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Installing txt2pdf on 3000 by
Bob McGregor

To install on the 3000:

  1. Download and install perl from -- his site has the install instructions
  2. Download txt2pdf.tar.gz from sanface
    • Download to PC
    • Use Reflections to transfer
    • transfer as binary, in transfer setup, set WRQ,Advanced Options to send as stream and posix filenames
    • transfer to posix space, EX: /tmp
To install txt2pdf on 3000
  1. I got a program called gzip for the 3000 and used it to unzip the tar.gz file. (There may be another way to do this part but this worked for me) can get from:
  2. I then tarred it
    tar -xvfo txt2pdf.tar
    that installed the txt2pdf-6.5 directory
  3. Mod I made to
    Line one, change to
    so the 3000 version of Perl is found
  4. command to run:
    NOTE: I have it installed in /tmp/txt2pdf-6.5
    run;info="/tmp/txt2pdf-6.5/ -verbose -landscape -configure /tmp/txt2pdf-6.5/txt2pdf.cfg -pdfdir /!HPACCOUNT/PDF/ /POSIX/FILENAME"

Now, there is a program on the 3000 that can be used that will modify the carriage control directives for converting the form feed to the proper size for page settings. It's called SF2HTML, can be found at

Installing this there is a commandfile called xsf2html that can be used to convert the file. The SF2html adds a line at the top for HTML headers that you'll need to delete before running through txt2pdf so it does not get included.

At this point in my mininal testing this works.

Bob McGregor
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txt2pdf is a trademark of SANFACE Software� 2004.
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