Dad Photoshops Kids Into Slightly Dangerous Situations To Freak Out Relatives

Stephen Crowley has figured out the perfect way to give relatives a heart attack: “I’ve been photoshopping my kids into marginally dangerous situations. Nothing unbelievable, but enough to make people think: wait, did he just…?” Now we just have to wait until his kids are old enough to photoshop him into marginally negligent nursing home facilities.

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

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Trump Pen Holder: Most Presidential Desk Accessory Ever

If you feel like your desk is missing something, here’s a thing that will fill that void: Donald Trump pen holder. It simultaneously reminds you of a bobblehead and a caricature sketch you’d see on a boardwalk. This marvel of craftsmanship is not merely a pen holder; it’s a conversation starter, a political statement, and an accidental stress reliever all rolled into one.

Trump pen holder.

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Crocs Spurs: Perfect For The Stylish Urban Cowboy

Have you ever looked down at your feet, clad in the world’s most controversial footwear, and thought, “These Crocs are awesome, but they lack the untamed spirit of a cowboy at high noon”? Well, hold onto your ten-gallon hats, because Crocs spurs are here to answer the call of the wild – and possibly confuse every single person you encounter. There’s a wide variety to choose from several Etsy sellers.

Crocs spurs.

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Xenomorph Kermit Is Here, Can’t Wait To See Predator Piggy

The fusion of Kermit’s iconic green body with the menacing head of a Xenomorph is both unsettling and oddly hilarious. It’s as if the artist thought, “Why stop at one Kermit head when you can have two?” Placing this model on your shelf will elicit a range of reactions from visitors. Some will be intrigued, others confused, and a few will question your sanity. But nobody will feel indifferent while looking at Xenomorph Kermit.

Xenomorph Kermit.

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Funny Examples of Redneck Engineering

If it works, it’s not stupid. Scroll down for a collection of dumb and yet simultaneously genius solutions to everyday problems that creative people have came up with. They might not be the most conventional ways to go about things, but if you are not as concerned about aesthetics as you are about saving money or doing the grunt work yourself, there’s nothing wrong with these masterpieces.

Redneck engineering.

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