33rd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics

The conference is over. Thak you for coming. Here are some photos.

The proceedings will be available in the ACM DL later this year.
You can read the conference materials.

Best Paper Award

Data-Sensitive Navigation in Scientific Visualization
Peter Mindek, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Eduard Gröller, Stefan Bruckner

Honorable Mention

BRDF Measurement of Highly-Specular Materials using a Goniometer
Jiri Filip, Radomir Vavra, Frank J. Maile

Design and Evaluation of a Novel Out-of-reach Selection Technique for VR using Iterative Refinement
Daniel Mendes, Daniel Medeiros, Maurício Sousa, Eduardo Cordeiro, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim Armando P Jorge

This event is probably the oldest regular annual meeting of Computer Graphics community in Central Europe.


The Spring Conference on Computer Graphics attempts to cover all interesting projects from computer graphics, image processing and applications. The philosophy of SCCG is to put together top experts with young researchers in CG and to support a good communication channel for East-West exchange of prospective ideas.

Possibility for CG newcomers to publish via SCCG in a prominent Computers & Graphics journal and excellent social program in rich wine region – this is SCCG and you must be part of it!

Date and Venue


The conference was held in hotel Galant, Mikulov, Czech Republic (about 100 km from Vienna airport).

Conference: May 15-17, 2017

Other important dates

The hotel offers first-class regional and international cuisine and the best wines of Moravia or the beer from the mini-brewery Galant. See more here.


Pavel Zemcik
Conference chair
Head of Image and Video Processing Res. Group, professor in Computer Graphics Res. Group and the Dean of Brno University of Technology
Jiri Bittner
Programme co-chair
Deputy head for CG research at the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction, Czech Technical University in Prague
Ivan Viola
Programme co-chair
Associate Professor at the Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Vita Beran
Posters Chair
Researcher in Computer Graphics Research Group and Vice-dean for external relations of Brno University of Technology

Invited speakers

Niloy Mitra
Professor of Geometry Processing, UCL Department of Computer Science.
Niloy's research primarily centers around algorithmic issues in shape analysis and geometry processing. He is also interested in applying the analysis findings (e.g., relations, constraints, etc.) towards next generation design tools including smart shape synthesis and fabrication-aware functional model design.
website linka
Kwan-Liu Ma
Professor of Computer Science, University of California at Davis.
Kwan-Liu's research spans the fields of visualization, computer graphics, high-performance computing, and user interface design. He has introduced visualization solutions for a wide range of applications and users.
Daniel Sykora
Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague.