by taking as many different design assignments as you can
possibly get. The best user experience designers I know have worked
Chapter 3 594
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
Let me tell you a bit about user experience and its place in the or-
ganization. User experience is a relatively new discipline, so many or-
ganizations are not sure where to put it on the org chart. I have seen
it sitting in product management, marketing, engineering or even in
a separate cost centre services team. I believe UX is most effective in
a product management team. Product management and UX have a
Chapter 3 595
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
Another good place for UX folks to hang out is the engineering team.
Especially for more complex products (mostly applications), this can be
a better place than in product management because technical feasibil-
ity and design objectives will need to be negotiated continuously, and
quick iterations, prototyping and agile development require the UX de-
signer to be close to the engineering team.
Chapter 3 596
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
Normally, when you present a design, you capture the feedback and try
to find consensus during the meeting. If there are too many require-
ments and topics to discuss, it is simply impossible to find consensus on
the spot. The project had so many stakeholders and so many conflicting
requirements that I chose to make my life easier by designing a require-
ments management tool to support the decision making. Every week,
a day or two before the design review meeting, I sent out the design
work with a spreadsheet in which the stakeholders could rate require-
ments, ideas or features, using a limited number of credits. The three
variables were user value, technical ease and business value. This really
sped up the decision-making process, because the reasons why certain
ideas were chosen or abandoned were now transparent and democratic.
Chapter 3 597
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
Unfortunately, the European product and design centre was short lived,
and after 18 months, most of it was moved back to the United States
and the European team was laid off. I found myself forced to look for
yet another challenge. The Czech Republic isn’t the best place in the
world for user experience work so I looked abroad.
Chapter 3 598
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
after-work drinks in the back garden of our local pub, I got back home
and a higher power drove me to the career site of my previous em-
ployer. I entered the magic keywords User Experience Spain in monster.
co.uk and 6 weeks later, I landed in sunny Barcelona.
2009: Starting Up
Not obstructed by any prior knowledge, I made my way into ERP8 land
and started at Openbravo. I had heard the term Enterprise Resource
Planning before, through the commercials of a company called SAP. I
associated SAP with complex, expensive software that allows consult-
ants in blue suits to overcharge their clients for customizing a standard
offering during lengthy assignments, only to do the same thing all over
again with the next upgrade. That smelt like customers and users in
need, and I felt responsible for saving them from all the evils of ERP.
Openbravo was open source, web based and focused on small-to-me-
dium businesses, and the company wanted to avoid becoming yet an-
other ERP monster. Brave as I sound, I have to admit that the location
of the company, in sunny Spain, also played an important role in my
Quite a shock after Monster and Nokia Music, I was back in the geek
zone of highly complicated Java business applications. Powerful soft-
ware and a user experience with lot of room for improvement, this
sounded like a great challenge! This, combined with the fact that
Openbravo ERP is open source, makes it such an interesting product to
work on. I had never worked in open source and quickly learnt that it is
heaven for user feedback. In open source development, you work with
a community of business partners, end-users and developers and eve-
rything you do is shared with the community; user feedback had never
Chapter 3 599
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
Openbravo is still a start-up, but has grown quite big already. This is
also where The Innovator’s Dilemma becomes relevant. As a company
grows bigger and the product more mature, sooner or later the ques-
tion comes up as to whether you should please existing customers or
focus on getting new ones. Especially in the world of ERP software,
existing customers are very important because ERP software can easily
become software for life, due to its high investment in implementa-
tion and customization. We are now at the stage where we realize that
Chapter 3 600
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
you cannot please everyone and that the focus should be on the core
features and getting them right. Forget about the rest. Take things out
and downsize. Has this not been the determining success factor of
many Apple products? During the introduction of iTunes, Steve Jobs
was bombarded with questions from the audience asking him whether
iTunes had this and that feature. He admitted that most of these fea-
tures were not there, but he also added that this was all intentional. If
they had built in all these features, iTunes would have become unus-
able. My 1984 Cat Sensor had one on-and-off switch. The light sensor
was positioned behind a transparent part of the housing, and all other
parts were obscured. This was so my Mum always knew which side to
position against the window. Less Is More, Form Follows Function and
Mums Without Manuals—keep these three things in mind and our cats
won’t get wet.
Chapter 3 601
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
I am doing. Once I read “If you enjoy what you do, you never have to
work a day in your life”, and I can fully agree with that.
Chapter 3 602
Rob Goris The Wet Cat
Web: http://openbravouxlab.blogspot.com
Twitter: robbie_g
LinkedIn: http://es.linkedin.com/in/robgoris
Chapter 3 603
UX Storytellers
Symbols Atlanta 515
Aucella, Arlene 402
3D 580
Austin 501
A Australia 333, 549
Aaron Marcus 86 AutoCAD 581
Abductive reasoning 209 Automotive 236
ACM 86 Axure 357
Adaptive Path 566 B
Adobe Flash 117
Bangalore 265
Adobe Photoshop 115
Bangkok 502
Aeron Chair 536
Barcelona 571, 599
Agile Manifesto 383
Bates, Marcia 328
Alarm Clock 83, 577
Bateson, Gregory 33
Allchin, Jim 50
Bauhaus 145
AltaVista 50
BBC 505
Amazon.com 503
BBDO 505
Ambient Insight 59
Beatson, Ken 161, 178
Ambler, Scott 73
Beetlemania 183
American Film Institute 59
Belam, Martin 176, 349, 360
American Film Institute (AFI) 47
Beltway Bandits 105
Anderson, Chris 300
Berkeley 197
Annie Hall 47
Berlin 113
Apocalypse Now 47
Bias, Randolph G. 403
Apogee 422
Blanchard, Kenneth 474
Apple 510
Böblingen 591
Archimedes 145
Bogaards, Peter 187
Aristotle 105
Bookmarklet 340
Arnell, Peter 517
Boonmarlart, Umyot 501, 513
Association for Computing Ma-
Borås 423
chinery 86
Bosch 591
Index dcvii
Boston 26 Cultural Probe 334, 335
Bowles, Cennydd 289, 295 Customer Experience Labs 361,
Bowman, Doug 57 369
Boxes and Arrows 290 Cycosmos 184
Brau, Henning 233, 242 Czech Republic 595
Brighton 289 Czech Technical University 79
Brignull, Harry 356
Bristol 598
Buffet, Warren 122 Dallas 472
Dante, Joe 47
Danzico, Liz 187
Canada 449 Daumal, Sylvie 89, 101
Cassell, Justine 538 Definition of Done (Agile) 389
Center for Plain Language 111 Denmark 309
Charlotte 407 Design by committee 598
Check Republic 77 Design Thinking 579, 594, 597
China 419 Detroit 249
Christchurch 161 Dial2Do 341
Clearleft 289 Digital Design 567
Coca-Cola 532 Dilbert 165
Cockburn, Alistair 385 DIN EN ISO 9241 242
Code Talking 30 Divisional Vision Award 59
Commodore 64 575 Dogbert 165
Commodore C64 451 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 299
Concept Model 313 Dray, Susan 399
Connecting the Dots 568 Drugs 38
Content Management Profession- Duff, Wendy M. 324
als 59 Duke Razorfish 89, 101
Coombs, Tom 176 DUX2003 209
Cooper, Alan 115, 122, 152, 303 DVD player 64
Copenhagen 309
Copernicus 50
Cottong, Sylvain 99 Eastwood, Clint 122
Creative Good 247 Ehrlich, Carrie 400
Elledge, Mike 257
Index dcviii
Eskenazi, Jay 361, 369 General Motors 537
Ethnographic Research 334 Germany , 113, 233, 371
Etre Ltd. 545 Gervais, Ricky 528
EuroIA 98 Godin, Seth 124, 247
EuroIA Conference 194 Goris, Rob 571, 603
Euro RSCG Duesseldorf 506 Gremlins 47
Expedia, Inc. 369 Griffin, Simon 527, 545
Expert Review 496 Grounded Theory 345
Grudin, Jonathan 400
Guerrilla Usability Testing 42
FatDUX 432 Guerrilla User Testing 351
Feature (Agile) 388 Guinea Pigs 529
Finland 379
Finnell, Mike 47
Flamenco 230 Haller, Thom 103, 111
Focus Group 530, 217 Halo Effect 312
Focus Pocus 537 Halvorson, Kristina 330
Foley, James 402 Hamburg 179
Form Follows Function 601 Hamsun, Knut 299
France 89, 25, 561 Handicap (Game Design) 457
Frankenstein 166 Hanley, Margaret 95
Frankfurt 114 Hello Group 309
Freeman, Morgan 172 Helsinki 420, 379
Fritz Hansen 311 Heron of Alexandria 145
frog design 501 Hildebrand, Gert 262
F-Secure 379, 391 Hinton, Andrew 431, 415, 407
FTP 31 HIPPO 495
Furnes, George 54 HITS 54
HMD (Head-mounted Dis-
play) 235
Gaffney, Gerry 422 Hobbs, Jason 44
Garcia, Jerry 46 Honda Civic 255
Garrett, Jesse James 52 Honeywell Information Sys-
Gaudi 584 tems 398
Gel Conference 247
Index dcix
Hong Kong 419 Jones, Piers 353
Hugo Boss 591 Jönköping 423
Human Factors 398 Jonsson, Erik 123
Human Factors Psychology 398 Journal of Information Architec-
Hurst, Mark 54, 243, 247 ture 432
Juhl, Louise 315
Jursa, Jan 113, 126
IBM 586
Icon Media Lab 186
IDEO 568, 579, 598 Kahn+Associates 25
ID Media 182 Kahn, Paul 25, 35
India 433, 265 Kalbach, James 179, 194, 328
Info.Design 103, 111 Keirnan, Timothy 249, 264
Information Architecture Institute Kelway, James 309, 320
(IAI) 59, 194, 432 Kennedy, Patrick 549, 559
Information Design Journal 204 Khalil, Chris 333, 347
International Journal of Human- Kiev 283, 288
Computer Interaction 204 Kiljander, Harri 379, 391
ISO 13407 121 Kleinberg, Jon 54
Italian IA Summit 432 Knight, Michael 69
Interaction Design Association Kolb, Bernd 183
(IxDA) 210, 221, 282
LaPiere, Richard 528
Jason Hobbs 37 Las Colinas 465
Jessee, McGarrah 507 Lay, Ken 517
Jiri Mzourek 77, 88 Light Dependant Resistor
Jobs, Steve 601 (LDR) 573
Johannesburg 37 LeftClick 161, 177
John Cage 31 Lenk, Krzysztof 34, 35
John, David St. 223, 232 Less Is More 601
Johnson, Catherine A. 324 LexisNexis 179
Johnson, Simon 356 Lifestream 337
Johnson, Spencer 474 Linux 381
Jones, Colleen 515, 525 Little Big Planet 430
Index dcx
Loasby, Karen 95 Microsoft 50, 51, 369, 371
Lombardi, Victor 187 Microsoft Information Archi-
London 349, 473, 527 tects 59
London IA 175 Miller, Herman 536
Lost 508 Mingasson, Matthieu 561, 569
Lovinger, Rachel 330 MINI Cooper 252
Lucky Luke 382 Monster Worldwide 595
Lucky Strike 284 Morae 344
Lunar Mission 335 Morville, Peter 94, 122, 328
Lutsch, Clemens 371, 377 Murthy, Sudhindra V. 265, 282
Macquarium 407 Nacke, Lennart 449, 463
Madrid 127 Net Beans IDE 80
Maemo 380 Netherlands 572
Malouf, Dave 205, 221 NetLife Research 297
Mantei, Marilyn 402 Netscape Composer 166
Marcus, Aaron 197, 204, 402 New Delhi 433
Marijuana 40 New Delhi UX Book Club 447
Maslow, Abraham 583 News Digital Media 333, 347, 549
Mayhew, Deborah J. 393, 405 New York 243
Mayhew Lifecycle 66 New Zealand 161, 178
Mazda 257 Nielsen, Jakob 115, 186, 386
McCollough, Malcolm 55 Nielson, Jakob 152
McGovern, Gerry 300 Nokia 380, 598
McGrane, Karen 187 Nokia 2110 381
MeeGo 380 Nokia 6110 382
Melbourne 333 Nokia E61i 420
Memmel, Thomas 61, 76 Nokia N900 381
Mental Model 345 Norman, Don 282
Mercedes Benz 591 Norman, Donald 577
Mere-Measurement Effect 541 Northern Lights 50
Meyer, Marissa 522 Norway 297
Michigan 249 N|P|K 584
Index dcxi
O Pressman 152
Priming 541
Ogilvy Interactive 561, 569
Proctor and Gamble 532
Openbravo 571, 599
Osipenko, Gennady 283, 288
Oslo 297 R
P Raging Bull 47
Rautela, Abhay 433
Page, Larry 53, 58
Razorfish 186
Paper Prototyping 490
Reiss, Eric 98, 123, 428
Paris 89, 25, 561
Resmini, Andrea 423, 432
Parma 426
Rettig, Marc 51
Parmigiano 426
Revilla, Olga 127, 141
Passini, Romedi 32
Rocky III 47
Patton, Jeff 386
Rolling Stone Magazine 562
Pauling, Linus 564
Rønjum, Eirik Hafver 297, 307
Paul Kahn 25
Rosenbusch, Andrea 321, 332
PepsiCo 532
Rosenfeld, Lou 122, 328
Perpetual Intermediate 115
Rubin, Herbert and Irene 534
Persuasive Design 282
Rushkoff, Douglas 247
Petersen, Thomas 314
Pew, Dick 402 S
Philips Design 581
Sapient 265, 282
Philips Medical Systems 581
Saskatchewan 449
Piaggio 148
Saturn SC2 250
Pininfarina 584
Savannah 205
Pittsburgh 421
Savannah College of Art and De-
Polar Bear Book 186
sign 205, 221
Polit, Kay 538
Scandinavian Design 319
Poltergeist 47
Scrum 384
Porsche 591
Seattle 223, 361, 45
Posterous 340
Series 60 382
Post Probe Interview 343
Serious Games 458
Prague 595, 77
Sex 38
Prague ACM SIGCHI 86
Shalit, Ruth 538
Index dcxii
Shedroff, Nathan 116 T
Shniederman, Ben 399
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas 124
Tasmania, Australia 162
Silverback 351
Technical Writer 226
Skinner, Burrhus Frederic 394
Terry, Phil 247
Skrobe, Robert 465, 472
Thailand 502
SlideShare Web Accessibility
Thaler, Richard 543
Group 447
The Fun Theory 453
Smith, Raoul 402
The Guardian 349
Soft Capabilities 438
The Howling 47
Software Usability 398
The Innovator’s Dilemma 600
Solle, Matthew 176
The Long Neck 300
South Africa 37
Think-Aloud 228
Spain 127, 571
Travis, David 473, 499
Special Interest Group in Com-
T-Systems Multimedia Solu-
puter Human Interaction 86
tions 113
Spielberg, Steven 504
Tumblr 340
Spool, Jared 186
Stakeholders 436, 437 U
Star Wars 47 UK 289, 349, 473, 527
Stein, Robert 91 Ukraine 283
Stephenson, Frank 262 Ulm 233
Storytelling 48 United Artists 47
Stuttgart 591 University of Borås, Sweden 432
Sun Microsystems 80 University of Washington 52
Sunstein, Cass 543 Unterschleißheim 371
Svarre, Peter 312 UPA, German 242, 377
Sweeny, Marianne 45, 59 Usability Professionals Association
Swing Shift 47 (UPA) 157, 419, 465, 472
Switzerland 61, 321 USA 197, 223, 243, 249, 361, 515, 45,
Sydney 333, 549 103, 205, 393, 407, 465, 501
Szuc, Daniel 419, 422 Usability Engineering Lifecy-
cle 402
User Experience Design 566
Index dcxiii
Userfocus 473, 499 Z
User Pathways 320
Zeix AG 321
User Stories 384, 388
Zuerich 61
Zurich 321
UX Bookclub 176
UX Bookmark 447
UX Design Manifesto 385
UX in Games 451
UX Quotes 447
Vakgård, Lasse 313
Veltman, Kim 325
Video Recorder 577
Vizooal 207
Wang Labs 400
Washington 103
WebExpo 85
Weinstein, Paula 47
West Tisbury 393
Wheeler, Paul 175
Women in Digital Journalism 59
Wong, Jo 420
Wordpress 340
World Usability Day 86
Wright, Steven 124
Wroblewski, Luke 586
Wurman, Richard Saul 34, 50, 106,
Yentl 47
Young, Indi 168
Index dcxiv
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